Empanalment of Consultants-MoRTH-2015

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GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF ROAD TRANSPORT & HIGHWAYS Transport Bhawan, 1, Parliament Street, New Delhi - 110 001 i No. RWINH-34054/1/2006-S&R(B)- Part IV Dated: 5 January, 2015 To, 1. The Chairman, National Highways Authority of India, G-5 & G-6, Sector -10, Dwarka, New Delhi 110 045 2. The Director General(Border Roads), Seema Sadak Bhawan, Ring Road, Naraina, Delhi Cantt., New Delhi 3. All Engineer-in-ChiefiChief Engineers of States/Union Territories, Public Works Department/Road Construction DepartmentHighways Departments (dealing with National Highways and other Centrally sponsored schemes) 4. The Director General(Works), Central Public Works Department, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi- 140001 SUBJECT: Empanelment of Consultants for Highways, Bridges and Tunnel Projects on National Highways and Other Centrally Sponsored Schemes Sir, In Continuation to Ministry's earlier letter of even number dated 23” Dec-2013 and 1" August 2014, the Ministry has further finalized the panel of consultants in various categories for working in the Highway Sector. The categories under which empanelment has been done now is slightly different than the earlier categories. The new categories under which the consultants are now empanelied are as below: CATEGORY - 1 (A) Feasibility study and Detailed project preparation for highway projects upto 50 km length consisting of REC/PSC superstructure bridges upto 60m length. CATEGORY - 1 (B) Feasibility study and Detailed project preparation for all type of highway projects consisting of all types of bridges/grade separators except bridges with innovative design such as cable stayed, suspension bridge, etc. CATEGORY-II Feasibility study and Detailed project preparation for all types of bridges/grade separators including approaches but excluding bridges with innovative design such as cable stayed, suspension bridge, ete. CATEGORY. III Bridge Inspection & Rehabilitation CATEGORY IV Geo-technical investigation for highway, bridge/grade separator projects and high embankments, CATEGORY V Traffic & Transportation Studies. CATEGORY VI (A) Construction supervision of highway projects upto 50 km length consisting of RCC/PSC superstructure bridges upto 60m length CATEGORY VI (B) Construction supervision of all types of highway projects consisting of all types of bridges/grade separators except bridges with innovative design such as cable stayed, suspension bridge, ete. CATEGORY VII Construction supervision of all types of bridge/grade separator projects but excluding bridges with innovative design such as cable stayed, suspension etc. CATEGORY VIII (A) Independent Engineer/ Consultant for PPP highway projects upto 100 km length & bridges upto 60m length and having RCC/PSC superstructure. Nee Page 1 of 7 CATEGORY Vill (B) Independent Engineer/ Consultant for all type of highway projects & bridges/grade separators including approaches but excluding bridges with innovative design such as cable stayed, suspension bridge, ete. on PPP mode CATEGORY IX Feasibility study and Detailed project preparation for highway tunnel projects. 2. The fresh list of empanelled consultants for different categories are enciosed at Annex - |. These lists will be valid for two years from the date of issue of this letter or unit further order of the Ministry, whichever is earlier. 3. Henceforth, consultancy proposals for NH works and other Centrally Sponsored Schemes shall be invited, wherever needed, only from the empanelled consultants as per their eligibility for the type of work involved For special type of structures such as curved bridges, cable stayed bridges, suspension bridges, extrados bridges etc., a separate pre-qualification may be done in consultation with this Ministry. 4. The empanelment is subject to the satisfactory performance by consultants. The consultant shall be fully responsible for the accuracy of data, analysis and design of the project report submitted by them imespective of the fact whether the same has been examined and approved by the employer / client or not. Similarly in case of proof consultant, he will be finally responsible for the accuracy of analysis and design, except initial data, irrespective of the fact whether the same has been examined and approved by the employer or not. If there are adverse reports regarding performance, deterrent action will be taken on the consultant as per the procedure outlined in Annex-Il. In addition, the consultant will be asked to refund the consultancy fee received from the employer / client. This may be clearly stipulated in the T.O.R. for the consultancy services for the works. 5. The empanelment is subject to condition that there will not be any change in the structure / constitution of the organization of the consultants during the validity of the panels from that indicated in the applications for ‘empanelment of the consuttants. This may be verified by the competent authority before the award of work of consultancies. 6. In the event of deficiency of service or misrepresentation by a consultant, the concerned Chief Engineers/CGM, NHAl, concerned authority are requested to send the details supported by enclosures and consequences of deficiency of service to the Ministry for necessary action. 7 Ministry has decided to start empanelment of consultants on regular basis. Accordingly, the interested firms may apply afresh after downloading the modified criteria from Ministry's website, 8. The contents of this letter may please be brought to the notice of all officers in your Deparment, dealing with works on National Highways and under other Centrally Sponsored Schemes. Yours faithfully, ( Chief Engin For Director General (Road Development) & Speci: retary Page 2 of 7 1. PS to Hon'ble Minister (RT&H)/PS to MOS(TY/PS to MOS(S). 2. Sr. PPS to Secretary (RT&H) 3. PS to DG (RD) & SS/PS to ADG-1/ PS to ADG-20/PS to ADG-3 4. PS to JS(T)/ PS to JS(H)/PS to JS(LA&C)/PS to JS(IC &E) 5. All Technical officers in the Ministry of Road Transport & Highways 6. AllROs and ELOs 7. The Secretary General, Indian Roads Congress, with request to publish in Indian Highways, Journal 8. Secretary ING-IABSE- with request to publish in IABSE Journal 9. The Director, IAHE 10. Technical Circular File of S&R Section 11, NIC- with request to upload on MoRT&H website he Page 3 of 7 ANNEXURE - DETERRENT ACTION AGAINST ERRING EMPANELLED CONSULTANT: The Ministry has been empanelling the consultants for the preparation of pre- feasibility and feasibility reports, preparation of Detailed Project Report and supervision of construction work. At present, itis noticed that the contract agreements for consultancy services in highway sector do nt clearly specity the procedure to be followed and deterrent action to be taken by the Employericlient in case of deficiencies specially in respect of accuracy of data analysis and design / non-fulillment of commitments by the consultants observed by the Employericlient during implementation of the project or at a later date. As such, Employer / client are unable to take any action against the erring consultants. In view of numerous complaints received in the Ministry, it has been decided to take deterrent action on the erring empanelied consultants depending upon the nature and magnitude of deficiencies observedinon-fulfilment of Commitments agreed to at the time of award of work for National Highway and other centrally sponsored Road and Bridge Schemes. In addition to above, itis proposed to specify responsibilities of the consultant in the conditions of empanelment land in the Terms of Reference, that he would be fully responsible for the accuracy of data, analysis and design irrespective of the fact whether the same has been examined/approved by the Employericlient or not. Similarly. in case of proof consultants it is proposed to be specified that they shall be finally responsible for the accuracy of analysis and Gesign, except initial data, irrespective of the fact whether the same has been examined and approved by the Employericlient or not 2. Deficiency of Services ‘The role of a consultant in Highway Sector is four-fold, namely: () Preparation of pre-feasibilty and feasibility reports. (i) Preparation of detailed project report. (ii) Work supervision. (iv) Proof Consultancy. In each of these areas, the type of complaints received can be classified as minor or major failures on the part of the consultants. The consequences are invariably time and cost over run in the project Gesides, in some cases, Contractual complications leading 1o arbitration / court cases, also result in failures and eccidents. To ensure a fair degree of accuracy on the part of the consultants in bidding and carrying out the tasks assigned to them, itis necessary to take deterrent action against the erring consultants in any of the following ways:- {)_ Issue warning to the consultants as decided by Employer / client under intimation to the Ministry, (i) Suspending their registration/empaneiment with the Ministry for a temporary period of three to six months in case of minor deficiency in services (ii) Removal of erring consultant from the panel for a period of 1 to § years for major negligence / deficiency in services. Such consultant will have to make fresh application to the Ministry for empanelment after the expiry of the above period. ‘Wide pubiicity will be given to the deterrent action taken against the erring consultants through circutation to all State Governments / Government Departments dealing with NH and other centrally sponsored schemes and publication of notices in newspaper and IRC journals. \,.- Page 4 0f7 Q ficiency of Service-Errors, Omissions & Commissions or Mi luct of Consultants, ‘Some of the common errors and omissions generally committed by the consultants are listed in Appendix - 4. Enquiry Procedure; 44 Employerictient will satisfy himself about the nature of deficiency of services and issue warning under intimation to the Ministry {para2 () above} in case of deficiency of very minor nature not having any time/cost implication for the successful implementation of the project. 42 ‘A complaint or an observation of deficiency of services, errors and acts of an omissions & commission by a consultant shall be sent by the Employer / client to Director General (Road Development) & Special Sacy., Ministry of Road Transport & Highways giving details ofthe errors, acts of omissions and commissions and deficiency of services of the consultant except in case of issue of warning, The Director General (Road Development) & Special Secy. will constitute a committee consisting of the following to look into the complaint or observation () Chief Engineer (Roads / Bridges") S&R-MoRT&H Chairman (®) Chief Engineer of the concerned State other than the complainant Member (ii) Project Chief Engineer -MoRT&H Member * Applicable for Bridge projects 43 If the Committee on examination of the complainVadverse report from a Employericlient feels that @ prima-facie case exists for taking deterrent action against the consultant, it will give a mandatory notice to the consultant at its registered address stating the facts of the deficient service, errors, acts of commissions/omissions, The consultant will be given a reasonable time to reply to the charge and also an opportunity to be heard in person by the Committee at a specified time and date 44 The Committee will enquire into the charges refuted by the consultant. The consultant will have the right to inspect the documents on which the complaint is based, 4.5 The Committee will record all written and /or oral submission and arguments presented. Entire proceedings shall be recorded in wring and a decision given in each case. If the consultant chooses not to respond to notices issued by the committee or does not altend the meeting of Committee to explain and defend the charges, an ex-parte enquiry may be conducted and decision recorded. The Committee shall decide on the severity of the deficiency/omissions ete. considering the facts of the case and the implications on financial safety and other aspects. 46 On completion of the enquiry, the committee shall submit its report with details of findings and recommendations, to Director General (Road Development) & Special Secretary. 4.7 Director General (Road Development) & Special Secretary will take appropriate action based on the recommendations of the Committee. 4.8 The time frame for conducting inquiry and taking final action will generally be as follows:- (i) Constitution of Committee - within 10 days of receipt of the complaint. i) Submission of report - within 2 months of the receipt of the complaint. (ii) Conveying the final decision - within 20 days of receipt of final report. he Page S of 7 5 Exceptions 5.1 The prescribed procedure for deterrent action outlined in para 4,3 to 4.8 above will not be followed, before ordering deterrent action under special circumstances like; (where @ penalty flows from conduct of the consultant which has led to his conviction on a criminal ‘charge; or action of the consultant jeopardizing the security of the State or (i) where the committes is satisfied that it is not practicable to hold an enquiry in the matter in the prescribed manner. 5.2 _Incases under Category(i), the Committee will peruse the judgment of the criminal court and take into account the gravity of the offence of misconduct committed, its impact on the project, administration, other extraneous circumstances etc. and recommend deterrent action to be taken against the consultant as it is competent to do after giving an opportunity to the consultant to make representation on the deterrent action proposed to be taken. 5.3 __ Regarding category(i), it will be obligatory on the part of the Committee to record in writing the reasons for its Satisfaction to the effect not to hold the enquiry. The reasons, though brief, shall not be vogue. 54 — Director General (Road Development) & Special Secretary will take appropriate action based on the recommendations of the committee, 6. Appeal or Review: 61 The aggrieved consultant within thirty days of receipt of final decision/order removing the consultant from the panel {para 2 (i) above} may appeal to Secretary (RT&H) against the order or seek its review by the Ministry. A copy of the appeal shall be endorsed to Director General (Road Development) & Special Secretary. Secretary (RT&H) may condone the delay in filing of appeal, if valid reasons are given 62 Appeal will be considered by a committee consisting of the following:- 4. Secretary (RT&H) Chairman 2. Director General (Road Development) & Special Secretary Member 3. Chief Engineer (Planning), MoRT&H Member 63 _ If the appeliant makes a specific request for a personal hearing, this may be granted by the Committee at its discretion, considering the circumstances of the case. 64 The Director General (Road Development) & Special Secretary on the basis of the decision of the Committee shall issue necessary orders which will be final and binding on the appetiant. The time limit for decision of appeal or review oF revision ofthe earlier orders will generally be 45 days from the receipt of application in the Ministry. he: Page 6 of 7 Appendix ‘A’ ‘TYPE OF DEFICIENCY OF SERVICES - ERRORS, OMISSIONS, COMMISSIONS OR MISCONDUCT OF CONSULTAI Following are some of the common errors and omissions generally committed by the consultants which will be given cognizance: A, Errors in Bid Data: (0 Non-furnishing/concealing/misrepresentation of facts like Itigation/expulsion/action takentabandoning of work, failure and distress in works handled earler etc. (i) Submission of bio-data of personnel without their consent or false bio-data, {ii]__Non-availabilty/non-deployment of the personnel projected for the job while bidding and seeking change of personnel soon after the commencement of services/frequent change of personnel during the contract period. B. Errors in Project Data & Desigr (i) Survey lines and levels and features not matching the ground conditions. (i) Traverse not closing properiy. (ii) Hydraulic design parameters based on incorrect data and field survey. (iv) Inadequate and / or incorrect subsoil investigations warranting change in design during execution or fime an cost overrun or performance ot affecting safety of road / bridge structure. (¥) Design not conforming to the requirements of relevant codes, standards and specifications and sound ‘engineering practice (vi) Incomplete submission for getting the payment from the client or delay in complying with the “observations / instructions given by the client on draft reports etc. C. Errors in Supervision: (i) Not acting impartially or acting in collusion with contractors in award of variations, fixation of new rates etc (il) Not keeping proper records regarding quality control, inspection, rejection/rectification of work etc (ii) Failure to give proper and timely advice to clienticontractor to enable corrections during execution. (iv) Delay in decision and withholding approvals etc. (¥) Recommending extension to contractor with a view to extend duration of supervision services, (vi) Refusing to give reasons for decisions when called for by the client. (wi) Not being fully conversant with manuals, specifications, standards, Ministy/’s guidelines and requirements of the project to be followed during construction. D. Other Faults: ‘Subletting of any part / major works without authorization, he Page 7 of 7 Annexure-| CATEGORY ~1(A) Feasibility study and Detailed project preparation for highway projects upto 50 km length consisting of RCC/PSC superstructure bridges upto 60m length. S.No | Name of ‘Address: Phone/Fax/E-mail Contact Person consultant __ : 7 i 40, 2ND FLOOR, BALAJI! ‘Mr. Parakash 1 3G TOWERS, Ph, 0821-4256605 MK CONSULTANTS | ADICHUNCHAGIRI ROAD, JT. LAYOUT, Email-cons3a@amail.com KUVEMPUNAGAR, L MYSORE - 570023 | 2 ALLIANCE H.NO.6, T.K.D. ALOY, Ph. 0361-2659922 ‘Mr. Trideep | ENGINEERS & OPPOSITE SBI Email- | Changmai CONSULTANTS | CHANDMARI BRANCH, | cyberchang2000@gmail.c MRD ROAD, CHANDMARI, ‘om, | ‘GUWHATI-781021 cyberchang2000@.co.in [3s ARCHOS 349, 1ST FLOOR, MG Ph: 011-30593600 | Col. (Retd.)Umes CONSULTANTS | ROAD, SULTANPUR, NEW Email- h Josh | & ENGINEERS DELHI info@archoscel.com i | (P) Ltd ee i 4 AUSHTA ‘AUSHTA HOUSE- Mr-Deepak Kapil | | CONSULTING 623,SECTOR-21B Ph.-+91-129-6541555 | | ENGINEETS(IN | FARIDABAD HARYANA- Email | DIA) PVT. LTD 421001 INDIA. consultant@austa.com H 5 CADD N-17270 , IRC VILLAGE Ph ; 9338055588 Mr. Suresh CONSULTING NAYAPALLI, E-mail Chandra Sahoo | ENGINEERING | BHUBANESWAR-751015 | info@thecaddconsuiting.¢ | : LIMITED ‘om 6 14, NAV BHAGYASHREE, | Ph-022-25633761 ‘Mr-Parikshit MAHATMA PHULE ROAD Email:- Patwardhan COMPOSITES MULAND (EAST), compositescombine@gm | — Mrs.Pallavi COMBINE MUMBAI-400081 ail.com Patwardhan TECHNOCRATS Mrs.Vasumati PVT.LTD. S.Patwardhan 7 CREATIONS: BUNGLOW NO. 5, STAFF Ph.-+91-20-27490800 ‘Mr. Mohan: ENGINEERS | COLONY, SEC NO. 27, | Email:-info@creations- Sakhalkar PVT.LTD PCNT, NIGDI, PUNE- pune.com { 411044 _ 8 GMD 2, PARKVIEW SOCIETY, | Ph: 022—27700991/ Mir Rajesh CONSULTANTS | SECTOR - 17, NERUL (E), 233 Gajjar NAVI MUMBAI - 400706 E-mail i info@gmdconsultants.in 9 HN BUSINESS | SB 37, NAGA SHOPPING, | Ph:+911126533690,2652 Mrs. Deepika | CONSULTANTS | ARCADE, KOHIMA ROAD, 3054 Naga PVT LTD DIMAPUR-797112 Email id:info@hnbe.co.in 1 of 16 ben. 10 INFINITE CIVIL | NEAR ADITYA ELEGANCE Mr. Pankaj Goel | SOLUTIONS & RAILWAYS TRACK, Ph-9725-916-639, Mr, Gaurang PVT.LTD. CIMS HOSPITAL | Email-info@inficivil,com Patel ROAD SOLA, ‘AMHEDABAD -380060 11 | INFRASTRUCTU 285, ROHIT NAGAR, | Ph : 09826028182 ‘Mr. Abhi Kumar RE PHASE - | E-mail : ide@idc- Khare DEVELOPMENT | & - 8 EXTENSION, NEAR india.com CONSULTANTS | _GULMOHAR COLONY BHOPAL - MP. ~ 462039 | 12 |” KITCOLTD. | FEMITH'S, PB. NO. 4407, |” Ph: 08373009957 +01- | Mr. Benny Paul PUTHIYA ROAD, NH 484-4129000 BYPASS, VENNALA, E-mail : mail@kitco.in KOCHI-682028 _| 13 | MULTIMEDIA | MULTI HOUSE, LANE | Ph-079-26423671, Emai- Mr Apurva N CONSULTANTS NEXTTO CN, mmecepl@vsnl net Parikh PVT. LTD. VIDHYALAYA, B/H. | RELIANCE PETROL PUMP, AMBAWADI, _ AHMEDABAD-380006 4 PIONEER D-59, MADHOSINGH Ph. 0141-4004579 Mr DeepeshT INFRA ROAD, BAN! PARK , Kumawat CONSULTANTS JAIPUR-302016 pioneer.pepi@gmail.com Pvt.Ltd. 6 ‘SOLO D-173, HOSPITAL ROAD, | Ph:+07 38 22002550 Mr, Sutanu CONSULTANCY BOSEPUKUR, Email id: Bhadra | SERVICES PVT. | NABAGRAM, HOOGHLY- | mailforsolo@yahoo.co.in, LTD. 712246 WB solokokata@gmail.com 16 TECHNOGEM 101,A&B, DEVMILAN Ph. 022-67997145 ‘Mr, CONSULTANTS | BUILDING,OPP.RAHEJA Email U.S.Kalgutkar (P) Ltd GARDEN.NEAR TIP TOP | technogem@reditfmail.co | Mr. RR PLAZALBS Chonkar MARG, THANE Mrs AU.Kalgutkar 20f16 CATEGORY -1(B) Feasibility study and Detailed project preparation for all type of highway projects consisting of all types of bridges/grade separators except bridges with innovative design such as cable stayed, suspension bridge, etc. SNo] Name of ‘Address Phone/FaxE-mail | Contact Person ._| consultant | 1 40, 2ND FLOOR, BALAJI Mr. Parakash 3G TOWERS, Ph. 0821-4256605, MK CONSULTANTS | ADICHUNCHAGIRI ROAD, | JT.K LAYOUT, Email-cons3a@amail,com KUVEMPUNAGAR, MYSORE - 570023 | 2 "ALLIANCE H.NO.6, T.KD. ALOY, Ph. 0361-2659823 | Mi. Trideep ENGINEERS & OPPOSITE SBI Email- Changmat CONSULTANTS: CHANDMARI BRANCH, cyberchang2000@gmail.c MRD ROAD, CHANDMARI, ‘om, GUWHATI-781021 cyberchang2000@.co.in 3 | ARKITECHNO |” N- 3/91, IRC VILLAGE, Ph-0674-2553689, Mr.Rajesh Roy ‘CONSULTANTS NAYAPALLI, Email- Choudhury | (INDIA) PRIVATE | BHUBANESWAR - 751015 | business@arkitechno.co Lo m 4 AUSHTA ‘AUSHTA HOUSE- Mr Deepak Kapi CONSULTING 623,SECTOR-21B Ph.-+91-129-6541555 | ENGINEETS(IND | FARIDABAD HARYANA- Email - 1A) PVT. LTD 121001 INDIA. consultant@austa.com 6 HIGHWAY “JM -89/3C BEHIND Ph. 0755- | Mr. SNMalviya ENGINEERING PANCHWATI | 4236317 098264527 11,09 MARKET, BHOPAL 617777529 Email id: 1 i hec_thopal@rediffmail.co m 7 | HN BUSINESS | SB 37, NAGA SHOPPING, | Ph:+911126533600,2652 | Mrs, Deepika CONSULTANTS | ARCADE, KOHIMA ROAD, 3054 Naga PVT LTD DIMAPUR-797112 Email id:info@hnbe.co.in 8 INFRA 934, 3RD CROSS, HRBR | Phy: 60- 25421364 | Mir. Rathnakara SUPPORT LAYOUT, E. | Reddy KB. | ENGINEERING | 1ST BLOCK, KALYANA | corporate@infrasupport.in | | CONSULTANTS | NAGAR, BANGALORE i PVT.LTD, a eee 9 | INFRASTRUCUT | 285, ROHIT NAGAR, Ph : 09826028182 | Mr. Abhi Kumar RE PHASE - | E-mail : ide@ide- Khare DEVELOPMENT | E - 8 EXTENSION, NEAR india.com CONSULTANTS | _GULMOHAR COLONY BHOPAL - MP. ~ 462039 10 | KAILASH NATH 168-8 ABUDU Ph- +91-9805067441 | Wir. Kailashnath SONI COMPLEX,GREEN PARL Soni | COLONY NEAR DIB BUNGLOW ,BERASIYA ROAD,BHOPAL.-462018 30f 16 hee 1 MEDHAS | MEDHAJ TOWER, CP-180, | _ Ph- +07-522-2425912 Ms. Kratika TECHNO SECTOR-D1, POWER | Email-mtcpl@medhaj.com| Sharma CONCEPT (P) HOUSE CHAURHA, | LT. AASHIAN, KANPUR ROAD,LUCKNOW-226012 12 | MULTIMEDIA |” MULTIHOUSE, LANE ~~ Ph:079-26423671, Email- |_Mr. Apurva N CONSULTANTS, NEXTTO CN. mmcepl@vsnl.net Parikh PVT.LTD VIDHYALAYA, BH. RELIANCE PETROL | PUMP, AMBAWADI, AHMEDABAD-380006 13 |_RESOTECH 58, SHREE MANGAL Mr. Rajnish CONSULTANCY | _NAGER, NEAR ELITE Ph: 0731-2596024 Mishra SERVICES PVT. | ANMOL MULTI, BICHOLI Email LTO. HAPSI ROAD, INDORE | contact@resotechindia.co (M.P) 452018, m | 14 | SOWILLIMITED |" D-157,SECTOR-7, | Ph: 0120-4252767- 69 | Mir. Ajay Kumar NOIDA E-mail Gupta north@sowillimited.com 18 | SUVADRA | PP-97, TANKAPANI ROAD, | Ph-0674-2432000, Emai- | Mi. Surya Raih CONSULTANT | BHUBANESHWAR-18 | suvadraconsultants@gma KHURDA icom 16 | _TECHNOGEM 107,A8B,DEVMILAN Ph, 022-67997145 Wir CONSULTANTS | BUILDING,OPP.RAHEJA Email U.S Kalgutkar (P) Lt. GARDEN.NEAR TIP TOP | technogem@rediffmailico | Mr. RR PLAZALBS Chonkar MARG, THANE Mrs, AU. Kalgutkar 7 VAX NO.18, GANGA ANIMAN Wir CONSULTANTS | KOIL4THSTREET, | Ph: 044-2372-0120/0260 | V.V.Viswanadh PVT LTD VADAPALANI, CHENNAI- Email i: 600026 vaxcon@rediffmail.com be. 4of16 CATEGORY - 11 Feasibility study and Detailed project preparation for all types of bridges/grade separators including approaches but excluding bridges with innovative design such as cable stayed, suspension bridge, etc. [S.No Name of ‘Address Phone/Fax/E-mail Contact | consultant Person 1 | BYUCKSAN PLOT NO. 774, 2ND Ph: ¥82-2-767-5438 Mr. Chetan’ INDIA PVT LTD | FLOOR , UDYOG VIHAR- | Email id:bseng@bseng.co.kr | Bhardwaj V, GURGAON-122016 2 | CS ENGINEERS 8-524/203:27 Ph:011-22481326,09650049448 | Mr. Vineet & FLOOR,NEELKANTH Email: Sahai CONSULTANTS HOUSE;SCHOOL esengineersdelhi@yahoo.co.in BLOCK,SHAKARPUR,DEL HI-110092 3 ‘CADD N-17270 , IRC VILLAGE Ph: 9338055568 Mr. Suresh CONSULTING NAYAPALLI, E-mail ‘Chandra ENGINEERING | BHUBANESWAR-751015 | info@thecaddconsulting.com Sahoo | LIMITED 4 CARITAS PLOT NO. B- 45, DAYAL | Ph. 012904092580 - 90 Mir INFRA BAGH, E-mail : info@caritasinfra.com, | Arinandam CONSULTING | FARIDABAD, HARYANA | info.caritasdelhi@airtelmail.in’ | Bhattachary PRIVATE a LIMITED 5 CDC 12 LAKE WEST ROAD, | Ph: 0333 — 2416 5903 , 7131, Mr CONSULTING SANTOSHPUR, 2560 Pritunandan |, DESIGN ENGG. KOLKATA - 700 075 Email- cdcenga@dataone.in, Ghose CENTRE (P) cdckoikata@reditffmail.com, | LTD. cdckolkata@amail.com | 6 | CONSULTING ~S.C.O51,2NDFLOOR, | Ph: 98141-75200,0172-6545529 |_Mr. Indenit ENGINEERS | SWASTIC VIHAR, MANSA | Email-ceapkl@gmail.com Ghai; ASSOCIATES | DEVI COMILEX SECTOR- | 5 PANCHKULA 7) INFINITE CIVIL NEAR ADITYA Mr. Pankaj SOLUTIONS | ELEGANCE & RAILWAYS Ph-9725-916-639, Goel PVT.LTD. TRACK, CIMS HOSPITAL Emaibinfo@inficivil.com | Mr. Gaurang ROAD,SOLA , Patel AMHEDABAD -380060 & LEA B-1/E-27, MOHAN Ph. 017-26973950 Emai- | Mr. Ananda ASSOCIATES COOPERATIVE lasa@lasaindia.com kishor Das SOUTHASIA | INDUSTRIAL ESTATE PVT.LTD MATHURA ROAD,NEW DELHI 9 [LORD KRISHNA | BALUAHT, WARD NO.-7, | Ph: 09934604074,00507233074 | Mr Om CONSULTANCY } — NOKHA, ROHTAS - Email Prakash (P) LTD 802215 lordkrishna2011@reditfmail.com | Singh Sof 16 be 10 MEDHAJ | MEDHAJ TOWER, CP-150, | Ph- +91-622-2425012 Emai- | Ms. Kratika | TECHNO SECTOR-D1, POWER mtcpl@medhaj.com Sharma CONCEPT (P) HOUSE CHAURHA, LTD. AASHIAN, KANPUR ROAD,LUCKNOW-226012 7 PARK TB - 14A, PHASE - 7, Ph: 011-27464469 Mr. Ajay PROJECTS | ASHOK VIHAR, DELHI -O Email Kumar CONSULTANCY 110052 Parkprojects94@gmail.com Gupta I (P) LTD. 2 SHWETA ‘AH-304, Amarpali Village, Ph: 0120-4153576,0120- Mrs. Jhansi | TECHNOPHILE Gyan Khand-1 4253964 Rani CONSULTANTS | indirapuram, Ghaziabad- Email: PVT. LTO. 201014(UP) lhansichalan@yahoo.co.in shwetatechnophile@gmail.com 13 | SECONPVT. | PLOT NO.147, 78 ROAD, Ph-080-41197778 Mr BN, LTD. EXPORT PROMOTION Devaiah INDUSTRIAL PARK, WHITEFIELD, BANGALORE-560066 14 | SOWILLIMITED | D- 157, SECTOR-7, Ph : 0120 — 4232757 - 59 Mr. Ajay NOIDA, E-mail : north@sowillimited.com | Kumar Gupta 15 | TECHNOGEM 101,A&B,DEVMILAN Mr | CONSULTANTS | BUILDING,OPP.RAHEJA, U.S.Kalgutka (P) Ltd GARDEN,NEAR TIP TOP. Ph, 022-67997145 r PLAZA,L.B.S Email- Mr. RR MARG, THANE technogem@rediffmail.com Chonkar Mrs. AUKalgutka r 16 VAX NO.16, GANGA AMMAN Mr. CONSULTANTS | _KOIL 4TH STREET, V.V.Viswana PVT LTD VADAPALANI, CHENNAI. | Ph: 044-2372-0120/0260 Email dh a 600026 id: vaxcon@rediffmail.com ee 6 0f 16 CATEGORY -IIl_ Bridge Inspection & Rehabilitation. ‘SNo| Name of ‘Address Phone/Fax/E-mail | Contact Person consultant sisi 1 | GIFFORD INDIA | 77th Floor, Tower B,Building | Ph. 0124-4617560 Mr Aditya Pvt Lt. No.5,DLF Cybercity, Phase Email- C.Sharma l,Gurgaon bddelhi@ramboll.in 2 HOLTEC HOLTEC CENTRE, A | Ph: 0124 - 40479007 | Mr. Jitesh Gupta CONSULTING BLOCK , SUSHANT 28385095 PRIVATE BLOCK, E-mail LIMITED GURGAON ~ 122001 info@holtecnet.com 3 LEA ‘B-/E-27, MOHAN Ph. 011-26873950 | Mir. Ananda Kishor ASSOCIATES COOPERATIVE Emai Das SOUTH ASIA INDUSTRIAL ESTATE lasa@lasaindia.com PVT.LTD MATHURA ROAD,NEW DELHI 4 | TECHNOGEM 107,A&B.Devmilan Ph, 022-67997145 | Mr. US-Kalgutkar CONSULTANTS | —_Building,Opp.Raheja Email- Mr. R.R. Chonkar (P) Lt. Garden.Near Tip Top, technogem@rediffmall, | Mrs.A.U Kalgutkar Piaza.L.B.S Marg, Thane ‘com he 7of 16 CATEGORY -IV __Geo-technical investigation for highway, bridge/grade separator Projects and high embankments. ‘SN [Name of consultant ‘Address Phone/Fax/-mail__| Contact Person 1 ‘AUSHTA ‘AUSHTA HOUSE Mr-Deepak Kapil | CONSULTING 623,SECTOR-218 P,-+91-129-6541556 ENGINEETS(INDIA | FARIDABAD HARYANA- Email | j pvt ito 121001 INDIA. consuttant@austa.com 2 | CSENGINEERS & | 5-624/203 : 2ND FLOOR, Ph: O11 Mr Vineet Sahai ‘CONSULTANTS NEELKANTH HOUSE: 22481326,09650040448 SCHOOL BLOCK, Emai! SHAKARPUR. DELHI-110092 | csengineersdelhi@yahoo.¢ oun 3 CADE N-2270_, IRC VILLAGE Ph 9838055588 Wr Suresh Chandra CONSULTING NAYAPALLI, E-mail ‘Sahoo ENGINEERING | BHUBANESWAR-751015 | info@thecaddconsulting.co LIMITED m IE. 4 ‘CMEC 55172417, SAMANTARAPUR Ph.0674-2340541 Mr. KS. Sahoo CONSULTING CHHAK, OLD TOWN, vecbbsr@rediffmall.com ENGINEERS | BHUBANESHWAR-751002, ORISSA, 5 COMPOSITE 4, NAV BHAGYASHREE, Ph.-022-26633 167 ‘Mr-Parikshit —] ‘COMBINE MAHATMA PHULE ROAD Email~ Patwardhan TECHNOCRATS | MULAND (EAST), MUMBAI- | compositescombine@gmail Mrs Pallavi PVT LTDx 400081 com Patwardhan Mrs.Vasumati SPatwardhan re EXPLORE C- 273, GROUND FLOOR, E-mail Mr. A. K. Singh | ENGINEERING | SECTOR-63, NOIDA-201 | expioreconsultants@amai | CONSULTANTS 301 ‘com PVT. LTD. Ph: 0120 = 4993415, | 4333416 7 ‘GENSTRU B-415,GANGA OSIAN | Email mail@censtru.com | Wir Prashant CONSULTANTS | — SQUARE,SURVEY NO. Ph:020 65110041 Navalakna | PVT. LTD. ‘249/250. MANKAR CHOWK.WAKAD,PUNE- 411057 8 | INFINITE CIViL__| NEAR ADITYA ELEGANCE & Mr, Pankaj Goel SOLUTIONS RAILWAYS TRACK, CIMS Ph-9725-916-639, ‘Mr. Gaurang Patel PVT.LTD. HOSPITAL ROAD.SOLA, | Email-info@inficvil com AMHEDABAD -380060 3 ‘SHIVOM 87, KUND!, OPPOSITE GHS- Ph. 92167-10057 Mr. Sunil Kumar ENGINEERS | 8A, SECTOR 20 PANCHKULA | Email. Sharma ASSOCIATES shi jahoo.com 70 SOIL 8-310, ANSAL CHAMBERS I, | Ph: 011-26104443, Mr. AVS Rangarao ENGINEERING | 3 BHIKAJI CAMA PLACE, ‘9810096763 CONSULTANTS NEW DELH!-110066 Emait: soilenga@amail.com 77 | _ULTRA GEO ‘A2, PLOT NO. 745, (0120-6459261,9810511607 | Mr Muneshwar CONSULTANTS ‘SHALIMAR GARDEN, ‘Email Singh EXTENSION.I, SAHIBABAD, | ultradelni@amail.cominfo GHAZIABAD, U.P. 201005 ‘@uitrageo in 2 VELGITI ‘4A.4™ CROSS STREET, Ph: 044-2243 Nir K Santa CONSULTING DHANDEESHWARAM 5659,43235658 Email Ganesh j ENGINEERS PVT NAGAR. veleiti@amail,com Mr KM.Padma uD. VELACHERY, CHENNAI 60042,TAMIL NADU Bot 16 hon. CATEGORY-V Traffic & Transportation Studies. ‘S.No. Name of Address Phone/FawE-mail Contact consultant Person 7 40, 2ND FLOOR, BALAJT Mr Parakash 3G TOWERS, Ph, 0821-4256605 MK CONSULTANTS | ADICHUNCHAGIRI ROAD, J.T.K LAYOUT, Emai KUVEMPUNAGAR, cons3 com MYSORE - 570023 z RECOM ASIA STH FLOOR, INFINITY | Ph: 0124-4830216/100 | Mr, Manmohan COMPANY LTD | TOWER-C, DLF CYBER Email- ‘Singh Rawat CITY, PHASE -ll, | Infoaecom@gmail. com GURGAON- 122002 3 | ARKITECHNO N- 3/91, IRC VILLAGE, | Ph-0674-2553689, | Mr. Rajesh Roy CONSULTANTS | NAYAPALLI Email- Choudhury | (INDIA) PRIVATE | BHUBANESWAR - 751015 | business@arkitechno.co 1D m 4 | AUSHTA| ‘AUSHTA HOUSE- Mr. Deepak CONSULTING 623,SECTOR-21B Ph.-+91-129-6541555 Kapil ENGINEETS(INDI | FARIDABAD HARYANA- Email.- A)PVT. LTD. 121001 INDIA, gonsultant@austa.com 5 ‘CADD N-17270 , IRC VILLAGE Ph : 9336055588 Wr. Suresh CONSULTING NAYAPALLI, E-mait ‘Chandra ENGINEERING | BHUBANESWAR-751015 | info@thecaddconsutting Sahoo LIMITED ‘com 6 | GIFFORD INDIA | 17THFLOOR,TOWER | Ph. 0724-4677900 Wir. Aditya Put. Ltd B,BUILDING NO.5,DLF Email- C.Sharma CYBERCITY, PHASE bddelhi@ramboll.in | M,GURGAON 7 | INFINITE CIVIL | NEAR ADITYA ELEGANCE |” Mr. Pankaj SOLUTIONS | & RAILWAYS TRACK, CIMS | __Ph-€725-916-639, Goel PVT.LTD. HOSPITAL ROAD.SOLA, | Email-info@inficivi.com | Mr. Gaurang AMHEDABAD -380060 Patel & | INFRASTRUCUTR| 285, ROHIT NAGAR, Ph : 09626028182 Mr. Abhi | E DEVELOPMENT PHASE - | E-mail : ide@ide- Kumar Khare CONSULTANTS | E-8 EXTENSION, NEAR india.com ‘GULMOHAR COLONY BHOPAL - MP. ~ 482039 9 | PIONEER INFRA | 0-59, MADHOSINGH Ph. :0141-4004579 | Mr. Deepesh T ‘CONSULTANTS ROAD, BANI PARK , Email- Kumawat Pvt.Ltd. JAIPUR-302016 pioneer pepl@gmail.com | __ 0 RESOTECH 58, SHREE MANGAL Ph: 0731-2596024 Wir. Rajnish CONSULTANCY | —_NAGER, NEAR ELITE Email Mishra SERVICES PVT. ANMOL MULTI, BICHOLI | contact@resotechindia.c LTD. | HAPS! ROAD, INDORE om (MP) 452018 | 9 0f 16 hu ii SHIVOM 87, KUNDI, OPPOSITE Ph. : 5216710057 Mr. Sunil ENGINEERS GHS-8A, SECTOR 20 Kumar Sharma ASSOCIATES PANCHKULA Emai shivomengg@vahoo.co m 12 | SOWILLIMITED | 0-187, SECTOR-7, | Ph: 0120- 4292757-691 Mr. Ajay NOIDA E-mail Kumar Gupta north@sowillimited.com | 13 | SYSTRAMVA | STHFLOOR,GURUANGAD| Ph. 011-26224204 Wir Hart CONSULTING BHBAVAN, 71 NEHRU Kumar PVT Ltd. PLACE, NEW DELHI ‘Somalraju 4 UPHAM 103-104. CS-1, GYAN Ph-0120-2607729 Mr. Animesh INTERNATIONAL | KHAND.II, INDIRAPURAM, Email- CORPORATION | GHAZAIBAD-201014-U.P.) | info@uphaminternational com 8 VAX NO.18, GANGA AMMAN MrV.V.Viswan CONSULTANTS, KOIL 4TH STREET, Ph: 044-2372-0120/0260 adh PVT LTD VADAPALANI, CHENNAI- Email id 600026 vaxcon@recitfmail.com he 10 of 16 CATEGORY ~VIA Construction supervision of highway projects upto 50 km length consisting of RCC/PSC superstructure bridges upto 60m length. Ss. Name of Address Phone/Fax/E-mail Contact No | consultant Person 1 CENTRO DE D-75, VAISHALI NAGAR, Ph: +91 1414022513. Vineet Ranvir ESTUDIOS DE | JAIPUR, RAJASTHAN. | Email: www avanzaindia.com | Singh Ghelot MATERIALES Y 302021 CONTROL DE ‘OBRAS SA {CEMOSA) 2 NAG 8-3-833/50, KAMALPURI Ph: +91 40 23550436/7 Mrs. K | INFRASTRUCTU. COLONY, PHASE |, Email: nice@nicehyd.com Nirmala RE HYDERABAD-73 CONSULTING ENGINEERS PVTLTD 3 | SOWIL LIMITED |~ D—187, SECTOR -7, Ph: 0120 - 4232757-59 | Mr Ajay NOIDA E-mail Kumar Gupta north@sowillimited.com 4 | VKS INFRATECH | 181,PRATAP NAGAR.LANE | Ph: +91-11-22793217,18,19 | Mr. Sameer MANAGEMENT NO-18,PKT-IV,MAYUR Email: Saxena PVT.LTD. VIHAR PHASE4,DELHI- | info@vksinfra.com, vksimpi20 110091 __ 00@yahoo.co.in he: 11 of 16 CATEGORY - VIB Construction supervision of all types of highway projects consisting of all types of bridgesigrade separators except bridges with innovative design such as cable stayed, suspension bridge, etc. S. | Name of ‘Address Phone/Fax/E-mail Contact No.| consultant Person 1 ‘AYESA 56, INDO ASIA HOUSE, Ph-017-40560221, Mr. Mariano | INSTITUTIONAL AREA, Email-delhi@ayesa.com | Matias Alvarez | SECTOR-44, GURGAON- Arce 422002 2 DYNAMIC 196-A-G, ARABINDA SARANI, Ph: 033-25333706/4691 | Mr. Rajkumar PROJECTS | GOURIBARI, KOLKATA-700004 Email: Choudhury dynamicprojects.co.in 3 HIGHWAY JM -89/3C BEHIND PANCHWATI Ph: 0755- Mr. ENGINEERING MARKET,BHOPAL, 4236317,09826452711,0 | S.N.Malviya 9617777529 Email id: hec_bhopal@rediffmail.c om 4 | MEDHAJ MEDHAJ TOWER, CP-150, Ph- +87-522-2425912 | Ms. Kralika TECHNO SECTOR-D1, POWER HOUSE Email- Sharma CONCEPT (P) | CHAURHA, AASHIAN, KANPUR | _ micpl@medhej.com LTD. ROAD,LUCKNOW-226012 { 3 | MUKESH& | 2/6 RANGANATHAR AVENUE, | Ph- 0427-2390395, | Mr. DManoj ASSOCIATES | PERUMAL MALAI MAIN ROAD, Email- kumar CONSULTANT | NARASODHIPATTY, SALEM | salemmanoj@gmail.com | sé 636004, PH-TAMILNADU, INDIA | ENGINEERS: é NAG 8-3-833/50, KAMALPURI Ph: +07 40 23550836/7 | Mrs. K Nirmala INFRASTRUCT COLONY, PHASE |, Email URE HYDERABAD-73 nice@nicehyd.com CONSULTING ENGINEERS PVT LTD 7 PEMS ‘553, FIRST FLOOR, EXPLORER | Ph: 0124 — 4212551 — Mr Mi ENGINEERING HOUSE, 53 Padmakumar CONSULTANT | UDYOG VIHAR, PHASE - V, E-mail S PVT. LTD. GURGAON - 122016 pemsdel@gmail.com re SOW D= 157, SECTOR =7, NOIDA | Ph. 0120-4232757- | ~ Mir Ajay \ LIMITED 59 Kumar Gupta E-mail north@sowilimited.com hee 12of 16 CATEGORY - Vil Construction supervision of all types of bridgelgrade separator projects but excluding bridges with innovative design such as cable stayed, suspension etc. ‘S.No | Name of consultant ‘Address Phone/Fax/E-mail Contact | _Person 7 CREATIONS BUNGLOWNO. 5, | Ph.-+91-20-27490800 | Nir. Mohan ENGINEERS PVT.LTD | STAFF COLONY, SEC | Email-info@creations- | Sakhalkar | NO. 27, PCNT, NIGDI, pune.com PUNE-411044 1; 2 DORSCH CONSULT 236,Oshiwara Industrial | Ph. 022-28789116 Mr. Nirmal G (INDIA)Private Ltd. Centre opp. Email Humbad Goregaon(W) Mumbai dcindia@vsni.com 400104 ms KITCOLTD. FEMITHS, P.B. NO. | Ph; 08373999957,+01- | Mr, Benny 4407, PUTHIYA ROAD, 484-4129000 Paul NH. BYPASS, E-mail : mail@kitco.in VENNALA, KOCHI- { 682028 4 | MEDHAJTECHNO | MEDHAJ TOWER, CP- | Ph- +07-622-2425012 | Ms. Kratika CONCEPT (P) LTD. 150, SECTOR-D1, Email Sharma POWER HOUSE mtcpl@medhaj.com CHAURHA, AASHIAN, | KANPUR ROAD,LUCKNOW- 226012 3 MUKESH & 72/6 RANGANATHAR Ph- 0427-2330395, | Mr. D Manoj ASSOCIATES AVENUE, PERUMAL Email- kumar CONSULTANTS & MALAI MAIN ROAD, ‘salemmanoj@gmail.co ENGINEERS NARASODHIPATTY, m SALEM-636004, PH- : TAMILNADU, INDIA 6 SYSTRA MVA | 5TH FLOOR, GURU Ph. 011-26224204 Mr. Hari Kumar CONSULTING PVT Ltd. | ANGAD BHBAVAN, 71 Somalraju NEHRU PLACE, NEW | DELHI | WADIA TECHNO- RAHEJA POINT 1, PT. T 7 ENGINEERING JAWAHARLAL NEHRU Ph-022-67339400, Mr. Vicky SERVICES LTD. ROAD, VAKOLA, Email- Mansharamani SANTACRUZ-EAST, wadiatechno@gmail.co MUMBAI-400055 m h- 13 of 16 CATEGORY -VII|A Independent Engineer! Consultant for PPP highway projects upto 100 km length & bridges upto 60m length and having RCC/PSC ‘superstructure. S.No] Name of consultant ‘Address Phone/Fax/E-mail_| Contact Person 1 AECOM ASIA ‘9th Floor, Infinity Tower-C, Ph: 0124- Mr. Manmohan COMPANY LTD LF Cyber City, Phase Il, 4830216/100 Singh Rawat Gurgaon- 122002 Email. | infoaecom@gmail.c | ‘om 2 MUKESH & 72/6 Ranganathar Avenue, | Ph- 0427-2330395, __ Mr. D. Mano] ASSOCIATES | Perumal Maiai Main Road, Email- kumar CONSULTANTS & | Narasodhipatty, Salem- | salemmanoj@gmail ENGINEERS, 636004, Ph-Tamilnadu, | com INDIA | 3 SOWIL LIMITED: D - 157, Sector — 7, Noida Ph: 0120- Mr. Ajay Kumar 4232757 - 59 Gupta E-mail north@sowillimited.c om te. 14 of 16 CATEGORY ~ VIIIB_ Independent Engi er/ Consultant for all type of highway projects & bridgesigrade separators including approaches but excluding bridges with innovative design such as cable stayed, suspension bridge, etc. on PPP mode. ‘S.No | Name of consultant Aadress | PhonelFaxlE-mail | Contact Person 1 RECOM ASIA OTH FLOOR, INFINITY Phe O74 Mi, Manmohan COMPANY LTD TOWER.C, DLF CYBER 4830216/100 ‘Singh Rawat. CITY, PHASE -i, Email GURGAON: 122002 | infoaecom@gmail.c om 2 HIGHWAY JWV-B973C BEHIND Phi O755- lr. S.NMalviya ENGINEERING PANCHWATI 4236317,098264527 MARKET, BHOPAL 11,0961777528 Email id: hec_bhopal@rediffm ail.com 3 ‘SOWIL LIMITED D-~157, SECTOR -7, | Ph: 0120 - Mr. Ajay Kumar NOIDA 4232757 - 58 Gupte E-mail north@sowilimited.c om 4 THE LOUIS BERGER | 302, naman centre, plot no. | Ph : 9004605498 Mr. Fabien | ‘GROUP INC, c, | Email Pouliot 31, g block, bandra-kurla, | {pouliot@louisberger complex, opposite dena ‘com bank, Bandra east mumbai — 400051 5 UPHAM 703-104, Cs, Gyan Khand= | PR-OT20-2607729 | Wr. Animesh INTERNATIONAL li, Indirapuram, Ghazaibad- Email- CORPORATION 201014-(U.P.) info@uphaminternati | ‘onal.com hee. 15 of 16 CATEGORY ~1X Feasibility study and Detailed project preparation for highway tunnel projects. ‘S.No | Name of ‘Address PhonelFax/E-mail Contact consultant Person 1 |AECOM Asia ‘th Floor, Infinity Tower-C, _| Ph: 0124-4830216/100 Mr. Company Ltd DLF Cyber City, Phase -Il, | Email-infoaecom@gmail.com | Manmohan Gurgaon- 122002 Singh Rawat_| [2] BYUCKSAN Plot No. 774, 2nd Floor, | Ph: +91-124-4085484 | Mr. Chetan | INDIA PVT LTD | Udyog Vihar-V, Gurgaon- | Email id:chetan@bseng.co.kr | Bhardwaj 122016 [3 [GEOCONSULT | Plot No. 473, industrial Ph: +91-1244569700 Dr. Florian India Pvt Lta Estate, Udhyog Vihar, Email id { krenn Sector-19, Phase-V, office@geoconsult.co.in Gurgaon- 122016 4 | GEODATA ‘Corso Duca delgi Abruzzi, | Phi 077- Mr. Lalit Engineering SPA | 48/E- 10129 Tornio-Italy | 47074108,9810179791 Chhabra Email id: Ike@geodata it 5 | SYSTRAMVA | 5TH FLOOR, GURU Ph. 017-26224204 Mr. Hari CONSULTING | ANGAD BHBAVAN, 71 Kumar PVT Ltd NEHRU PLACE, NEW ‘Somalraju DELHI 6 | THELOUIS 302, NAMAN CENTRE, Ph ; 9004605498 Mr. Fabien BERGER PLOT NO. C, E-mail Pouliot | GROUP INC, 31,G BLOCK, BANDRA- | fpouliot@louisberger.com KURLA, COMPLEX, OPPOSITE DENA BANK, BANDRA EAST MUMBAI — 400051 he. 1 6 of 16

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