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Adiabatic Nitration of Benzene

PLINKE has developed its own process for the adiabatic nitration of Benzene to Nitrobenzene (NB).
With PLINKEs excellent experience in re-concentration of NB spent acid we are able to offer the integrated unit with both the nitration and the spent acid handling. The result is a very energy efficient
overall process with excellent product quality of NB and a highly reliable SAC unit. The energy of the
chemical reaction of Benzene to Nitrobenzene is kept within the process. PLINKEs reactor is highly
efficient and thus very small and low in investment cost. PLINKE offers the complete range of nitration,
separation and washing steps as well as the respective effluent gas handling.

Adiabatic Nitration

Effluent Treatment

In the adiabatic nitration of Benzene to

For NOx-gas PLINKE applies its own

Nitrobenzene contrary to the isother-

NOx-absorption unit. For waste water

mal process the reactor itself is not

PLINKE cooperates with reputable

cooled and the temperature is conse-

specialists to provide the best treat-

quently rising when passing the reac-

ment technology in order to comply

tor. The amount of re-circulated Sulfu-

with local regulations and available

ric Acid is adjusted to keep this

down-stream treatment possibilities.

temperature rise within the allowed limits. The highly efficient reactor avoids
back flow and assures minimum byproducts. Additionally Nitric Acid is added in stoichiometric ratio only. Nitrobenzene and spent acid are separated
and the acid is re-concentrated in
PLINKEs well proven SAC. Crude Nitrobenzene is sent to washing steps.
Washing of Nitrobenzene
Crude Nitrobenze is washed in 3 to 4
steps depending on product requirements and capacity. Water is internally
used as much as possible and gas is
cleaned recovering Benzene and NOx
as Nitric Acid to avoid loss of raw materials and product.

Process schemes

Total block flow diagram of nitration, Sulfuric Acid re-concentration, washing and effluent treatment.

Effluent Gas

Weak Nitric Acid


Effluent Water


Process diagram of nitration and

Sulfuric Acid re-concentration SAC.

Plinke GmbH
Kaiser-Friedrich-Promenade 24
61348 Bad Homburg
Tel.: +49 6172 126-0
Fax: +49 6172 126-8990
Member of the Chematur Group

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