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Folosirea lui whose

1. We use whose in place of possessive adjective (my, your, his, etc.) to

refer to people. Whose does not change when it refers to masculine,
feminine, singular or plural:
Folosim whose n locul adjectivelor posesive (my, your, his, etc.) pentru a ne
referi la persoane. Whose nu se modific atunci cnd avem masculin,
feminin, singular sau plural:
Hes the man whose car was stolen. (Not whose his car was stolen)
Shes the woman whose car was stolen.
Theyre the people whose cars were stolen (Not whose their cars were

2. We sometimes use whose in place of its to refer to things and

Uneori folosim whose n locul lui its pentru a ne referi la lucruri i
Thats the house whose windows were broken. (= the windows of which)

3. We can also use whose with prepositions:

Putem de asemenea s folosim whose cu prepoziii:
Hes the man from whose house the pictures were stolen.
Hes the man whose house the pictures were stolen from.

Exerciiu: Join these sentences using whose

1. He is the customer. I lost his address.
He is the customer whose address I lost.

2. She is the novelist. Her book won first prize.

3. They are the children. Their team won the match.

4. You are the expert. We want your advice.

5. Im the witness. My evidence led to his arrest.


Shes the woman. The film was made in her house.

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