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1. ,
2. .....14
2.1 14
2.2 o ........19
2.3 ......22

1. ........25
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4. E..31
5. ......................38
6. .39

6.1 ...41
6.2 ...43
7. .....45
7.1. ...............45
7.2. .....49
8. .....50

1. ..51
2. .54
3. , . ,

1. ......74
2. .80
3. ........81
4. ...87
5. - ........92

1. ....106
). ............107
). .....111
2. ...115
3. ...121
4. ...131

1. , .......139
2. ....151

. ,
' ,


. ,

, ,
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, .

AN-N-PNF Ante-Nicene,







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Eastern Church Review, England.

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Journal of Theological Studies, Oxford.


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Orientala Christiana Analecta, Rome.


Orientala Christiana Periodica, Rome.


Orient Syrien, Vernon-France.


Patristic and Byzantine Review.


Parole de l'Orient, Liban.


Patrologia Graeca, Paris.


Proche Orient Chrtien, Jerusalem.


Patrologia Latina, Paris.


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Studia Patristica, Berlin.


St. Vladimir Theological Quarterly, N.Y.


Vigiliae christianae, Amsterdam.


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12. Dom Louis Leloir
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11 . Andr de Halleux, Mar phrem Thologien, Universit Saint-Esprit, Kaslik, Liban 1973, . 35.
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21 . . Beck, 13 17, CSCO Syr. 92/93 102/103, . 34-37 . 45-48.
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36 . John Meyndorff, Preface, Ephrem the Syrian, Kathleen E. McVey, Paulist Press, New York
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37 . , , 4, 26, PG 82, 1189 CD.
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6 ,
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525. . Joseph Amar, The Syriac Vita Tradition of Ephrem the


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, ,

, , , . McVey, Ephrem the Syrian,
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40 N, Nuseybin , ,
, . ,
, , ,
, . J. M. Fiey, Nisibe: mtropole syriaque
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41 , . Sebastian P. Brock, St. Ephrem the
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G. Mathews, General Introduction, : Kathleen E. McVey, Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Selected Prose
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of the Church, . 91, . Edward G. Mathews, Joseph P. Amar, Washington D.C.: The Catholic
University of America Press 1994, . 25.
42 De viris illustribus 115,
o . , 3.16
. . , Addai Sher,
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Andr de Halleux, Saint phrem le Syrien, Revue thologique de Louvain 14 (1983), . 331.


(303-338) 43,

(325) 44


6 ,
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. 49

, . S. Schiwietz, Das morgenlandische

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45 . Sebastian Brock, Lil de lumire. La vision spirituelle de Saint phrem, . Bellefontaine, Paris
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Metrical Homily on the Holy Mar Ephrem by Mar Jacob of Sarug: Critical Edition of the Syriac Text,
Translation and Introduction, PdO 47.1 [1995]. McVey ,

N . McVey, Introduction, . 10.
48 Sebastian Brock Barhadbeshabba Halwan, .
. The Origin of the Schools, Patrologia Orientalis 4, . 63. . S. Brock, Hymns on Paradise,
. Saint Vladimirs Press, New York 1990, . 10.
49 David Bundy, Jacob of Nisibis as a model for the Episcopacy, Le Museon 104 (1991), . 238. .
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De Viris Illustribus .
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. 50
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51 ,
, , . . Ed. Beck, Des Heiligen Ephraem des
Syrers Carmina Nisibena, CSCO, 218-219, Peeters, Louvain 1961.
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52 335, ,
, . ,
N () 338, 346, 350,
363 . . Edward G. Mathews, General Introduction, McVey,
Selected Prose Works, . 5-23. , , 337,
. ,

, ,
379. ,
, . . T. D.
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, 373. . Introduction, Kathleen E. McVey, Ephrem the
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54 R. Duval, Histoire politique, religieuse et littraire d'desse jusqu' la premire croisade, Imprimerie
nationale, Paris 1892, . 145.
55 Drijvers, Edessa, . 285.



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58 (154 222),
. O Sextus Julius Africanus ( 160-240)
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60 Ruben Duval, La Littrature syriaque, Paris 1907, . 236.


E , 9 37361.

, . B. Cowper, The Chronicle of Edessa,

Journal of Sacred Literature 5, 1865, . 28-45.



1. .

, , ,
. , ,
) .

. 200
, , 62.

. ,
. 3

. William Wright, Istoria literaturii cretine siriace, Introducere, . Rus Remus,

Diogene, Bucureti 1995, . 8.



, Peshitta. ,
, , , , , ...
, ,
E .
64 ,

65. corpus ,
, , , , , ,

, .

. ,

. S. Brock, A brief outline of Syriac literature, . Saint Ephrem Ecumenical Research Institute,
India, Kerala 1997, . 29.
64 S. Brock, Horizons in Semitic studies, Syriac poetry, J. H. Eaton, Oxford 1978, . 8.
65 S. Brock, Horizons in Semitic studies, Syriac poetry, . 15.


, , N

2. .

, .
, ,
. ,

. ,
, .

(contemplatio) , R. P. Vaccari 66. H

, ,
: ,
, ..
, ,
. Intrododuction phrem de Nisibis, Commentaire de lvangile concordant au Diatessaron,
Luis Leloir, SC 121, Les diteurs du Cerf, Paris 1966, . 30.



, .

, ,
, .

. .

, ,
, ,
, , , ,

. , ,
. , ,


R. Duval, Littrature syriaque, Paris 1907, . 11-25.

R. Duval, .., . 11-15.


, ,
4 ,
, ,
, , ,
. Asemani 56
, 72.
, .

R. Duval, .., . 11-15.

. , . ', , , .
, 1988, . 421-422.
71 . , . ', . 421-422.
72 P. Vintilescu, Despre poezia imnografic din crile de ritual i cntarea bisericeasc, Bucureti 1937, . 25.


3. E.

E . ,
: ( )
( , Publius).
Andr de Halleux , .
, memra, ,
73. memra , 7-8
, ,
, , memra VIII .
memra 100 910 ( VIII
), . memra

74, 75, (16
) Beck

. 12 ,


. . J. Melki, Saint phrem le Syrien, un bilan de
ldition critique, PdO, . 11 (1983), . 4. . . , , . ,
1990, . 332-335.
74 . 6 CSCO, . 213.
75 CSCO, . 306, . 1-80.


. 76
, .
, responsorium,
. , 77
78, ,
, ,
. 79
6 600
, 6 7 81.

4. .

R. Murray, 82,
83. S. Brock, ,

77 . Die Griechischen Christialichen Schriftstellen der ersten Jahrhunderte, . 50, Berlin 1931, . 128.
78 . Die Griechischen Christialichen Schriftstellen der ersten Jahrhunderte, . 19, . 269.
79 . Edmund Beck, Des heiligen Ephraem des Syrers Hymnen Contra Haereses LIII, CSCO 169/170,
Louvain 1957.
80 . Le Museon, . 85, Paris 1972, . 198.
81 Andr de Halleux, Saint phrem le Syrien, Revue thologique de Louvain, 14, 1983, . 336-338.
82 . Ephrem Syrus, J. H. Crehan, Catholic Dictionary of Theology, . 2, London 1967, . 220-223.
83 . Prayer, . , Dublin 1974, . 138.


, ,

, ,
(363-373) .

, 2 4 ).
. 85
res triturer

, 86.
memra, ,
. .
, ,
: 5/5, 5/5, 5/5, 5/2, 5/5, 5/5 87.
, , ,
. S. Brock, The poetic artistry of St. Ephrem, PdO 6-7 (1975-1976), . 21-28.
. S. Brock, Efrem Sirul. Ochiul luminos Viziunea spiritual a lumii la Sfntul Efrem Sirul, . 10.
86 , Andr de
Halleux, Saint phrem le Syrien, . 336-338. S. Brock, Introduction, . 36-39. A. S. Rodrigues
Pereira, Studies in Aramaic Poetry, Assen Netherlands: Van Gorcum 1997, . 110-113.
87 . S. Brock, Efrem Sirul. Ochiul luminos Viziunea spiritual a lumii la Sfntul Efrem Sirul, . 44.


( ,
, unita, .


, .

89 .
, ,

, ,
, ,

, ,
, ,
. S. Brock, A brief outline of Syriac literature, . 25.
, ,
. . P. Vintilescu, Despre poezia imnografic din
crile de ritual i cntarea bisericeasc, . 46.
90 . S. Brock, Efrem Sirul. Ochiul luminos Viziunea spiritual a lumii la Sfntul Efrem Sirul,
Introducere, I. Ic jr., . 9.


, .
. ,

, , ,

, 91,
. ,
, ,

92, Sebastian
Brock , ,

. S. Brock, Efrem Sirul. Ochiul luminos Viziunea spiritual a lumii la Sfntul Efrem Sirul,
Introducere, I. Ic jr., . 10.
92 . S. Brock, A brief outline of Syriac literature, . 26.


O ,

Rodrigues Pereira


. , ,
, ,


. S. Brock, A brief outline of Syriac literature, . 26.

Murray, Symbols of Church and Kingdom, Cambridge 1975, . 31.
95 S. Brock : Anonymous and spurious works. Have a strong tendency to become
attached to famous names, and it is now know that a large number of works attributed to Saint
Ephrem are certainly not by him, and nowhere does this apply so much as to the body of writings in
Greek and Latin which are transmitted under his name, Introduction, . 34. . S. Brock, The
transmition of Ephrems Madrashe in the Syriac Liturgical Tradition, : Studia Patristica 33 (1997),
. 490-505.
. . Edward G. Mathews, General
Introduction, McVey, Selected Prose Works, . 3-12.



: , ,
memre 98. ,



, , , .
, 377, De viri illustribus
393. . S. Brock, Hymns on Paradise, . 12-25. Edward G. Mathews, General Introduction, :
McVey, Selected Prose Works, . 3-5 Introduction, : McVey, Hymns, . 4.
98 S. Brock, The luminous eye: the spiritual world vision of Saint Ephrem, Cistercian Publications 1992, . 18.
99 O S. Brock : o illustrate in a simple way the basic difference between what one
may call the the philosophical approach to theology, with its search for definitions, and the symbolic
approach, [by visualizing] a circle with a point in the centre, where the point represents that aspect of
God under enquiry. The philosophical approach seeks to identify and locate this central point, in other
words to defined it, set boundaries to it. The symbolic approach, on the other hand, attempts no such
thing; rather it will provide a series of paradoxical pairs of opposites, placing them at opposite points
around the circumference of the circle; the central point is left undefined, but something of its nature
and whereabouts can be inferred by joining up the various opposite points, the different paradoxes,
on the circles circumference. The former procedure can be seen as providing a static understanding of
the centre point, while the latter offers an understanding that remains essentially dynamic in
character. . S. rock, The Luminous Eye, . 24-25. ,
, ,
, : Tannios Bou Mansour, Le concept du symbole
chez phrem, La pense symbolique de Saint phrem le Syrian, XVI, Bibliothque de lUniversit SaintEsprit, Kaslik, Liban 1988, . 23-120. . S. Brock, The Poet as Theologian, : Sobornost (1977),
. 243-250. , Saint Ephrems Theological Approach, : The Luminous Eye, . 23-51.
David Bundy, Language and the Knowledge of God in phrem Syrus, The Patristic and Byzantine
Review 5 (1986), . 91-103. Nabil El-Khoury, The Use of Language by Ephraim the Syrian, Studia
Patristica XV-XVI: Papers presented to the Seventh International Conference on Patristic studies held in Oxford
1975, . Elizabeth A. Livingstone, Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1985, . 93-99. Edward G. Mathews,
General Introduction, : McVey, Selected Prose Works, . 45-56. Robert Murray, The Theory of
Symbolism in St. Ephraims Theology, PdO 6/7 (1975/1976), . 1-20.


, 101.

, ,


Edward G. Mathews, General Introduction, : McVey, Selected Prose Works, . 47.

, ,
. Kathleen E. McVey, St. Ephrem's Understanding of Spiritual Progress:
Some Points of Comparison with Origen of Alexandria, The Harp 1:2-3(1988), . 117-128.
101 S. Brock, The Luminous Eye, . 53-66. . Thomas Koonammakkal,
Divine Names and Theological Language in Ephrem, Studia Patristica, Vol. XXV: Papers Presented at the
Eleventh International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 1991, . Elizabeth A. Livingstone,
Peeters Press, Louvain 1993, . 318-323.
102 , .
S. Brock, The Luminous Eye, . 25-51. , .
Edmund Beck, Zwei ephramische Bilder, Oriens Christianus 71 (1987), . 1-23. Edmund Beck, Das
Bild vom Weg mit Meilensteinen und Herbergen bei Ephram, Oriens Christianus 65 (1981), . 1-39.
Edmund Beck, Ephrams Trinitatlehre im Bild von Sonne/Feuer, Licht, und Wrme, CSCO 425, Peeters
Press, Louvain 1981. S. Brock, Saint Ephrem on Christ as Light in Mary and in the Jordan: Hymni de
Ecclesia 36, Eastern Churches Review 7 (1976), . 137-144. Pierre Yousif, Le symbolisme de la croix dans
la nature chez Saint phrem de Nisibe, Orientalia Christiana Analecta 205 (1978), . 207-227. ,
Saint Ephrem on Symbols in Nature: Faith, the Trinity, and the Cross (Hymns on Faith 18), Eastern
Churches Review 10 (1978), . 52-60. , Symbolisme christologique dans la Bible et dans la
nature chez Saint phrem de Nisibe, PdO 8 (1977/1978), . 5-66. , La croix de Jsus et le
paradis d'den dans la typologie biblique de Saint phrem, PdO 6/7 (1975/1976), . 29-48.
103 Robert Murray, The Theory of Symbolism in St. Ephrem's Theology, PdO 6/7 (1975/1976), . 120.


5. .

6 , 150 104.

. ,
5 .

, 20 ,

: ).
, ). ,

Andr de Halleux, Saint phrem le Syrien, . 333.

. CSCO, . 271, . 32.
106 Andr de Halleux, Saint phrem le Syrien, . 333.
107 Andr de Halleux: Il est devenu difficile aujourdhui de parler dphrem dune faon critique,
cest-a-dire objective, la seule manire qui lhonore vraiment. Plus on tudie les biographies et luvre
littraire conserve sous son nom, plus on se rend compte que la postriorit a surtout cherche en lui
une image rpondant a ses propres besoin. Mme les crits les plus indiscutablement authentiques,
par exemple Le commentaire sur lvangile concordant, ont probablement t accommodes; et
combien dimitateurs, plus ou moins bien intentionns, nont-ils passe leur mdiocre marchandise
sous lillustre patronage! Pour reconnaitre le vritable phrem, il faut lil exerce du spcialiste, quest
acquis une longue familiarit avec les textes: encore les meilleurs se mfient ils de leur intuition.
Mar phrem Thologien, XVI Centenaire de Saint phrem, . 35.


5 7 , ).
, ). 108.

F. C. Burkitt.
. Edmund Beck
, 109.
1979 Dom Edmund Beck Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum
Orientalium 110.

, 5
, . ,
o .

6. .

mare magnum
. Ortiz Urbina 111. 300 ,

Georges Saber, La Thologie baptismale de Saint phrem. Essai de thologie historique, Kaslik, Liban 1974,
. 5. . Ortiz de Urbina, Patrologia
Syriaca, . Pontificalum Institutum Orientalium Studiorum, Roma 1958, . 59.
109 Andr de Halleux, Saint phrem le Syrien, . 334. . A. Voobus, Ephrem the Syrian,
Literary Critical and Historical Studies, Stockholm 1958.
110 S. Brock, Efrem Sirul. Ochiul luminos Viziunea spiritual a lumii la Sfntul Efrem Sirul, . 165.
111 Ortiz de Urbina, Patrologia, . 59.



, .

, , . ,
E .
Mekhitaristes de Venise 114. ,
. Thwaites 115
Assemani, ,
18 116. Bibliotheca
Hagiographica Graeca Fr. Halkin,

Robert Murray, Catholic Dictionary of Theology, . J. H. Crehair, London 1967, . 222, : The
Syriac Fathers on Prayer and the Spiritual Life, Sebastian Brock, Cistercian Public. Inc., Kalamazoo,
Michigan 1987, . 30.
113 . , , 3, 16, PG 67, 1089.
114 ,
. . Paul Feghali, Les origines du monde et de lhomme dans luvre de Saint
phrem, Paris Cariscript 1997, . 36.
115 E. Thwaites, in
folio, Oxford 1709. . I, II, 1988, 1989.
116 S. E. Assemani, , -III, Rome,
1732, 1743, 1746. S. G. Mercati,
. Sancti Ephraemi Syri opera, . , Rome 1915.


. ,
Opera omnia Assemani 117
J. Th. Lamy 118.

6.1 .

119. ,
. ,
121. Andr de Halleux
, -
M 482,
122. , ,
, , , , ,
J. S. Assemani, Sancti Patris nostri Ephraem Syri, 3 , P.
118 Sancti Ephraem Syri hymni et Sermones, 4 , Malines, 1882, 1886, 1889, 1902.
119 . , , . , . 16 Die Griechischen Christialichen
Schriftstellen der ersten Jahrhunderte, . 50, . 128.
120 Georges Saber, La Thologie baptismale de Saint phrem. Essai de thologie historique, . 4-5.
121 . Die Griechischen Christialichen Schriftstellen der ersten Jahrhunderte, . 50, . 129.
122 Andr de Halleux, Saint phrem le Syrien, . 333.



, .

Georges Saber ,
. . ( 123 -
, 124
, 125.
. . , 126,
127, ,
128 ..
. . 129, 130,
, ..

, . J. Melki, Saint phrem le Syrien, un bilan de ldition critique, PdO XI(1983), .

124 Louis Leloir Saint
phrem: commentaire de lvangile concordant, CSCO 137, 145, Louvain 1953, 1954.
SC 121, Paris 1966.
. . Edmund Beck, Symbolum-Mysterium bei Aphraat und Ephrem, OC, 42
(1958), . 19-40.
126 . Edmund Beck, Des Heilegen Ephraem Des Syres Hymnen contra Haereses, CSCO 169-170/
Syr 76-77, Louvain 1957.
127 . Edmund Beck, Des Heiligen Ephraem des Syrers Sermones de Fide (CSCO 212-213/V 88-89)
Louvain 1961.
128 . Edmund Beck, Des Heiligen Ephraem des Syrers Hymnen de Paradiso (CSCO 174-175/Syr
78- 79) Louvain 1957. . R. Lavenant et F. Graffin, Hymnes sur le paradis, SC 237, Paris 1968.
129 . Edmund Beck, Des Heiligen Ephraem des Syrers Hymnen de Virginitate (CSCO 223-224/Syr
94-95), Louvain 1962.


. . 131, ,
132, 133.
Sebastian Brock ,
: ). ( , ,
( , ), ). ,
( , Publius), ).
, memra, (6 memra




400 134.

6.2 .

Assemani IX
Assemani . Pierre
Mobarak in folio,
1738, 1740 1743. , 20 , F.
C. Burkitt ,
, 136,

. Edmund Beck, Des Heilegen Ephraem des Syrers Hymnen de Ecclesia (CSCO 198-199/Syr 8485), Louvain 1960.
131 . Edmund Beck, Des Heiligen Ephraem des Syrers Hymnen de Nativitate (Epiphania) (CSCO
186-187/Syr 82-83) Louvain 1959. J. Obeid, L'onction baptismale dans HdE de Saint
phrem, PdO XVII (1992), . 7-36.
132 . Edmund Beck, Hymnen paschen, CSCO 248-249/Syr 108-109), Louvain 1964.
133 Georges Saber, La Thologie baptismale de Saint phrem. Essai de thologie historique, . 8-15.
134 S. Brock, Lil de lumire, . 18, 339-342.
135 . J. S. Anselmani, Bibliotheca Orientalis, . 1, Rome 1917, . 61-149.
136 . Texts and Studies, Cambridge 2002, . 7 / 2, . 4.


Franois Graffin,
, 137.
19 ,
J. J. Overbeck (1865), G. Bickell (1866), P. Zingerle (1868), G. Moesinger
(1869), T. J. Lamy de Louvain (1882, 1886, 1889 1902),
I. E. Rahmani (1906) C. W. Mitchell (1912 1921).
1955 1979, Dom Edmund Beck,
Metten ,
). Beck
, 138.

, Patrologia rientalis, Fr.
Louis aries C. H. Mercier (, 1961) Memra
Charles Renoux (, 1975).

Graffin, Introduction, R. Levenant, Hymnes sur le Paradis, SC 137, Les dition du Cerf,
Paris 1968, . 10.
138 Andr de Halleux, Saint phrem le Syrien, . 334.
139 . CSCO, Louvain 1954 SC, Paris 1966.


7. .

. ,


. .
. ,

, 140,
141 142.

, .

PG 103, 1009.
PG 86 / 1, 1313, 1396.
142 PG 89, 156, 181.


, ,
143. Andr de Halleux 144

. .

, .
5 146.
, 1836 147.

. .
, 6 7 .

PG 46, 832.
Andr de Halleux, Saint phrem le Syrien, . 338-339.
145 PG 103, 659-660.
146 . Patrologia Orientalis, . 35, Turnhout, Belgia 1969-1971.
147 Andr de Halleux, Saint phrem le Syrien, . 336-337, 339.
148 CP, . 39, . 307-332, PdO, . 4, . 265-315 Andr de Halleux, Saint phrem le Syrien, .
149 Andr de Halleux, Saint phrem le Syrien, . 339.


. .

. .
, , (ms. Brit. Libr.
Or. 768) 152.
. .
10 153. ,
. 1134 ,
1701. 154
. .
. ,

. 8 Defensor de Ligug o Sermo ascaeticus
, ,
(lipand, Alcuin, Smaragde, Florus de Lyon)
, (

. Dictionnaire de Spiritualit, . 4, . 821.

CSCO, . 276, . 180.
152 Andr de Halleux, Saint phrem le Syrien, . 340.
153 . Bizantinoslavica, . 19, Prague 1987, . 279-286, : Andr de Halleux, Saint phrem le
Syrien, . 340.
154 Andr de Halleux, Saint phrem le Syrien, . 340.
155 Recherch de Science Religieuse, . 46, Paris 1972, . 545-566 : Andr de Halleux, Saint phrem le


Muspilli Otfrid Wissenbourg)

Vincent Beauvais (1264)
, .
, , ).
16 157.

Vossius 1589, 1593 1598, ,
. ,
1603 1619. , 18
Editio Romana
1732, 1743 1746 ,
( ), J. J.
Overbeck (1865), G. Bickell (1866), Lamy (1882-1902), . Rahman (1904) C. W.
Mitchell (1921) 159.

. Dictionnaire de Spiritualit, . 4, . 815-819.

Sancti Patris nostri Ephraemi Syri opera omnia, . 1, . J. S. Assemani, Rome 1732-1746, . 12-15.
158 Andr de Halleux, Saint phrem le Syrien, . 340, 342.
159 Georges Saber, La Thologie baptismale de Saint phrem. Essai de thologie historique, . 15-16.


7.2. .

. . O J. B. Morris 1847
: Selected Works of Saint Ephrem the Syrian.
, 1898, J. Gwynn,
, Selections translated into English from the Hymns and
Homilies of Ephraim the Syrian,
. 1912 1921 W. Mitchell, A. A. Bevan F. C. Burkitt
() , , .
1976 Le Museon . 89,
, 20 ,
Sebastian Brock

Kathleen E. McVey 1989 (Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns,
John Mayendorff).
. . ,
160, Memre 161,
162, 163 ..

Ren Lavenant, SC 137, Paris 1968.

Charles Renoux, PO 37, Turnhout Belgium
162 G. A. M. Rouwhorst, E. J. Brill, Leiden New-York Kln 1989.


. . Edmund Beck
164, Louvain 1955 1979
Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium (CSCO) Scriptores Syri.

10. .

, ,
. ,
, ,
, .

Behnan Hindo, Christiane Saleh,

l'Hartmann, Paris 1996.
164 40 , .
165 Graffin, Introduction, R. Levenant, Hymnes sur le Paradis, SC 137, . 9. . J. Melki,
Saint phrem le syrien un bilan de ldition critique, PdO 11(1983), . 4.


1. .

, .
, ,

. ,
, .

, . .

4 . ,
, ,
br (),
166. , ,
, . ,
. .
. , br,

bar, ber, baraa br.


, ,
, .

168. , ,

, 169, ,

ex nihilo
, .
. ,
. .

. ,

. . , , . , ,
1959, . 324. ,
168 . . ,
, , ', . .
, 2000, . 63-64.
169 , , , . ', .
, , , ' , 1994, . 308.
170 , , ..., . ', . 168.
171 Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Commentary on Genesis 1.26: When the waters were gathered, which had
been ordered on the second day, there appeared rivers as well as springs, lakes, and ponds,
Kathleen E. McVey, Ephrem the Syrian, Selected Prose Works: Commentary on Genesis, Commentary on
Exodus, Homily on Our Lord Letter to Publius, trans. Edward G. Mathews, Jr. and Joseph P. Amar,
Fathers of the Church, Vol. 91, The Catholic University of America Press, Washington 1994, . 92.


, , ,
, .
, 173.

. , ,
, , .
, .

. ,
. ,

It is the dominion that Adam received over the earth and over all that is in it that constitutes the
likeness of God who has dominion over the heavenly things and the earthly things., Saint Ephrem
the Syrian, Commentary on Genesis 1.29, .., . 94.
173 Le Dieu cach est, par son Premier-n Le Crateur admirable et infatigable. En effet, il n'a pas
besoin qu'on lui apprenne (comment faire); Et il ne manque pas de force pour crer. Par un signe
calme et humble de sa volont, II cra et ordonna toutes choses partir de rien. Comme il cra sans
labeur, II nourrit sans inquitude toutes fies cratures., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymn de Fide 26.1-2.
174 . E. Beck, Thologie, . 35, Hymn de Fide 30: Dieu qui est le Seigneur de toute chose n'est pas
enferm (inclus) avec ses cratures dans ces (choses): II ne vient pas (au domaine) de la mesure et du
poids, ni du toucher, de la couleur ou du monde. Il n'est pas enferm dans un lieu; en effet il n'est pas
comme une tendue d'air et de rayons que limiterait quelque chose. La science est son essence la
recherche de laquelle toutes sciences sont trangres.
. . , , , , . ',
. 184.


2. .

. . 1.2627:

. ,

, . ,
, 175,
, .
, ,
, .

177. ,

. , , . ', . 196.
, . ', . 34.
176 . , , . ', . 246.
177 X, :
Death opened his mouth and said, Have You not heard, O Son of Mary, how Moses was great and
excellent above all? Became a God and wrought the works of God? Slew the first-born and saved the
first-born? Turned aside the pestilence from the living? To the mount I went up with Moses, and He
whose glory be blessed gave him to me from hand to hand. For however great the son of Adam
becomes, dust he is and to his dust returns, because he is of the ground., Ephraim Syrus, The Nisibene
Hymns 41.14.


, ,
, :

. 179
, .

, .180

: , .
. ,
, .
. N. Zeeoers Vanders Vorst, La Cration de l'homme (Gn. 1.26) chez Thophile d'Antioche, VC
30, 1976, . 258-276. . N. El-Khoury, Gn 1.26 dans L'Interprtation de Saint phrem ou la
relation de l'homme Dieu, Symposium syriacum 1976, OCA 203, Rome 1978, . 199-205.
. P. Lensfeld, Adam et le Christ, Aubier, Paris 1970, . 29-37.
179 Just as each animal had received from Adam the name of its species on that day, Adam did not
call die rib that was fashioned [into the woman] Eve, by her own name, but named her woman, the
name that was set down for al] her kind., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Commentary on Genesis 2.13, ..,
. 105.
180 Then [Adam] said, Let the man leave his father and his mother and cling to his wife so that they might be
joined and the two might become one without division as they were from the beginning., Saint Ephrem
the Syrian, Commentary on Genesis 2.13, .., . 105.
181 And God blessed them and said to them "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it;
and have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds and over every animal., Commentary on
Genesis 1.30, .., . 95.
182 . , , . ', . 36.


, ,

. .
, , ,


, 185.

. ,
. 186 .

. , ' , 43, . ',

. 239: ... . .
..., . ', . 159: .
184 Even though the beasts, the cattle, and the birds were equal [to Adam] in their ability to procreate
and in that they had life, God still gave honor to Adam in many ways, Saint Ephrem the Syrian,
Commentary on Genesis 2.4, .., . 99.
185 When the woman saw that the tree was good to eat and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that
the tree was desirable to look at, she took of its fruit and she ate, Saint Ephrem the Syrian,
Commentary on Genesis 2.17, .., . 108.
186 She hastened to eat before her husband that she might become head over her head, that she
might become the one to give command to that one by whom she was to be commanded and that she
might be older in divinity than that one who was older than she in humanity., Saint Ephrem the
Syrian, Commentary on Genesis 2.20, .., . 112.


. ,
. 187

. , , ,
. .
, , .
: ,
, .
, ,
. ,
, . ,

. 189

...Eve was very diligent; she was also attentive to the sheep and cattle, the herds, and droves which
were in the fields. She would also help Adam with the buildings, pens, and with any other task, that
Adam was capable of doing. The animals, even though they were subservient, were not able to help
him with these things. For this reason God made for Adam a helper who would be solicitous for
everything for which he was [solicitous] and who would indeed help him in many things., Saint
Ephrem the Syrian, Commentary on Genesis 2.11, .., . 104.
188 ...neither were the animals able to look upon the splendor of Adam and Eve; when the beasts
passed before Adam and they received their names from him, they would cast their eyes downwards,
for their eyes could not endure Adam's glory., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Commentary on Genesis 2.15,
.., . 107.
189 ...after he spoke about Adam's entry into Paradise and about the law that had been set down for
him. Moses turned to write about the names that [Adam] gave to the animals saying, the Lord formed
out of the ground, every beast of the field and every bird of the sky and. brought them to Adam to see
what he would call them..., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Commentary on Genesis 2.9, .., . 103.


, 190.

26 . 1 .
. ,

, ,
, ,
. 1.26,
. 191
, . 3.22 192
. 5.3 193,
. 1.26.

It was [only] clever than those animals that lack reason and was [only] more crafty than the
animals that had no mind. For, it is clear that the serpent, which did not have the mind of man, did
not possess the wisdom of mankind. Adam was also greater than the serpent by the way he was
formed, by his soul, by his mind, by his glory, and by his place. Therefore, it is evident that in cunning
also Adam was infinitely greater than the serpent., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Commentary on Genesis
2.15, .., . 107.
191 The fact is, they had been commanded just the opposite; it was hardly a commandment at all,
because it was so small, and it had been given to them for only that short time before the tempter
departed from them..., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Commentary on Genesis 2.19, .., . 111.
192 ,

193 ,


. ,
, 194.

2 3 195.


196 .
. 1.3 . 1.16 197,

, 2o ,
. P. Feghali , Les premiers jours de la Cration.
Commentaire de Gn. 1.1 2.4 par Saint phrem, PdO XIII, 1986, . 3-30.
195 . M. Alexandre, Le commencement du Livre Gense I-IV, La version grecque de la Septante et sa
rception, Beauchesne, Paris 1988, . 172. M. Alexandre

196 ,
Torah Ptolme. .
M. Alexandre, .., . 169-170.
197 ' , ., , . 1.3.
, , ,
' ,
. 1.16.


, .
. 198 ,
, , ,
, , 199.

. 1.3,
. 12
, ,
. 200
. 201
, . 1.3,
( , ). 202

, 203.
. , . 1.3.
, ' , ,
, ,
, , ,
, 1.11, PG 8, 365 C.
200 , , ' , ,
, , ,
. , , ' , ' , ,
, , , , , .
. ., , 3.12, PG 8, 667 C.
. Clement dAlexandrie, Le Pdagogue, Traduction de C. Mondsert et C. Matray, Notes de H. I.
Marrou, SC 158, Cerf, Paris 1970, , 101,2, . 188-189. I. 1.3, . 1.16.
201 , , '
. ,
, , , 4, 16, PG 8, 1305 C. .
Clement dAlexandrie, Les Stromates, Stromate VI, SC 446, XVI, 141,7, . 342 Le Pdagogue,
III, SC 158, V, . 74-75.
202 . , 67.
, . , ...,
1965, . 67.



. 205
, , ,
. 1.24,
, , ,
. . 1.28, ,
, ,


. ,

, ,
., , 4, 32,1 PG 7, 1069 C.
. Irne de Lyon, Adversus Haereses, IV-2, SC 100, II, Cerf, Paris 1965, IV, 32, 1, . 799.
204 . P. Feghali, Les origines au monde et de l'homme dans l'uvre de Saint phrem, Cariscript, Paris 1997,
. 145: Et Dieu dit: Faisons l'homme notre image cela signifie qu'il domine dans la mesure o il lui
plaira de nous obir.
. phrem de Nisibe, Hymnes sur le Paradis, Traduit du syriaque
par R. Lavenant, Introduction et notes par F. Graffin, SC 137, Cerf, Paris 1968. .
, ..., . ', . 378.


( ,
. 1.28,
206 .

(. 3.3).
. 1.26,
. 2.7: 207.

1 , 2 . 208

. 2.7 ( 29.16,
. 9.21) 209.

, . 3 .,
, .
, . . 13.3, 9.14 . 15.6, .
208 . Clment de Rome, ptre aux Corinthiens, Introduction, Texte, Traduction, Notes et index A.
Jaubert, SC 167, Cerf, Paris 1971, . 153, 155. , , PG 1, 199.
209 . B. Sesboue, Tout rcapituler dans le Christ, Christologie et sotriologie d'rne de Lyon, Jsus
et Jsus-Christ 80, Descle, Paris 2000, VIII, La cration, uvre des mains de Dieu, . 184-190. J. Fanttno,
La thologie d'Irne, Lecture des critures en rponse l'exgse gnostique, Une approche
trinitaire, Cogitatio Fidei 180, Cerf, Paris 1994, . 291-309. L'image de la main est la seule figure
anthropomorphique employe par Irene pour parler de Dieu et de son activit dans le monde, J.
Fanttno, .., . 306.



, ,

phrem de Nisibe, Commentaire de l'vangile concordant ou Diatessaron, Traduit du syriaque et de

l'armnien, Introduction, Traduction et notes par L. Leloir, SC 121, XVI, 28, . 299-300.
211 ' ,
, '
. ,
, ,

., , 5, 15.4, PG 7b, 1163. . Irne de
Lyon, Adversus Haereses, V, t. II, SC 153, Cerf, Paris 1969, V, 15, 4, . 211-215.


3. , . ,


. ,
, .

. . , , 2003, . 21:
. , .
... . : . Boisacq, Dictionnaire tymologique de la
langue grecque, Heidelberg - Paris 1923, . 222. P. Chantraine, Dictionnaire tymologique de la langue grecque
histoire de mots, . 2, Paris 1970, . 355. . Lindeil - R. Scott, ,
(. . ), . 2, 1907, . 30.
213 . , , . ', . 409.
, . ', . 285. ,
. ' '
. ' '
. ' , ,
, , (. 81.6) (.
10.34). ' '
. , ,
' ' . . Kamel Stephan, :
, , 2005. ..,
. ', . 409. . , 5, 6,1, PG 7, 1137.
, , 2, 22,131, SC, . 38. , , 3, 6,1, SC, 268, 237.
214 . . , . ,
, ', . 113.



, . ,



(. 2.19)
. , ,


. ,
. , , . ', . 244:
216 ,
. ,
, .
. ' .
B. A. Van Roey, School of Alexandria, New Catholic Encyclopedia, v. I, The Catholic University of
America, Washington D. C. 1967, . 304-305. . M. Spanneut, Clement of Alexandria, New
Catholic Encyclopedia, v. III, . 943. .
. l-Khoury, Nabil, Anthropological Concepts of the School of Antioch,
Studia Patristica 17.3 (1982), . 1359-1365.
217 . E. Beck, Des Heiligen Ephraem des Syrers Hymne de Virginitate, CSCO 223, . 28-29, CSCO
224, . 29 Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns, Translated and introduced by K. E. MacVey, the Classic of
Western Spirituality, Paulist Press, New-York 1989, . 298.


, ,
, Peshitta,
218 .

, .


. ,


, ,


, .

. J. Bowkler, The Targums and Rabbinic Literature, an Introduction to Jewish Interpretations of

Scripture, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1969. C. Tassin, Targum, SDB XIII,
2005, col. 343.
219 . Ter Haar Romney, Biblical Studies in the Church of the East: the case of Timothy I, Studia
Patristica 34, 2001, . 503-510.


. ,

. 220
o Demonsration 221,

( 1), ,
( 23) .

. 223

, M. J.
Pierre Exposs, . III, Aphraate Le Sage Persan, Les Exposs, Traduction
du syriaque, Introduction et notes par M. J. Pierre, SC 349, Cerf, Paris 1988, . 112-143.
221 M. J. Pierre: Aphraate Le Sage Persan, Les Exposs, Traduction
du syriaque, Introduction et Notes par M. J. Pierre, T. I et , SC 349 359, Cerf, Paris 1988. .
: Remarques sur la traduction et prsentation des
Exposs, SC 349, . 200-202. . Aphraate Le Sage Persan, SC 349, . 144, 205206.
222 . : Aphraate Le
Sage Persan, SC 349, . 144, 205-206.
223 . Aphraate Le Sage Persan, SC 349, . 266.


, ,

. ,


26 1 ,

. ,
, ,
. ,
' , ,
, .

. . (. 1.3 . 1.16),

. , , . ', . 168.



, ,

, . , .

. ,
. .

, .

, .


, .

; .

, . 226


. 227

, .
, . 228

, ,
. . : Origne, Homilie sur la Gense, : SC 7
bis, . 61, 329. . T.
Kronholm, Motifs, . 45-48. J. Giblet, L'homme image de Dieu dans les commentaires littraux de Philon
d'Alexandrie, Louvain 1949. H. Crouzel, Thologie de l'image de Dieu chez Origne, Aubier, Paris 1956. P.
Th. Camelot, La Thologie de l'image Dieu, : RSPT 40 (1956), . 443-447.
226 Adam thus began his rule over the earth when he became lord over all on that day according to
the blessing he was given. The word of the Creator came to pass in actuality and His blessing was
indeed fulfilled on the same day that he was made ruler over everything, even though he would soon
rebel against the Lord of everything., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Commentary on Genesis 2.10, .., .
227 Just as Israel, without a veil, was unable to look upon the face of Moses, neither were the animals
able to look upon the splendor of Adam and Eve..., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Commentary on Genesis
2.15, .., . 107.
228 And God said, "Let us make man in our image." According to what has been the rule until now,
namely, if it pleases God He will make it known to us, Moses explains in what way we are the image
of God, when he said "Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds, and over the cattle,
and over all the earth. It is the dominion that Adam received over the earth and over all that is in it that
constitutes the likeness of God who has dominion over the heavenly things., Saint Ephrem the
Syrian, Commentary on Genesis 1.29, .., . 94.


, ,
, ,
, . 230
57 231.

, .

It was [only] clever than those animals that lack reason and was [only] more crafty than the
animals that had no mind. For, it is clear that the serpent, which did not have the mind of man, did
not possess the wisdom of mankind. Adam was also greater than the serpent by the way he was
formed, by his soul, by his mind, by his glory, and by his place., Saint Ephrem the Syrian,
Commentary on Genesis 2.15, .., . 107.
230 ,
, , ' 46, 2-3, , 1,96.
. , ,
, , ', 8,1-3
, 220. , ,
, [. ] ,
, . . , 2, 4-5,
PG 7, 718-723.
231 9. Parle et explique-nous, parole du mortel, O est ton trsor et en quelle partie de l'esprit
habites-tu? Tu es une parcelle de l'me Sans laquelle elle ne peut tre acheve. A l'intrieur du corps,
comment Tes mouvements cessent-ils? 10. Ainsi, partir de cette parole de peu de valeur, Tu
apprends de manire admirable la parole digne de louange, la Parole de Dieu. Si ta propre parole ne
sait jamais se raconter elle-mme Honore par ton silence la Parole du Crateur dont le silence est
inscrutable., Hymn de Fide 57. . , ...,
. ', . 415. , . ', . 299. ,
Salm, ,
. . . Tanios Bou Mansour, La Pense Symbolique de Saint phrem le Syrien, . 45, 50.



, ,

, .
; ;
; ;
(120-173) , ,


. J. N. Bremmer, The early Greek concept of the soul, Princeton University Press, New York
l983. Aristotle, De Anima (On the Soul), trans. by Hugh Lawson, Harmondsworth: Penguin Books 1986.
Simcha Paull Raphael, Jewish views of the afterlife, J. Aronson, Northvale l994. C. Bynum, The
Resurrection of the body in Western Christianity, 200-1336, Columbia University Press, New York 1995. B.
Daley, The Hope of the Early Church: a Handbook of Patristic Eschatology, University Press, Cambridge


. ,
, , F. Gavin

233. , ,



. 234

. 235

Gregory of Nyssa, On the Making of Man, NPNF, eds. by P. Schaff and H. Ware, Buffalo and New
York 1886-1900, vol. 5, . 387-427. Gregory of Nyssa, On the Soul and the Resurrection, trans. by
Catharine P. Roth, Crestwood St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, New York 1993.
234 U. Possekel, Evidence of Greek Philosophical Concepts in the writings of Ephrem the Syrian,
CSCO 580/ Subsidia tomus 102, Peeters, Louvain 1999.
235 Possekel ,
. . Possekel, Introduction, .., . 1-8. Beck
. S. Brock,
, ,

. ,
Greek and Syriac in Late antique Syria : Literacy and Power in t the Ancient World, ed. A. K.
Bowman and G. Woolf, Cambridge 1994, . 149-160, 234-235. , From phrem to Romanos,
interactions between Syriac and Greek in Late Antiquity, : Variorum Collected Studies Series,
Ashgate Variorum, 1999. MacVey o Griffith o ,
. . U. Possekel, Introduction, .., . 7-8. S. Brock

: S. Brock, From Antagonism to Assimilation: Syriac
attitudes to Greek Learning, : East of Byzantium, Syria and Armenia in the Formative Period, ed. N.
Garso Tan, Th. Matthews and R. Thompson, Dumbarton Oaks Symposium 1980, Dumbarton Oaks,
Washington 1982, . 17-34.


1. .

. Khoury
236, , .

237. , .
, , . ,
, .
, , .

, .
, ,
. 238

. Ephrem, Fifth Discourse to Hypatius, F. Gavin, The Sleep of the Soul in the Early Syriac
Church, Journal of the American Oriental Society 40 (1920), . 103-120.
237 . , , . ', . 246.
, . . ,
Hymns on Virginity 29.1, 30.1, ed. and trans. E. Beck, Des heiligen Ephraem des Syrers Hymnen de
Virginitate, : CSCO 223-1, Louvain 1962. . , Kathleen McVey, Ephrem the Syrian: Hymns:
In every place, if you look, [God's] symbol is there, and when you read, you will find His types. For
by Him were created all creatures, and He engraved His symbols upon His possessions. When He
created the world, He gazed at it and adorned it with His images. Streams of His symbols opened,
flowed and poured forth His symbols on His members., Hymns on Virginity 20.12, : Ephrem the
Syrian: Hymns, Paulist Press, New York 1989, . 348-349.


239. ,
, .
. 2

. 240
, ,


. ,
, ,
. 242
. ,

I fashioned their members, and my own breasts I prepared for them, that they might drink my
holy milk and live by it. I am pleased by them, and am not ashamed by them. For my workmanship
are they, and the strength of my thoughts. I willed and fashioned mind and heart, and they are my
own. Odes of Solomon 15.7b, ed. and trans. James H. Charlesworth, The Odes of Solomon, Scholars Press
240 . Odes Solomon 8.14-18. . S. A. Harvey, Feminine Imagery for the Divine. The Holy Spirit,
the Odes of Solomon, and Early Syriac Tradition, Saint Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 37 (1993), .
241 F. Crawford Burkitt, Early Eastern Christianity, St. Margret's Lectures, London 1904, . 81. Philip
Schaff and Henry Wace, Nicene and Post Nicene Fathers, Vol. XIII, B. Eerdmans Publishing Company,
Michigan 1979, . 345-352.
242 . John R. Wills, The Teachings of the Fathers, Herder, New York 1966, . 519.


. 243

, .
, , , .
, . 244

. ,
. 1.26,
, .

. 245
. 246

John R. Wills, The Teachings of the Fathers, . 255. Caroline Walker Bynum, The Resurrection of the
Body in Western Christianity 200-1336, Coloumbia University Press, New York 1995, . 75.
244 That the soul cannot see without the body's frame, the body itself persuades, since if the body
becomes blind the soul is blind in it, groping about with it; see how each looks and attests to the other,
how the body has need of the soul in order to live, and the soul too requires the body in order to see
and to hear., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on Paradise 8.4, . S. Brock, Crestwood St.
Vladimirs Seminary Press, New York 1990, . 132.
245 . S. Brock, The luminous eye: the spiritual world vision of Saint Ephrem, Cistercian Publications,
Kalamazoo l992, . 45-49, 60-72, 85-97.
246 O body, strip off the utterly hateful old man, he wear out again the new [garment] you put on
when you were baptized. For it would be the inverse of paying his due that he, if renewed, should
wear you out again. O body, obey my advice; strip him off by [your] way of life, Lest he put [you] on
by [his] habits., Hymns on Virginity 1, : K. McVey, Ephrem the Syrian, Paulist Press, New York l989,
. 261.


. 247

. .

corpus .

. ,
, . 248
. 249

, . 250

. Bou Mansour, La pense symbolique de saint phrem le Syrien, Bibliothque de l'Universit Saint
Esprit XVI, Kaslik 1988, . 78-82.
Rabbula. . Vita S. Rabbulae, ed. Paul Bedjan, Acta Martyrum et
Sanctorum 4, Hildesheim: Georg Olms, Leipzig 1968, . 396.
249 . Aphrahat, Demonstration 4.14. S. P. Brock, The Syriac Fathers on
Prayer and the Spiritual Life, Cistercian Publications, Kalamazoo 1987, . 1-28.
250 . Ephrem the Syrian, Letter to Publius 15, . S. P. Brock, : Le Museon 89 (1976),
. 261-305. Mathews and Amar, Saint Ephrem the Syrian: Selected Prose
Works, . 335-355. . Fathers of the Church 91, Catholic University of America Press,
Washington 1994, . 350.


. 251

. 252
, A . 6.19 253.
. , . 5 254,
. ,
, . 255
, ,
256 o .
, ,
, -. 258
, , /
. Edmund Beck, Die Theologie Des Hl. Ephraem, Studia Anselmiana 21 (1949), . 100-101.
Guy Noujaim, Anthropologie Et Economie De Salut Chez Saint Ephrem, PdO IX (1979-1980), .
313-315. Edmund Beck, Ephrems der Syrer, CSCO 419 (1980), . 1-20.
252 . S. Brock, The Luminous eye, . 36.
253 , ,
., A . 6,19.
254 ,
, . 5.
255 . S. Brock, The Luminous eye, . 37.
256 O Son of David, Thou art glorious, and [yet] the Son of Mary, who dost hide Thy beauty in the
inner chamber. To whom art Thou like, glad Babe, fair little One, Whose Mother is a Virgin, Whose
Father is hidden, Whom even the Seraphim are not able to look upon? Tell us whom Thou art like, O
Son of the Gracious!, Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on the Nativity 9.2, .., . 125.
, , G 46, 28 . . ,
, 1991, . 14. . ,
, .., . 83. , , ,
. , .
258 . Arthur Vbus, History of Asceticism in the Syrian Orient, CSCO 197/17 (1960), . 373.



. ,
. ,
, 259.

. , ,


. 261

. 262

. V. Corwin, Saint Ignatius and Christianity in Antioch, . 161. . ,

, PG 2, 891.
260 Ignatius of Antioch, Letter to the Trallians 9, ANF 1, . 70. . C. C. Richardson, The
Christianity of Ignatius of Antioch, . 28.
261 O , ,
: God then rendered his judgment against Eve saying: I will greatly
multiply your pains and your conceptions. With pangs you shall bring forth children. Even though she
would have given birth because she had received the blessing of birth..., Commentary on Genesis 2.30,
.., . 119. . Hymns on Paradise, .., . 220.
, , .

, , . .
, 1, 28.1, PG 7a, 690 3, 23.7-8, PG 7a, 964 C-965 B.
R. M. Grant , The heresy of Tatian, Journal of Theological
Studies 5 (1954), . 62-68.


2. .




. ,
: , , . ,

. '
, , .
, . ,

The soul is Your bride, the body Your bridal chamber. Your guests are the senses and the
thoughts. And if a single body is a wedding feast for You, how great is Your banquet for the whole
Church!, Hymns on Faith XIV.5 : S. Brock, Saint Ephrem the Syrian: Hymns on Paradise, .., . 28.
264 . Ephrem, Fifth Discourse to Hypatius, : Saint Ephraim's Prose Refutations of Mani, Marcion,
and Bardaisan, Text and Translation Society, London 1912.
265 . S. Brock, The Harp of the Spirit: Eighteen Poems of Saint Ephrem, Fellowship of St. Alban and St.
Sergius 1983, . 19.


. ,
, 266.

3. .

. Beck
. 267
, ,
, Publius,
, , , . 268


If the body grows deaf, the soul does too, and it grows delirious when the body reels with
sickness. Though the soul exists of itself and for itself, yet without its companion it lacks true
existence; it fully resembles an embryo still in the womb, whose existence is as yet bereft of word or
thought., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on Paradise 8.5, .., . 133.
267 Bou Mansour
. , ,
, , , ,
, . Bou Mansour

. . T. Bou Mansour, La pense symbolique de Saint phrem Le Syrien, Bibliothque de
l'Universit Saint-Esprit, Kaslik-Liban 1988, . 121-151.
268 Ephrem, Hymns on Paradise, . S. Brock, Les chants de Nisibe, d. by Paul Feghali and Claude
Navarre, Cariscript, Paris l989. . Saint Ephraim's Prose Refutations of Mani, Marcion, and Bardaisan,
ed. by C.W. Mitchell, vol. I., London 1912.


, o
269. ,
. ,
. 270

, .


. 1.26,

, .
If the soul, while in the body, resembles an embryo and is unable to know either itself or its
companion, how much more feeble will it then be once it has left the body, no longer possessing on its
own the senses which are able to serve as tools for it to use. For it is through the senses of its
companion that it shines forth and becomes evident., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on Paradise 8.6,
.., . 133.
270 Avenge, my Lord, the injustice, which happened at the house, Where she stayed, the soul as a
tenant. This was the rent she paid when she departed; She destroyed and devastated (the house), May
she enter it (the house, the body) again and live within it, once again, May she praise (him) in his
house and sing in his rooms! And may the people hear (once more, de nouveau) her voice from the
destroyed The soul, which allows him to participate in life, will move in his limbs, The movements of
her thought will move in his senses, The riches of her perfume will smell in his joints, And (the body)
will give back what he borrowed in order to reward her, Through him she will acquire her wealth,
Through him she will sing her praises, When (people) in Paradise encourage her toils and efforts.
Ephraim Syrus, The Nisibene Hymns 45. 2.3, CSCO 103, . 48.
271 That the soul cannot see without the body's frame, the body itself persuades, since if the body
becomes blind the soul is blind in it, groping about with it; see how each looks and attests to the other,
how the body has need of the soul in order to live, and the soul too requires the body in order to see
and to hear., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on Paradise 8.4, .., . 132.
272 ,
. . , , . ', . 367.


' ,
, ,
. 273
, .

' ,
, .
, ,

, .
, 275.

. A. H. Armstrong, Christian Faith and Greek Philosophy, . 46-47.

. , 5, 6, PG 7b, 1136 D-1137 AB.
275 '
, .

., , 5, 6.11, PG 7b,
1139 AB.


, ,
' .

, . 277

278, ,

. 279

Grossi ,
. 1.26, ,
, -,

. , , . . V.
Grossi, Anthropology Encyclopedia of the Early Church, Vol. 1, . 45. ,
4, 1.8, PG 7a, 976 C:

. . , 3.11, PG 8, 626
C-628 AB.


. ,
(, ),
4.12 ' 5.23. . ,
. ,
. . ,
, ' 5.23, G 124, 1324 D. . , 5,
6, 1. , , 10, PG 6, 460 .
. Vladimir Lossky : La diffrence entre les partisants du
trichotomisme et du dichotomisme se rduit, en somme, une question de terminologie: les
dichotomistes voient dans le une facult suprieure de l'me raisonnable, facult par laquelle
l'homme entre en communion avec Dieu, Thologie Mystique de l'glise d' Orient, d. du Cerf, Paris
2005, . 122. . Kamel Stephan, :



. 1.26,

281. ,
, .
, ,
, 282.
, .

, . 39. ,
, . . ,
, . ', . 247, , . ',
. 351.
279 My heart bursts forth the praise of the Lord, and my lips bring forth praise to Him. And my
tongue becomes sweet with His anthems, and my limbs are anointed with His psalms. And my face
rejoices in His exaltation, and my spirit rejoices in His love, And my being shines in Him., Odes Sol.
280 You looked upon the body, as it mourned, and on the soul in its grief, for You had joined them
together in love, but they had parted and separated in pain. Body and soul go to court to see which
caused the other to sin; but the wrong belongs to both, for free will belongs to both, Ephraim
Syrus, The Nisibene Hymns 69.3-5. . S. P. Brock, The Harp of the Spirit: Eighteen Poems of Saint Ephrem,
Fellowship of St. Alban and St. Sergius, London 1983, . 77.
281 I imagined that he was already there, but then I considered how the soul cannot have perception
of Paradise without its mate, the body, its instrument and lyre..., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on
Paradise 8.2, .., . 131.
282 When Adam was in all things complete, then the Lord took him and placed him in Paradise. The
soul could not enter there of itself and for itself, but together they entered body and soul, pure and
perfect to that perfect place and together they left it, once they had become sullied. From all this we
should learn that at the Resurrection they will enter again together., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns
on Paradise 8.7, .., . 133.



. 284
. 285
, ,
. ,

, .

But on the day of Resurrection the body, with all its senses, will enter in as well, once it has been
made perfect..., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on Paradise 8.7, .., . 133.
284 Although she was not in his mind with him, but she was in his body, and she was not only in his
body with him, but she was also in soul and spirit with him for God added nothing to that rib that He
took out except the structure and the adornment., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Commentary on Genesis
2.17, .., . 109.
285 Therefore, God did not bless Adam in Paradise, because that place and all that is in it is
blessed, Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Commentary on Genesis 1.31, .., . 95.


4. .

(, ), 4.12
' 5.23 286. ,
, .

. 287
. 288
, .
, , . ,
, ,
, , .
. , , ,

. D. Stniloae, Teologia dogmatica ortodoxa, vol. 1, . 379.

. Commentaire de l'vangile Concordant ou Diatessaron, Traduit du syriaque et de l'armnien, d. et
trand. par L. Leloir, SC 121, Cerf, Paris 1966.
288 . Tatian, Oratio ad Graecos and Fragments, Oxford Early Christian Texts, Oxford 1982.
289 . Commentaire de l'vangile Concordant ou Diatessaron, SC 121, A .
3.16, 6.19 . 6.16.


, .
, .
. 290
. 291 ,
, .
, ' .
, .
, ,


The soul, men of Greece, is not in itself immortal but mortal; yet it also has the power to escape
death. For it is ignorant of the truth it dies and is dissolved with the body, but rises later at the end of
the world along with the body, to suffer death by immortal punishment; On the other hand, it does
not die, even if it is dissolved for a time, if it has obtained knowledge of God., Oratio ad Graecos
and Fragments 13.1, M. Whittaker, Oxford Early Christian Texts, Oxford 1982.
291 . Tatian, Oratio ad Graecos and Fragments 13.1, 2.
292 . Aphrahat, On the Resurrection of the Dead, Demonstration 8.17-20, NPNF 13: And there
are those who even while they live are dead unto God. For He laid a commandment on Adam and
said to him, in the day that you shall eat of the tree, you shall surely die. Moreover, after he had
transgressed the commandment, and had eaten, he lived nine hundred and thirty years; but he was
accounted dead unto God because of his sins. But that it may be made certain for you that a sinner is
called dead even when he lives, I will make it clear to you.


: , ,

. 2.7,
. .
. Gavin,

; Gavin

, A . 15.44 293.
. ,

. ;
(' . 6.19)
, , ,
, A . 15.44.
294 Aphrahat, On the Resurrection of the Dead, Demonstration 8.24: For when our Lord instructed
Nicodemus, he did not apprehend the force of the saying. Then our Lord said to him: No one has
ascended into heaven, to come down and relate to you whatsoever is there. For if I have spoken unto
you of those things that are in the earth, and you believe not, how shall you believe if I shall speak
unto you of those things which are in heaven?....
295 . , , . ', . 261. .
, . ', . 324.



296. '


. ,
, , . 297
, , ,

, ,

. 1.27,
. 298

. . 1.27,


. , , . ', . 261-265.
Heard Death and Satan, as they disputed, which was the more powerful, among men. To Thee be
glory, Son of the Shepherd of All, Who delivered His flock from the secret wolves that devoured it, the
Evil One and Death..., Ephraim Syrus, The Nisibene Hymns 47.
298 . Saint Ephrem the Syrian, The Commentary on Genesis, vol. 91, . 94. .
S. Brock, St. Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns of Paradise, .., . 200.
299 When the hand of the Creator fashioned and formed the body so that it might sing hymns to its
Maker, this lyre was silent and had not voice, until at last He breathed into it the soul which sang
therein. Thus the strings acquired sound, and the soul, by means of the body, acquired speech toutter
wisdom., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on Paradise 8.8, .., . 134.



300 . 1.26 ,

. 301
, . 302
, ,
, ,

. 387
, .
277 , 52 , 6
, 4 , , . . S.
Tengstrm, ruah, Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament, G. J. Botterwech, 2004, . 13, .
365-396. Hans Walter Wolff, Anthropology of the Old Testament, Fortress Press 1974, . 32-39.
, ,
, ,
, ..
301 Far more glorious than the body is the soul, and more glorious still than the soul is the spirit, but
more hidden than the spirit is the Godhead. At the end the body will put on the beauty of the soul, the
soul will put on that of the spirit, while the spirit shall put on the very likeness of God's majesty.,
Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on Paradise 9.20, .., . 142.
302 Bou Mansour , ,
. . T. Bou Mansour, La pense symbolique de Saint Ephrem le Syrien, . 103. .
Denys Turner, The Darkness of God, Negativity in Christian Mysticism, Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge 1998, Clothing Metaphors as a Means of Theological Expression in Syriac Tradition, eds.
by M. Schmidt and C. F. Geyer, Typus, Symbol, Allegorie bei den oestlichen Vaetem und ihre Parallelen im
Mittelalter, Regensburg 1982, . 11-40. A. Kowalski, Rivestiti di Gloria Adamo ed Eva nel commenta
di Sancti Efrem a Gen. 2, 25, Christianismo nella Storia 3 (1982), . 41-60.


. 303

, .

5. - .


, ,
, ,
, ,

Far more glorious than the body is the soul, and more glorious still than the soul is the spirit, but
more hidden than the spirit is the Godhead. At the end the body will put on the beauty of the soul, the
soul will put on that of the spirit, while the spirit shall put on the very likeness of God's majesty.,
Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on Paradise 9.20, .., . 142.
304 Plotinus, On Beauty, Ennead 1.6, trans. by A. H. Armstrong, Plotinus I, Loeb Classical Library,
MA: Harvard University Press, Cambridge 1966, . 231-262. . Gary Gurtler, Plotinus and the
Alienation of the Soul in The Perennial Tradition of Neo-Platonism, ed. by John J. Cleary, Leuven 1997, .
305 I behold a dwelling there and a tabernacle of light, a voice proclaiming: "Blessed is the Thief who
has freely received the keys to Paradise." I imagined that he was already there, but then I considered
how the soul could not have perception of Paradise without its mate, the body, its instrument and
lyre. When the hand of the Creator fashioned and formed the body so that it might sing hymns to its
Maker, this lyre was silent and had not voice, until at last He breathed into it the soul, which sang
therein. Thus the strings acquired sound, and the soul, by means of the body, acquired speech to utter
wisdom., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on Paradise 8.2, 8, .., . 131, 134.


-, ,
3.28 307. 308.

o 309.




. Gary Anderson,
, , :
Celibacy or consummation in the garden. Reflection on early Jewish and Christian interpretations of
the garden of Eden, : Harvard Theological Review 82 (1989), . 121-148.
307 , ,
., . 3.28. . Ephrem of Syrian, Commentary on
Genesis 2.12-13, : Hymns on Paradise, . 205-206. . Etel Napel, Concepts of Paradise in the
seventh memra of the Hexaemeron by Emmanuel bar Shahhare, Studia Patristica 17/3 (1982), . 37.
, 81, PG 6, 496 - 800 .
308 .
. , 5,3, PG 7b, 1129 -1131 . . Cyril of Jerusalem,
Catechetical Lectures 18.13, : NPNF 2/7, . 137. . Aphrahat, Demonstrations 8.6: All
these things the Apostle said, while he was clothed in the flesh but was doing the works of the Spirit.
Thus also in the Resurrection of the dead, the righteous shall be changed, and the earthly form shall be
swallowed up in the heavenly, and it shall be called a heavenly body. And that which shall not be
changed, shall be called earthly., Aphrahat, Demonstrations 8.6, NPNF 2/13, . 376.
309 . Apostolic Constitutions 5.7, : ANF 7, . 440.
310 , , , 1.8, PG 6, 1093 -1096, Tatian, Oration
against the Greeks 5.3-6.2, Oxford Early Christian Texts, . 11, 13, Tertullian, On the resurrection of
the flesh 11, ANF 3, . 553, Ephrem of Syria, Nisibene Hymns 37.10, NPNF 2/13, . 199, Aphrahat,
Demonstrations 8.6, NPNF 2/13, . 376.


, .

. 312.

, 314.


, , .
. 315

' , , ,
, ' ,

., ,
69, 7-8 PG 6, 496 - 800 .
312 Tertullian, Against Marcion 5.20, ANF 3, . 473.
313 . Theodore of Mopsuestia, Commentary on the Lord's Prayer, and the Sacraments of Baptism and the
Eucharist 1, Woodbrooke Studies 6 (1933) 7, 4, . 54. Irenaeus, Proof of the Apostolic Preaching 42,
: ACW 16, . 74. Ephrem of Syria, The bones of the dead who are in Sheol now drink the dew of
life when they are named, being remembered before God at this moment [the Eucharist]., Armenian
Hymns 49.16, : Harp of the Spirit, . 82.
314 Let charity be portrayed in your eyes and in your ears the sound of truth. Imprint your tongue
with the word of life and upon your hands [imprint] all alms. Stamp your footsteps with visiting the
sick, and let the image of your Lord be portrayed in your heart. Tablets are honored because of the
image of Kings. How much [more will] one [be honored] who portrayed his Lord in all his senses.
Hymns on Virginity 2.15, : McVey, Ephrem, . 270.
315 B. S. Brock, The Luminous Eye, . 29-30.


. ,
. ,
24.45-51) (. 25.1-13)
. 317 ,
, . 318
; ,
, .

, . 319 ,

. S. Brock, The Luminous Eye, . 30.

. , phrahat, Demonstration VIII, ,
Demonstration XXII.
318 . K. Valavanolickal, The Faithful and the Wicked Servants (Mt 24.45-51) and The Ten Virgins (Mt 25.113). , The Use of the Gospel Parables in the Writings of Aphrahat and Ephrem, . 172-176.
319 Adam was heedless as guardian of Paradise, for the crafty thief stealthily entered; leaving aside
the fruit which most men would covet he stole instead the Garden's inhabitant! Adam's Lord came out
to seek him; He entered Sheol and found him there, then led and brought him out to set him once
more in Paradise., Hymns on Paradise 8.10, .., . 134-135.


. 320

. 321
, ,
, ,
. 322
, ,

. , :

. 323

Jacob of Serug, Homily 22, ed. P. Bedjan, Homiliae Selectae Mar Jacobi Sarugensis, Otto Harrasowitz,
Paris / Leipzig 1905, . 546. . S. A. Harvey, St. Ephrem on the Scent of Salvation, Journal of
Theological Studies 49 (1998), . 109-128.
321 Aphrahat, Demonstrations 6.14: and the trumpets shall sound, and the Spirit that waits for the
(resurrection) shout shall hear, and quickly shall open the tombs, and raise up the bodies and
whatsoever was buried in them, and shall put on the glory that comes with it. . Aphrahat,
Demonstrations 18.8, 22. Saint Ephrem the Syrian: Hymns on Paradise: That whole army dwelt in a single
body. A hundred times finer and more subtle are the bodies of the righteous when they are risen, at
the Resurrection: they resemble the mind which is able, if it so wills, to stretch out and expand, or,
should it wish, to contract and shrink if it shrinks, it is in some place, if it expands, it is in every
place..., Hymns on Paradise 5.8-10, .., . 105-106. . Caroline Walker Bynum, The
Resurrection of the Body in Western Christianity, Columbia University Press, New York 1995,
, . 71-78.
322 ,
. ,
: Hymns on Paradise, Augustine of Hippo, City of God 22.30.
, . . J.
Danilou, Terre et Paradis chez les Pres de l'glise, Eranos Jahrbuch 22 (1953), . 433-472.
323 . S. P. Brock, St. Ephrem the Syrian: Hymns on Paradise, Crestwood, St. Vladimir's Seminary Press,
New York 1990.


. ,
8 .


. ' ,
, .
. 326
, . , , , ,
. ,
I considered how the soul cannot have perception of Paradise without its mate, the body, its
instrument and lyre. That the soul cannot see without the body's frame, the body itself persuades,
since if the body becomes blind the soul is blind in it groping about with it; see how each looks and
attests to the other, how the body has need of the soul in order to live, and the soul too requires the
body in order to see and to hear. Though the soul exists of itself and for itself, yet without its
companion it lacks true existence; If the soul, while in the body, resembles an embryo and is unable to
know., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on Paradise 8.2b, .., . 132.
325 The soul could not enter there [into Paradise] of itself and for itself. Together body and soul
entered Paradise, together they left after the Fall, together they will enter again in the resurrection.,
Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on Paradise 8.9, .., . 134.
326 In Eden and in the inhabited earth are parables of our Lord. Who is able to gather the likeness of
the symbols of Him, all of whom is portrayed in all? In scripture He is written, in nature He is
engraved., Hymns on Virginity 8.2-3, McVey, Ephrem, . 298.


. 327 ,
. ,
, .
, , . 328
, : ,
, ,
. 329


. 330

Being unburdened, the senses stand in awe and delight before the divine Majesty., Saint Ephrem
the Syrian, Hymns on Paradise 9.6, .., . 138.
328 People behold themselves in glory and wonder at themselves, discovering where they are. The
nature of their bodies, once troubled and troublesome, is now tranquil and quiet, resplendent from
without in beauty, and from within with purity, the body in evident ways, the soul in hidden ways.,
Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on Paradise 7.12, .., . 123.
329 Do not let your intellect be disturbed by mere names, for Paradise has simply clothed itself in
terms that are akin to you; it is not because it is impoverished that it has put on your imagery; rather,
your nature is far too weak to be able to attain to its greatness, and its beauties are much diminished
by being depicted in the pale colors with which you are familiar., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on
Paradise 11.6, .., . 156.
330 Death was amazed at You in Sheol, that You sought Your garment and found [it]. O Wise One
Who lost what was found in order to find the lost!, Hymns on Virginity 30.12, : McVey, Ephrem, .


. 331
, .

. 332
, .
, , ,
. 333
, ,
, .


.. Hymns on the Nativity 3.16, 21, 25.14-15. The Lord who is beyond measure measures out
nourishment to all, adapting to our eyes the sight of Himself, to our hearing His voice, His blessing to
our appetite, His wisdom to our tongue., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on Paradise 9.27, .., .
144. Do not let your intellect be disturbed by mere names, for Paradise has simply clothed itself in
terms that are akin to you; it is not because it is impoverished that it has put on your imagery...,
Hymns on Paradise 11.6-8, .., . 154, 155.
332 Our Lord has become our living bread, and we shall delight in our new cup. Come, let us eat it
without investigation, and without scrutiny let us drink His cup. Who disdains blessings and fruits
and sits down to investigate their nature? A human being needs to live. Come let us live and not die in
the depth of investigation., Hymns on Virginity 16.5, : McVey, Ephrem, . 330.
333 Whoever has washed the feet of the saints will himself be cleansed in that dew; to the hand that
had stretched out to give to the poor will the fruits of the trees themselves stretch out; the very
footsteps of him who visited the sick in their affliction do the flowers make haste to crown with
blooms, jostling to see which can be first to kiss his steps., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on
Paradise 7.17, .., . 125.





, 337.
(. 1.31)
. ,
, . ,
, 338.

. . Tatian, Address to the Greeks 13.1-2, Oxford Early
Christian Texts, . 27, Address to the Greeks 15.1, Oxford Early Christian Texts, . 29, 31.
335 , .
. . Tatian, Address to the Greeks 15.1,
Oxford Early Christian Texts, . 29, 31.
336 . Tatian, Address to the Greeks 13.1, Oxford Early Christian Texts, . 27.
337 , 124.4, PG 6, 496 - 800 :
, ,
, , '
, ,
. ,
, 14.46, ..: ,
, , ' ,
. , '
, ;
.. . Tertullian, On the resurrection of the flesh 53, ANF 3, . 586, Against
Marcion 2.8, ANF 3, . 303, An answer to the Jews 2, ANF 3, . 152.
338 . Tatian, Address to the Greeks 11.1-2, : Oxford Early Christian Texts, . 23.


, 339.
, .
. 340, ,

. ,
, (. 1.5) 343,

, ,


, , 2.27, PG 6, 1093 -1096.

, , 2.25, PG 6, 1093 -1096.


, , 2.24,27, PG 6, 1093 -1096.

. Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Commentary on Genesis 2.17, . 108-109.
343 ,
, . 1.5.
344 . , 50, PG 1, 311 B 26.20.
345 ,
, .
, ' ,


, ,
. .

, . 347


, , .
, ,
, 350.

, ,
, ' , ,
2.11, PG 6.
346 .
, ' 18, 3.1, , 1,96:
, . '
347 . , 5, 30, PG 7b, 1203 BC.
348 . , 5, 30, PG 7b, 1203 BC.
349 ,
, ' ,
, '
., , 99, 3.3, PG 6, 496
- 800 . . 5. . L. Prestige, Hades in the Greek Fathers,
: Journal of Theological Studies 24 (1923), . 476-485.
350 Tertullian, A treatise on the soul 55, ANF 3, . 231, Irenaeus, Against Heresies 2.34.1, ANF 1, .



353. 354.



, ,
Tertullian, A treatise on the soul 7, ANF 3, . 187.
. . Letter to the Romans 4, ANF 1,
. 75, Tertullian, On the soul 51, ANF 3, . 228, On Monogamy 10, ANF 4, . 67.
353 A. C. Rush

. A. C. Rush, Death and burial in Christian Antiquity,
. 8-9, 12-13.
354 . . F.
Gavin, The sleep of the soul in the early Syriac Church, Journal of the Americal Oriental Society 40
(1920), . 103-120.
355 And the Apostle said: We shall all sleep, but we shall not all be changed. And again he said:
Concerning those that sleep, be not grieved.. . Aphrahat, Demonstrations 8.18, NPNF 2/13, .
356 . J. T. Darragh, The Ressurection of the flesh, . 120.
357 . F. Gavin, The sleep of the soul in the early Syriac Church, . 104.


, ,
, 358.
359. ,

. 361.
, ,

, .
, ,
. ,
, ,
. ,
363. ,

. S. P. Brock, Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on Paradise, . 56.

Isaac the Syrian, Homily 37, The ascetical homilies of Saint Isaac the Syrian, . 165-166.
360 Ephrem the Syrian, On the Transfiguration of our Lord and God and Saviour Jesus Christ, The
Sunday Sermons of the great fathers, Vol. 2, . 50.
361 Clearly, when they shall hear the sound of trumpet summoning them, and the cornet sounding
forth from on high, and the earthquake that shall be, and the tombs that shall be opened, then the
mighty ones shall arise in glory, and recount one to another in the tombs, Aphrahat,
Demonstrations 8.10, : NPNF 2/13, . 378. . Ephrem the Syrian, On Patience, the Second
Coming and the Last Judgement, The Sunday sermons of the great fathers, Vol. 1, . 12.
362 Hippolytus, A discourse on the end of the world, and on Antichrist, and on the second coming of
our Lord Jesus Christ 37, : ANF 5, . 251.
363 Tertullian, A treatise on the soul 43, ANF 3, . 222-223. . A treatise on the soul 44,
A treatise on the soul 45,
, : ANF 3, . 223.



. 364 . 365


. , 2.9, PG 8, 489 C.
Augustine, Sermon 221.3, FC 38, . 177.
366 ,

. . P. Yousif, Saint Ephrem on Symbols in Nature: Faith, the
Trinity and the Cross, Hymns on Faith 18.15, Eastern Churches Review 10 (1987) 1-2, . 54. .
Irenaeus, Proof of the Apostolic Preaching 73, ACW 16, . 95.


1. .

, , , ,

. , , .

. ,

, ,
' , ,
, ,

. , ,

, ,
, ,


). .

368. ,
. :
, . 369 ,
' , , - ,
, .
Sebastian Brock

n relation avec d'autres ralits qui le prcdent ou le suivent qui se situent au-dessus ou audessous de lui. Du point de vue phrmien, la cration est englobe dans deux grandeurs invisibles,
que son le Paradis et les enfers. Ces grandeurs sont parfois exprimes par des images cosmiques, "les
hauteurs" et "les profondeurs", qui le situent dans la continuit avec notre monde. . Bou Mansour,
La pense symbolique, . 149.
368 . N. Sd, Les Hymns sur le Paradis de Saint phrem et les Traditions Juives, Le Muson 81
(1968), . 455-501.
369 But because the sight of Paradise is far removed, and the eye's range cannot attain to it, I have
described it over simply, making bold a little. Resembling that halo which surrounds the moon we
should look upon Paradise as being circular too, having both sea and dry land encompassed within
it., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on Paradise 1.8, .., . 79.


, 372.


. 373
, .


Ephrem was deliberately going against some much more literalist views of Paradise that were
current in the early Christian period. . S. P. Brock, St. Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on Paradise, ..,
. 54.
371 What mouth has ever described Paradise, what tongue has told of its glory, what mind has
depicted its beauty? Indeed its hidden recesses cannot be scrutinized; I can only marvel at what is
visible, at those things which lie outside of Paradise, and so I realize how far I remain from its hidden
secrets., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on Paradise 10.1, .., . 147-148.
372 Joyfully did I embark on the tale of Paradise a tale that is short to read but rich to explore? My
tongue read the story's outward narrative, while my intellect took wing and soared upward in awe as
it perceived the splendor of Paradise not indeed as it really is, but insofar as humanity is granted to
comprehend it., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on Paradise 1.3, .., . 78.
373 I read the opening of this book and was filled with joy, for its verses and lines spread out their
arms to welcome me; the first rushed out and kissed me, and led me to its companion. The eye and the
mind traveled over the lines as over a bridge, and entered together the story of Paradise. The eye as it
read transported the mind; in return the mind, too, gave the eye rest from its reading, for when the
book had been read. I began to wander amid things not described. This is a luminous height, clear,
lofty, and fair: Scripture named it Eden, the summit of all blessings., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns
on Paradise 5.3-5, .., . 103-104.
374 With the eye of my mind I gazed upon Paradise; the summit of every mountain is lower than its
summit, the crest of the Flood reached only its foothills, Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on
Paradise 1.4, .., . 78-79.


, .


, .
, ,
. 377 378.

, .
, , 379.
. 380
. , , ,

...because the sight of Paradise is far removed, and the eye's range cannot attain to it, I have
described it over simply, making bold a little., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on Paradise 1.8, .., . 80.
376 The breath that wafts from some blessed corner of Paradise gives sweetness to the bitterness of
this region, it tempers the curse on this earth of ours., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on Paradise
11.10, .., . 157.
377 . S. Brock, Hymns on Paradise, .., . 192.
378 In the bridal chamber of such a person's heart, the Creator resides., Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on
Virginity XLIV.20, S. Brock, The Luminous Eye, . 104.
379 . Ephrem, Letter to Publius 2, : S. Brock, The Luminous Eye, . 58. . Fathers of the
Church 91, . 339.
380 , . . Schmidt, Altestamentliche Typologien Paradies
hymnen den von den Ephram Syrer, : Paradeigmata: Literarische Typologie des lten Testament,
Ducker und Humblot, Berlin 1989, . 55-82.
381 . Ephrem, Letter to Publius 2, S. Brock, The Luminous Eye, . 58. . Fathers of the Church 91,
. 339.


, ,
. 382

. 384


. 385
Brock ,
, 386.
, , .

. Ephrem, Hymns on Faith LXVII.8, S. Brock, The Luminous Eye. The Spiritual World of Saint
Ephrem, . 57.
383 . , P. Yousif, Approaches to Divine Realities in the Thought of St Ephrem of Nisibis,
: The Church I Love. A Tribute to Rev. Placid J. Podipara CMI, ed. J. Madey and G. Kaniarakath,
Kottayam 1984, . 54-69.
384 I saw there beautiful people and I were desirous of their beauty; and I saw the place of the good
where they were standing, and I was eager for their position. I saw their bridal chamber, which no one
who has not a lamp may enter; I saw their joy, and I myself sat down in mourning, not possessing
works worthy of that bridal chamber. I saw them clothed with the 'robe of light, and I was grieved
that I had prepared no virtuous raiment. . S. Brock, Ephrem's Letter to Publius, Le Museon 89
(1976), . 216-305. S. Brock, Clothing Metaphors as a Means of Theological Expression in Syriac,
: Typus, Symbol, Allegorie bei den stlichen Vtern und ihren Parallelen im Mittelalter, ed. M. Schmidt
and C. Geyer, Regensberg 1982, . 11-40.
385 If someone concentrates his attention solely on the metaphors used of God's majesty, he abuses
and misrepresents that majesty and thus errs by means of those metaphors ... Do not let your intellect
be disturbed by mere names, for Paradise has simply clothed itself in terms that are akin to you.
Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on Paradise 9.6-7, .., . 156.
386 . S. Brock, Saint Ephrem the Syrian: Hymns on Paradise, .., . 48.


). 387





. ,
, o


. S. Brock, The Luminous eye, .., . 29.

. ,
, .
, : Alan E. Bernstein, The
Formation of Hell. Death and Retribution in the Ancient and Early Christian Worlds, Cornell University
Press, New York 1993. , , .
: Martha Himmelfarb, Tours of Hell: An Apocalyptic Form in Jewish and Christian Literature, University
of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia 1983.

. . Jean Bottero, Mesopotamia: Writing, Reasoning, and the Gods,
trans. Zainab Bahrani and Marc Van De Mieroop, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago 1987, .
388 . McVey, Selected Prose Works, . 338. . S. P. Brock, Ephrem's Letter to Publius, Le
Museon 89 (1976), . 294. . Edmund Beck, Das Bild vom Spiegel bei Ephraim, Orientalia
Christiana Periodica 19 (1953), . 5-24.
389 In this mirror, Gehenna in flames can be seen by those who deserve to dwell there. In Paradise
there are joyous promises for the good as they wait for [the day] when they will receive their masters
with uncovered faces, Letter to Publius 9.3, : McVey, Selected Prose Works, . 340.
390 To everyone who peers into this mirror, his sins are visible in it. And everyone who takes careful
notice will see in it that portion which is reserved for him, whether good or evil., Letter to Publius
2, : Fathers of the Church 91, . 339.


391. ,

, ,



, 394,
395. ,

It is not that there really are a right and a left in that place, but rather these are names for those
who are honored among us and for those in our midst that are unworthy. Rather we reckon that there
is a throne for the Judge in that place and we call die place of the good "the right", while we label the
place of the wicked "the left." We call the good "sheep" because of their docility, and we call the
wicked "goats" because of their impudence. We call His justice "a balance" and His retribution to us
"the measure of truth., Letter to Publius 9.3, McVey, Selected Prose Works, . 347. . M.
392 And maybe it is that the Gehenna of the wicked consists in what they see, and it is their very
separation that burns them, and their mind acts as the flame. The hidden judge who is seated in the
discerning mind has spoken, and has become for them there the righteous judge, who beats them
without mercy with the torments of contrition. Perhaps it is this which separates them out, sending
each one to the appropriate place; perhaps it is this which grasps the good with its right hand
stretched out, sending them to that right hand of mercy; and it again which takes the wicked in its
upright left hand, casting them into the place called 'the left'; maybe it is this which silently accuses
them, and quietly pronounces sentence upon them., Letter to Publius, S. P. Brock, Le Museon 89
(1976), . 261-305.
393 The Nisibene Hymns.
394 I am afraid of both things, as well His death, as also His life. Then unto the Evil One His ministers
made answer and counseled Him. Though both these things be grievous, somewhat lighter to us is the
trouble, that we should choose His death rather than his life..., Ephraim Syrus, The Nisibene Hymns
35.15, 36.2, 37.7.
395 It shames me, says Death, that ye, have overcome me: the half of Sheol suffices not, to contain your
slain., Ephraim Syrus, The Nisibene Hymns 62.4.


. ,
, 396.

, .
, .
, 397.
, ,
, 398.
, 399.
, 400.
, 401.
, ,
I know how to weigh my sorrows with my comforts: in place of two, many are come and
coming..., Ephraim Syrus, The Nisibene Hymns 68.11.
397 Thou were well prepared for argument, what has checked thee? The truth of our resurrection has
constrained thee by its reputations., Ephraim Syrus, The Nisibene Hymns 68.16.
398 My throne was set for me in Sheol: and one arose that was dead, and hurled me from it. Every
man feared me alone, and I feared no man. Terror and trouble were among the living, rest and peace
among the dead. In a man that was slain! There has entered into Sheol He that takes her captive. I
used to take all men captive: the Son of Captivity Whom I took captive has taken me captive. He
Whom I took captive has led her away and is gone to Paradise., Ephraim Syrus, The Nisibene Hymns
399 With the locust thy plea is overthrown, and ended, O Death: for in coming forth from the dust it
teaches, the life from the dead. I had been content if already, the resurrection had been: for the day of
resurrection had disturbed me less, than your judgments., Ephraim Syrus, The Nisibene Hymns 65.2122.
400 While I was but desiring to wait patiently, till Adam should die: before I had power ye gave me
power, over your bodies. Cain with his sword overthrew, the gate of Sheol: for it was closed and
before the time, he first opened it., Ephraim Syrus, The Nisibene Hymns 61.10-11.
401 Moses, who instructs all men with his celestial writings, He, the master of the Hebrews, has
instructed us in his teaching the Law, which constitutes a very treasure house of revelations, wherein
is revealed the tale of the Garden described by things visible, but glorious for what lies hidden,
spoken of in few words, yet wondrous with its many plants., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on
Paradise 1.1, .., . 77.






405. .
, .

. Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on the Nativity 21.11, .., . 163.
It was the will of Him who gives life to all that shut him in Sheol: it was thou that called Him to
this, when thou maddest Adam sin, Ephraim Syrus, The Nisibene Hymns 53.26.
404 Our King living has gone forth and gone up, out of Hell, as Conqueror. Woe He has doubled to
them that are of the left hand; to evil spirits and demons He is sorrow, to Satan and to Death He is
pain, to Sin and Hell mourning. Joy to them that are of the right hand has come today. On this great
day therefore, great glory let us give to Him, who died and is alive that, unto all He may, give life and
resurrection!, Ephraim Syrus, The Nisibene Hymns 36.18. . Ephraim Syrus, The Nisibene
Hymns 70.23. Adam was heedless as guardian of Paradise, for the crafty thief stealthily entered;
leaving aside the fruit Adam's Lord came out to seek him; He entered Sheol and found him there, then
led and brought him out to set him once more in Paradise., Hymns on Paradise 8.10, .., . 134.
405 Better is it for me to fall and worship, before this Jesus Who has conquered me by His Cross.,
Ephraim Syrus, The Nisibene Hymns 38.5.
406 Our Lord subdued His might and constrained it, that His living death might give life to Adam.
His hands He gave to the piercing of the nails, instead of the hand that plucked the fruit: He was
smitten on the cheek in the judgment hall, instead of the month that ate it in Eden., Ephraim Syrus,
The Nisibene Hymns 36.1.


2. .

. , ,
. ,
, ,

, .
. ,

. 407
- .

. ,
. .
. ,


. S. Brock, The Luminous Eye, .., . 25.


, .
. ,
. ,
. 408

, .


, :
. ,

. Hymns on Paradise 1.1, .., . 77. . Kronholm, Motifs, . 67. .
: S. Brock, Introduction, Saint Ephrem of Syria: Hymns on Paradise, . 66-72.

: , , .
2006, . 47-50, , ,
1998, . 185-197.
409 , . S. Brock, Clothing metaphors as a means of theological expression
in Syriac tradition X, : Studies in Syriac tradition, Aldershot 1992.


410. ,
, .
. 3.21 411


, ,
, .
. 413
. ,
, . '


. S. Brock, Clothing metaphors as a means of theological expression in Syriac tradition.

412 It says 'The two of them were naked, but they were not ashamed'. It was not because they were
ignorant of what shame was that they were not ashamed ... It was because of the glory in which they
were wrapped that they were not ashamed. Once this had been taken away from them, after the
transgression of the commandment, they were ashamed because they had been stripped of it, and the
two of them rushed to the leaves in order to cover not so much their bodies as their shameful
members., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Commentary on Genesis 11.14, .., . 151.
413 . Hymnes de Saint phrem contre les Hrtiques 5.3, CSCO 169.
414 . I. , '
, . , 1998.


. ,
, ,
, ,
. 415,
, 416, 417,

419. ,
. 420
11 421.
For, it is clear that the serpent, which did not have the mind of man, did not possess the wisdom of
mankind. Adam was also greater than the serpent by the way he was formed, by his soul, by his mind,
by his glory, and by his place., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Commentary on Genesis 2.15, .., . 107.
416 God created the tree of life and hid it from Adam and Eve. This was so that the tree would not
cause any great struggle with them by its beauty and thus double their agony. In addition, it was not
right that they heed a commandment from Him who could not be seen for the sake of a reward that
was before their eyes., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Commentary on Genesis 2.17, .., . 109.
417 For, since Eve had just been created, she did not yet know what hunger was, nor had she yet been
engaged in any inner struggle caused by the beauty of the tree., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Commentary
on Genesis 2.18, .., . 110.
418 , . . B. Mansour, La libert chez Saint phrem le
Syrien, PO 11(1989), . 89-156.
419 . Hymnes de Saint phrem contre les Hrtiques 5.13, CSCO 169.
420 The names that Adam bestowed should be sufficient to convince us of [the level of] his wisdom.
He will till it and keep it, should make known to us Adam's strength. The law that was set for them
testifies to their full maturity and their transgression of the commandment should bear witness to
their arrogance., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Commentary on Genesis 2.14, .., . 106.
421 1. O notre mdecin; guris notre libert. Par toi, elle est gurie; par toi, elle est pardonne. Ne
manque pas de l'aider. En toi tient sa sant. (La libert) est un grand don par lequel tu nous exaltes
Au-dessus des mers prisonnires de leurs limites (Ps 104,9), Au-dessus de la terre, du ciel, des
montagnes. Ceux-ci sont fort petits, car ils n'ont pas (de libert/ R. Par la libert, tu exaltes, Seigneur,
Le petit corps plus que toutes les cratures. 3. Les impies et les chaldens Ont, par leur libert, aboli la


. 422.
, , ,

, .

, 423.
, , ,

424. , , 425,
, , .

libert. (D'aprs eux), l'existant mauvais est plus fort qu'elle; Et le destin, par sa violence, se l'assujettit.
Montrons que sa puissance (de la libert) rgne sur toute chose, Que le Seigneur (par elle) met en
mouvement les choses bonnes et mauvaises (Is 45,7) Et qu'il n'y a pas face elle d'existant mauvais. La
violence du destin ne peut s'opposer elle. R. Bni soit le Crateur de la libert Qui lui donne le
pouvoir sur elle-mme. 4. Qui pourrait dissimuler la libert? Elle brille comme le soleil dans le
firmament. Qui pourrait nier sa puissance? Sa force ressemble celle de Dieu. Elle est si visible que ses
dtracteurs sont ses hrauts. Elle est si lumineuse que ses calomniateurs l'acclament. Sa parole est
brve, son approche agrable. Son nom est honor plus que l'univers entier. Bni soit celui qui tressa
les commandements. Pour que la libert soit couronne par eux. Bni soit celui qui multiplia les justes
Pour tre les tmoins qui proclament la libert., Hymnes de Saint phrem contre les Hrtiques 11,
CSCO 169.
422 . Hymnes de Saint phrem contre les Hrtiques 12.15-20, CSCO 169.
423 . Ephraim Syrus, The Nisibene Hymns 43.3-14.
424 The Just One did not wish to give Adam the crown quite free, even though He had allowed him to
enjoy Paradise without toil; God knew that if Adam wanted he could win the prize. The Just One
ardently wished to enhance him, for, although the rank of supernal beings is great through grace...,
Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on Paradise 12.18, .., . 161.
425 The effortless power, the arm which never tires, planted this Paradise, adorned it without effort.
But it is the effort of free will that adorns the Church with all manner of fruits. The Creator saw the
Church and was pleased; He resided in that Paradise which she had planted for His honor, just as He
had planted the Garden for her delight., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on Paradise 6.10, .., . 109.


426 .
, 31 427.

Indeed, that Will for whom everything is easy constrains these abundant fountains of Paradise,
confining them with land, like water channels; He summoned them to issue forth in our direction, just
as He bound up the waters [ Prov 30:4 ] in the bosom of His clouds, ready to be sent forth into the
atmosphere at the bidding of His Will., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on Paradise 2.11, .., . 86.
427 Le (Dieu) juste aurait pu par la violence Nous rendre beaux sans effet, mais il fit effort de toutes les
Faons Pour que nous soyons beaux par notre volont, pour que nous dessinions Nous-mmes notre
beaut Avec les couleurs que notre libert assemble. Et quand il nous ornera, nous ressemblerons alors
l'image Qu'un autre (Jsus) formera et ornera par ses couleurs. Hymns on Faith 31.5,
. : P. Feghali, Les origines au monde et de l'homme dans l'uvre de Saint phrem, . 178.


3. .

, ,
. , ,
. O , ,


, 428.



: .

. , , 48, . ',
. 272-273. . . ., . , . 207, 231.
429 . , , . ', . 369.
430 . , , . ', . 71.


431. '

. , 432.

433. ,
. 434
, : .
. ,
, ,
, 435.
. .., . ', . 71.
. ., . ', . 76. . , . ', . 250: ;
433 Voici l'homme mis en accusation par ce que l'criture enseigne et la nature proclame; son pch est
plac entre les deux. Car si (le pch) sduit quelqu'un qui ignore la Loi, c'est la nature qui l'accusera
(Rom 2,4) et s'il sduit quelqu'un qui connat la Loi, c'est l'criture qui le rprimandera. Satan nous
cause des blessures, et nature et criture nous gurissent; faisant suite au pch, les remords se font
jour., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymn on Virginity 1.3.
434 . Hymnes de Saint phrem contre les Hrtiques 28.4, CSCO 169.
435 If [Eve] had been victorious in that momentary battle, in that brief contest, the serpent and that one
who was in the serpent would [still] have received the punishment that they received, while she,
together with her husband, would have eaten of the tree of life and would have lived for even Along
with this promised life that [Adam and Eve] would have acquired, they would also have had by
Justice all that had previously been given to them by Grace., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Commentary on
Genesis 2.18, .., . 110.
436 But when Adam boldly ran and ate of its fruit this double knowledge straightway flew toward
him, tore away and removed both veils from his eyes; he beheld the Glory of the Holy of Holies and
trembled; he beheld, too, his own shame and blushed, groaning and lamenting because the twofold
knowledge he had gained had proved for him a torment., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on
Paradise 3.7, .., . 91.


, .
438. 3
. ,

440. ,


Adam went astray and left the Garden of Life; the cherub became a fence. Both boundaries were
set by the hand of our Lord, but at the Resurrection they both entered: Moses, into that land, and
Adam into Paradise., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on Paradise 4.6, .., . 99.
438 . Commentary on Genesis 2.35, .., . 122. When the accursed one learned how the glory of
that inner Tabernacle, as if in a sanctuary, was hidden from them, and that the Tree of Knowledge,
clothed with an injunction, served as the veil for the sanctuary, he realized that its fruit was the key of
justice., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on Paradise 3.5, .., . 91.
439 . P. Feghali, Les origines au monde et de l'homme dans l'uvre de Saint phrem, . 195: 1.Celui qui
ouvre les yeux peut voir Adam et ve Et le serpent plein d'astuces, la perfidie dans le cur, La paix
sur ses lvres. En soufflant, il sduit Adam enfant et ve innocente. (Il peut voir aussi,) l'arbre brillant
et le fruit resplendissant La grande faute d'Adam et la justice pure et forte (de Dieu) Bni est celui qui
mle le flot De sa misricorde son jugement juste et prend piti des pcheurs... 2.Qui peut regarder
un couple honorable subitement dpouill de ses vtements! Tandis que le Mauvais se lve, le visage
rayonnant de joie Le Bon regardait et observait. Qui peut ne pas pleurer Quand il voit Adam abaiss,
Et le pur qui se colle des feuilles pour cacher son infamie? Bni est celui qui prit piti de lui par les
feuilles; II lui envoie un habit de gloire pour sa nudit. 3. Qui peut expliquer cet arbre qui perd ceux
qui le cherchent? (Arbre,) qui est un signe mystrieux: cach aux yeux, il fatigue les chercheurs. Il est
le signe de la connaissance et de l'ignorance; est la cause de la connaissance par laquelle l'homme sait
Quel don il perd, quelle punition il introduit! Bni est le fruit qui mlange la connaissance de l'arbre
de vie dans la vie des mortels.
. . B. P. Prusak, Woman:
seductive siren and source of sin. Pseudepigraphal myth and Christian origins, : Religion and
sexism. Images of woman in the Jewish and Christian traditions, R. R. Ruether (ed.), New York 1974, . 89116.


441, 442, 443,

( )
; 446

447 . 2.14 448 , ,
( ),
, .
, .

. De Ecclesia XXXVII.3, CSCO 198, : S. Brock, The Luminous Eye: Spiritual World Vision of
Saint Ephrem the Syrian.
442 . De Ecclesia XLV.2.
443 . De Ecclesia XLVIII.1.
444 . De Ecclesia XXXVII.6.
445 . S. Brock, , : ntroduction, Saint Ephrem, Hymns on
Paradise, . 22-25. .: . Salvesen, Themes in
Ephrem's Exodus commentary, The Harp vol. IV, 1, 2, 3 (July 1991), . 21-34.
446 . ,
, (. 180 . .),
, : ,
. .,
. . , 25.26.
448 , , . 2.14.


, , ,
. ,
450, 451,


. ..
.. 453. ,
454. ,
. , ,
, 456.

Travail Adam on the woman brought, that from him had come forth. She today her travail
ransomed, who to her a Saviour bare..., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on the Nativity 1.62, .., .
450 Adam had trampled down that gentle and pleasant boundary, so instead God made for him a
boundary guarded by force. The mere words of the commandment had been the boundary to the Tree,
but now the cherub and the sharp sword provided the fence to Paradise [Gen. 3.24]., Saint Ephrem
the Syrian, Hymns on Paradise 4.1, .., . 97.
451 He received the foolish who worshipped and served all the stars; He renewed the earth which
was worn out through Adam, who sinned and waxed old., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on the
Nativity 12.8, .., . 135.
452 Since Adam brought into the world the sleep of death by sinsthe Wakeful came down that He
might awake us from the deep sleep of sin., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on the Nativity l.16, ..,
. 65.
453 . S. Brock, The luminous eye, . 32.
454 . . Kronholm, Motifs from Genesis 1-11, . 105-107.
455 The serpent which made him fall saw to what height he was raised: he crushed it because it
deceived him; the feet of Eve trod it down, which had sent venom into her ears. The wife proved
barren, and withheld her fruit; but the bosom of Mary, holily conceived. To wonder at fields, and to
admire plants she needed not who received, and rendered what she borrowed not. Nature confessed


, 457. ,
, ,
, , ,
, 458.
, , ,

: , ,
. , ,
, ( )
its defeat; the womb was aware of it, and restored what Nature gave not., Saint Ephrem the Syrian,
Hymns on the Nativity 16.16-17, .., . 156.
456 Adam had been naked and fair, but his diligent wife labored and made for him a garment covered
with stains. The Garden, seeing him thus vile, drove him forth. Through Mary Adam had another
robe which adorned the thief; [Luke 23:43] and when he became resplendent at Christ's promise, the
Garden, looking on, embraced him in Adam's place., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on Paradise 4.5,
.., . 90.
457 In her virginity Eve put on the leaves of shame: Your Mother put on in her Virginity the garment
of Glory that suffices for all. She gave the little vest of the Body to Him that covers all..., Saint
Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on the Nativity 12.3, .., . 134.
458 . De Ecclesia XXXVII.1-6.
459 . De Ecclesia XVII.l.
460 Let women praise Her, the pure Mary, that as in Eve their mother, great was their reproach, in
Mary their sister, greatly magnified was their honour., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on the
Nativity 15.23, .., . 145.
461 Travail Adam on the woman brought, that from him had come forth. She today her travail
ransomed, whom to her a Saviour bare! To Eve our mother a man gave birth, who himself had had no
birth. How much more should Eve's daughter be believed to have borne a Child without a man! The




, 463

465. .
, . ,

466. , 467,
. 3. ,
virgin earth, she bare that Adam that was head over the earth! The Virgin bare today the Adam that
was Head over the Heavens., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on the Nativity 1.14, .., . 65.
462 T. Kronholm, Motifs from Genesis 1-11, . 81.
463 . . Kronholm, Motifs from Genesis 1-11, . 81, . 106. . Murray, Symbols, . 302303.
464 . T. Kronholm, Motifs from Genesis 1-11, Contra Haeresis 8.5, . 82.
. Contra Haeresis 8.6, T. Kronholm, Motifs from Genesis 1-11.
466 . N. Aschkenasy, Eve's journey, feminine images in Hebraic literary tradition, Philadelphia 1986, .
467 . Murray, Symbols, . 304-305.
468 . Murray, Symbols, . 306.


, , .
, , 469.
. 3,

, 472,

If the serpent had been rejected along with sin, Adam and Eve would have eaten from the tree of
life and the tree of knowledge would not have been withheld from them; from the one they would
have gained infallible knowledge and from the other they would have received immortal life. They
would have acquired divinity with their humanity, and if they had acquired infallible knowledge and
immortal life, they would have possessed them in those same bodies. Thus, by its counsel, the serpent
brought to nought everything that was soon to have become theirs. The serpent made them think that
they would receive these things when they transgressed the commandment so that the transgression
would be committed and they would not receive what they would have received if they had kept the
commandment., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Commentary on Genesis 2.23, .., . 114.
470 . S. Hidal, Interpretation Syriaca, . 83-86.
471 . B. P. Prusak, Woman: seductive siren and course of sin, R. R. Ruether (ed.), Religion and
sexism, images of woman in the Jewish and Christian traditions, New York 1974, . 89-117.
472 Satan the tyrant outwitted Samson with a woman, [Judges 16] the same tyrant outwitted Adam
with a woman: Samson had to grind at the mill, [Judges 16:21] Adam had to labor wearily on the soil;
Samson prayed to be released, whereas we pray to grow old in our misery. Blessed is He who
delivered Samson, releasing him from the grinding., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on Paradise
13.12, .., . 169.
473 . De Ecclesia XLV.1.3.
474 The serpent which made him fall, saw to what height he was raised: he crushed it because it
deceived him; the feet of Eve trod it down, which had sent venom into her ears., Saint Ephrem the
Syrian, Hymns on the Nativity 16.16, .., . 144. So too the serpent spoke in order to test the ears of
Adam and Eve: their ears heard two voices, and at the voice of the bitter one they held the Sweet
One's to be false. The serpent served as a garment for the evil one to put on: on seeing the innocent
ones he became full of guile, he prepared a cunning trap for the hearing of the young couple. In their
simplicity they listened to his words eagerly, for he made a show of his care, but hid well his guile.,
Hymns on Paradise 15.13, .., . 182.


, .
, ,
. . 6
. 3.


() . 478
, ,
, ,
. ,
. ,

T. Kronholm, Motifs from Genesis 1-11, . 100, . 35.

. De Ecclesia LXVII.2.
477 . De Ecclesia XLIX.7.
478 . De Ecclesia XXVII.6.


, ,
, ,

. ,
, 483.

: .484

If God gave you the woman, O Adam, He gave her to you to help you, not to cause you harm, and
as one to be commanded, not one to give command., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Commentary on Genesis
2.27, .., . 118.
480 Instead of the reed which the former people made the Son hold, others have dared with their reed
to write in their tracts that He is only a Son of man. Reed for reed does the wicked one exchange
against our Redeemer, and instead of the coat of many colours, wherewith they clothed Him, titles has
he dyed craftily. With diversity of names he clothed Him; either that of a creature or of a thing made,
when He was the Maker., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on Faith 7.5.
Satan the tyrant outwitted Samson with a woman, [Judges 16] the same tyrant outwitted Adam
with a woman: Samson had to grind at the mill, [Judges 16:21] Adam had to labor wearily on the
soil..., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on Paradise 13.12, .., . 170.
482 The evil one mixed his cup, proffering its bitterness to all; in everyone's path has he set his snares,
for everyone has he spread out his net; he has caused tares to spring up in order to choke the good
seed..., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on Paradise 9.2, .., . 153.
483 He withheld from them one tree, only enough for them to be under a commandment. God gave
them all of Paradise so that they would be under no constraint to transgress the law., Saint Ephrem
the Syrian, Commentary on Genesis 2.17, .., . 109.

When the serpent and that one who was in the serpent heard that [Adam and Eve] were permitted
to eat from any of the trees of Paradise and that only one had been withheld from them, they seemed
covered in shame for they saw no opportunity to offer their counsel., Saint Ephrem the Syrian,
Commentary on Genesis 2.19, .., . 111.


; ,
, .

4. .

. , ,

. , ,
. . ,
, ,

After spoke about the creation of the swarming things and of the birds and the sea serpents on the
fifth day, he turned to write about the creeping things and the animals and the beasts that were
created on the sixth day., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Commentary on Genesis 1.27, .., . 93.
486 , , 1970, . 26. . Piet Schoonenberg, Man and
Sin, Transl. by Joseph Donceel, University of Notre Dame Press, 1965, . 1. . George Florovsky,
Creation and Redemption, Belmont Mass. 1976, . 247.
487 . . , , . , 1992, . 157.
488 . , ..., . ', . 316. .
, , . ', . 56.
489 . , , . ', . 267.


, ,
, ,
, . ,
, 490. ,
. ,
. ,
, .
, ,

. , .
, ,
. ,
. 491
, ,
Even Satan, who was created, along with his deep abyss, within those six days, was fair until the
sixth day, like Adam and Eve who were fair until they transgressed the commandment. Satan, who
secretly became Satan on that sixth day, was, on that same day, secretly judged and condemned. For
God did not wish to make known Satan's condemnation, in the presence of those who had not even
perceived that he was the tempter. Remember, the woman said,"the, serpent, "and not Satan, deceived
me.", Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Commentary on Genesis 2.32, .., . 121.
491 They began one by one to relate all whatsoever they had endured. Sin and Hell were terrified:
Death trembled and the dead rebelled; and Satan because sinners rebelled against him. R., To You be
glory because the Evil One saw You and was troubled! Sin cried aloud; she gave counsel to her sons, to the
demons and the devils, and unto them she said, Legion the head of your ranks is not, the sea has
swallowed him and his company, Ephraim Syrus, The Nisibene Hymns 35.1-2.
492 Sink in the dregs of Gehenna, O Satan! Who sank Jeremiah in the mire of the pit. Daniel escaped
from the pit, whither you cast him: may he have comfort in seeing you, in the furnace forever! Be your


, , ,
493. ,
, ,
. , ,
495. :
, , ,
, .
, .
. ,

. ,
wickedness returned on your head, Hater of man: as his wickedness was returned on the head, of
Haman your fellow! May the King's Bride mock you, as did Esther: when you beseech her in the
judgment day, to plead for you! Fire released the righteous ones, whom you had bound: a mighty
bond be to you, the flame of fire! Be torn in sunder, and may the seven brothers, see your defeat: the
sons of Shemuni who by your wolves, were torn in sunder!, Ephraim Syrus, The Nisibene Hymns 57.
493 ecause you deceived those who rule over all the beasts. Instead of being clever than all the beasts
yon will be more cursed than all the beasts and "on your belly shall you go" because you brought birth
pangs upon the race of women..., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Commentary on Genesis 2.29-30, .., .
494 Let the ass put the serpent to shame with its brief words: it spoke the truth, while from the serpent
issued falsehood; it turned aside to turn away greedy Balaam who had gone awry. The serpent too
turned aside, and caused us to go aside to our destruction; it made crooked our thoughts, and so God
made crooked its path; the course it travels indicates how it turned our road., Saint Ephrem the
Syrian, Hymns on Paradise 15.16, .., . 183.
495 God then rendered his judgment against Eve saying, "I will greatly multiply your pains and your
conceptions. With pangs you shall bring forth children" Even though she would have given birth because
she had received the blessing of birth along with all the animals., Saint Ephrem the Syrian,
Commentary on Genesis 2.30, .., . 119.


. ,
, ,
. ,
, . ,
, ,
, ,
E ,
.499 ,

, 500.
, .

After Cain had killed his brother, he persuaded his parents with lies that Abel had entered
Paradise because he was pleasing to God., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Commentary on Genesis 3.5, .., .
497 ,
, , '
, ' .
, , ' .
, ,
., . 2.9-15.
498 . Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on the Nativity 2.7, 17.4, .., . 77.
499 . 3.17-19. Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Commentary on Genesis 2.31, .., . 120: ...Adam did
not escape direct punishment by the fact that the earth received this curse. God also decreed against
him These things will come upon you "until you return to the earth from which you were taken. Because
you have despised the commandment which now could have given you eternal life through the fruit
of the tree of life which would have been lawful for you to eat..
500 . , , . ', . 69,72.


. ,
, .
. .
. 501
. , ,
. 502
, ,
, .
. 503
t was perhaps due to convention that it is said to water, since the spiritual trees of Paradise had no
need of water. But if [someone should say that] because they are spiritual, they drink from the blessed
and spiritual waters there, I would not quarrel over this., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Commentary on
Genesis 2.6, .., . 100.
502 In the temperate atmosphere that surrounds its outer boundary the months that pass by there are
also temperate..., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on Paradise 10.2, .., . 147.
503 Therefore, God did not bless Adam in Paradise, because that place and all that is in it is blessed.
However, God blessed him on the earth first so that by that blessing with which [His] grace blessed
beforehand, the curse of the earth, which was about to be cursed by [His] justice, may [thus] be
diminished. But even though the blessing was one of promise, in that it was fulfilled after his


: ,
, ,
, ,
. :
9 ,
. ,
. ,
504. o

expulsion from Paradise, His grace, nevertheless, was of actuality, for on that same day., Saint
Ephrem the Syrian, Commentary on Genesis 1.31, .., . 95.
504 In the world there is struggle, in Eden, a crown of glory. At our resurrection both earth and heaven
will God renew, liberating all creatures, granting them paschal joy, along with us. Upon our mother
Earth, along with us, did He lay disgrace when He placed on her, with the sinner, the curse; so,
together with the just, will He bless her too; this nursing mother, along with her children, shall he who
is Good renew., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on Paradise 9.1, .., . 186.
505 . 8.18-25: , , ,

. ,
; , . . Saint Ephrem the
Syrian, Hymns on the Nativity 1.16, .., . 65: The virgin earth gives birth to that Adam, head of the
earth. The Virgin today gives birth to second Adam, head of heaven.


, ,
, ,
, .


. ,



. . . , , . , 1992, . 39 .. . .
, ( ), . .
, 1985, . 202 .
507 . . . , . , . .
, 1986, . 36 .., 113 ..
508 . , 4, 38, 1, PG 7a, 1106
509 . , 11, PG 8, 233 :
' .
, ( )
, , , ,
, , . .
, , 1, 2, PG 8, 253 .


, .

. ,
, .

, .

, ,
. .
, .


1. , .

. ,
, . 510,
, ,

, ,
, , ,
, , ,

But God removed the Shepherd of the flock from it for forty days, which the flock might show that
its trust was fixed upon the calf. While God was feeding the flock with all delights, it chose for itself as
its Shepherd the calf, which was not able even to eat. Ephrem, Homily on Our Lord, 18.2, Translated by
E. G. Mathews and J. P. Amar : Selected Prose Works of St. Ephrem of Syria, Fathers of the Church
91, Catholic University, Washington 1994, . 293.
511 . S. Brock, The Luminous Eye, . 40, 99-114.


, .

, '
' . ,

, 514
515. , ,
, 516. ,
3.27 517.
, .

. , , . ', . 199.
. ..., . ', . 18 , . ', .
81. . , . ', . 43. '
, . ', . 239.
513 . Dumitru Stniloae, Theology and the Church, Trans. Robert Barringer, New York 1980, . 193-94.
. . ,
, 1956, . 65.
514 . John of Dalyatha, Letter 37.2, : Patrologia Orientalis 39.
515 The bosom of Mary amazes me, that it sufficed for You, Lord, and embraced You. All creation
were too small, to conceal Your Majesty; Heaven and earth too narrow, to be in the likeness of wings,
to cover Your Godhead. Too small for You was the bosom of earth; great enough for You was the
bosom of Mary. He dwelt in the bosom and healed in her bosom., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on
the Nativity 16.11, .., . 144.
516 How shall I open the fountain of milk to Thee, O Fountain? Or how shall I give nourishment to
Thee that nourishes all from Thy Table? How shall I bring to swaddling clothes, One wrapped round
with rays of glory?, Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on the Nativity 4.18, .., . 91.
517 , ., . 3.27.




. ,
, ,
, .

. ,
, 521.

As the Lord put on Adam bodily, so too did Adam put on the Son spiritually. Christ put on
Adam's body in Mary's womb, and Adam put on that choice robe of glory. . B. L. van Helmond,
Masud de Tour Abdin: un mystique syrien du XVe sicle, Louvain 1942, . 7 .
519 The daughter gave support to her mother who had fallen, and because she had clothed herself in
fig leaves of shame her daughter wove and gave to her a garment of glory. In Mary there has come
hope for the female sex: from the insults they have heard and the shame they have felt she has given
them freedom; they are no longer subject to blame., : Sebastian Brock, Bride of light: hymns on
Mary from the Syriac Churches, Saint Ephrem Ecumenical Research Institute, Kottayam 1994, . 36.
520 n sait que, lorsquAdam pcha et quil fut dpouille de la gloire qui le revtait, il couvrit sa
nudit par des feuilles de figuier. Notre-Seigneur vint, et il subit des tourments pour gurir les plaies
dAdam et donner un vtement de gloire a sa nudit!, phrem de Nisibe, Commentaire de lvangile
concordant ou Diatessaron, 16.10, SC 121, Les ditions du Cerf, Paris 1966, . 287.
521 Free will succeeded in making Adam's beauty ugly, for he, being human, had sought to become a
god. Grace, however, made beautiful his deformities and God came and Himself became a human
being. Divinity flew down to draw humanity up, for the Son had made beautiful the servant's
deformities, and so he became a god, just as he had desired!, Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on
virginity 48.15-18.


. , ,
, 523.
525. ,
, 527.
528. ,
, , ,
. 529

. , ,
, ,

. , ..., . ', . 134: . ' ,

, .
523 . , , . ', . 403. .
..., . ', . 404. . o , . ', . 437.
524 . , , . ', . 362. . , . ',
. 361.
525 . , , . ', . 403. .
..., . ', . 405. . , . ', . 371.
526 ,
. . PG 7, 1161 -1162 .
527 . , , . ', . 196.
528 He gave us divinity, we gave Him humanity., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on faith 5.17.
529 :
. . , 54, PG 25, 192 , 2, 59, PG 26,
273 .


530 , .
Sebastian Brock,

. 531
. ,
, ,

. 6

: .

. ,

. Edmund Beck, Hymnen contra Haereses XXV.1, XXVII.3, : Edmund Beck, Das Bild vom Weg
mit Meilensteinen und Herbergen bei Ephrm, Oriens Christianus 65 (1981), . 1-39.
531 . S. Brock, The Luminous Eye: Spiritual World Vision of Saint Ephrem the Syrian, . 28-29.
532 The creation conceived His symbols; Mary conceived His limbs. Therefore many wombs brought
forth the Only-Begotten. The belly brought Him forth by travail, and the creation also brought Him
forth by symbols. He put on one body of limbs and another of glories., Hymns on Virginity 6.7-8, :
Ephrem the Syrian Hymns, translated and introduced by Kathleen E. McVey Paulist Press, New York
1989, . 290.
533 Kathleen E. McVey, Ephrem the Syrian, : Encyclopedia of Early Christianity, 2nd edition,
Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, ed. Everett Ferguson, associate eds. Michael P.
McHugh, Frederick W. Norris, Garland, New York 1997, . 1233.
534 Edward G. Mathews, General Introduction, : Kathleen E. McVey, Ephrem the Syrian, Selected
Prose Works: Commentary on Genesis, Commentary on Exodus, Homily on Our Lord Letter to Publius, trans.
Edward G. Mathews, Jr. and Joseph P. Amar, Fathers of the Church, Vol. 91, . 52.


, , ,
535. (. ) 536.

(. 2.9),
, '

. Robert Murray
, 539.
. ,

He put on a body ( ,
, : ). . Sebastian P. Brock, The Luminous Eye: The Spiritual
World Vision of Saint Ephrem the Syrian, . 39.
, Sebastian P. Brock, Clothing Metaphors as a Means of Theological Expresin in
Syriac Tradition, : Typus, Symbol, Allegorie bei den stlichen Vtern und parallelen im Mittelalter,
Schriftenreihe der Katholischen Universitt Eichsttt Band 4 Abteilung Philosophie und Theologie, ed. Margot
Schmidt with Carl Friedrich Geyer, Verlag Friedrich Pustet, Regensburg 1982, . 11-38.
536 . , , . ', . 205. .
..., . ', . 140.
537 . , , . ', . 411.
538 . , ..., . ', . 159:
. . , ...
. . , . ', . 106.
539 . Robert Murray, The Theory of Symbolism in Saint Ephrem's Theology, PdO 6/7, 1975/1976, .





, ,
. ' , ,
Kathleen McVey,
. 541 ,


, ,
Who, being a mortal, can tell about the Reviver of all, Who left the height of His majesty and came
down to smallness? You, Who magnify all by being born, magnify my weak mind that I may tell of
Your birth, not to investigate Your majesty, but to proclaim Your grace. Your grace made you a
human being. Your majesty contracted [and] stretched out. Blessed is the Power that became small
and became great!, Hymns on the Nativity, 23.1-35, .., . 187-188.
541 . McVey, Ephrem the Syrian, Encyclopedia of Early Christianity, . 1235.
542 . McVey, Selected Prose Works, . 285.
543 . , , 54, PG 25, 192 , 2, 59,
PG 26, 273 .


- ,
. ,
. ' ,
. ,

, ,



, 547.
. Edmund Beck, Des Heiligen Ephraem des Syrers Paschalhymnen, CSCO, Vol. 247, Peeters,
Louvain 1964, . 1.
545 In January when seed hides in the earth, the Staff of Life sprang up from the womb. In April when
the seed springs up into the air, the Sheaf propagated itself in the earth., Saint Ephrem the Syrian,
Hymns on the Nativity 4.31-32, .., . 92.
546 But let us sing the birth of the First-Born how Divinity in the womb wove herself a garment. She
put it on and emerged in birth; in death she stripped it off again. Once she stripped it off; twice she
put it on. When the left hand snatched it, she wrested it from her, and she placed it on the right
hand., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on the Nativity 21.5, .., . 98.
547 Pourquoi le Seigneur a-t-il revtu une chair? Pour que la chair elle-mme goute la victoire, et les
hommes connaissent et comprennent les dons de Dieu. Car lhomme en qui Seigneur s est humilie est
plus grand que celui en qui habitait au moment de la premire gloire dAdam..., phrem de Nisibe,
Commentaire de lvangile concordant ou Diatessaron, 1.1, SC 121, . 41.



. 549
. ,
, ,

, ,
: , .

, ,
. 5 15, 550
. , ..., . ', . 54
..., . ', . 135:

. .
. ..., . ', . 158.
. ', . 132: .
549 . Saint Ephraim's Prose Refutations, Society, London 1921.
, ,
, . ,



. ,
, .


, 554.
, ,


., . 5, ,
, ., A . 15.
551 . Edmund Beck, Die Mariologie der echten Schriften Ephrams, Oriens Christianus 40(1956), .
22-39. Robert Murray, Mary, the Second Eve in the Early Syriac Fathers, Eastern Churches Review
3(1971), . 372-384.
552 . . , , , . 69,
(1986), . 23. . , ' ,
.., . 46-47.
553 . , 100, PG 6, 712 :
, , .
554 . , 5, 19, 1, PG 7a, 1175 . Robert Murray, Mary, the Second Eve
in the Early Syriac Fathers, ECR, T. 3, No 4 (1971), . 374-377, 380.



, ,
/ /.
556. ,


, ,

Sebastian Brock

. 558
, 559.

My brothers, sons of Eve, hearken to the story of our mother who became old, who was surpassed
by Mary. [Eve] opened the stopped mouth of Death, and opened the sealed gate of Sheol, and trod out
a new way to the grave., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on the Church 47.11, : McVey, Selected
Prose Works, . 284-285.
556 ici en effet, il est question de lhomme et de femme. De mme que, pour ve, Adam remplit le
rle du pre et de la mre, ainsi Marie pour Notre-Seigneur., phrem de Nisibe, Commentaire de
lvangile concordant ou Diatessaron 2.3, SC 121, . 67.
557 . McVey, Hymns, . 65.
558 . S. Brock, The luminous eye, . 32.
559 . phrem de Nisibe, Commentaire de lvangile concordant ou Diatessaron 2.3, SC 121, . 60-61.




, '

, ,
. 561
, .
, ,
. . ,



. , , . ', . 362.
. S. Brock, Clothing Metaphors, . 12.


2. .

, .

. ,
, Brock,
. 562

, ,
, ,
: , ,
. 564 ,

. S. Brock, Clothing Metaphor, . 20.

, ,
, . . The
life of Anthony 74, : NPNF 2/4, . 215. Prudentius, Psychomachia 76-86, Loeb I, . 285. Gregory of
Nazianzus, Oration 1.5, NPNF 2/7, . 203. Maximus the Confessor, Letter 24, PG 91, 609 C.
564 , 5, 1.1, PG 7b, 1120:
, .
, 54, PG 25, 192 :
, ,
. ,
, .


565. ,
(. )
, ,


, .
, ,
, ,
, .

. , , . ', . 343.
. , , . ', . 139. . ,
. ', . 179: .
567 . I. , ',
.., . 155. . Stephan, Kamel, :
, , 2005, . 128.
568 , 5, 1.5, PG 7b, 1120.
569 . , 3,20, PG 7a, 943 BC.
570 , ,
, , ,
, , ,
., , 5,10, PG 9, 101-102 A.


571, ,
( ) 572 .


, ,

. .



(. 1.26-27).


' , , '
, ,, ,
, , , ,
., , 2, 19, PG 8, 1040 B.
572 . , 2, 19, PG 8, 1040 B.
573 . , VI, l, PG 5, 724 C.
., , II, PG 5, 721 .




, ,
, ,

, .
. ,
' ,
., , 54, PG 25, 192 .
576 ad the serpent been rejected, along with sin, they would have eaten of the Tree of Life, and the
Tree of Knowledge would no longer have been withheld from them. From the latter they would have
acquired infallible knowledge, while from the former they would have received immortal life. They
would have acquired divinity in humanity. And had they thus acquired infallible knowledge and
immortal life, they would have done so in this body., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Commentary on
Genesis 2.23, .., . 114.
577 But she did not say these things whereby she might have defeated the serpent; but instead she
fixed her eyes on the Tree, thereby hastening her own defeat. Thus, following her desire and enticed
by the divinity which the serpent had promised her, she ate furtively, away from her husband. Only
subsequently did she give it to her husband, and he ate with her. Because she had believed the


, 578.
, ,
, ,
. ,
, , /
, , ,
, , , ,
. ,
, -, 580,
serpent, she ate first, imagining that she would return clothed in divinity to her husband whom she
had left while still a woman. She hastily ate before her husband so that she might become head over
her head, and that she might be giving orders to him from whom she received orders, seeing that she
would become senior in divinity to Adam to whom she was junior in humanity., Saint Ephrem the
Syrian, Commentary on Genesis 2.20, .., . 112.
578 Whoever has eaten of that fruit is granted a perception which either delights him or fills him with
abhorrence. The serpent incited them to eat in sin, so that they might sorrow: although they had
glimpsed the blessed state, they could not partake of it. Like that hero of old (Tantalus), whose
torment was doubled because, although ravenous, he could not taste the delights he beheld., Saint
Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on Paradise 3.8, .., . 92.
579 The Most High knew that Adam had wanted to become a god, so He sent His Son who put him on
in order to grant him his desire., Ephraim Syrus, The Nisibene Hymns 69.12.
580 When they had buried Thee, if they had neglected Thee and left Thee, and gone, there would have
been room to lie [and say] that they did steal, O Quickener of all! When they craftily sealed Thy
sepulchre, they made Thy Glory greater., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on the Nativity 8.2, .., .
120. Bridegrooms with their brides rejoiced. Blessed be the Babe, whose Mother was Bride of the
Holy One! Blessed the marriage feast, whereat Thou was present, in which when wine was suddenly
wanting, in Thee it abounded again!, Hymns on the Nativity 6.14, .., . 110.



, .
( ,
), ( , ,
), ( ), , ,
, .
, ,
, 582.

: ,
. :
. ,

Free will succeeded in making Adam's beauty ugly, for he, a man, sought to become a god. Grace,
however, made beautiful his deformities and God came to become a man. Divinity flew down to draw
humanity up, For the Son had made beautiful the deformities of the servant and so he has become a
god, just as he desired., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on Virginity 48.15-18.
582 Far more glorious than the body is the soul, and more glorious still than the soul is the spirit, but
more hidden than the spirit is the Godhead. At the end the body will put on the beauty of the soul, the
soul will put on that of the spirit, while the spirit shall put on the very likeness of God's majesty.,
Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on Paradise 9.20, .., . 142.
583 God in his mercy called mortals gods through grace., Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on Faith


, . ,
, ,
, .
, .
, , .


: ). , ,
, ).

. ,
, . '

, .

' .
, ,


. ,
, , .
, , , ' '
. ' '

. , '
' , .

. ,
' ,





, , . -. ,
. , ,
, '
, , 1994.
, .
. , ..., 1965.
, , 11.24-25, PG 6, 1093 -1096.
, ' 5.23, G 124, 1324 D.
, , PG 8 9.
, , PG 8.
, , PG 8.
, , PG 5.
, ', ', ,
, , PG 6,
496 - 800 .
, , PG 25.
, , PG 34.
, , PG 67.



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