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Guided Reading Lesson Plan

You will create a guided reading lesson plan appropriate for students in second through fifth grade. Begin by choosing the level of reader
(transitional, self-extending, or advanced). Consider the characteristics of those readers when planning your lesson.
(1) Description of Reading Group Include the grade level (2nd through 5th) as well as the reading level (transitional, self-extending, or advanced).
My reading group includes four 5th grade students with reading levels ranging from 4.2-6.0. My group is considered to be self-extending with
very little reading difficulties.
(2) Quality literature- Include the title, author, genre, a short summary in your own words, and the readability of the text.
We will be reading Chapter 7 of Bud, Not Buddy by Christopher Paul Lewis. This is a historical fiction novel that takes place during The
Great Depression. Chapter 7 is where Bud walks into the library to see Ms. Hill and the library informs him that Ms. Hill has moved away to Chicago
and gotten married. Bud and the librarian discuss walking to Chicago, however the librarian is quick to tell him that its not possible. They added up
the time and it was going to take Bud 54 hours to walk. Bud was disappointed and walked out of the library and back to his tree.
(3) Lesson focus Describe the strategy/skill that you are targeting.
My lesson will focus on reading comprehension, annotating, and questioning.
(4) Formative assessment- Describe how you will assess students during the guided reading lesson. What behaviors will indicate that your students
get it? What behaviors might indicate that they need further instruction?
My assessment includes both questioning and annotating. The students will be asked to annotate at least 1-2 times on each page of chapter 7.
They will also be given two sticky notes at the end of the reading where they are required to write at least two questions modeled from the QAR
questioning method the author and you. If the students follow these instructions then they will be checked off as getting it. If a student has
trouble with annotating or questioning, I will pull them to the side and teach in further detail until they understand the material.

Title: Bud, Not Buddy

Teaching for
Processing Discussing


Level: 5th



Activate/Provide background
Help students make connections
Share thinking
Make predictions
prompt for, or reinforce the
effective use of processing strategies
word solving, searching for and using
information, maintaining fluency, detecting
and correcting errors, summarizing, and
Gather evidence of comprehension by
observing what students say about the
Invite students to pose questions and
clarify their understanding.
Revisit the text to demonstrate, reinforce,
or provide explicit instruction of strategic

Use writing, drawing, or extended talk

to explore any aspect of understanding
the text.


Date(s): Wednesday February 11, 2015

Mrs. Klopper will start by welcoming the students and thanking them for being a part of her group. She will
then explain that we will be working on our reading comprehension, questioning, and annotating this
morning. She will then ask the students to recall what happened in chapter 6. Together as a group we will
make connections between chapter 6 and chapters 1-5. What has remained the same? What has changed and
why? Mrs. Klopper will then have the students make predictions about chapter 7 as well as share their
The students will follow along as Mrs. Klopper reads, while annotating at least 1-2 places on each page and
they will think about any questions that they may have. When the chapter is finished, we will discuss the
annotations and come up with at least two QAR questions per student. While reading the text, Mrs. Klopper
will stop and ask what the students think will happen to Bud next. She will also ask questions regarding how
Bud feels at that point in time and where they think Bud will wind up.
What happened in chapter 7 of
Bud, Not Buddy?

Tell me how Bud felt when he

What did the writer mean by
heard of Ms. Hills marriage.
average male human gait on
page 58 of the text?
Solving Words
Monitoring and checking
Making connections
Search for/ use information
Maintaining fluency
Adjusting Reading
The students will show their knowledge of annotating by having 1-2 annotations per page of the given
chapter. The students will also come up with at least 2 QAR questions each on Chapter 7 of which they
will share and we will answer as a group.

Teach word analysis, letter-sound

relationships, analogies, or breaking words
apart. (text specific/not word study)

Mrs. Klopper



Suggested Teaching Points



Genre: Historical Fiction

Group Members: Gerardo-4.6


February 2015

Title: Bud, Not Buddy

Genre: Historical Fiction

Level: 5th





Date(s): Wednesday February 11, 2015

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