Browntroyedu352 Asignment Final Project

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Running Header: Online Plagiarism

Online Plagiarism

EDU352 Foundation of Educational Technology

Troy Brown

Professor Sill

2 March 2015

Online Plagiarism

Online Plagiarism

The topic I chose was online plagiarism. This is a topic that if a very interesting topic to
me because the information that is available at the tips of everyones finger tips. In certain topics
there are so many information that you have to be careful that you are not using someone elses
work. This is something that scares me because I have read much information and sometimes
the information that I think I present as my own thoughts might not be my own personal
thoughts. I have also been accused of online plagiarism at a previous educational institution.
This accusation, I did fight and one the argument because they accused me of online plagiarism
in a fill in the blank assignment. I won my appeal because they answer I found were correct and
the assignment did not identify that I could not reach out to other sources. So when it comes to
assignments now you have to be very careful what you determine as what your release as your
Plagiarism is wrong and something that is using someone elses work as your own and
not giving them proper credit. This is unacceptable. If you use someones information and dont
give them credit they deserve then to me that is considered stealing and you should be punished.
I do understand the amount of information that is online and available it is very hard but it is
your responsibility as a student to keep that information straight and to give credit where credit is
due. However, with the amount of information that is out of the web it is very hard for anyone to
make that information is a person own thoughts. I think the use of blogs and website where
someone can type what individual is thinking and then reading it and then using it in your own
papers it could be very easy to do. There are great website available to ensure that you are not
using someone else work such This website checks the authenticity of papers and
makes sure that you are not plagiarizing someones work.

Online Plagiarism

Best Plagiarism Checker & Proofreader. (n.d.). Retrieved March 2, 2015, from
Plagiarism Checker. (n.d.). Retrieved March 2, 2015, from
Recognizing Top Turnitin Educators and Students. (n.d.). Retrieved February 24, 2015, from
Anti-Plagiarism Strategies. (n.d.). Retrieved February 24, 2015, from
Educational CyberPlayGround's PLAGIARISM DETECTION: Catching Digital Cheaters. (n.d.).
Retrieved February 24, 2015, from
Plagiarism. (n.d.). Retrieved March 2, 2015, from

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