Organized Summary - CN 1

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Target: Son and HS are inauthentic beings (161-190)

Titles / Activities / Will Community of Nature


Infinity (345)
o Measure implies limite (341-358)
o Causation is from but also with (357)

Distinction Created / Uncreated (267-294)

Divine Paternity (145 previ Maspero) Superiority to Gift

Cannot use categories of greater and lesser (167)

o Time (176)
o Sequence (200)
o Origination (215)
Mode of birth no variation (465), Adam and Abel (497)
Natural relation (498)
Individual, Unity of Being (503)
o Goodness (235-236)
o Simplicity (240)

Uncreated (371)
Relation is Inserterd into the Immanece Maintiains identity
(147 prev)
Relational Terms (568-574)
- Son means intimate relationship (295)
- 317-328, 334,335?
- Likeness of nature (412-413)
God always himself (592)
o Always Father(590-591)
- Double meaning (604)
o Divine begetting (627)
o Before, in Father always implies the son (630-633)
Distinzione Ipostatica (386 CN II) (152 previ) Relation of Origen Puts
relation into being

Ad Ablabium : sabe apophatic how it is not what it is (157)

Limit Silence Relationship Recognize not Know 178

o Being is known by activity (426), no knowledge of Father (438

For the Nyssen, apophatism presents a negative defense against
rationalism, but it has a positive character at the same time, in that
it centers its attention on the personal dimension (G. Maspero,
). 751 preview


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