The Auditor Devotional

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The Auditor

Therefore, the kingdom of heaven is like a king who wanted to settle accounts with His
servants MATTHEW 18:23, NIV
Given human ethics and morals, the question of stewardship is frequently a sticky one. Is
a particular financial picture exactly what it appears to be, we ask? Or is there a hidden agenda?
For this reason, the occupation of auditor of accounts is a useful and indeed a very necessary
profession. Money and property can so distort judgment that is absolutely mandatory to have
someone wholly impartial to look at the records, do the arithmetic, and offer an opinion.
There was a woman named Bien who has work for many years in Africa with her
husband, who is a mission auditor. Indeed, she herself strayed from her original job of English
teaching to help him in his work. Her husband had a client named Zacchaeus also called Client
Z who was short on the cash count. He lived off government revenue, and his books never
balanced. Cash would be missing, and some cash receipts never got recorded. Knowing his
habits, people labeled him thief. Then one day the Auditor came to town. He was just passing
through, so this was unannounced, unscheduled visit. Client Z had made no plans, no
preparations for this event. But when the news spread everywhere something stirred within him.
He wanted to see the Auditor. See Him not talk with or visit with him.
We all know the rest of the story about Client Z. How he and the Guest even did
lunch together, and how things changed after the Auditor made His recommendations. Like
Zacchaeus, people also need to have their accounts looked at. The systems of internal control
require regular adjustment. Some of peoples business practices may have strayed far out of line,
especially if they have not been audited.
Any devoted Christian, high or low, to whom God has committed responsibility
should be able to anticipate his or her heavenly audit with joy, not panic. Such is the policy of the
company that the Auditor will ultimately examine everyones accounts and the implications are
I will not postpone my appointment with You, my Lord.
Please examine my accounts today and advise me

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