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3rd Annual Trash-to-Treasure-Tribute

Brought to you by Friends of Flagstaffs Futures CARES program and AZVAs

Service-Learning Class with funding from City of Flagstaff Arts and Science Grant
(City of Flagstaff BBB Revenues, Flagstaff Arts Council, Flagstaff Community
Foundation local business, community members, and the in-kind donations of
materials and physical support from our volunteers and students.
Community partners include The City of Flagstaff, Friends of Flagstaffs Future Speak
Up Team, Hozhoni Art Gallery 13th Annual Recycled Art Competition, The Girl Scouts
of America, AmeriCorps, Sambatuque, Circus Bacchus and more.
Mission: Our mission is to host free educational community workshops focusing on
Service and Art. EDUCATION: understand the cycle of trash: Where does our trash
come from and where does it go? SERVICE: examine the effects of trash on our
environment, infer the need to act and engage in removing or stalling the filling of
our lands with still useful stuff. ART: create art in a multitude of ways from our
refuse and display it for our community at the City of Flagstaffs Earth Day
Celebration on April 18th, 2015 in conjunction with Global Youth Service Action Days.

Vision: The method our community uses and disposes of materials is crucial
to many points of our economic and environmental future. We envision
Flagstaff to be a leader in sound economic and environmental practices and
to do so the sustainable use and disposal of materials must be our goal. We
believe it is critical to develop a sustainable materials management system
for Flagstaff that fulfills human needs and prospering, which uses less
materials, reduces toxic pollution and recovers more of the materials used
for upcycling. By upcycling recovered materials we can first and foremost
stall or even eliminate the route of used materials into an unsustainable
system. By encouraging upcycling we reduce the tax on our citizens to pay
for filling the land or sending the used materials to recycling facilities, we
create new business, and we stimulate the creative minds of our community
to act civically responsible.
3 main events for Earth Day April 18th, 2015, 11:30-4:00pm in Flagstaff, AZ:
1. Arizona Upcycled Fashion Extravaganza: This event will feature 5
professional AZ upcycled fashion designers displaying 5 of their
creations to walk the runway. Fashion designers will be on site with a
booth of their artistic upcycled fashion items for sale. This recycled
runway will be followed with an amateur repurposed Dont Pitch It
Stitch It Fashion competition. We will be hosting workshops with
several groups, individuals, businesses and schools as we teach the
cycle of trash, identify what our city collects to recycle, repurpose

clothes, design new outfits and create them from items that might
otherwise end up in a landfill. Judges and audience will choose their
favorites to win awards and prizes.
2. Upcycled Musical Mayhem: Brad Bays and the Upcycled Orchestra will
build professional upcycled instruments and perform their landfill
lyrical performance for our 3rd Annual Tribute. They will also perform at
the opening night for the 13th annual Recycled Art Exhibition at the
Hozhoni Art Gallery. In addition, we will be hosting free community
workshops where participants will learn the cycle of trash, identify
what our city collects to recycle, design and construct musical shakers
and simple drums from upcycled materials. Participants will have the
opportunity to perform with Sambatuque, a Brazilian drumming group,
and Circus Bacchus, Flagstaffs own circus during Earth Day 2015!
3. Build a Bag Exhibition-community art installation: As the city of
Flagstaffs Sustainability Department has announced the proposal of a
plastic bag ban at the point of sale (to join 172 US cities and the entire
state of California in a move towards civic responsibility) we join this
effort to make a collective impact of environmental service. We will be
hosting free community workshops to Build a Bag. Participants will
learn the cycle of trash, identify what our city recycles, understand the
impact of plastic bags, design and construct shopping bags from
upcycled materials, and finally display their work as a community art
exhibition for the 3rd annual tribute to trash.
You can choose to participate in any of the above 3 events by joining a free
community workshop or requesting your own private workshop for your friends or
group. Participants will learn about their trash and make art from it.
1. Build-A-Bag: Make a bag from upcycled materials to be displayed in our
Community Art Installation for Earth Day (all bags will be returned).
2. Bag-Monster-Mash: Build a bag monster costume from plastic single use
grocery bags to wear and dance with our musicians on Earth Day.
3. Dont Pitch it Stitch it!: Make functional fashionable wear from your
refuse. Enter the Earth Day Amateur Upcycled Fashion Extravaganza Contest
to win fabulous prizes.
4. Repurposed Musical Mayhem: Construct simple drums or shakers and
perform with our musicians on Earth Day
Free Community workshop details TBA!
All workshops are Service-Learning events. Service: dealing with trash in a more
productive way, working with underprivileged populations to bring the higher level

of human needs, the arts, into an attainable reality for all. Learning: we teach an
interdisciplinary curriculum that unfolds at each workshop and is aligned to AZ State
College and Career Ready Standards.
To request a workshop please send your name, group details, preferred workshop
theme, preferred dates and times to Leslie Fox, 928-525-4395 or We will try to accommodate all requests.

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