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PRACTICAL CENTRE (KARACHI) VISIT US AT: HTTP://WWW.PHYCITY.COM XIlPhysies Chaipter# 13 Paget 28 13.15 MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (SELF PRACTICE IL EROICE QUESTIONS (SELF PRACTICE): Electric Current: 6 Q.1 An cleciric current a caused by the motion of: * Electric discharge Electric charge * Volt * None of these Q.2 The rate of transfer of charges through a circuit is called: (2006) * Resistance Current * Potential difference” eyo" All of these Q.3 Electrical conductors contain: co (2003 P.E) * Only free electrons * Only bound electrons WBoth free and bound electrons —_* Neither bound nor free eléciroiis Q-4 Ifa net charge Q passes through any cross section of a condugfrsin time t, then the electric current established through the conductor is, ws al? aa we v er QS. The S.I unit of current is: * Electron volt» # Volt “Ampere + Voltage Q.6 The current duc to flow of charge at the rate of ene coulomb per second is “called: i < * Electron volt - * Volt Ampere * Voltage Q.7 Chatge carrier in Metallic conductors are-the electrons of: Valence shells * Allshells , tatited states _* Inner shells Q.8 | Free electrons in an Electric ficld maves from: * All potentials . * High Potential to low potential 5 Tow potential to high potential * None of these Q9_ The drift velocity is of the orderof: * 10° ms! *10' ms 810? ms! TO" ms” -1 2.0 x 10° electrons pass-through a conductor in 5.0us. Electronic charge is 1.6 10%. The curreditih ampere following through the conductor is: T16XIOSA *26x10%A 43.6x106A 64x 108A 1, Which of the follwing represents and electric current: FERC! eS? ‘ast * Dyne S* Q.12. If 1:ampere‘current flows 2m long conductor, the charge flow through this is Lhoir will be: 3600 C #7200 C “1c *2C Ohm’s Law: Q.13 The current flowing through a conductor is directly proportional to the potential difference across its ends, provided the physical state of the conductor remains constant this is * Newton’s Law * Coulomb’s Law * Maxwell’s Law ®Ohm’s Law Q.14 Symbolically Ohm’s Law can be written as: ALL tre Ww ttaet av I ¥ To ¥ I 7 al Q.15 In the relation I= KV, K stands for: ¥Tonductance * Resistivity * Specific Resistance * Permeability: PRACTICAL CENTRE (KARACHI) VISIT US AT: HTTP://WWW.PHYCITY.COM 2aLPnysies Chapter# 13 Pages 29 | Q.L6 Ohm’s Law is obeyed in: (2003 P.E) * A semiconductor * A metallic conductor * An electron tube Yin all of these Q.17 The graphical representation of Ohim’s Law i *Hyperbola—* Ellipse *Parabola — U*’Straight Line Q:18 TER is the resistance of the conductor, then Ohm's Law can be written as: rye eya=k * 1 = voy vat Vv MV =IR Resistance and Resistivity: 5 Q.19 ‘The measure of the opposition to the motion of electrons due to their. continuous ‘bumping with the atom of the lattice isthe: * Resistance, + Friction * Voltage..." * Work Q.20 The S.Lunit of resistance: * Volt * Ampere *mho | ohm Q.21 If current of 1 ampere flows through. a condhictor whefe ® potential of | volts applied across its ends, then resistance of thé cbhductor is: *00hm 1 Ohm *2 Ohm *3 Ohm Q.22 The symbols of Ohm i >) a “B ty Oe wa Q.23 A sample of conductor is said to obey Ohm's aw ifits resistance R: * Increases : ‘tDeticases Var Remains constant None of these Q.24 Resistance of conductor depends ug * The potential difference betwemits ends * The magnitude of the curreft flowing through it “The nature only \ | \\\ ‘ hhe nature, dimensiogrand physical state-of the conductor Q.25.A' wire of length tSand resistance R ig cut into four equal’ pieces. Resistance of eabh piece would be: : > *R OreR sop vk 2 4 .26 The resioide oF a eonductor of length L, cross-sectional area A and resistivity p is given by: L e A

* Resctafce Q.38 When the temperiitire of a conductor ® faised its resistance: ways decreases MAlways increases * Remains the sarie’ 2% * First increases and then decreases 2.39 The resistrice of the coniiictor increases due to the rise of temperature of a ‘conductor, becausé the collisiomcross section of the atoms: * Decreases 20) "Increases s <“* Remains unchaliged©, ~ _.* sometime increases ahd sometime decreases Q-40 The température co-etficient of resistivity-of a material is given by the relation: Fee . O° wat = (r= Po) = PAT obo aa "= po (PF po) /AT *"'* <= AT (r= poo. Q.41 The temperature co-efficient of resistance ofa material is given by the relation: weg BeeRy) Rar PRAT. (Re-Ro) $e eR, + 2 ATR, Ro) ewe (R,-R,)aT Ry -AP The S.1 init of the temperaiife co-efficient of resistivity of material is: “* Ohm ~ m. wO8K eK « “Ohm ~K Resistance in Series: 2-43 If the resistance are connected ‘tnd to”end such that the same current passes through all of them, then they are said to be connected: ** Parallel YSeries * Not in Series * Neither in Series nor parallel PRACTICAL CENTRE (KARACHI) VISIT US AT: HTTP://WWW.PHYCITY.COM XILPhysies Chaptort 13 Page# 31 Q.44 If equivalent resistance R of the resistance Ry, Ro. Ry is series is R = Litt LR RR eg +See RHR +R) RRR: 1 R, RR, RR, 2h SRR Q.45 The potential difference across each resistance in series combination is: * Same Different * Infinity * Zero Q.46 When the resistance are connected in series, the equivalent resistance is always: v*Greater than the greatest resistance in series * Equal to the greatest resistance in series * Less than the largest resistence in se * Less than the smallest resistance in series Q.47 Whicw the resistors are comiected in series then: y-The total current through each is'the same * The voltage across éach is the same * The total resistance is thé Sum of the reciprocals of the individual * The total resistance is the product of the individual resistors Q.A8 Resistors of 2 ohm. 3 ohm, 4 ohm and 5 ohm are congo&iéd in series. If the current through the 2 ohm resistor is one ampere the current throughthe other resistors will be: ampere ¥Tampere ——* 14.ampere\”—* 0.1 ampere A’piece of wire of length “L” and an area of tfoss-section “A” has a resistance “R”. Another piece of wire of the same matefial and the same length but twice the’area of cross-section is connected .end-t6-end with the previous wire. The effective resistance is *R 2k WTR *12R Q.50 If Net resistance of resistors inéf¥ases, then resistors are in: * Parallel combination ‘W-Series Combination imultaneously in serieS and in parallel combination ther in series or in(parallel combination O51 nay In the figure above’ the equivalent resistance is: "39 “bEQ 40 *20 AED Yhree resiGnce $000, 500, 50 okim are connected in series across 555 volt mains, The current flowing through them will be: 1a * 100 mA *10mA *10A Resistance in Parallel: ~ Q.53 If the resistors are connected side by side with their ends joined together at comnion point, then they are said to be connected: Parallel veseres * Not Parallel * Neither in Series nor parallel Q.54 The equivalent resistance R of the resistance Rj, Ra, Rs connected parallel isR: ptt yt «RRR eR RR, + RRR, RR, R, RR, R, Q.55 The potential difference across each resistance are connected is parallel combination: sine * Different * Infinity * Zero PRACTICAL CENTRE (KARACHI) VISIT US AT: HTTP://WWW.PHYCITY.COM Xil-Physics Chapter 13 Paget 32 Q.56 When the resistance are connected in parallel, the equivalent resistance is always * Greater than the sum of the individual resistance * Greater than the smallest resistance in combination * Equal to the sum of the individual resistance Less than the smallest résistance in the combination Q.57 In a house circuit all the electrical appliances are connected in parallel with the phase and the neutral to get: e same current and different potential difference {The different currents but the same potential difference —W~* +" * The different currents and different potential differences * The same curfent and the same potential difference Q.88 The resistances of 2 ohms, 5 ohms, 7 ohms and 9 ohms are connected in parallel. If the potential difference -across the 5 chms:resistance is SV, the potential difference across 9 ohm fesistance will be: * OV wv ~~ * 2.5V *15V. oY Q.58(a) Resistors 07 30, 5Q:did 72 arc connected in parallel. If the P-D across SO resistor is 6V, the P.D across the other resistors is: 2013) * 4 Volt wvotr *8 Volt NWO Voit GEM Three resistors of resistance 2, 3 and 6 ohms are conherted in parallel, their equivalent resistance is:- *1400hm | .¢%1.33 ohm ..= * 1.5 ohm *°*1.0 ohm. oa eo ie If the figure above the equivalence iy va * 6a Power Dissipation in Resistaneét Q.61 As the charge flows through the’conductor energy is dissipated is the form of: feat * Solapenergy * Light * None of these Q.62 -One-Kilo-Watt-Hour js eqial to: 73.6x 10) #960 x 10%, + 3.6 x 105) + 36% 10 Q.63 The power dissipated’by a resistance is given by: *P=VR VIR. S*P=IR? * None of these Q.64 The power dissipated in a resistance is given by iV wrR VIR -G@ilornea? Q.65 The electrical energy dissipated as heat in a resistor is given by: *ER t *VIR VRE 0.66 The commercial unit of electrical energy is: * Ohm Watt ‘Kilowatt-Hour * Ampere Q.67 Two wires of resistance R, and Ry are connected in series in a circuit. If Ry is the greater-than R», Heating would be: w More ink, * More in Ry” —_* Same in Ry & R,* Alll of these Q.68 When a resistor carries a current “I”, the power dissipated by it is “P”. If the same resistor carries the .current of “31”, the power dissipated will be: *P * PB oP * None of the above Q.69 Unit of Power, Joule / Second is called: * Joule * Volt vewatt * Newton Q.70 If one ampere current flows through a resistor against potential difference of one volt, this is called: * Ampere want * Volt * Joule PRACTICAL CENTRE (KARACHI) VISIT US AT: HTTP://WWW.PHYCITY.COM XiL-Physics Chaptert 13 Paget 33 Q.71 The practical unit power is: * Watt Kilowatt * Joule * None of these Q.72 One Kilowatt is equal to: - * 10° Watt * 10° Watt et? Wait * None of these 73 Amount of energy delivered by the current in one hour when it supplies energy at the rate of 1000 J/S is known as: * Joule kWh * Newton * None of these Which one of the following bulbs has least resistance? * 100 Watt. * 200 Watt 500 Watt * 60 Watt (G.15)1f a 40 watt light bulb for 2 hour, how much heat is generated? N+ 803 + 4005 *288x 10°F * 36003 | \.76, ‘The resistance of 60 watt bulb is a 120 volt line is: 77 #30 ohm * 120 ohm * 240 ohm * 60 ohm |. Electromotive Fore ‘The work per unit charge done by the source in moving a charge around a closed Joop is called: C 2Electromotive force * Potential difference < ®) "* Potential energy * Kinetic energy, Q.78 ‘The total energy expended per coulomb of electricity when charge is driven round a circuit is called: ‘w-ETectromotive force * Blectfomiotive source * Potential energy * Kinetic energy Q.79_ The unit of electromotive force i * Coulomb per second (PYoule per second wToule per coulomb * Volt per ampere Q.80 By electromotive foree: S * Light is produced * Heat is produced Tirrent is produced * Sound is produced 81 ihe terminal potential difference V, of a battery is always: ‘* Equal to emf of shé‘battery Tess than emf of battery * Greater than the emf of battery _* Zero Q.82 Internal resistatceis the resistance offered by: ‘ource ofemf * The conductor * The circuit * The resistance “GED Terminal potential difference V; of a battery of internal resistance ty and emf ‘Eis! 4 (2011 Supp.) +VGE+I We 16. In all of there 17. Straight Line = 1.V=IR [19 Resistance 20. Ohm 21.1 Ohm 22.9 23. Remains Constant 24, The nature dimension and phjeeal stale of the conductor 25, RIG 26 nook 2B 28. Ohm 29. Conductance 30. mbo oF semen | BU, Resistviey [32.984 33. Ohm —m [3a The same 35, Same as that of the whole wire 36. Remaigs thosame 3 Resist Halwa creases +39. Increases 40. es Wa So Series RTT, | ss bite Sica me aE] 47, The total current through cach is the'somne | 48. 1 ampere | 51.62 _ $2.10 A } 153. Paratiel ae ion 36 Lewthan the avalos ance combination 57. The different eulyent but same potential difference 58.5,V $8(a).6V ‘59. 1.0 ohm 60.2 Gi, Heat 62.365 10°F 6. P= VIR (64, All of these | 65.7 RH 66. Kilowatt Hoar — (67. More in Ry 68.3 P _| 69. Watt 70. Watt 71. Kilowat 72.10" Watt 73.KWh 74. 500 Watt 75. 288 x 10°F 76. 240 ohms 7. Electromotive Force 79, Joule per coulomb [78. Electwomotive Force lurrent is produced BL. Less than emf of batten 3. Vi Bly 82, Source of em! 84. Zero 85.2V) 86. All the three cells are connected Is series PRACTICAL CENTRE (KARACHI) VISIT US AT: HTTP://WWW.PHYCITY.COM XILPhysics Chaptert 15, Pagol 21 15.14 MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (SELF PRACTICE): Galvanometer: () An devise used for the detection and measurement of current is called *Galvanometer* Voltmeter * Ammeter * Avometer (2) The working of a galvanometer depends upon the: * Force exerted on the coil + Torque exerted on the coit * Mass of the coil * Area of coil (3) Galvanometer is based on the * Electromagnetic effect of current * Chemical effect of current * Magnetic effect of current * Heating effect of current (4 The current passing through the coil of the galvanometer jes * Inversely proportional to the angle of deflection of th&cit * Independent of the coil * Directly proportional to the angle of deflectiag of the coil ¥ None of the above (5) The gavanomer constants given by: tciNaB #NaB/cSPNAC/B.*NB/AC (©) The galvanometer can be made sensifive by making the value of factor C/NAB: + Lavee * Smal * 2210 + ofsite (7) Thesensitviy ofa eslgaGeercan be increased by increasing: 2008) *Magoetc Geld rived felt * Number of ums ,* Allofthem ©) 1+ 5G, oversee senso gaan, emus dees te vale of ) a “p sc (9) The unit oF Teast count on a galvanometer scale represents: * DKigion * Ohm * Volt * Henry s (10) When the coil ofthe galvanometer in equilibrium, then the deflecting couple is: * Zero * Equal to the restoring couple * Greater than the restoring couple * Smaller than the restoring couple Ammeter: (11) A device which is used to measurement of current 1s called: * Ammeter * Voltmeter *Galvanometer * Avometer (12) A galvanometer is converted into an ammeter by connecting a suitable: * High resistance in series * Low resistance in parallel * High resistance in parallol * Low resistance in series (2008, 2003 P.E, 2002 P.E, 2001) 13) (sy as) a6) an «sy as) 20) en (22) Wheatstone Brid @3) ay PRACTICAL CENTRE (KARACHI) VISIT US AT: HTTP://WWW.PHYCITY.COM XIlPhysics Chapter 15, Pagot 22 To convert a galvanometer into an ammeter the shunt resistance is given by LR, b & ec We +R i, my In order to increase the range of ammeter the shunt resistance is: * Decreased * Increased * Kept constant * Sometimes increased and sometime decreased Ina circuit Ammeter is always connected in: * Series * Parallel * Both series and parallel __* None of these ‘god ammeter sone whic + Can mensre bth alternating and dest urent + Has very small intial resistance + Has very high intemal existance + sie scale of measurement A devie which i used to measurement of volage yd Ammer *Voltmeter—* Galvanagekie * Avometer To convert a galvanometer into a voltmeter a résistance is connected in: + igh resistance in series * Liwesstance in pra + righ esistnce in parte! ow rexntancein sie To convert gavanometer ino a vale te hgh eistance ive by sae B eae th x a) in In order to increase’the FailBe of voltmeter the high resistance is: * RAR, * Decreased Ticreased * Kept constant + Sometime inereaged and some time decreased In a circuit, voltmeter is always connected in: * Serie * Parallel + Hoffi@eries and parallel + None of these ‘A Bood voltmeter is one which: * Can measure both A.C and D.C * Has linear side of measurement * Has very small internal resistance * Has very high internal resistance ‘A balanced Wheatstone bridge is used to measure’ * Current * Voltage * Unknown resistance * Blectric flux ‘When Wheatstone bridge is balanced then * Galvanometer is giving full deflection * Galvanometer’s deflection is zero RY R:> Ry /Re *R)/RV) * Compare emf of two cell * Detect inihndl resistance of cell * Measure P.D © AIL oiiese (46) To increase the accuracy of potentiometer: (2011) 2003 P.F) * A uniform wire ofa large length should\be used * A uniform wire of a small length shduld be used * Anon uniform wire should be Used * None of these Miscellaneous: (47) An Avometer is a deyive which can measure: (2012, 2002 PE) * Voltage only * Current only * Resistance aly * Current, Voltage and Resistance (48) Which of totlowing instruments is used to measure current potential difference and resistance? * Ammeter * Voltmeter *Galvanometer — * Avometer (49) A single device containing ammeter voltmeter and ohmineter is called: *VIVM *cro *Potentiometer —* Multimeter (50) AVO meter is used to find * Current “Resistance tems. * All ofthese (51) Which of the following device is not used for measuring resistance: * P.O, Box *Potentiometer *Ohmmeter ——_* Meter bridge (52) Which of the fotlowing ean be used to measure the resistance: * Ohm meter * Meter bridge * P.O Rox + All of those (83) G4) 66) «7 (58) 69) (60) 1) (62) (63) PRACTICAL CENTRE (KARACHI) VISIT US AT: HTTP://WWW.PHYCITY.COM xiLPhysies Chaptert 15, Paget 25, “The process of reducing amplitude of vibration of coil of Galvanometer is called * Driting * Doping * Shunting * Damping If the length of the wire of potentiometer is increased, the accuracy in the determination cof null point: * Increases * Decreases * Remains the same * Becomes Zero ‘A moving coil éalvanometer is converted into an ammeter by connecting to it * Low resistance in series * High resistance in series * High resistance in pavallel * Low resistance in parallel Galvanometer can be converted into voltmeter by connecting * Ahhigh resistance in series * A low resistance in series * A high resistance in parallel * A low resistance in parallel Sensitivity of Galvanometer is given by *CBAN +t « C EAN CaN BAN € ‘The device which makes use of wheatstone bridge ie * Meter bridge * Voltmeter *ohmmeige” > * Potentiometer ‘The device which can measure em. of cells with drawing current from them is called: *Potentiometer * Meter bridge *Yplimeter_——* Obmineter Ina circuit Voltmeter is always connpted in: * Series + Parattel * Both Series and Parallel * None of these To increase the accuracyOf & potentiometer: * A uniform wire of@3mall length should be used * Thickness of ste will be increased * Thickness¢pf wire will be decreased * A unifora? wire of a large length should be used ‘The@afléction of coil of Galvanometer is directly proportional to: * shedistance of Coil + Strength of magnetic Feld * Conrent passing through coil * Area of coil For Balanced Position of wheatstone bridge: RR, RR R; Ry R, Ry * *RIRV=RRs *RR=RRY PRACTICAL CENTRE (KARACHI) VISIT US AT: HTTP://WWW.PHYCITY.COM XILPhysics Chaptert 15, Page# 26 ANSWER KEY 33. x 2. Torque exerted on the coil 34, Resistance 3. Magnetic effect of current 35, Wheatstone bridge “4. Directly proportional to the angle of detlection of the coil 5.C/NAB 37. Post Office Box 6. Small 38,75 ohm 36. Wheatstone bridge 8.C 40. Potentiometer _ % Division 41 Pound diffwene Sid 11, Ammeter 43. Potentiometen, _ 14. Decreaied 46. A ubiform wire ofa large lengthy ould be used 15, Series AP? Current, Voltage and Resistance 16, Has very small internal resistance 48. Avometer 17. Volumeter 49, Multimeter 18, High resistance in seriex 50, All oF theve “| 19. Ry = 51. Potentiometer 20, asreased Se alloribae 21. Parallel 53. Damping _ 22. Has very Higuera asses 54 Increse 23. Uninowagrance 55 Low resins nparict | 74 Galvanometersdecion aro | $6. hgh esistngs in seis 25, Four eistances ~ fag 6 AB 58 Meter bridge 27. Voltage 59. Volimerer _ 2. Irvane 60. Paral 29, Unknown Resisanee 6. uniform wire of large enh 30, Slide-wire bridge 62, Current passing through the coil — 31. Wheatstone bridge ~ Toa. RR RR: _— 32, Wheatstone bridge

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