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The Academy for Technology & the Classics

Lesson Plan
Instructors name: Cermanski

Course/Grade: Yearbook

Week of:
March 2 to March 6, 2015

Unit Name:
Self-Portrait Collage

Common Core/ NM Content Standards: NMVA 7

Essential Question(s):
How can I use skills in GIMP and
Publisher to cleanly crop and edit
complicated images?
How can I create a digital collage?
How can I create a meaningful self-portrait
collage using Gimp, Pixlr, and Publisher?
How can I tell a story through collage?
Other considerations (modifications,
accommodations, acceleration, etc.):

Connections (prior learning/prior knowledge):

Students are familiar with using Gimp and
Pixlr and creating Publisher documents
from previous assignments
Students are familiar with editing photos
from previous assignments

Teacher: Examples of digital collages

Struggling students will get more one-onStudents: Portrait,scanned images, original photos
one instruction
Advanced students will be encouraged to
help others
Assessment (How will you monitor progress and know students have successfully met outcomes?)
Daily: Daily observations of collages in progress
This Week: Completion of collages
Unit: Critique
Time allotted
TargetTSW learn how to
cleanly crop an object from a
photo. TSW know this once
he/she has cleanly cropped
his/her portrait from an original

Lesson activities for instructor and students

Explain collage assignment
Show examples
Demonstrate how to cleanly crop out objects from a photo
Start scanning images/taking photos
Start cropping portraits out of photos

Formative Assessment: One-on-one checks on

progress on cleanly cropping portraits
(1B)Closing Activity: What tools can you use to do a clean crop?

TargetTSW learn how to use
color to create depth and
contrast. TSW know this when
he/she has achieve
depth/contrast in his/her digital

TargetTSW learn how to
balance colors to create a strong
digital collage design. TSW
know this when the piece can
be flipped in any direction and
still appear balanced.
TargetTSW learn how to
achieve unity in his/her digital
collage. TSW know this once
his/her collage appears
complete and unified.

TargetTSW learn how to
participate effectively in a
critique. TSW know this once
he/she has made several strong

Discuss the importance of contrast in an art piece and how

to achieve itdarks vs. lights, cool vs. warm, saturated vs.
unsaturated color
Work on collages, keeping back, middle and foreground
colors in mind to achieve contrast


Formative Assessment: One-on-one checks on

progress on contrast and color balance
(1B)Closing Activity: Share successes in contrast use
Work on collages, focusing on color balance

Formative Assessment: One-on-one checks on

progress on color balance
(1B)Closing Activity: How can we achieve color balance in an art

Work on collage, ensuring that the piece appears unified

and finished.
Make sure your finished collage is saved in MAYB


Formative Assessment: One-on-one checks on

progress on unity
(1B)Closing Activity: How can we bring a piece to a place where it
feels unified?
Class critique on digital collages
1F)Embedded Formative Assessment: Participation in critique
(1B)Closing Activity: What did you learn about your piece from the

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