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You are invited to participate in the Stay-in-School Quinceaera Program!

Saturdays 9am - 3pm from March 7th to May 2nd, 2015

The Hispanic Cultural Center of Idaho

Enjoy the camaraderie with young people like yourself, learn ballroom dancing, participate in an art
project, experience cultural traditions, discuss social issues pertinent to your age group and obtain
life-skills that will help you in high school and college.
Pick up a registration form at the principals office or call Ana Maria at (208) 869-0115

Quedan invitados a participar en el Programa de Quinceaeros,

Qudate en la Escuela!

Sabados 9am - 3pm del 4 de Marzo al 2 de Mayo, 2015

The Hispanic Cultural Center of Idaho
Disfruten el compaerismo de jvenes como t, aprende a bailar con pareja, participa en un projecto
de arte, vive tradiciones culturales, participa en discusiones sobre asuntos sociales pertenecientes a
tu grupo juvenil, y ganars habilidades que te ayudarn en la preparatoria y la universidad.
Obtene una aplicacin en la oficina de la escuela o llama por telefono a Ana Maria (208) 869-0115
The Stay-in-School Quinceaera Program is an educational and motivational program targeting middle school
Latino BOYS & GIRLS to encourage them to remain in school and become responsible citizens. It focuses on
personal development through workshops that include the arts, culture, and social issues affecting teens lives.
The Stay-in-School Quinceaera Program is sponsored by:

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