Amy He Resume Breakthrough SJC

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10143 Adobe Circle Road Irvine, CA 92617 415.218.4832

University of California, Irvine (Irvine, CA)
Bachelor of Arts in Sociology School of Social Sciences
Bachelor of Arts in Education Sciences School of Education
GPA: 3.87 (Deans Honor List 7 Quarters)

June 2016


Student Life and Leadership: International Center (Irvine, CA)
Programs Intern
September 2014 Present
Organize and implement 2 low-fund, high-fun Explore Southern California trips per quarter, managing
approximately 50 to 80 students and staff per excursion to popular destinations
Bridge the social gap between domestic and international students by removing misconceptions created by stereotypes
through the facilitation of workshops and intentional dialogue
Formulate a global perspective and critical consciousness through conversations regarding diversity and culture
Intern 10 hours per week, comprehensive of event preparation, social media marketing, and event enactment
Student Life and Leadership: Cross-Cultural Center (Irvine, CA)
Alternative Break Coordinator
July 2013 June 2014
Researched, designed, and executed 2 week-long educational volunteer programs during winter and spring breaks
Led 10 to 14 students per service-learning trip and directed thought-provoking discussions about citizenship and
issues of racial, class, and other forms of oppression through academic readings and personal experiences
Supervised and delegated tasks to student volunteers, making sure all participated and were engaged in activities
Challenged myself physically and mentally through the use of assertiveness and adaptation to unexpected situations
Interned 10 hours per week to establish service projects, group bonding activities, housing situations, and more


The Edge Christian Fellowship (Irvine, CA)
Events Coordinator
August 2014 Present
Provide opportunities for nearly 100 college-aged students to foster strong friendships among each other through the
management of weekly group meetings and outings
Formulate creative religious and/or social events to involve both Christian and non-Christian students alike (i.e.
potlucks, competitive outdoor recreation activities, service events, etc.)
Plan and conduct a four-day retreat for approximately 120 students and counselors to grow spiritually in their beliefs
Coordinate the Movement of Creative Arts, a talent show displaying student talent and merchandise to raise money
for HelpLive, an organization serving underprivileged children in Thailand
The Edge Christian Fellowship (Irvine, CA)
Womens Small Group Assistant Leader
August 2014 Present
Provide a weekly space for 7 to 10 college-aged women to support one another through sharing and prayer
Collaborate and communicate with the small group leader to create deliberate Bible studies and social events
Cultivate a safe and welcoming environment through the promotion of vulnerability and authenticity for women to
examine personal and/or spiritual successes and struggles
Student Life and Leadership: New Student Orientation Programs (Irvine, CA)
Orientation Staffer

April 2014 September 2014

Advised incoming freshmen, transfer, and international students in their transition to UCI by providing information on
class registration, academic resources, school services, and opportunities to get involved
Facilitated an hour-long discussion session for 5 to 10 students per orientation to express any questions and/or
concerns they had in relation to UCI (5 total orientations staffed)
Executed intriguing activities for students to critically contemplate their identity and how their prior experiences,
familial backgrounds, and peers have played a role in shaping the person they have become
Communicated constantly with students and parents to ensure they felt welcomed and encouraged in their transition
Trained and staffed with a diverse team of approximately 150 undergraduate students

Growth International Volunteer Excursions (Jiquilillo, Nicaragua)

July 2014 July 2014
Participated in an innovative and environmentally sustainable project through utilizing plastic bottles to build a school
Taught English through formal lessons, engaging activities, and the reading of books to primary school students
Restored ecosystems through the clearing of an invasive weed species in a swamp essential to the community
Analyzed socioeconomic conditions of Nicaragua and its effects on the community through observation and
interaction with local Nicaraguans
ASUCI Academic Affairs: Antleader Mentorship Program (Irvine, CA)
April 2013 June 2014
Developed an intimate one-on-one mentor-mentee relationship with an incoming freshmen through frequent outings
and personal guidance in academic, emotional and social aspects of life for one academic year
Engaged with incoming freshmen and transfer students to ease their adjustment to a new environment through the
sharing of experiences, the development of friendships, and the presence of a supportive community
Encouraged incoming students to get involved in extracurricular activities while achieving academic success by
conveying the benefits of being involved and the importance of managing time to be academically stable
Applied for the mentor position in hopes of reciprocating the assistance and reassurance I received during my
freshmen year as a mentee in the program


Summer Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (Irvine, CA)
Undergraduate Researcher
July 2013 May 2014
Gathered and analyzed data at a sorghum field in El Centro, CA to further enhance current research concerning the
use of sorghum as a source of biofuel
Measured and observed concentrations of nitrogen dioxide and ozone in ambient air of sorghum field for one month
Investigated influences of flood irrigation and nitrogen fertilization on trace gas emissions of sorghum field
Presented research findings and implications in a well-rehearsed PowerPoint presentation at the SURP Symposium
Worked in partnership with Professor Saewung Kim in the UCI Earth System Science Department
Transportation and Distribution Services (Irvine, CA)
Parking Assistant
December 2012 April 2014
Greeted campus visitors and students with a friendly welcome as they arrived at the UCI campus
Navigated visitors and students through the complex campus to assist them in reaching their desired destinations
Managed the sale of parking permits on a daily basis and during large scale events to Keep UCI Moving efficiently
Demonstrated effective customer service skills through successful interactions with diverse populations of patrons
Worked roughly 10 to 20 hours per week as a parking assistant

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