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What organ system are you modeling?

The excretory system

What are the functions of your organ system?
1. Collects waste from the blood.
2. Excrete waste via urine/sweat
3. Regulates salt levels of your blood
What functions does your model demonstrate?
1. Filtering of the blood
2. Urination
What functions of the organs system are not demonstrated by your model? If you had unlimited
time and resources how would you demonstrate these functions?
1. Sweating
2. Regulating salt
3. digestive system section
We would demonstrate these functions by working with the digestive system and the
integumentary systems to construct a more complete model.
What scientific principles did you need to understand in order to build your model?
Diffusion, reabsorption, concentration changes,
How did you come up with ideas?
We all came up with our own separate ideas, using online resources as inspiration, also referred
to previous experience.
How did your group decide on the ideas/plan that resulted in your model?
We just went along with what looked like the most effective way
What ideas were considered and then dismissed? Why were they dismissed?
Some ideas which we rejected were the teabag idea.
What problems did you face in the design process and how did you solve them?
How many times did you have to redesign/test/improve?
Who did what in your group?
Nightwhisper: Research and presentation manager
Ingrid: Assistant Designer
Scott: Builder Designer
Tim: Builder
How did each member of the group contribute? How did you decide who would do what?

see above
Did you leverage strengths and talents of people in your group or was it random or was it
random or volunteer basis?
random. It was more of whoever wanted to do the building/ presentation, that person was
responsible for it.
How was the work managed by your group? Was there a leader? Did you choose a leader?
We did not choose a leader, so who ever was on topic kept everyone else working. All of our
team members acted thus at some point in time.
How did you resolve disagreements?
The person at fault admitted their mistake. In other conditions, the group members would work it
out by means of persuasion.

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