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Looking Ahead:
March 3-Picture Day
March 9-Solar System
Project Due
March 27- No School


We are learning about fractions
using models.
Vocabulary words: fraction, unit
fraction, numerator, denominators
Continue to practice multiplication
facts art home. If you havent
purchased flashcards yet, please
do so and use them to practice
facts nightly for 5 minutes.


Grammar: plural nouns, possessive nouns, & compound words

Strategies: making connections, context clues, & chunking
Read aloud: Horrible Harry Goes to the Moon
Writing: Friendly letter format, research paper,
Reading Groups: The Rosa Parks group worked on summarizing the
story. The Mrs. Brown Goes to Town group worked on fluency and
making connections while reading.

Reading Counts Points

Yeah! 10-20 Points Zach, Jesse, Leo, Haily, Jorlyna, & Michael
WOW! 20-30 Points Ella
SUPER! 30-50 Points Ava
HOLY COW! 50 -100 Keller, Evan, Lily, Maddex, Vinny, Onyx, Cailyn,
Skylar, Kaylee, Katelin, Veronica, & Tyler
AMAZING! 100+ Madalyn & Pierce
We used multiple resources
(library books, hand-outs,
NASA app.) to research our
planet. We wrote our
research papers and found
pictures of our planets on
the internet. We will be
using our final writing pieces
as part of our presentation
with our special project that
is due March 9th.

Phy Ed.: Bowling
Music:Rubber band band jumps
Art: Self-Portraits
LMC: Golden Archer Award Books
Computers: Reading Counts and Type to Learn4

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