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What did I do as my project?

I did for the first project the story of a thief and a man, the story is
quite show but is all about a man is gets robbed and then while trying
to run, he gets shot. This was very short due to the time designated,
but I think it came out right. For the second project I did my Lorax
project, the story was about a Lorax that just says hi and then climbs
in a motorcycle and leaves.
What problems did I face?
The only problems I had were that when I tried to more the Lorax it
will keep falling and falling, so I stick them to the table and them
move them again instead of holding him. The other problem is that
when I moved the arm, it will start to break and so I had to add more
plasticine to keep the parts together.
What could I do better?
I think I could have made my Lorax bigger and add more detail. I also
think I could have added more characters and more object for the
Lorax to interact, that would have change the setting and the plot.
What unexpected challenges did I overcome.
I fixed some of my problems and that way made the story and the
character flow and wont fall apart of completely destroy.
Think of one very interesting idea which you can use as a stop motion
animation project. Explain this in detail.
I would think it will be really nice to do a stop-animation short film,
with a message and a long story. I would like it to be around 5 min or
less to be able to create something powerful and really beautiful.

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