Sea Level Rise: Handout

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Sea Level Rise

About Sea Level Rise:
Sea level rise is when the sea gets higher and floods many countries.
- observed significant sea level rise since the middle of the 19th century
- during the 20th century alone, the sea level has risen 17 cm
There are two main causes for sea level rise:
. Thermal Expansion:
- due to the climate change, the water in the oceans gets warmer and therefore, it expands
-thermal expansion has contributed about 2.5 cm of the sea level rise during the second half
of the 20th century
-Assessments of the intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC) say that thermal
expansion will lead to a sea level rise of about 17 to 28 cm during the 21th century
. Melting of glaciers, ice sheets and ice caps
-less certain than the thermal expansion, scientists arent sure how much effect on the sea
level rise it will have
-glaciers cover about 10 per cent of the worlds land area
-recent studies show that the movement of ice towards the ocean from both of the major ice
sheets has increased significantly
-for example, the speed of the movement of some of the ice sheets in greenland has doubled
within a few years
- even a small rise of the sea level will have a large negative effect on the nature
- sea level rise of 10-59cm is expected over the next hundred years (prognoses are very
- because of the expansion of the oceans countries will get flooded
- low lying countries like the netherlands could sink after only 1m sea level rise
- coastal cities could flood more often -> therefore many people will lose their home and
- animals will lose their habitats
- coral reefs will get destroyed
- beaches will have to be replaced
- people have to protect natural shoreline buffers like sand dunes and wetlands
- they also have to improve storm drainage systems

As sea level rise is mainly caused by global warming which again is caused by the
greenhouse effect, the only way to really stop it is to find a solution for the greenhouse effect.
Preventive steps of the netherlands and other countries that are threatened by the sea level
rise: building of dykes, flood barriers and pumps->expensive, not in poor countries like
Bangladesh which lies only 6 metres above sea level

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