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Grade 11/12 Media Study - Fahreheit 451 & Equilibrium

Tracy Faucher, Rupinder Banga and Monique Waters

How does the

media and the
drive to make things
better, faster,
brighter, impact

Learner Outcomes
This learning guide has been developed around the
films Equilibrium and Fahrenheit 451 and is meant for

4.1.3a Develop content: take ownership of text creation, by

grades 11 and 12. This guide has been has been created

selecting or crafting a topic, concept or idea that is

with multi-province expectations in mind and provides

activity opportunities in English, Media, and Sociology.

personally meaningful and engaging

4.1.4c Use production, publication and presentation

1.2.1b Consider new perspectives: recognize and assess the

strategies and technologies consistent with content: develop

strengths and limitations of various perspectives on a theme,

voice production factors [such as volume, tone and stress],

issue or topic, and identify aspects for further consideration

nonverbal factors [such as gestures, posture, distance and

when exploring and responding to texts

eye contact] and visual production factors [such as colour

2.2.2d Relate elements, devices and techniques to created

and deliver oral, visual and multimedia presentations, using

and contrast] appropriate to purpose, audience and situation

effects: assess the use of musical devices, figures of speech

and sensory details to create effects in a variety of print and
nonprint texts

Learner Outcomes
4.1.4c Use production, publication and presentation strategies and technologies
consistent with content: develop and deliver oral, visual and multimedia
presentations, using voice production factors [such as volume, tone and stress],
nonverbal factors [such as gestures, posture, distance and eye contact] and visual
production factors [such as colour and contrast] appropriate to purpose, audience
and situation
British Columbia
B3 view, both collaboratively and independently, to comprehend a variety of visual
texts with increasing complexity and subtlety of ideas and form, such as:
broadcast media, web sites, graphic novels, film and video, photographs, art,
visual components of print media, student-generated material
B12 recognize and explain how structures and features of text shape readers and
viewers construction
of meaning and appreciation of authors craft, including form and genre, functions
of text, literary elements, literary devices, use of language, non-fiction elements,
visual/artistic devices

Key Concepts:
dystopia - an imagined
place or state in which
everything is unpleasant
or bad
utopia - a place of ideal
individualism - a
doctrine that the interests
of the individual are
collectivism - political
or economic theory
advocating collective
censorship - stopping
transmission of matter
considered objectionable

A4 analyse selected social justice issues from an ethical perspective: define ethics (e.g., rules of right and wrong; a set of
concepts or principles that guide people in determining what behaviour helps or harms others; the rightness or wrongness
of actions, the virtue or vice of the motives that promote them.
A7 demonstrate attributes and behaviours that promote social justice, including recognizing injustice, fair-mindedness,
embracing diversity, empathy, taking action
2. Understanding Media Forms, Conventions, and Techniques: identify some media forms and
explain how the conventions and techniques associated with them are used to create meaning;
3. Creating Media Texts: create a variety of media texts for different purposes and audiences,
using appropriate forms, conventions, and techniques;
4. Reflecting on Skills and Strategies: reflect on and identify their strengths as media interpreters
and creators, areas for improvement, and the strategies they found most helpful in understanding
and creating media texts.



Fahrenheit 451 &

Genre -Science fiction

A utopian society is most often

perceived as a better world than
In order to grow and evolve as a
what we live in; however, both
person; humans must be able to go Fahrenheit 451 and Equilibrium
through certain experiences where show its negative effects on society.
they can freely express emotion and Both films use censorship to
gain knowledge. When ones
demonstrate a utopian society that
emotions and thoughts are being
turns into dystopian. Thinking,
controlled, people cannot grow and knowledge and emotions of any
develop. In Bradburys Fahrenheit kind are considered crimes and both
451, and in Wimmer's Equilibrium, films show that when a utopian
we watch the protagonist evolve
society is forced and members are
throughout the story as they
oppressed, the society will fall.
confront challenges.

How are you impacted by

Take a media survey. For one
week, track what media you use
during the week, including
newspapers, books,
magazines,web sites, social
media, billboards, movies,
television, radio, and video
games. Record specific
examples, and why you use
each one, whether for
entertainment, information,
gossip, connecting with friends,
or other purposes. Log the time
you spend during one week
watching television, using the
Internet, reading a newspaper,
watching movies, etc. Be
prepared to discuss what you
have learned from each source
and whether you trust the
information. Explain why or why

How does media

impact the main
characters in
Fahrenheit 451 and


Complete the following table about the themes and big ideas in the films Equilibrium
and Fahrenheit 451. Provide specific examples from viewing the films to support your





Knowledge vs Ignorance

Use of drugs to control the


Individualism vs Collectivism

Use of drugs to control the



Books/material possessions

Family Relationships (husband/

wife; parents/children)

Social Relationships

Role of Technology

Role of Media


Teacher guide to support students completion of the table.





The theme as explained by

director Kurt Wimmer: ...some
people's feelings are
dangerous and need to be
censored. Feeling becomes a
punishable offense. Anything
that invokes feelings is
banned. Art, music,
individuality...are not

The government controls what

is read, watched and
discussed. Censorship is used
to depict a utopian society
gone wrong, a dystopia, where
thinking is an executional
crimes. The fire brigade is
entrusted with the locating
and burning of books to
maintain order and keep
society happy.

Knowledge vs Ignorance

Brandt is knowledgeable and

supports the status quo;
pushes Preston to do the same.
Preston steals the poetry of
William Butler Yeats (Irish
poet) whose works appeal to
the emotions and challenges
the reader to think; in
particular, Aedh Wishes For
the Cloths of Heaven.
TV walls broadcast
indoctrination propaganda,
constantly making society

Montag, in his belief that

knowledge reigns, fights
against a society that
embraces and celebrates
The fireman's responsibility
is to burn books, and
therefore destroy knowledge.
Through these actions, the
firemen promote ignorance to
maintain the sameness of

Individualism vs Collectivism

Individualism is sacrificed
for collective peace.

Individualism is sacrificed
for collective peace.

Use of drugs to control the


Intervals, a type of
injection, dispensed by the
government and to be taken by
citizens several times a day
to ensure a state of

Coloured, numbered pills taken

to keep society in a constant
state of happiness. Allows
individuals to avoid any
unpleasant feelings.






Fire is used to get rid of any

found contraband - books,
music, art or anything ornate
or different that could lead a
person to feel or think. Fire
is also used to burn sense
offenders as a way of
cleansing society.

Fire is used to cleanse

society of troubles that
reading and forming opinions
leads to. Fire is a tool for
purposeful destruction in
order to keep peace. Books are
burned. Fahrenheit 451 is the
temperature at which book
paper burns.

Books/material possessions

Books and material possessions

lead to individuality and
feeling. They are banned in
order to foster assimilation
and uniformity. Homes are made
of cement with only basic
necessities. They are void of
decoration or personal
touches. Work spaces are also
uniform in nature. This
becomes a pivotal moment for
Preston when he decides to
reorganize the items on his
desk as a way to exercise his

Books are banned and material

possessions are monitored.
Reading material is limited to
government produced comics
without words. Even
information about the pills
they are taking are limited to
numbers and colours, such as
Blue #8.

Family Relationships (husband/

wife, parents/children)

Families are expected,

especially for high ranking
people. But the relationship
between husband/wife and
parent/child is one of
We see one moment of affection
between Preston and his wife
and that is when she is
finally exposed as a sense
offender- which also means she
has not been taking her

There are children in this

society (we see a school) but
it is implied that having
children is not something that
a certain class or people
desire to do. The most visible
family relationships are those
of the cousins characters in
TV shows. Montags wife speaks
to them and of them as if they
are real. Only once do we see
affection from her towards
Mondag- after her system is
cleaned out of the drugs she






Even though the government has

succeeded at getting rid of
war, crime and all forms of
violence, the cost on the
individual has been high.
Throughout the movie we see
small seeds of discontent and
rebellion until the final
scene when the streets erupt
in rebellion from the

Getting rid of all books has

accomplished the goal that no
one feels inferior which has
lead to less arguments and a
sense that everyone is the
same- therefore everyone is
happy. Throughout the movie
we are introduced to
characters who are holding on
to books and knowledge. The
movie ends with the viewer
seeing a community based on
memorizing books and passing
them on from one generation to
the next, waiting for the day
when books will be legal

Social Relationships

There is no real appearance of

friends. With feelings being
removed from humanity, there
is nothing to make someone
enjoy the company of one
person over another.

Montags wife is seen with

friends, but they do not talk
about anything other than what
the cousins are up to.
Without books or any other
source providing information,
there is nothing to have
opinions about and therefore
nothing to create a
relationship or bond. They are
superficial and based of the
lives of fictional beings.

Role of Technology

Technology is on every corner,

in every home and is the main
tool for conveying information

Technology is the proof of a

successful home. It is how
people measure how good their
loves are.

Role of Media

The main media is video and

audio. Video and audio of
Father and the collective
history is playing all of the
time. It is used as a
brainwashing technique.

Media is mostly visual as

there is no reading. TV is the
main source, it is filled with
characters who talk about
nothing. This gives people a
false sense of connection.

Beyond the City

This is a place where laws

have not touched, but people
generally do not live. This
place symbolizes what society
used to be,

This is a place where laws

have not touched, but people
generally do not live. This
place symbolizes what society
used to be,




Character Moments

1. Which movie did you enjoy more?

1. Both Montag and


Prestons catalyst to

2. Which movie do you think

change revolve around

represented the themes best? Why?

meeting influential women

3. How possible do you think these

who challenge how they

realities are? What would be the major

think. In equilibrium Preston


meets Mary, and fahrenheit 451

relationships) which of these

articles do you agree with? Create a

4. In groups, discuss why the titles

Montag meets Clareace. What do

persuasive essay and digital image

equilibrium and fahrenheit 451 are

these women have in common? Why

that reflects your position.

good titles for the movie. Could the

do you think it was important for these

movies have switched titles? Explain.

characters to be female?

5. In groups, on large chart paper,

2. Both Preston and Montag defy their

make a timeline of both Preston and

Montags journey from rule enforcer to

role and ultimately strive to take down

1. Chose one of the following

the system they have sworn to protect.

statements that you belive to be true,

rule breaker. Make note of any

Go back and watch these climax

and that you can support with evidence


scenes in both movies. What

from BOTH movies (at least one

similarities do you notice? What

artifact from each movie). Then, decide

Opening Scene

difference? Chose one and discuss the

if this statement is true in your life or

1. Both movies open in a similar

how the following had an effect of this

not true. Provide 3 artifacts to support

fashion, there is an individual who we

pinnacle moment: Lighting, music,

your reasoning.

quickly learn is hiding something

dialogue, editing, action, and

illegal. The viewer watches


government officials, dressed in

3. Montag and his wifes relationship

ominous black uniforms, rush into the

suffered because of her self

residence and the individual is forced

medicating and addiction to media.

to flee or try to hide.

Read these articles Social Media

vs Fahrenheit

What are the clues that what

Dependancy has become a mental

these individuals have is

health issue (



Why was it crucial for both


movies to establish this in the

health-issue) and 7 Myths about

first few minutes?

Social Media and Realtionships (http://


Examing the Meaning

Statement 1: The Protagonists in the

movies like rules, understand the
importance of rules and like to
follow them.
Statement 2: Society is better when
personal feelings, thought and
interaction are replaced with
connections through contrived
relationships via media outlets.
Statement 3: Nothing is more
important than freedom of thoughts
and knowledge.


Analyzing Movie Stills

Examine the following picture from both movies and in your
groups (4) and discuss:
1. Compare and Contrast each movie still.
2. Which still is more appealing to the audience? Why?
3. Why do you think the film director chose:
a. The particular type of lighting? How does it add to
the allure of the still?
b. The specific angle? Do you think it makes a
c. The position of the characters and props in the stills.
When answering the questions, put yourself in the shoes of the
director to really understand what is necessary to capture the
interest of an audience.

Compare and

In your role as Director, consider the choice of lighting,

angles, position of characters, props and their impact on the


The Role of Music in Film

Fahrenheit 451
Music by Bernard Herrmann
Herrmann chose to use no brass or
woodwind instruments.

rhythmic theme will reappear on a

number of occasions, such as the
incredibly dynamic "Fire Alarm"
featuring xylophone and harps along
with the strident strings. But much of
this score is on the more subtle side.

After reading the novel, Herrmann


stated "I felt that that the music of the

Music by Klaus Badelt

next century would revert to a great

Beethovens 9th Symphony used to

lyrical simplicity and it wouldn't have

illustrate the impact of music on

truck with all this mechanistic

feelings. Preston comes across a

stuff.Their lives would be scrutinized.

record player during one of his raids

In their music they would want

and plays the song. The music brings

something of simple nudity, of great

him to tears. This scene, along with the

elegance and simplicity."


Following the quiet opening is the

music, offers a stark contrast to the

intense, violent and dark nature of the

incredibly rhythmic and barbaric

rest of the film.

sounding "Fire Station", a theme for

As you prepare your Public Service

the cold and mechanical firemen who

Announcement, consider how music

are responsible for setting fires to

can influence your audience and

books not putting out the fires. This

impact your message.

impact of


Music in Pictures
The first two images
depict the scene when
Preston plays Beethovens
9th Symphony.
The still photo below
highlights the siren of
the fire truck. The siren
of the Fire Brigade and
music related to the Fire



Your mission:
Create a PSA (Public Service
Announcement) to promote
The Social Media for Peace

Role of Social Media

Both of the dystopian societies show worlds where

relationships and help connect people globally to solve

people have almost no personal social interaction with

global issues together? Create a PSA- Public Service

each other. There is no way to connect, to express

Announcement- that is geared towards teens (13-15

individuality, to ask meaningful questions or to

share opinions. However, the societies have
abolished most forms of violence, crime and
war that we unfortunately know in our world

or 16-19) to promote The Social Media for Peace

Utopia vs

today. What if instead of banning social


of media production, including pre-production,

production and post production. The final PSA
should be about 60- 90 seconds in length and

interaction, connection and expression the

government expected it to be used to create positive

initiative. You are expected to follow the stages

you will need to hand in a storyboard, script and

reference sheet, and one paragraph reflection.





Additional Resources
Youtube: Thug Notes
Great resource for Equilibrium breakdown:


Alberta Education. (2014). Alberta Program of Studies. Retrieved from

British Columbia Ministry of Education. (2014). BC Curriculum Documents. Retrieved

from Government of British Columbia Website:

Equilibrium [Motion picture]. (2003). Dimension Home Video.

Fahrenheit 451 [Motion picture]. (1966). BBC 2.

Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. (2014). Merriam-Webster Online: Dictionary and Thesaurus. Retrieved


MovieStillsDB. (2008). Equilibrium. Retreivied October 13, 2014, from

MovieStillsDB. (2008). Fahrenheit 451. Retreivied October 13, 2014, from

Ontario 11 and 12 Curriculum, Revised. (2012). Retrieved from

curriculum/ secondary/english1112currb.pdf


Perkins, S. [Image]. (2012). Folksonomy. Retrieved from [Image]. (2014). Retrieved from

Pontefract, D. [Image]. (2014). Social Media in the Workplace is Going Backwards. Retrieved from

Prasuhn, E. [Image]. (2014). Let There Be Movies. Retrieved from


Smith, S. (2002). A Heart at Fire's Center: The Life and Music of Bernard Herrmann. California:
University of California Press.


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