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The Oral Defense of the Gospel

Elder/Pastorate of Music
Greetings Elder Designate:
Your Oral Defense Examination is schedule for Friday, April 3, 2015 at 6pm. The purpose of the
oral defense is to engage the candidate in an analysis of Ministry as dealt with the role of an
Elder. No one except for the candidate and Apostolic Council will be present for the oral
defense. It is encouraged to be at the examination site 30 minutes prior to appearing before the
board. The examination is approximately 1-2 hours in length depending upon the questioning
and answers to the board. You are to appear before the council in Civic attire.
Oral components of the examination are taken into account in assigning the final grade. There
are three categories for grades: PWD (Pass with Distinction), P (Pass), and F (Fail). The
examination will be assessed according to the following criteria:

Pass With Distinction:

- The candidate clearly articulates and demonstrates creative ability to integrate biblical
knowledge with her own ministerial and pastoral perspectives.
- Candidate presents substantive and focused answers that are theological and of pastoral interest.
- Candidate demonstrates an exceptional level of clear and critical understanding of specific
topics or issues within the examination.


- The candidate is able to identify significant theological, ministerial, and pastoral issues to the
Apostolic Council.


- The candidate does not draw upon relevant theological, ministerial, and pastoral issues, or fails
to articulate clearly her theology of ministry and pastoral practice to the Apostolic Council.
Oral Examination is centering on concerns such as the following:
1. Biblical Content -examination of knowledge of scriptures, themes and pertinent
passages in the Old and New Testaments.
2. Bible Exegesis- examination of the candidate's ability to interpret an assigned passage of
Scripture by orally demonstrating the understanding of its historical context, and the
ability to relate the text effectively to the life of the church.
3. Theological Competence Examination to determine the candidates readiness for
ministry in the use of biblical and theological insights within the Church.
4. Worship & Sacraments- examination of the candidate understanding of the meaning
and purpose for corporate worship, Holy Sacrament and familiarity with the directory and
application of the Church Administration.
5. Church History-- examination of the candidates ability to orally discuss a certain period
of History within the Reformation of the Church.
6. Church Polity- examination of the candidate's working knowledge of the Church
Government, structure of the Church and the methodology by which differences are
properly resolved and programs to fulfill the mission of the Kingdom Church.
7. Eldership Knowledge- examination of how the candidate will deal with issues or events
in leadership style and content.
*Successful completion of all seven is required prior to Final Assessment.

Study Guide for Oral Defense Examination

Biblical Content (multiple questioning)
Old Testament
1. Locate the first promise of the gospel.
2. Discuss the covenant promise that God made to Noah.
3. Identify the basis of Abrahams righteousness
4. Compare the two places where the Ten Commandments are found.
5. Interpret the sacrificial system.
6. Locate passages on tithing in the Old Testament.
7. Discuss Jethro
8. Discuss the career of David.
9. Compare two messianic prophecies in the Book of Isaiah.
10. Apply the Imprecatory Psalms to the practice of Christianity today.
New Testament
1. Compare the Synoptic Gospels and John.
2. Locate the Sermon on the Mount.
3. Discuss the missionary journeys of Paul.
4. Interpret four of the I am statements made by Jesus.
5. Outline the Book of Romans.
6. Discuss how Christ is presented in the Book of Colossians.
7. Identify the theme of the Book of Hebrews.
8. Compare the teachings of James and Paul on justification by faith.
9. Identify the theme of the Book of Revelation.
10. Interpret II Timothy 3:16.
11. Location of Bethany and its history.

Bible Exegesis (selects one area and present to council)

The Pentateuch
The Historical Books
The Wisdom Books
The Major Prophets
The Minor Prophets
The Gospels
The Book of Acts
The Epistles
The Book of Revelation

Theological Competence: (select one area to present to council)

1. Discuss one or more Biblical passages which are significant for original sin.
2. Define adoption.
3. Discuss the relationship between grace and law.
4. Discuss one or more Biblical passages which are significant for baptism.
5. Discuss the relationship between the authority of Scripture and creeds.
Worship & Sacraments: (select one area to present to council)

Discuss Directory of Worship

Discuss Holy Sacrament
Illustrate the understanding of conducting Weddings
Illustrate the understanding of conducting Funerals
Discuss Pastoral Sensitivity to Worship & Sacraments

Church History: (select one area to present to council)

1. Discuss the importance of Ecumenism to enable you to provide leadership for the Church.
2. Discuss the Charismatic Movement in terms of its significance for the Church today.
Church Polity: (multiple questioning)
1. Identify who has primary responsibility for amending the Form of Government.
2. Identify who has original jurisdiction over a missionary.
3. Identify the three forms of church government.
4. Identify who has primary responsibility for overseeing worship services.

5. Identify who has original jurisdiction over an ordained minister.

6. Define Board, Commission and Committee.
7. Discuss voting by proxy at a congregational meeting.
Eldership Knowledge:
1. Describe your leadership style and the content of your advice when encountering a Jehovahs
2. Describe your leadership style and the content of your remarks in conducting a Baptism.
3. Describe your leadership style and the content of your advice to at a member who became
upset at a sermon you preached on predestination.
4. Describe your leadership style and the content of your advice when the Deacons ignores a
decision of yours as the Pastorate of Music.
Make yourself familiar with the layout of the oral examination and study the general areas of
concerns provided. Contact the Board of Examinations with your selections to present to the
council. Upon completion of the final examination, the Apostolic Council will contact candidate
in writing of moving forth with the Ordination and Installation ceremony.
May the Lords blessing be upon you completing the final coursework, in Jesus name. Amen

Deadrea J. Miller, PhD

Apostle Deadrea J. Miller
Apostolic Council AKMI
Presiding Prelate

Published by Apostolic Kingdom Movement International, INC copyright

2014, Deadrea J. Miller Apostle, PhD, Presiding Prelate

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