Sonic Concept

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Sonic Concept

Ryan Brand 02/03/2015

The first sound that can be heard represents the mites, I wanted them
to sound loud and screechy. My thoughts when I was coming up with
sounds that would be the voice of the mites was to record myself
making strange noises; but this didn't work very well. I imagine that the
Mites where crawling everywhere and shifting dirt with their movement.
I did contemplate adding sound which would represent scuttling, but in
the end I thought that he earth shifting would be enough. I noticed they
lacked vision, in my head this meant that they would be bumping into
each other. Because of this I thought that could be characterized by a
deep Grunts which can be heard towards the end of this sound scape.

Microbial Dust

Something about this image made me think of rapid expansion. This

Rainbow Web was just growing, getting bigger and closer to the listener.
At some point the web goes past the listener, which can be heard when the
sound rotates from one ear to the other. I wanted it to feel as if something
dangerous was approaching. The Web looks like it could be explosive, or it
could have been like the big bang; not an explosion but rapidly expanding.

Rainbow Web

I saw this as really small marine life, they make really sweet and squeaky
noises as they swim through the ocean. The deeper sounds surrounding
the Jelly's are more menacing, this is because I imagined they were being
hunted by a bigger Creature. The sound of the Jelly's begins to fade away,
this is because they are being eaten by the larger creature. In this
soundscape I wanted to expand on the image, I realised just because
something is not on screen doesn't mean that it can't be heard.


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