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May We Be

Edgar Bolivar

Ayo is at an open mic event, sitting blankly and looking
forward, hand on face, looking forward at the person
We don't always wish to be seen /
But we are not hidden / You cannot
hide / A movement like this / We
are mothers, aunties, cousins,
sisters, daughters, and queens /
Our history may be macabre red
walls and dark closet speaces / But
we are sunrise magic / The essence
of mountains / We are survivors /
And we stand tall / And we stand
together / On & off limits at the
same time / Indigenous to
everywhere / With the world on our
toungues / We are the queer black
girls / And we are everywhere /
Anywhere / And we are here.
Ayo continues to listen to the girl performing, and though
the words resonate, no reaction or expression is shown.
Taking a sip of water they continue to look forward. The
poet finishes her piece and snaps fill the room. Ayo is
still unmoving. The girl walks off of the stage as the HOST
of the event goes back to the mic.
(Reacting to the poem)
Mmm. Damn,Well... next up to
perform folks is...Nia.
The Host walks off and NIA slowly approaches the seat on the
stage with her guitar. She gives a slow exhale and gently
brings her face to the mic.
This is a song I wrote...not that
long ago. It's called "Black Rose"
Ayo continues to look unmoved as they keep their eyes locked
to the stage. Nia gets settled and sits back a little bit.
After a short pause she begins to play.
Black Rose...Black Rose...Black
Rose...Black Rose / You came up,
through the concrete / blood in
your roots, blood in the leaves /
Don't grow too high, don't touch
the sky. / They gonna cut you down,
they gonna take your life. / Black
Boy, Black Boy, Black Boy, Black

NIA (cont'd)
Boy / You grew up, in the concrete
/ Blood in your roots, spilled on
your streets / don't go to far,
don't dream too high / they gonna
shoot you down, the gonna take your
rights / Black Rose, Black Rose,
Black Rose, Black Rose / You grew
thorns, sharp like knives / History
says, the only way to survive /
They coming now, they coming soon /
They gonna cut you down, under a
white moon / Black Boy, Black Boy,
Black Boy, Black Boy / You grew
tough, and you learned to fight /
Because history says, only way to
survive / They coming now, no
matter what you do / They gonna
shoot you down under a white moon /
Black Girl, Black Girl, Black Girl,
Black Girl. / They say march, for
your brothers tonight / Carry the
torch, but don't take the light /
Don't you know, you're a black rose
too? / And you're powerful, so
they're coming for you too / Black
Rose, Black Rose, Black Rose /
Gonna cut you down, Gonna shoot us
down, They gonna cut us down, They
gonna shoot us down / Take the
light, and take the sky, take the
air, and take the light / Hold on,
to each other tight / Cuz a long
road, for the black rose / Black
Rose, you're powerful / Black Rose
you're beautiful / Black Rose,
you're powerful / Black Rose,
you're beautiful...
Throughout the song Ayo appears to be in a sort of shock,
not surprised, yet unmoving in a different way. At the final
line of the song, Nia has eye contact with Ayo, which they
avert their gaze fro at first, yet slowly goes back to
looking at her. A thunderous applause fills the room. Nia
gives a smile and says thank you to the crowd.

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