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Notes: scribd book Stresss free Believers

James 3:1 cautions, Let not many of you become

teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter
Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a
worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly
dividing the word of truth. (2 Timothy 2:15)
People started teaching before theyd been
sufficiently trained. When the same thing happens,
well-intentioned people can easily fall into error.

The Believers Role As Ambassadors


Talk about your idea of an ambassador. Are there
any you know of and admire? Why?
If you were president and selecting an
ambassador, what qualifications would you look
for? Are any of those qualities missing in your life
as a believer?
Do you feel awkward about witnessing? Can you
share your testimony with believers? Can you talk

about your faith at all, without feeling clumsy? In

what ways do you feel you could help disciple
newer believers? Who was most effective in
discipling you? What Action Steps Can You Take?

A . Witness
B. Manager

Management is doing things right; leadership is

doing the right things. -- Peter Drucker
Matthew 25:21
reads: Well done, good and faithful servant; you
were faithful over a few things, I will make you
ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your
Its also necessary to realize that sometimes bad
things happen to good people. Its not a matter of
God punishing us; we just need to grow stronger in
a given area. Theres no answer to why people get
sick, die young, lose jobs, or even get struck
by lightning. Disasters and tragedies happen
around the world to good and bad people,

Remember the adage, What is, is. Youll never

gain ground by reflecting on what used to be or by
harboring hard feelings about the past. There are
tragedies in life worth crying and mourning over,
but limit that crying and mourning to a re- stricted
season. Then, once again, youll find yourself back
in the only position God ever created you for
manager of what is, right now.
The owner of every business looks for both of these
qualifications in any manager: the ability to do the
right things and the determination to carry them
out. What, ex- actly, are those right things?
end up at the Promised Land. No mystery, nothing
convoluted. By taking the direct route, the trip
comprised 250 miles or about a months journey.
What an exciting prospect that must have been.
Exodus 13:17-22, however, recounts: When
Pharaoh had let the people go ... God did not lead
them by [the] way ... that was near;

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