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In This Issue:
Newly Initiated Brothers
Officer Highlights:
High Delta
IM Basketball:
Defeats Hooligans
AZ Gets Geared-up for
St. Pats
Upcoming Events:
First PRO Day: Feb. 28
St. Pats Celebration:
March 12 14
Housing Corp. Meeting:
Saturday, March 14
8:00 AM
Look out for upcoming
Recruitment Events!




Alpha Delta Zeta recently initiated 14 new Brothers into our bond this past month.
This marks the largest initiate class for our chapter in eight years. They were all very
High Delta Highlight: excited to be going through and are eager to keep improving as their time in our
Matt Sunshine Dorsey fraternity continues on. Many of them have already stepped up into leadership roles
As touched on in our both in the house and on campus, so their commitment to building this chapter and
previous newsletter, this university are very apparent. In addition, the chapter focused on retaining the
Associates who did not get initiated, and we are now moving forward trying to help
Brother Dorsey is
them improve their academics and involvement. The chapter has a bright future
hitting the ground
ahead of it with such high quality Brothers.
running as
recruitment efforts
AZ Gets Geared-Up for St. Pats
are in full swing
already. He has put together a As St. Pats quickly approaches (10 Daze Til the Best
recruitment letter that is being sent Ever St. Pats), Lambda Chi is preparing for the annual
out to all incoming freshmen and Housing Corporation meeting the Saturday of St. Pats.
has begun planning recruitment One of the goals this year is to film and broadcast the
meetings to help the chapter get meeting online for all of our Brothers to view remotely.
organized before PRO Days. This We hope this will increase the outreach to alumni outside
has included reviewing potential the Midwest that cant make it down for the meeting.
discussion topics, brainstorming The Missouri S&T Library is currently assisting us with
new events and
marketing this effort, so keep an eye out for more information regarding this broadcast. For
techniques, and practicing house the alumni who can make it down, we will be once again hosting breakfast before
tours. Speaking of tours, Matt also the meeting and lunch after the parade that day. Please let the High Rho know if
recorded a virtual house tour to give you have any questions about the events going on that day.
potential new members an idea of
Lambda Chi Downs Hooligans in IM Basketball
what the house looks like before
For the first time in almost six years, Lambda Chi won an
they visit Rolla. Matt also wanted
intramural basketball game, defeating Hooligans 20-18 in a
to request any donations from
hard-fought defensive battle. They hope to continue this
alumni to help us purchase a new
success as they move on to face some of the favorite to win the
PRO Day presentation board. With
IM Basketball championship.
the help of all the active members
and alumni, Brother Dorsey is
Remember to look for updates on our website:
poised to have another strong
High Rho: Vince Matteucci III
recruitment class this year.

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