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Lesson Planning Template (Based on Wiggins & McTighe, Damian Cooper & MB Ed)


Grade 3 ELA


Growth and Change

Length of Lesson:

2 45 minute sessions
Stage 1 Desired Results

1. General and Specific Outcomes (Knowledge, Skills & Attitudes/Values):

General Outcome: Manage Ideas and Information


Specific Outcomes: (Science)

3-1-01 Use appropriate vocabulary related to their investigations of growth and
changes in plants.
Include: growing medium, nutrient, energy, root, stem, leaf, flowers, pistil, stamen,
ovule, pollen, seed, fruit, adaptation, life cycle.

2. 3-1-02 Observe, compare, and contrast the structure and appearance of several types of
2. Essential Questions: The key questions we will answer are
How do things grow and change over time?


Students will know. . .

The necessary components that allow living things to change and grow over time.

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4. Students will be able to. . .

Relate the cycle and growth of plants to their own personal experiences

Stage 2 Assessment Evidence (Assessment AS/OF/FOR Learning)

Please indicate the purpose of your strategy by using a
check mark under the appropriate category.


Strategy (Performance Task, Observation Checklist,

Interview, etc.):
Reading Response Journal students will relate their
personal growth experience to the acorn in the book titled In
a Nutshell.
Planting the seed students will follow proper instructions
to plant a seed through a hands on approach.

See How I Grew - students will create a visual

representation of their growth over time in relation to plants.

Criteria (Please list i.e. Rubric, Achievement Indicators from

Curriculum, Student or Teacher Generated):
Rubric Criteria
Reading Response Journal
- did they directly relate to specific elements of the
- did they critically compare and contrast their own
experiences to those in the book
Planting the seed
- did they apply what they learned while planting
- did they follow proper instructions
See How I Grew
- proper organization of thoughts and sequencing
- neatness and individuality (decorative)
- creativity

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Reflection Did these assessment strategies allow you to address the outcomes for this
lesson? Did the students learning meet your objectives?

Stage 3 Learning Plan

Instructional Strategies For This Lesson
Consider learning styles, multiple intelligences, learner abilities and student interests.


2. Acquiring

KWL - What do we know about growth

and change. Students write what they
know about change and growing on a
sticky note.

1. Read In A Nutshell by Joseph

Anthony asking critical questions and
engage in open discussion while
3. Bill Nye video on Plants
4. Have students plant seeds in a plastic

5. Applying
2. Reading journal compare your own
growth to the acorns growth in the story. How
does it compare/contrast.

6. What about students who require

adaptation to the lesson?
Celiac Disease seat near the door, can leave
discretely without any permission. Ensure a
gluten free environment during snacks.

5. Complete See How I Grew graphic

organizer (Place completed work on a bulletin
board, have group sharing presentation)

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Kindergarten to Grade 8 English and Science Curriculum Document
Smart Board
Book: In A Nutshell
Bill Nye Plants video
Learning Materials Required:
Plastic cup
Reading Response Journal
See How I Grew graphic organize
Cross-Curricular Integration:
Science: Growth and change of plants
Math: Measure plant
Extension: As the plant continues to grow, respond in journals to how the plant is
Stage 4 - Reflection

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