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Aguinaldo, Camille A.

February 9, 2015
CL 145
1. Japanese nationalism and what can Filipinos learn from them
Brown, D.M. (1955). Nationalism in Japan: An introductory historical analysis. Berkeley:
University of California Press
Storry, R. (1957). The double patriots, a study of Japanese nationalism. Boston: Houghton
Yoshino, K. (1992). Cultural nationalism in contemporary Japan: A sociological enquiry.
London: Routledge
2. The Kamikaze
Inoguchi, R. & Tadashi, R.P. (1958). The divine wind: Japans Kamikaze force in World War II.
Annapolis: U.S. Naval Institute
Morris, I. (1975). The nobility of failture: Tragic heroes in the history of Japan. Michigan:
University of Michigan Press
Ohnuki-Tierney, E. (2002). Kamikaze, cherry blossoms and nationalisms: the militarization of
aesthetics in Japanese history. Chicago: University of Chicago press
3. Filipino comfort women during the World War II
Gomez, M. (2000). From the depths of silence: voices of women survivors of war. Quezon City :
Asian Center for Women's Human Rights
Mendoza, K. (2003). Freeing the slaves of Destiny: The Lolas of the Filipino Comfort Women
Movement. Cultural Dynamics, 15 (3), 247-266
Tanaka, T. (2002). Japan's comfort women : sexual slavery and prostitution during World War II
and the U.S. occupation. London: Routledge

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