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Vasara ilininkait

The day I will never forget is the

day I had saved lives. 2050 December
4 is the day when almost the whole
world was sick but this little small island! Anyways back to the point all the
world is sick and I wanted to rescue the
world! Well I needed a antidote for the
medicine and the antidote is in the
moon. It was a huge risk staying in
earth and no action like me. So I
thought of a plan with my friend to
sneak up into the space place at
Jeromes Street 5. We thought and the plan came. I will be wearing a coat that will make
me invisible and pass the high tech robots that wont even see me because they have no
sense to invisibility. Ok now Im going out of my house and mission save the world starts
now. We go slowly like normal and we came to the space place. I quickly put on my coat
and running through the robots. YES!!!! The plan worked. I went though the security and
now for step 2. I still have to wear this coat and OMG. How many people are working

here?????? So I go through all the people

didnt touch anyone and now the only thing is
left. To open the door to the spaceship and Aloha Im in the moon. Is this a count down?????
Just in time I sat down into the seat. I heard a
voice, but no Im sticking to the plan. Full speed
button? What does that mean? I think we
should try it out. I reaching the button and BAM! I wish I had not touched the button cause
now Im getting pushed to the back by the speediness. I was pushed next to the window
and, and, its beautiful the stars moving, the planets spinning and the sun blinding me.
The destination will be reached, but the earth though. It is glowing like a diamond in my
eyes. Uh oh we are going to land soon and we might crash into the houses in the moon!!!
Somebody rushes in and tries not to land on the town. I put on my invisible helmet and
suit. What was that???? We landed YAY!!!!! Wow that was a tough flight! As the door was
opening I took all my gear that I brought with myself. Walking like as if I was the person to

the moon. It looked like as if one

of the houses were my aunts.
Was it aunt Betty? It was her.
Aunt Betty!!!! I yelled
Oh Sara!!! She screamed back
I need your help!
Because earth is in danger!!!
So what do you need?
I need you to help me find the
Well the antidote can be only
found in the garden of moon.
thanks and when I come back
make me some cherry pie.
If you insist!
She helped a lot because I was almost only thing left. She needed love and I was there
for her. I started marching and I saw a little a boy with its mother but it didnt annoy me so I
went on. Well isnt that the garden! It looks so spooky I marched into the place and what
was that? Maybe after all it is spooky. So I need to find 10 blue flowers and 1 magic golden
flower. That shouldn't be that hard. I heard somebody walking so I started going real fast. I

start to turn around slowly and ah!!!!!!! ITS A

MONSTER!!!! HELP!!!! Im running, my heart
is beating so fast I cant stop. The monster
stopped! THEW! I f I would stop I would have
been gobbled up. OHHHHH YESSS!!!! Finally
the 10 blue flowers!!!!! Now I just need that last
flower. I think Its really dangerous because
this monster guarded the blue and some sort
of demons will guard the golden flower. I
picked the first flower nothing happened and
lets just skip to the last part. I picked the last
one and OMG It became alive. I will bring it
with myself. I thought to pick it up, but it was
following me! It was like my little pet! AWWW! cant resist the cuteness. Any ways back to
the point it looked like the flower was leading to the flower. I wonder if it will help me. Well
the flower was moving it will be a long walk so I will tell you my history of my families migration. Well I had a cousin who was moving to a warm place like Hawaii when it was Winter in
his country, and back New York in the Summer. And that is my cousin. Oh we are almost
here or not. We were walking and walking. No sign. Supplies running out. I think I will start
heading my own direction, but I need the blue flower. I was running after the blue flower
picked it up in time and walked my own way. Is it what I think it is? A treasure chest? I start-

ed opening it
slowly and it
was a map. I
looked at the
map and it
showed the
flower where
it is. Well it
showed that
the flower is
right here, but
it doesnt
have X marks
the spot as a
little kid would
say. OHHHHHHH THE FLOWER IS SO PRETTY. I finally found it growing on a piece of
dirt. Did I hear a thunderstorm on the moon. Not possible. As I started turning 5 demons
were standing in front of me!
Oh poop, I said

Mr. Pie

I started running as fast as I could. The demons were so fast my heart was beating so
hard. Wait a minute you've got to be kidding me Aunt Bettys house is so close and I flowed
this stupid flower forever!?!!?!?!?!?!?!? OK now who cares running for my life!
Aunt Betty, help me!!!!! I was screaming
Sara is that you? she said back
Open the door!
I was running as fast she opened the door I came in like cheetah just has been chased
by fast bear!
What happened? She asked
Demons chasing ME!!!! I said
Well what am I going to say to your mother!.
Dont even try saying anything to her!
Ok. Do you want some cherry pie?
Yes, maybe a story?
Well fine. I will tell you history of your great
grandfather. Your grandfather was a brave man.
He loved us all, but one day your great grandfather was forced to migrate to a desert which he
was forced to work with no payment. The one
day came he died from the suns burn, but you
now every each migration has a reason such as

you had to migrate to the moon here for a

couple months.
But hasnt it been 1 year?
Well yes.
Well then it was nice meeting you
again I need come back to earth! Bye
I started running to spaceship as fast as
I could and again nobody was in there so I
was starting the engine and set the destination to earth!
Mission take off.
I was taking of, watching my Aunt Betty waving her hand and Im going back to my island or America to give the antidote which are flowers. OMG how long will this take to come
back to America!!!! And as Im watching the glowing earth Im pretty much next to America,
New York. Flying very slowly so I turned on the TV in the spaceship. It was a bad signal,
but it was working. I turned on the news and oh no! The earth has gotten all sick only one
last little place called Antarctica. It is very cold there, but people survive there. I was scared

when I will land, because could have been looking for me. I was falling like in the movies
the spaceships bottom would go on fire, but it didnt. Falling down and, and I landed! YAY!!!
Now run! I was waiting for the spaceship to open and there were people. I think they were
waiting for me, glaring at me like I was their food. They grabbed my flowers closed the door
and they set me of back to the moon!
I came here to rescue! I said
We don't your help little girl we have everything, the men that were creeping me out
I was set back to the moon flying back yay me As I was landing I landed in a different place of the moon no people, well then I guess I have to build a house. I landed like soft
pillow this time, but was a house in the distance. It looked like I would not have enough fuel
for the journey back. I saw some people working.
Hello? my voice sounded repeatedly
I started walking very slowly. Was my imagination? Probably. I saw some houses with
no people, but things worth $ 1,000,000,000. It looked like stolen things from the museum.
At least I studied being an archaeologists. I slowly picked up an antique vase touched the
vase with my small pinky finger and then licked my finger. It felt like it was an ancient Chinese vase so I put that artefact in my spaceship and I found a fuel which I can fill with my
spaceship. I got all the fuel and started pouring in that pure evil black oil and from one little
can it was full. I was feeling like to create here a little cottage and live. Is this what I want?
To live on a moon with no people? I feel my decision is wise and I will stay here. My new

migrated life begins. From earth to the moon, a dangerous adventure. Every time when I
turn around I see the glowing earth, thinking of the ones I love.


A story about a girl who is trying to save the world.

What will she need? Why does she want to save the
world? Find out as this girl has an adventure on the

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