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CHALMERS Dr Sus Lundgren, Assistant Professor Dr Olof Torgerson, Associate Professor Dean of Graduate Studies, Interaction Design Director of Master Program, interaction Design suslundgren@chaimers se Gothenburg, December 2014 Master Programme in Interaction Design & Technolo- gies at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden Respected Colleague, Please accept our Master programme brochure, aiming to make our graduate program in Interaction Design & Technologies known to potential candidates at your university. Please note that your university and Chalmers University of Technology already have established agreements of exchange. Sending you a few copies of our brochure, we would appreciate if you disseminated it among the students you find most suited to benefit from our program. The Interaction Design & Technologies programme concerns the interaction be- tween people and products in which information technology is a central compo- nent. This can, for instance, be the design of graphical user interfaces, social media services, the complex interface between the driver and a modern car, the interface and gameplay of modern computer games, the next generation of mo- bile communication devices or the integration of computational technology into our everyday lives. ‘The program gives students the theoretical and practical knowledge required to ‘work creatively in interaction design. Specific courses, such as Design Methodol- ogy, Human-Centered Design, Graphical Interfaces and Gameplay Design pro- vide design skills. The courses: Computer Graphics, Simulation Engines, and Prototyping provide technical skills. Students can then gain practical experience from applying these skills in the Tangible Interaction course, in a one-term pro- ject course, and, finally, in the Master's thesis. The combination of courses INTERACTION DESIGN, DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Chalners vert of Technology | Univers of Gthenbarg ‘SE-112 8 Gotertur. Sweden ‘ising aston: Kuggen House, $* fer, Lnchatmen, Gatterbur,Swedon Phone: "448 (6)31-772 1009 ‘Wont wou chaorssolt (Ghamersterista nog AB ‘Repo: 55649-5560 VAT No: SESS647@559001, selected must be according to one of the four profile tracks offered in the Master programme. These profile tracks are: i) user interface design and information visualization, ii) tangible interaction, iii) entertainment games and social media, and iv) game development. Master programme, prerequisites, career opportunities, interviews ete.: http://www.ixdeth.se How to apply: http://www chalmers.se /en/education/ programmes/application-admission/ Key dates for application 2015 (main deadline is 15th January 2015): http: / /www.chalmers.se/en/education/ programmes/application- admission/Pages/Key-dates.aspx Citizens and residents of EU/EES/Nordic countries may apply until mid-April 2015: http://www.utbildning.gu.se/education/courses-and- programmes/program_detail/?programid=N2COS Kind regards, St pale a uv DrSus Lundgren, Assistant Professor Dr Olof Torgerson, Associate Professor Dean of Graduate Studies, Director of Master Program, Interaction Design & Technologies Internction Design & Technologies sus.lundgren@chalmers.se MASTER’S PROGRAMME INTERACTION DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGIES Design of technology for human use Interaction design is the practice of designing interactive digital products, environments, systems and services. The focus is on interactive systems and behaviour; how users act and how products respond to user behaviour. Interaction design is key to any design project aiming to create complex and computer-based systems that are to be used by humans, e.g. software, games and interactive products like smart phones, MP3-players, “intelligent” homes, cars and clothes. With today's development in technology, the possibili- ties for applications are endless. CHALMERS ‘Students from the programme developed the game Continuity which became “Winner af Bost 12 2010 Independent Game Festival” ‘Student Game at alms: Given the increased focus on interaction design in general, and on social media, entertainment and new physical products in particular, this programme aims to provide tomorrow's interaction designers With the knowledge and skils needed to meet the evershifting demands of this femarging eegment af the job mater. Ite no longer enough to build a eystem, product or application that is only func+ tional oF efficient; there ie an increasing demand for products to go beyond func tionality and be, for example, pleasurable or fun touse. [As a result of the new demands, there ie & whole new eet of interaction design: ctiented jobs on the market. Interaction designers can now be found in ary software company, as well as in the game industry, or in companies that combine hardware and software, e.g. mobile phone producers like Apple or Samsung Other key areas include web design and marketing, information vieualeation, and dosign of phyzical interactive products lke toye and GPS devices. CAREER OPPORTUNITIES ‘As the industries become more aware of the importance of human factors and interaction design, we can expect an increased demand for experts in this area, Studonte who graduate from the master's programme are well-uited for a range of positions, such as usability expert, user imertace designer, gameplay developer, or interaction designer with responsibility for the overall design of the behaviour and appearance of -baced product RESEARCH CONNECTIONS The programme is offered by the Division of Interaction Design at the Department of Applied Information Technology. The + search group specialises in areas such as interaction with mobile devices, game design, healthcare informatics, tangible in teraction and the use of ITn vehicles. It has close collaborations with, for in stance, Velvo and the Interactive Intitute EDUCATIONAL METHODS Theory and practice are balanced in the program and applied in conetructively aligned courses, ‘Asa student you are presented with a mix of closed and open-ended problems; the former to practice application of certain skis the latter to practice problem solving ‘and innovation, During the programme a large amount of project work ie conducted in mised groups in a studio environment, similar to reablife situations. This way of working not only stimulates learning the core skills, but italso helps you acquire sot skills associ: ated with communication, negotiation and project leadership. You are trained to present your work to the public, by participating in exhibitions or contests, This brings good projects, as fam vrww.continutygame.com well as an opportuity to show them oft. The programme is characterized by a heterogeneous student base; not only does ite etudente have different educational backgrounds, but traditionally the programme altracts students trom many different counties. This diversity envich the programme in that students learn from each other's differences, getting insights that are hard to teach in other way PROGRAMME PLAN The programme consists of a series of courses where user centred development, analysis and evaluation, and experimental design are core elements. It aims at broadening your understanding of both the design iscues central to interaction docign and the design materiale available for addressing them. The core of the programme is a compulsory block of 30, credits. There ate then four different partly overlapping specialisations. Each of them consists of 60 credits leaving 30 profile! lective eredits open for the students. The four specialicatione aro + Interaction daeigner focused on weer inter: face design and information visualisation + Interaction designer focused on tangible interaction + Interaction designer focused on enter- tainment, games and social media + Game developer with experience of gameplay design and interaction design Many courses mir laboratory rercises and workshops where Students practice working with materiale of various kinds, Photos: Johan Sandsjo The building *Kuggen" is the home of the programme. Studios at Tet floor, offices and labs at 2nd floor Photo: Catharina Jerkbrant PROJECT WORK AND SEMINARS. ‘The courses in the programme are based fon students running group projects in de: sign studios. Throughout the education we pput an equal focus on theary and practice as well as combing the (wo, COMPULSARY COURSES (CREDITS) Interaction Design Methodology (7.5) This course will introduce you to bacie de sign methodology in interaction design with focus on design cues related to aesthetics, Prototyping in Interaction Design (7.5) You will study materials and methods used Within interaction design to combine hard ware, software and physical materials into prototypes of different fidelity Graphical Interfaces (7.5) You wil get a basic understanding of central problems regarding the design of screen: and pite-based interfaces, including meth- (ds and practical training in designing these. Interaction Design Project (75) This course will give you a deeper under: standing of central design issues in inter action design by means of practical train ing in design project, PROFILE AND ELECTIVE COURSES (CREDITS) During the first three semesters you have te choose two elective courses per Sp: Computer Graphies (75) Designing User Experience (7.5) Games, Play and Learning (7.5) Human Centred Design (7.5) Iniormation Visualization (75) Mobile Computing (7.5) Simulation Engines (7) ‘Tabletop Computing (7.5) Tangible Interaction (7.5) ‘Trends & Topics in Interaction Design (75) Understanding Users and Use (75) MASTER THESIS ‘The master project and thesie ie compu! ‘cary and form the final part of the Master of Science programme, which is intended to sive a deeper knowledge of the subject at hhand and to give an insight of working pro- cesses used within a company, other inst tution or within the department. The work is done as an independent project, in most cases in pars of two students, PROGRAMME OVERVIEW Aton 2048 Sorng 2018 a a (aman Promina | ate ington UNDERGRADUATE PROFILE Major in Information Engineering, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Textile De- sign, Graphic Design, ndustial Design, Cog nitive Science or Computational Linguistic. PREREQUISITES. Human-computer interaction and programming, ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY There are three main ways to full English Proficiency requirements at Chalmers: + Approved English language tests * English rom upper secondaryrhigh school + English rom previous university studios More information on wrwixdeth.se For application deta and key dates wun.chalmers.se/en/education So Se GN AND TECHNOLOGIE CHALMERS UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY CChaimare conducts research and education in engineering and natura cieneee,archtecture, technology tlated mathemateal sciences and nautical eciencos ~in close calboration wth industry and society. (Chalmersie one of Sweden's largest universitas of echnology wih about 12.000 students and 2 200 employe -Approtmately 40 parcent of Sweden's graduate engineers and atchitect are aduoatad here. Chalmers has fermed partnerships wth ‘mao industries moat in the Gothenburg rion such as Ericsson, Vole and SKF. “The Master's Progranmes at Chalmers are strongly Inked to advan: ‘edreaearch i areas of parteularstongth, Upon complaton of studies, ‘cancidates willbe granted a Masta dogre. The programmes are taught in English and are open te applicants Fem around the word ‘Chalmers has eight areas of advance where the aim sto bring together research, education and imovaion acrss departmental bounces and o co-operate with bodies and organisations ouside (Chamers: Materiais Science, Paducton, Ifermation & Communica tion Technology. Tarspot, Bult Environment Nanoscience & Nano- technology, Lie Scence and Energy. Thase eight ey areas also have a fem foundation inthe basic sciences, The pursut of new knowiedge and improved techtology has characterized Chalmers ever since is foundation n 1829, More info at: wwuchalmers.so/en GOTHENBURG - THE SMALL METROPOLIS More than 60 000 students are curently studying in Gothonburg In mary ways, their decision to choose Gothenburg when the time came to take the nent step int the future not aurping. Gothenburg an attactive major ity wit a mariime almeaphere ard i within easy reach of outdoor actvtesin the rest of West Sweden, ‘Gothenburg is an uncommonly inviting city for students, with a great ‘dealt offar You wl find an exciting cultural and entertainment scene \worty af any major city, as well aca fendly atmosphere that wil help you te quel feel at home Chalmers University of Technology, SE-412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden, Phone +46 31 7721000 “Chalmers ~ for a sustainable future i a vision which ‘exudes the long-term approach, the acceptance of re: sponsibility and the ust | felis worthy of Chalmers. [A the same time, it is obvious that this vision has to bbe shared by many and that Chalmers has to co-oper: ate across discipines in order to promote the whole ‘of society's commitment to cur Future? ain Makidee, president Founded 1621, Gothenburg a young city by European standarde. Since its fermatve years thas bean an important por cf intaational rade and today tie the largest one in Scandinavia, [With population of about haf a milion t= both fondly nd cosmopolitan Mere ino at: www.goteborg.com ‘SWEDEN - CULTURE OF INNOVATION Being one ofthe world's most developed countrce, Sweden i the binhplace of many successful itematonal corporations. Imovative ‘umber of succesful inventions, Some examples ae: the computer mouse, Bluetooth fr internet mobliy, the pacerater, the ball bear ing, the Tetra Pak beverage packaging system. the cialis machine and intemet applications such asthe online music seaming service ‘Spay and tho fre intenetcaling service Skype These fi recent inventions buid on 2 long hist af excellence n academia and = ‘search, Swedon isthe home ofthe prestigious Nobel Prize, awarded In Stockholm over yor. 3h at Swedish universities and companies has resultedin a ‘Sweden has a numberof large muinational corporations, such a5 telecom supplier Ericsson, autemative companies Volo and Scania, haucehald sppfances cerporation Electrolux, bearing manufacturer ‘SKF, and high-tech engineering groups Sandkik and Alas Copco The deep-ooted creative envronment has made Sweden a strong nation nthe areas of design fashion and music, wth wellknown interationl brands euch as turture giant KEA and clothes retailer aNd, Sweden i alge one of he largeet musc-expaing counties in the wel, More info a wwrw.studyinsweden.se CHALMERS ppl Cy Welcome to the 12 § Interaction I Laboratory mane GR) CITI NNER sandinitalectamfintogSoxmcoming Interoctve technologies can benefit rable rave and eststoewden, Aewastuy noel and innovative forms of input and output, our efforts are oriented towards projects within Mobile ‘Computing (DynamicDuo), Medical Visualization {SECTRA), Interactive Analytics (DIVA), and Motion Capture (Qualisys). www.t2i.se CHALMERS MERCO; Mediated Effective Remote Collaboration s Today, team processes such as idea generation, complex decision-making, or exper-to-novice transfer of practical knowledge typiealy require ‘the physical presence ofall participants Tiss mainly because today’s teleconferencing technology ie unable to adequately capture, transfer, and display the mass amount of subtle DIVA; Data Intensive Visualization and Analysis European traning notwork for researchrsin the field of Data Intensive Visualization and Analysis. {DIVA). The projects supported forfour years {2012 to 2015) by an EU FP7 ITN Marie-Curie Grant. In this project, sie partners from information required for effective ccllberation. As a result, many companies have rejected existing remote conferencing systems in favor of travel to collocated meetings, spending the extra time and money since this results in more effective teamwork Switzrland, tty, Germany, Sweden, France and Hungary joint efforts to advance the state-of the-art in lage scale (centiie) data visvalization and interactive visual analysis SECTRA: Medical Volume Visualization Recent advances in mesial imaging aquisition tenable unprecedented opportunites for diagnostic assessment and treatment ‘monitoring. Nevertheless, these advances do ‘ot automaticaly lead to benefits for patient care, There are significant obstacles to overcome regarding human interaction before linia usefulness ean be achieved. The overall ‘objective ofthis projec is: To significantly raise ‘the usability fr visualization of complex medial datasets through methods based an continuous ‘SEMarbeta Uneven knowledge cstrbution soften an issue In remote suppert systems, creating the ‘occasional need for adctional information layers that extend beyond plain. videoconference and shored workspaces. Tis paper introduces SeMarbeta, remate support ‘system designed for ear drivers in need of help from an officebound professional expert. We introduce 9 design concept and its technical Implementation using lowcost hardware and techniques inspired by augmented realty research. In this setup, the driver uses. a portable Android tablet PC while the expert mechanic uses stationary computer equipped with 2 video camera capturing his gestures and CHALMERS adaptation to the tasks and. cognitve processes of the end user, The proposed adaptation approach s intended toreduce the cognitive averond while retaining all elevant information and all interaction possiblities, This aim aligns with the overall vison for 3 Visualization system to be 9 seamless ‘extension of the human cognitive process. The project's application area is Direct Volume Rendering (OVR) of multivariate data (having Several values per data point etches. Hence, verbal instructions can be combined with’ supportive gestures and sketches added bythe expert mechani tothe car'svideo display. To validate this concept, we cried out a user study involving two typical Automotive repair tasks: checking engine of and examining fuss. Based on these tasks and fellowinga between-group (drivarsand expert rmeckanis) design, we compared voie-only ith ational skotch-and gesture-overtayon Video screenshots measuring objective and perceived qualty of help Results indicate that Setch- and gestureoverlay can benefit remote car support in typical breakdown Dynamic Duo: Exploring Phone-Tablet Combinations for Mobile Usage s ‘AS an increasing number of users carry smartphones and tablets simultaneoushy there is an opportunity to leverage the use of these ‘wolorm actors ina more complementary way ‘ur work aims to explore this bya) defining the design apace of distributed input and output foluions thet rely on and. benefit from jhote-tablet combinations working together physically and algal; and b) reveal the Iiosmnerasies of each particular device Chalmers Sweden - NUS Singapore Joint Strategic Project for Education and Research in Human-Computer Interaction (HC!) Nl) loess ‘The goal ofthis project is to foster, strengthen, and position collaboration between Chalmers Swoden and National University of Singapore, NUS in the area of dial interactivity. By Joining and directing the forces of these two Feading institutions forthe coming decade and beyond, we aim for a top rank position in uran-Computer interaction (Cl) research ‘and education. The project will have a lasting effect on the rank ofthe two universities inthe lscin of HC, including elated areas such a6 Intonetion design and interactive meeia Combination via interactive prototypes. Our esearch provides actionable insight in this emerging area by defining @ design space, suggesting 9 mobile framework, and implementing prototypical applications in such areas at distibuted information dspay tributed control, and combinations of thee For each of these, we show a few example techniques and demonstrate an application ‘combining more techniques ‘The project wil enable graduate students and faculty members to work, lear, and thereby ‘xc within the two partner universities, to lve in two complementary cultures, and to be part of Internationa teams exploring the emersing etd of tangible user inerfaces, touch based Interaction, and affective computing, The project willbe managed at Chalmers Collaboration Blog: htp:/nuschalmershet wordpress.com ww.t2i.se

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