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Possible Titles That I Want To Use:

Demented Genius,

Blood Thirst,

Haunted Manor,

Souls Whisper,

Liar game/maze,

Witching Hour,

Possible Storylines:

A mad scientist hunts for a new subject to experiment on. The demented genius tortures and
torments the new prey by burning them with acid or fluids, extracting bits from their body
(example; pulling nails out, taking blood for analysis, etc.) and traumatizing the victim with
dissection. The victims situation mirrors that of a test animal which gives context to what actually
happens in real life and portrays how the animal would feel if they had proper emotions and mind.

A mental inhabitant/ resident escapes and hides its identity away to prevent being captured back to
what once used to be his home, the tightly secured confinement. Deprived from the freedom he
lost during the time of imprisonment and deprived from sleep due to being alert in case of
encountering the guards, he is about to erupt and begin his riot.

Night approaches quick, whispers travel all around town, in every crook and cranny. The hunt is
begins, it is the last game. The first to catch its prey wins. Who will be the unfortunate?

It is that time of night where life beyond imagination and fear awakes. The unimaginable
happens when one decides to go on a night stroll during the cursed witching hour.
We can use the idea of a twisted fairytale e.g. Hansel and Gretel getting abandoned in the forest
where many bloodthirsty creatures are out to get them, a horror experience in the haunted forest
where one doesnt come back after entering. // Hansel and Gretel are taken in by the man eating
witch however when one of them ends up dead, the other sibling is psychologically damaged and
becomes a lunatic out to kill and avenge for the other.
Using supernatural characters and storyline to expand on the theory of The Witching Hour which
is a time of night when supernatural creatures are believed to be particularly active, making it a
prime time of night for witchcraft/black magic. Many people historically believed that the witching
hour marked a period of greater activity by witches, demons, ghouls, and other creatures who are
not of this world. Many people think of midnight specifically when they hear this term, while others
more generally associate it with the dead of night, the dark hours when few people are awake and
about. The association of darkness and supernatural activity is quite ancient, although the term
itself only dates back to around the early 1800s; terms like the witching time of night were used
prior to that period of time.

People may perform ceremonies/rituals at a late hour to take advantage of the belief that the
connection between the supernatural world and the real world is stronger during the witching hour.
The idea also crops up in many fantasy books, and people may jokingly refer to it in the context of
a late night out. In many societies, people who are out late at night are often viewed with suspicion,
due to centuries of superstition about the things that happen late at night. We can use this and
create a storyline where it is that time of night where life beyond imagination and fear awakes.
Inspired by science which includes dissection that takes place on frozen animal corpses, preserved
organs which are displayed in jars, mad scientists, etc. This allows (if used) the horror poster to
have blood & gore elements.

Possible Taglines:

There is no return.
Locked away forever, you can never go back.
Last farewell.
Do not let your guard down.
You may never know.
What is safe is not always safe.
No longer a part of the world.
Can someone notice me?
Blinded by the thirst of a bloodbath.
It will overwhelm and swallow you whole.

Why does it fit the horror convention?

My ideas fit the horror convention because it contains both scientific and psychological threats. The
traumatizing events that happen along the storyline makes the audience feel as if they are experiencing the
real thing. The gory gruesome scenes are bound to be engraved onto the audience because seeing the
tormented victim arouses empathy and the horror of the extracted organs may revolt and scar their minds.
The tagline mirrors the society we have nowadays where anything is possible if gone wrong. The situations
that occur have possibilities that can happen in real life such as a mental hospital resident escaping. This send
chills to the audience as they will feel paranoid knowing that the world is a scary place. No one should let
down their guard, have to be alert on news. The unpredictable twists and turns in the storyline is to be
interpreted and displayed in the poster alone therefore it should overwhelm with the characters horror and
inflict sympathy/empathy at the same time.

Selection of Costumes:

Distressed hospital gown, medical mask, syringes & chains to recreate a lab-testing subject personae.
Using a medical theme which is supposed to care for ones health as the main threat helps pull out
the fear that many people have against the industry where they are quite paranoid in catching
certain unknown viruses, battling against lunatics or patients with mental issues and suspicious
doctors. By linking horror with an everyday sort of business such as healthcare crafts elements from a
realistic event however inputting nasty twists to it. The chains bind the victim to a certain room
where they are restricted and unable to escape from the threat, this helps add to the narrative where
the victim is trapped and tortured as if they were a lab-rat. This fits to the horror convention as it
uncovers what can happen within the dark side of society in order to produce certain products, it
makes one ponder and empathise with lab-subjects used for testing.

Science lab coat, dissecting equipment, preserved animals, test tubes, etc. To give a mad scientist
like theme where people can find fear in the subject we learn in school or apply in everyday life. It
takes something ordinary and depicts it alongside darkness creating a mad drive of horror.

White ferial gown, destroyed/injured face, long hair that covers, blood & soulless eyes. Based on the
costumes provided within lessons, the limitations can lead to this alternative outfit/look. The contrast
between the white and the red of the blood can show how purity has been stained, moreover the red
of the blood would stand out more boldly due to the white dress. Maybe add on pale makeup to
create a ghostly vibe. This takes fear from the original ideas people have on how spirits would
actually look like, or ghosts that remains due to unfulfilled wishes, revenge, etc.

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