Mechanics Upsc Rishavgupta

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é DIAS Q [beth instiute for 26537353 Nh9350934622 ~ FOR - IAS-Exam.2Q11 PHYSICS PAPERS) 1. (a) Mechanics of Particles? Laie of motion; conservation of énefgy and ‘omentum, applications to rotating tamnes, Gentripatal and Corllis accelerations? Motion under a central force; Consewa- tion of angular momentum, Kepler’ law Fields and potentials; Gravitational field And potential due to spherical bodies, ‘Gauss and Poisson equations, gravita: | onal seltenergy; Two-body problem; Re: | duced mass; Rutherford scattering: Cen- to of mass and laboratory eer © eares wee ° 1b) Mechanics of Rigid Bastion: ‘ar momenturn, equations of motion: Gan ~orvation theorems for energy, momentum ang angular momentum; Elastie and in. “elastic collisions; Rigid body; Degrees of ‘teedom, Euler's theorem, angular veloc: 'y angular momentum, moments of iner- ‘sa, theorems of parallel and perpendicu- lar ax0s, equation of mation for rotation, Molecviar rotations (as rigid bodies); Di and tratomie molecules; Precessional CG eS eo ‘motion: top, gyroscope. sticity, Hooke's law and elastic, con- olropic solids and ther inter-re- ity, Poiseuill's equaticn, Bernouli's equa- tion, Stokes’ law and applgatfons, Michalson-Moriay axporimant and its in @ Bilcations; Lorente transtormations-length tivisic velocities, aberration and Doppler ‘effect, mass-energy relation, simple appi- @ sional momentum vector; Covariance of equations of physics, (@) Waves: @ Sims harmonio motica, damped oscil Beats; Stationary waves in a string; Puls @ sno wave packers; Phase and group ve- @ “exgens" principle (&) Seomotrical Optics: Fermat's principle; Matrix method in avaxial optics-thin lens formula, nodal Intartarence of light-Young’s experiment, & Newen’s rings, itertorance by thn fms, 2 Interference and Fabry-Perot intertero (c) Mechanics of Continuous Media: wmiine (Laminar) flow, viscos- ©@ (e dpociot Relativity: Ecrtralon, time dation, addon of rl . cations to 2 decay process; Four dimen: 2. Waves and Op! tion fored oeciiaion and locas, Retleton and Retraction from @ 225 U'rollecion and retraction from © Fianes, eystam of to thinJonces, cho: trated sphedeal abuydon. © 6) inorterence: aa Viahelson inteiteromotar, Multpto beam 3 [Administrative Services: ' Syatarn of panicion: Cantre-ot mass, angus: 3, Electricity and Magnetism: and Planck's sagiata Bolg Fraunroler citragtor-single sit, double sit, Alfraction grating. resolving power Dittrag: fon by @ cule aperturg and he Ary pas ter: Fresno alifcacion:snalt-period zones and zone platos, orcular aperture, =" (0) Polarization snd Modern Optics’ Production and dotection of iinoarly and ® circularly polarized light; Double retraction,“ quarter Wave plate; Optical activity: Prin. iples of fibre optics, atlonuation: Pulse ‘lspersion in step index and parabolic. ine dex fibres: Material. dispersion, single ‘ode fbras; Lasers-Einstein A and B oer officints; Ruby and He-Ne lasare: Char. acteristics of aser ight-spatial and tompo- fal coherence: Focusing of laser beams; Throe-level scheme for laser operation: Holography and simple applications, (2) Electrostatics and Magnetostatics: place and Poisson equations in eleciro- sift and their applications; Energy of a tem of charges, imultipole expansion of lar potegtial, Method of Images and ite ‘applications; Potential and field due to. pole. force and torque on-a dipole in an ternal fel; Dielectrics, polarization: So- lutions to boundary-vaiue problems-con- Gucting and dielectric spheres in a uniform electric field; Magnetic shel, uniformly Jegnetized sphere; Ferromagngsc mate- als, hysteresis, ene'cy los, {o) Current Biveteigy ‘circhhott's laws and thelr application: Biot Savart law, Ampore’s law, Faraday law, Lenz’ law; Sell-and mutualindu fances; Mean andr m 5 values in AC eh ‘culls; DC and AC circuits with R, Land C components: Series and parallel reso- ances; Quatity factor; Principle of trans- fonner (6) Electro nagnetie’ nd Black: body Radietion: ae : Oplacamentcuren 4 axwes ua- ter ; Wave equations in vacuum, Poyeting theorem: Vectorand scalar potential; Clos. Arorfagnetie told tensor, covariance of Maxwel's.equations: Wavb equallone. 'sowopie citectos, refection and telrac: tion a}: the. boundary c-two dielecties; Frosnetsreatios: Tota intemal reliéction: Normal and? anomaious. dieparsion® Rayleigh scattering: Blackbody radiation incattaity ‘Principle; Solutions of the one-dimensional ‘Schroedinger equation for a. free particle (Gaussian wave-packet), patie in a bos [Pattie in a finite well, linear harenenic os. olllator; Retlection_and transmission’ by a stop potential and by a rectangular bantwr, Particle in a three dimensional box, den. Sly of states, trae olactron theory of mat- als: Angular momentum; Hydragen ator Spipthalt particles, properies of Pauli spin 8. .Atomle and Molecular Physics: ‘Stemm-Gerlach experiment, electron spin, fine structure of hydragen atom; L-S cou, pling, J cousting: Spectroscopic notation ff atomic states: Zeeman is Frank Goncion principie and applicalions: el. ementary theory of rota freon land electronic spectra of diatomic mol ecules; Raman offect ana molecular suc. ture; Laser Raman speciscopy, moor tance of neta! hysrogen ator olcoula bygiagen, aad molecular fy drogen ian in astrononiy, Fuorescence anc Phosph ‘cance; Elementary theory and applications OfNMA and EFA: Elementary ideas about Laie shit and ts signitcanca ‘Moclear and Perticie Physics: Basic nuclear proparties-sizy. binding en- £19y, angular momenuin atiy, magnetic ‘amen; Som-empircal mass formula and applications, mass pargbolag; Gione state ct deuteron. magnetic raginent end on-cental forces; Meson thaniy of nuclear forces: Salient features of ruciear forces, Shell medel of tse nucious - successes end limitations; Violation of pavily in beta do- Ca¥; Gamma cecay and ileal conver sion; E'omentary ines about Mossbauer sactioscopy: C-vanie ri caer reactons, Nuclear fission and fusion, anergy produce ton instars; Nuclear ‘vaciors, Classification of elementary parivies and their Interactions, Conservation laws Quack structure of hadrons, Field quanta of eleciroweak and sirong intations: EL ementary ideas about unizaron of force Physi ef neutrinos, ‘4. Solld State Physics, Devices and Elec: tonle Srystalline and amorphous strucivre of , | -Matier; Different crystal systems, space sof thermodynamics, reversitle and inves processes, sop: ectrechal, adiaba ric processes and Isobar, se -Siiepy anges, OF ant Fors sngES.| Theor of sols rerductors, slats and bbs! phase rule and charhical BOTeNal- semiconductors’ Thermal properties tot van der Wails equation of Rata of « real ‘986, eelcal constants; Maxwell: istibution of molecular vélocties, tans? port phenorrena, equiparttion and viii Ineorems; Julong-Perit, Einstein, and Debye's the-vies of spocific heat of solids; Maxwell teletions and applications groups; Methods ot determination of crys | tatstiir: xray attaston, scanning and transmission electron microscopies; Band ipa pareand tovonepreton Ce mei of persons, Masters fect, Josephson junctions ang applications; Elemeiany ideas abou gh omberllg Erexerrminm : 7 aisig and extinsie seiiconauctorsip- Giaustus-C apeyron equation, Adiabatic, ™"S fn ci ‘Gemagnetscion, Jouie-Kein ettect and MP ELAR! sistors; ampliiers/end rquBtacTon UT gases. Wy state Pape +] Macro and m 210 states, statistical a tions, Maxw: -Boltzmann,.Béae-Einstela land Farm:Ol ae distributions, applications forspecific rst of gases and biackbody “ Faghation; Cencept 0! negative. tempera soa ET Sy sates. ious les.-De Marganis lane. Tae 0 oscillaterpyOp-amps: FET, JFET and | MOSFET; Digital electronics-dcoleant 7 WOME TADTEE: Simpve Togis_eivcutt mmistors, solar colls: Fundameniais of mi rocassors al computars, MEcHANics “Prysics L Baus hedinaos - tatoo (Ez) oh FMD Mechancos of Pasbicles hethises L234 £6,108 Captor DS Ma Bar ° oO Mecania of Rigid Bodies 0 doctrusee Tuk 3 Cheptons of DS. Matus p hutuee WAZ] (BJ os oO b Kapton G DS-Matu a 5 Relay : doctire, [13,1915 1GI4 Tas (te | a 1g Crepion (Blo) d.5. Matus a 7 O©CO0OCCOG6G00000005009000990000990909045 300 Math =: | 8d ‘minutes 10 Mask, : 6 ‘martes a or ee [@ Geer wo" | Smumlu 7 1 Page, DO NOT WRITE MORE THAN ASKED y fectionA bectiem B @ Mecarncey @ Electaurrly 4 er ee @ Obie © hese A Teemodyremice O Os: half prom a ni ire fon —> tence wuhde Course Needs > be done fax full attempt Bult Mastx 2 Coumes outro 4. [40 aikrnpt Any question on trat topic J [0 Nowa initech mith untuaabe condideles + © 2 Commen ‘mistakes ) hack of proher Abrategy i em 5) W Lack. of [rofes rockin, = x mot to-Be-point = © Onewtre Conch omawer tan fen Bm SOL te 757 ° dltpending when “Quality x Cornu answer”, . Upton: Mechanica Otice - Ol x to Q2 Mechanics @ Muang & Oftece 4 Optics sie a ‘ Ge “ig ry e8Oced 120 Maths wv Pober = 2Questum 4 uni uw Ayllabia : CD Partiche Dirnemic [Ay 4, Paste © Riya Body Dynamics / Ayton o Pasticte @ ae) | Glee @ heual thoy 4 Relat WE CANNOT SKIP ANY SUBTOPIC OCOOOHEOHOCOOOOOOCHOOESO99000990900900099086 : md ry B Fok intapestin ty fore 2° forces 210 Ge Orden to Ae auth’ exporenstiat Inve 9p Aig OF being Re °F Ce fisnit the tu fimcton tr Bai Orde. Qutormaticatp for 2™ finctiery. tre fondum of Aue becomes te 2° fimclion | Pattie Dynarnits { OD Convervation Laws , Elaatia & Lnebachic Collizions,.> Rocket Motzen ca @ Apter of Particles : Conlie Mas ar a | ® Raathasfor 2 » Feyaonti al Lealtening Geen, :@ Rotating roe ope fn Coriolis’ Cordarfigal ° © Caurctatien A © Comtral Force Probleme 2 C thaplins vin “Pathicl dynamics” unit, 0 5 6 Clauutab Martin Te, UPatpag 2 © Theorebicgl Mechanica, MAR: Sigal X D.S. Mat 7 98 9 D> Grout musonitn + Caracal Mecemies thence not a | i 7 eee eee eee Pree 5 MECHANICS C1 15/1/2011 am ae vw Mech 3 ord time = Aalewmines event, “ary Ss tn pnt Those y ees poe thon Hes ms & fo ta VW Those oe Z ther breres of scat sa \) Tmodial Faame = Yble of oteues den en 2) Now Lntrtiad Frome : A, Shoes c frame) Cace FAwere of Refonin. — Rocket Meter Trestiat Frame Now Treetine Frente, B= Contant +U# Combnt + d¥-0 + accelerates motion de 240 + Utala & Obseuner Komasiny Conetant BAL Basic pypical Laure held grrod sn Lnerbial frame of Laws = Jo Pasticbe : dimensions the pastiche ate ingle brogeipuont bh be Us tances oe Ohout eecoeocogeoocooooocoooooooueaeooosgscoeoo0o90008 { VS ?oink particle con have mau 0+ weit as kage. 7 V Tnlosaction of 2 peisticler im 4 trys ory : | (by Verbs ¢ rmass . GAayttationgl cnteraction 2 nee 6 > ) By vere : ar) haan g Getty gat)» @ Intonation ¢ Nughees inleractiion 0 SS an hark time ‘Yegpived for huge force) r yo time Unlersaction . wy Weak Inleratisr, bong } hone ive _rbudy OolLisiin the trléraclion free fos tee 2 |, D0 particles wilh ct some_lina Net that one due to Other — due to 9 ceesaching Yamaos Aarge, : -P C42) ° j oO OB = pesilim vector ¢ ® 0 Pasdicle P wat. Q Cty 29 Observer 0 8 4 2k : : = (xd be Cy-y') f . : — dd J 3 Oe have boas + (2-2) & 8 * Dat Product oO + Cuoses Produc 7 : a Musthiptication With Scale 9 gS . Ny mutleebbicaley ot diricion. 1 : = Unit : © 9 he EX yyy + Cee wsually O & auumed as (0,00) 6 & PD Ae js. a4 pt A ? Le J f x He a & a ae @ 6 additen Perbendicta, DA % OB [so ber 8 oO Re ne el @® unlike Cacteoion dirediow 6.53 hin tints GY oe Be Ms ° ine at Law Trent pon guid steps cnt ti tn dosivative of a vec qprortity -. wis se af extomad force , oa Particle P dees at a ay) on (owmeg (39)-0) p abniges , anne Phare nol Asch. covrdinees , & Cony ray Bo Walton COCOCOCOCOOCOOCHOCOOSOOCOXOCOOR99OSO590990008' “so tres tarts ee PR IS Cas & derived from 2™ Laws, wre ty _buite m_ Wet, Os ut u Supt. Coordinates > > Foxe = We OT mie yy J . (8) * Alosp b+ ren | (~~ = g ( CoO c+ sens) lis (top + sao f) Feet? Foe) 7 + Fen (b) & + Foxe (9) 4 @ eecceeocoeooooc@eocoooo0oo0onogoogga9gnoo eo99o09080590 Las Fy* fee O Evtsy Actin has equal Ona ofposite Acaction. Foe = Fat Fe Fext = O 2 fg Fy + O mo Fade? an @.. Cf rate. to constrenct}| In 6,8) Commnates, Fe xt yl = A COO b+ MmOj) 228 = a SO a) fe aat o B= tos( 4046) Et oh (4O4B)= -SHBL + Cosop a Im a Abeccal Case si => A ay ( p ree 66 Cretan rmotlen At Al @ ne radial rebocrb "ont tial ybou' . . * because £0 de db (wets wos) r* 9 Ok a pa es Co28 i 3 2 (<6 2+ cosa jf) 6 aN oa oa . ai. (-cogir wf) 6 dt @ 7% sing D j ae (42) - di) ie + i (48) ae de at, oO C OOOO 0000S0S00009000909900000900000) ES. ~ A G ne © Ald the Aowults devia til now ae for ce mplion (na D\vz a6 6 : 6= dB. 8 a) lo 2(@«2] 6 : an Copsdinete ee mae ' in eran of sebtien4 (6+ U8 - de. a oe dk = -Wret da 6 In UNiFoRM iroilation motion ce &=0 a: WA K ince is_ Dy -&) i cables Contripetnl foaee direckd towerds contre (0 No that Alea tut 1al#O | ; | lBl- Const 9 | Contry hanging Alsection fn Wrifotm Cireuen amaiien . Corvcaabion Law oo B conservation Lae : [Tote ® J 0) Cancemibin 166 Bineas. mormerdtem 4 fat =O 9 dP =o de Weknow , Totgne Eqpivalimt of Face 1m Actational motion 1 Torype or) (3) Conseturation cf Mechanical Cory Consesralive byt Utama mechanical nig = Const, O LE+t PE. =z Const aad Conewratiye Lystimrs ne Conseuvatine 2 baa Prsfertin of 6. Comsemtine foe, iieep Conservative Portes ts Path indopemdont, Corsemvative © Mathematical, ., Force chould be able ty be Aobrosuned 0s tations a tong scalag function eececoceoeceoocooeeoeoo00000099090009909900 Un + Tw = wa PP: -You > T+U = Comt, [vou mr cota Foc Dn, tp Nbcesray Ard 2 - ccient Cendilien : V« Feanceeuetion” 0 pe te fe 4, Poree F. [-F]acpaccent, tre external force > Ula) fe tee work dene by ov exttrnal force by bainging a paaticle from ot A, ©6006000000000000090000099900900009098 | Q29 / 2008 /10 masks Pe (aye 28 b+ xp + 22°C) Ts ik a Comervative field ? yp what Jo scaban potertiad ? | Ar) Gat- C . i Ax) UV are : k Qnyte x? — Puz = Genk @ G39; + Cort - O i Home Consewatie force. ey om dW=-F. de > Uz ~ f Fede + Ci lyz) Je Cryr uzs) + CG Gy.2) ©6000000000000000000900099000090900009' Us: - [6 dy + 64,2 = ey Cy (x2) Us - [Feder C (oy) = -n254Cg ap q Cy) =0 CiCx,2)= -%23 CaCx, 9) e Tey (Hi Sr dm 3 space Coordinate, Me des dahon Ue Aarge Ont O mow Gf tho vertables ? pir unit change in vrcalles he ct. Ty cabled gradient at position OL y.2) defend. Lfen the dtrectién tn Ted il mane te gaint of in 6 vee Gaadiint fT 08 VT fb Bisa vector. Now if duc diflermtiate T wet x, that Tell, us the « Tin the x diieetion . This to, horus, the iF Componrs Of Grdiens of T- “ye! lie ee Ge re eoret| ng in terana irs TT. | a : + The: pains FT fann the didn of aecimm fnowaue the foretion T. vr | fo Hhefe [sate of increas bo. The tide | Gs, ruanecmad direction dherg “thie a 3 << > A 8 § 33 aa 3 . fad, x es 2 > a x 8 ts Tes ts fe cs Js 33 iif secs ue) ag 3 j a i (O38 4 Bas a . t+o ll to a Se S33 7 28 A is \ wid 1 3 of SS = «= 1% x S86 og FP ose JB, BEN, ao a + 4 ast : to Se Osi & fae 33 See ge S Bb rt sa A 4 " pa " ere re wy a Rett a ae aa ig = 13 re eins ; 3 fe ae 3/3 oe Kb SS My 8 Se ES es vie ® @oce Berge eee eae | Angutax Memerbrm er ay © Prgutan, Memenbim 06 Rotational Momentum IS 4 fe ee iby thak Con be wed tb dttack te owrall sake a oe ae. Argatax, Memento Li « pastiche oh chbwatin i fiers of rife joo ax - = ZK md me b Lintag mareentom (mv) OI pow A Le: paubeles pesitiim fpom Observation point BR teed, © Lol some partite 2 net Consema & Chang, : : y (eq. a suigid Angus Mamurdurm 4 Oyen 4 parbecles eg. & Supa : oe the trdividual ee ee af mea em rene eras Weng. WE chasse! rat frome Pronk) Where brervalion Lo smplese.. _ 9 A special Case #5 a body Aatiting around % . axis Ago ymemenbure Con be bia Cae dst pn [x08 ) Hamat of bodgi manent gf irene FCS ° * promise of Opes saint to Aegs, im aati 7 ' od AtLoauly, bd © sce) organ q oO eae 2 6 jee . : ene A es ede na system a hoe rere is ne net eattenal trque. So 2 @ Abthouge ue cam Aoese Gry point a Acforence, dy ralhomalé call, simple te Keose Centre Mase 9 the @hsewation point 16 Consider tre Oo 2 P F A 6s Uernilasly we define Tote os Ha sat". ad (anf) pele aren ae ae SaSl Font AD ¥ C Ao > im GarVod = din Pb + #x df oe Sinha Oe dk dk a Fo bteod ee ge ap +S mek OE =O dé < Langs byw @ not rae Tis = That Tap bb met wld gorongl Ratan is rot valid in any rvecton Unies Ub of the form Colmer (mors But ao a spewed Case fra Augid body : Logs User +e erp S©eococececeooooooooooooooesa9g00e0n09 | vow Mate Hw @ | oO © Equality 4 Cros deacvalives for Patan Teddi vn a ® [Tax = Ty- Wo ce 37) ee & mn \ Oy ay ( ) feempta 2 | serene) Clever gence of a Yeadsient. ve —— 0 te a ata panty : os a a oO Wie Ga+ 9% +22). iatr sat, gat) ( scala.) ie Ce HS pees Lo Cul of 4 praditmt Gx Wp = 0 «6 i Dirigna of & cua, Vv. (7A) 0) é _ Fivndarrental T hues Tnkegeale es Fumcamontl G 0 [ (tf) a fay = fl) Fag rerl, thon 2) fan. & > T (a T(a) ee Dicom. 4 - B = Ae ad 3) i (WR) ay $ d ie a 1 a 4 7 = y [ek a = § R-E fintmnot tas go 4) fG a) a urls ©% STOLE’s THEOREM eg e gooeococoeceoeoeaeoeooooooocooooonggqoc ©o909090009008 MECHANICS (2) 16/11/2011 tate function : difference Hr 2 States to Lmpactomt vf soe vedlue ob @ qeven stale Cam be Aaliteay , cifending om hort of Ohsewwalion. a] Fe (4° 229 2) c+ (3+ Duy ~ aed) 7 (62-390 k : Ts tk Comsesvative 2? Fund Potential . Fink gut ‘werk dene fe 20 Ue ~ [eae + ¢ Gy,» LU eyed + 6” ae fa bey - rely + @Cy,2) “Us Be, atyd + lay) 2 oS | ee Work dow: Pdi: [-Go.& +fav Uo “ee ee - eee *" yeh forten Com be bition a, -BU deutatleae ie try de Comewabive forces, fia bate et me @ 7c hee : © Non- Consewaltve Fore : Mechanical Energy te ditsifabed ; ce oe ee ee Q | nen 4 ‘ > ¢+Wxr20 : a ue A tm (wtto) oe Liman ih Cwtt ge) 7 fay pews cos (wt + @) 8 2 E= T+eD = Lme + Lhe* a - oO Lam 0°h? Cos? (wet a) +L kA” Ai” (cot 14)? 9 » { i og/ AL Kesistie forces thet fesust fice motion, Oke © fréctim | he am Conseinaliin forces. ° eo Th Force t> dtfendemt on velocity Ce: hen friction ee¢ceeooeooeececoooeeosogosagasooo8 Aostrich the motion) 7 > u Ute rea faa Now, the re no berger. Comewallie . WE Cannot write ib geditnt a scalar polintial, Medlin Aeaistamces ars fumitione of velocity. typecall, Fpeastnd XL -e [pape 2 -bv Lee damding const, be fk (3) 4. Atokes Laws m fF » Comise of Man, | dt Us Consider “a i fa 2 > a al pa 2 OK an, WK ete ee a [ [mss] duete 2 mm, de 2 2+ at! We know, > => Fut Fe > a [m | Fee lon be dtoumed b (8 Ty the ase k Suh pasticles (disctete point masses) a) (8 0 © e © a) c ° e : i | he Unkgal to jut notational, it ° com be single double ° Or driple ¢ aL depending a wher dsbrbuctin of mas” e GS a cole Pasticdey us the point 9 Limite, of Miro of a My + - ©, whae be met external Farce © shee the total mass of tre tyatom Wo concertiated (Note that beth We perrt are Corertil for Complete dy” Phobertubo of Corti of, Mate A = => R= mM At MA ™, Mae (m,4+™) y, L ke obseswation pont at ™, , Le. 420 R= me he = fe (am «may i +2) a. loccocecoecoeeoeon | Tp mam , Re te Came fotnt J . i = C2 oe : Hone , Awe to Choose De Cenke Coordinates Near te Aeany bodies te Calcubale 5 Cniie of Mass @ the 2 pasticles ve. Ablincax Poherty. mood > me ope & ye Gago) ts fotmg | IE pasticte Wat. | > > o Thamaformation to Centre @ Mace a Bi ew a = hay + hy, Ae Mm Atm By mt Me Zz a a > 2 MA - MA 2 om, (H-R) amit Me Cmtm, i Ch) aitm™) = ss Bs u wl fie mk Rk -m, x m tm, tm) hie pe mm | mM tm, D/A. bah m™ 4, ru mM) Ay 7 BA eocceceooooceaoa#oooceooeoocosoeooog 9000009909008 YX Te ° COCCOOCOCOCOECOOOOCO0ESD900099000009900 o Ate (olllisten Gre studied tr COM frome Aefpionce a, 8 ot i Vew zmev O fab =m Coldinagaiby / w Ce ee me (at) _ > d, (amet) ae Sa om Sm Mis = 2 aU? = 4 (3 Pe) 7 4d CP,+P.t...B,) dk = Hw © del’ ss not a _vete. Lb a vero it differerdiotes the argument (scales) Ond rrnakes ik & yeetor, © ‘del? mimics Dre behaneioun of om CAdinan vector ts s Mentque in at 1) Multiply by Seadan Bk <> VT a Gpadien 2) Dek Product = AB BR ot Ditegme 3) Crowe Produce R«B & Pee o Aut eecoeooeeoeocooooeoecoooocoes90009n00°900 000 Geamate 2 duvergonce 1 ohms ik he act | chtewatien oont . — to. aN J — Cush cs awe A Wy «dz Ax Ay Az & +h (38-3) a vector K & te A’ dficeds our prem the 8 Tnlegrabion. by Pants fe« 2 uy - [ve ie i yo me da = fo goo - [ fa) go de. : : wa ob 4 J x Chr de : tum — [wee + th bmn +t COX Comaduttion Nectors For 3 Cofdaman Veebtta, Vetumy 4 Be paraMleLab ped ubould be O S a iene) Oe On Ge ee c Je: é Q i, Ca y Ce Chamons Rehe ane byt G2- a Oo +hey 4 Crt = da asx +beMy + Coz = Ae New D> | fr ro El mda bog ag ls Cy 2 Dy fa a & des | bog Fay as C. cececceceooooocoooooecoosooeogugqoq0 000000000 Dads, D, aan QO = o& sdution if be & Dy ard, #0 7 18 40lution : We Can deduce Costra Laue dot product : [ReB--C] we Gn deme dine Laur M+% =-Z) from Cty rodicet “ye ® v- COX, Whew RB can de measures Prom any port om De axe of Aciation. Q dami 7 3° far Nuslen Bg pars Sage rae tre forces @ orested by te Kio interning bodies Ger exch O0wr are equal ( cs Brak Ge Ona Opposite , : T tre Dre Bln by by interaction of Bor Lodi te afpicionty, Larger Hom ty We ten pre Ks : tae ore Avody DO ea an 4 fife a Ordinan protical pusfores, Bur Dus Jon (ease, to Pale Gord fp ; ® Apbilean. Teens formations 6 Cipations Aelatirg tre 2 seb of Comdinaies , Lor, of Whe axe of Rowatiok fremes of Aefemen » are Cider Gate, Tersformations. they Case of more gorurnel Lorentz TRANS FORMATIONS. @ cou the particule, ©’ E= be Pe a masslew part \ Sle gl bai + bee 0 F< (BY ere : bee af Ex = bre +g i) Pee eee 5 a ate 6 Mecnanics (3) i . . e te (6 o3] 8 uw He Muclewws e euoeeere O 6 . fe ba | Mev u,70 e © 7 a oe Cen ue oe Mid ‘6 =P : 6 = ae U. a a“ ° y= d- Uen a a ° Om parameter. af 7 Dey 2 mitre ty Gt Regs Eom Gusting anes me e mem, Nats Ue = Cmei; 2 Con be deci, ° . > ‘Used on ag ° Wy fe. es 5 : e mM rm : 2 4 ee e Tee ie Z 1 o E-Ahe Ak e A amy e e ° © ° e © e e ; 7 Uohak ux col ‘Colbtition! yn Méchaniz, Chau) _ Due $> delim of mp bath of at fase 1 particle henges , ben “Collision 5 Sard 1 Oceux. / @ “ Fos collicion, trae ~Seese a a H% B ne meceiily tat C Jc. pessicles with “ouch eaca © + Paranuter other, & © Lampert Ceramic : Perpendicular Aistamee b/w ; et (naders particle ara traget paste 9 (fe 4, im absence 4 oy force. oO 4 Prone woe no oO Jc oe ® Unes ‘e age — ® _ ; Angle of Recs ° 6 Creche) ne an in (0o0CCOCO000000000000900009099500990900 fra’ + fiw ye © Jidlision con ef 2 Tite: D -thastic OM ae ne willy 4 he oe Coe ss ES oo 2) Fnebaotic : kinetic Le. dg songge 4 Remember, taal erty, a Memundums is es Constrwed. . pi Elastic £caltensry —_— (Phuton) (moet) Avit 2 € + bye eG, 2 Vie Ns Trebactic Acationng hy ty 2 Gt hVs Chana Scastonig ) molewhe ( Raglecgh, a) oun, es Jwe kmow, ) mb + MO Mm Gt Mave 2 z ee fp Mm, tM tO © ee a Q mM t™, mitm, oO a = MM tone is 16 omtowrel > Wem = Vem eee 4 Mau nen a TV Capfticient Aeottkm © plate oy Collicion = 1 Q aVV-U, a, - ie -™ call 2 > yy = (mt us +f £™:)u, Coe (vor ote emits} VOAW 4 eeceoooecoogooooooeoooogneose9g9090059090909 a Q $ es Ose Kame te ow crelociby_ 6 Gargped st dnabyses ox . a ! pecan 4 fi=8] ~ — 2 mabys Moderator muclear Aéaction fe “stbes dove Dre noution Wir are fore to Collide with paalon Tionsformatiion otaes farvrtion to detzomaie ha Tahing ‘rout Commen case : Hoe o os “ : (mae my ta mu, mm, +m oe itm. = = > 3 uj =U, - Vey ee a = Mi +™ ie ve : Ur- Uaa In Com frome J ey sms + Ma Be = Po i Mist aioe ete This Because et mornertum =O . —> We can, only solve Elaste Colliven eau Tnelaic Collum Asguires > © | ‘ | 6— @ ; We wont these bana firnrafbions a (©In Com Frome , A boyg oranges ke rvementim, Consenatien : is (me Gy" 8 ym [ Aree Zeaw Momertum|[ Famre oe a a) ) Vee laay, @ ry Tf elastic wesllition, [Note that KE: ts conewed ust. all srerbicl mul + Lamu = Lom vi" 4 Lomy* oi > Ev 2 ee : (losis, Us ba terme af uy) Se va th fos gf tal... ls nel ge > © . rial ea ei Lotume yea yr 7° m7, Oo =) au! 2 ui! 2 feet o eel ° Qo 0 Tn alae. alin, mo corde oman fre, . of yeloute ce met, A a = ‘velo tls Amin OR Charge. © gr Vi al vt 4 9 @ Hy I x, = ao hora ths Bh town. © Vom (nla be made oO To Wl! + Ve ° Regdluing inti Components, we get Poneformatiin @ D Q eoecc@eccoecoeocoooocooecso0oo00ggeo9 609909909 tmp = Tih!) 0/ : Mem -IV./Le08 @' = un! Weal _ Coy 6! ° (%' ; . von 8 : tin 7 os 1- Cos! 7 @ Oo Oo Vim = Um = My ua 9° oe Nob et og Jo ide ae 9 being Conse doyad , 2 mit Us 2 -™y a 8 aM (+™ a ALL trae sesult> ase for the stordatd Care | y Ot ea) THIS (s NORMALLY : ® ELastie CoLUSION .. ASSUMED CASE. CHE Ie ye am tm (tA 2 ia Vw Costa!) = V+ Vag Vv, ——s 2V1 Vong E uy Dye Wt Vey t 2M, Vy C000" = Awe Ue 2K, cos! CA a Gay? = Vi. I+ Abt 2A cos! ur tay De De mpornt Bing Dut tn axe rk Gm Jaromllen Dla 4b) , harn we have 1rBpfruert eyretion bo gt all Variables, % 1%, 6, p Here wt ton at max Krol Aclaluinn Ante Varcabtes rr SCATTERING — ExPpimenrs it oe Priby €: 3 ppasions WHEY ym vay + 4 variables ,o 7 —_—— ©ClCSOCOCOCOSCSCOCOCOHSOSCSCHO29SO990T990909909090 @ ? 8 & ao? =a Ervigy tens formation, rE = E- Cm Considering tro Corditioen Aefore cllliin , Fe Imut+imu © oe 2 ae eee oe ee ane u* Ean? LGn tm 2 @ntmy ee M (tM : fe (es Ln oa UL, Loam, Un! E= Lm + . 2 Gnitmy > Lom m> w, ~~ Mamy = Tice ms] amy. men a lOO COOCOCOOOCOLOO0O09G90009909000900909008 E - Eun 2 es) . e/ 2. / @® Inco fatten, Dore is AG statu clin Bm 6 vs Poa I bb 2 Aso! ot Tt tgpation puts Ctrkain ee le ee &. De a dm7O 32 OF fs) msm. 2 GUL B ane jromible i 2 @o&o 8 8 velo, orceng ue co : 9,77 a. 4, 4 2H sO 20 ™ uy, 4, Len > e Physic be os foo a ont ann UH au) Gti lps and “S ; Oo0008 88 ©ecoeoeocooeoeoeoooeooooeocosooo0seg00coeoo09g09g00o0o 0 Mecnanics (4) pefufn catering Cro Aeotion Every tanger pastiite cfs on efedie an for interaction . Wually om Scattouing , we reves fre trgle particle (due dant hae MA a Kur), due fis a beam of pasteckea . 2 Qthumpiien tm ACattoring * dae ff Stain Me fin nk i pashicle. | 3) we Concer, ak a time , Urlisachin le Angle pavaich oma tatget. We negate Cnlire parkicl, urterections . Lv eee _, or . effect Deg. ‘ = Oe Cnkeraction ee - heaton Coase Lection ts the Peter Arex Pesent 4 4“ jp the incident beam of pasta, (© Thi alo Oe fatin f ( Fete li ate “tl Fit See Here, ib vs the DikeDihoa Chrobatetity) of eas u nf. * : L ing Kota. £€E tan i ud rage i (a) ae “7 IN = [do \jaugen © f da Lt dow ce YYerartial solid Tr is te frodtion of particles ucallered pee’ amit Voit gin) de = OM ig ae bterd Ake benons , Ek ope tas | ‘chac thak en i an (Bt) & object sublrrds at a point Te ts & Mecsune Sugns Lege & GOECOGEC =f o(o) 2m smbdb >) ke (kK: iy :) aa ie Tech) i 2k Cl- Caw Ae HB ke e@ 28 be cb eecoeooocooo0oooceoooooooovoq0090 999009090990 005909 oe Sele) 2w4ind do > sis ele aN = aN cae (8) Je Nom ee \ cain» [ omit) rere pastiche . (rom Atetion O) Nealon 14 a fumelin of, Taiget © Proton O } dA= 24° on dg . > oO N cow fb) _ ne mh. 4G conc’ (f) 29 mH Af ¢ : i & ; od gecseececeocoo@aeoceocoocoeosceonooceg7g0go.oea99009 q = aN = Ie) da | ome bn 5h fo an = IT + (6) 22m do an’ = Z o(e') 2% 6! dB" dN= dN’ (8) sunO dd = £69') 4m 6 9’ (9) - (8) Amb a6 \\ ven tue S08 a ge artic (olliuen, Wwe knew ‘ibost J is yk we Ce) al “afte? C08 8'+( Yn.) Photon -ruutsen elaahi Acabteniny dump: m0! 2 664) oet8) tanh, ces 8'+) 2 Cos (Of) > 0:4) = (UK O26 2 TH) = TOD pe ag (8) 2 par6 do Bcd wm, 21 = [l= 08/0080 4 Digs pasticle lo mature, 6-8 oo [e HCO) 1 ai o.C0) Rebatiin leltiten 4 ond O © Note that foe | partiruter colh'nien a Of the beam and tniget, b AO ore specie for collition Tp 4 & sereases, 6-49) Q deccaces o b ss decreased, O cneseased. aN= L¢(@) 24% § de od phe Umpat parametic so hetwton [bh] anc BOON se 8) “nesease of) (re Ove Ap) Tf ail. Inb. dh || on OE I ri lool COCCCOO08OO0060850900099390800990008 Acaithec Ucabtering of ol-farticl, ly Guth Fob, r (6) «(0 cute *(@ e egG I6E” : Mae Franke vl): Co oO) =e [toe OL 2 Eo m8 2 Ex 4 ot) = | c™ one" (0 ib Et (8) - O O= fo. one G db = © for above TO) : 0 Bend Spore Safi So 6 Ace a) AO 4 A ae - ee L am mat intescated vm Alcoil ZL You direction of Opproarh cath eta Angle of qe eve Aswme ebactic Colliten -@L i out TIO), we need i m Oxder & ae ee lince elas Collidion , Using Comeawallién g Ke. > be be 2m 2m 7 pew be La Rm (to a QR t4uan (226) fh b= R cos(B ee (ays +, (8 ) OTe Prove K(8 Tasget wit provide Onfalie tn direction novmel to the ©OCOCCOHSCOGOCOO00090900090990000900909009090 o (8) eT , bacoeeY) ota pt oe en (From & Conse alien Caius , ger bos forduin of 6 O From 4, ge rt) as 4 () . From ro). we v wf Tl). 2ntn dB ecceoocoocoooceoooooooo00geoogg000 90909909908 : 5 i i a Mecuanics (5) laff Ruther fou Scattering (lala), co©ooeooooeceooooooes909o e90090005900 VY Gia Foil Nuchews is very maetaie Ord hunte Aarmaing of Aest Prrougpout the Coblinen, et he pales tat pein pablo, a paghicle oh * = ae Shree) E Got Nc ao Collition is Clamtic beter rgd Lncident particle oO ord tingle target pasdicle . G 0 Beatiouing duc to Gy) Coutumb Fore . 0 po 4 S| 40€, T Tis measure prem bigger target partick U, ® ; © In au Contin of Mas Faume . Fina ea et few EP Nat that th Yorge 9] Thin force in 00. “We have tre electrons. We Aare Consrdlered only sepube fore of Tutors bot nok ttrectie force Clatrons , Hime statening eect 4 Cetra, 15 reece, ee ce her © Aonge 7 0 Come gut be wo. Put” Qdirall, fore upto a duslance tema rT foma to & frie Cx perc mantally. hirer Colirion 1 elastic , (EX = he-p« ee =» [pel S If | Lonce Cotta force acting, 7 T=0 - ve Mermertum £2 t. hbo) 9 Rapala Memento 2 Canat &s oO al} - 2) co sth : th 7 2h og) b Co) a cox 5) 2 Cqpal.... a & 5) f i 2zer a ca ¢ ma pes " sk fe sor . Q): e 2 a = a find y oe oa 7 2 2pe sn) 7 ped yr e 7 7 —s - v os Cob o () | om here, Ce : ee ¢ Ee : e . o 2 Nol that ML parsmeles wm & Ex heacment »@ Ue Measured Conte of Maso Fsome . © lo ane mea te fowet the prremdas tr Lu fame on “@ Ma Vise. + (rayem) Yer” = sirens) fered’ * © Ean e Jones — (a ce autem MtM ong! C059’ +m ™ ; Ruther fod, Acattonrg Crore Actin La Deserta’ at Grote Sectiin 02 We han to mimbim e (D Parameters in COM frame e i$ O She [Lak he ena. Oo in Cdn b hae e Complete drawn. Ss = a W S®e0eooo0g0o0099050900 De aX FP Tabing Blan - nex mle heap) Cowtdbale = Amd oe : sma on a * alin > me Ord dived ies ahry @ 5) lange Be faclin oy ony Hee, Cele ha lon 4 = 4mm, : a ea . That moderator oll Le wad where Lots of emery mw be wneximmum . Uk Gag mum wher, FM ue fast mmuhare Ca , mie howe otter paramelirs i 4. a Acabtoning Cron echion of P.sacten io bua tron Neston , aHorthon of reson Ay wale. 0 © Qo 7 eg ° ) ae ‘ ( Bmy Cn : 3 mut Cw c o ° Q_ distnw 4 Chewst Apfeonk ant Lb am Aakatea Vie 1 © Eau = Lmyd + 2c? 7 ' 2 One & nome S @® myre bad \ i. : eC@eco@eoocecoeoeceeeoocoooooeooeoe99a9gncoog0090900 © Rocket so & visable mas $Gsed Upon Principle _ Consuaction of Bireas_Merantum , Ecabing forte provide “thaws” that probels the Aoceek i as Ege Py bvée)) 2 7 Pte Mad. Fret * dts fs Hie aad ‘drm Us Uexhawet es a) jee [Cr ae)? fans Gpovitin, 970 a ff" - tenn {He ? 7 Ve - gb - Verhanse 2; (4) ‘ f vtdy M M-dm , : ¥ U erhawe oO $79 b= tre O bp for > ee Exhaust velocity b arya gon tn Aocket) 6 frame 4 ae o Uecraye, tasn achat + erhaust, seockes > : os > 4 Ucerhaust , earth = Vedy + Uerhause 5 Ap a bs : bs . ae a = =e =(u-am) (v+Avy) + AM (B+ a) + aMibs -mMv 6 SBeccoeoeooeoeecoo00o0eso090000990090909909090 2 Khe = Mav +4M ie, AL m/ad (AM |. Uexfyeua 2 St : (2) + Gt) ex yu - ab. dbo. Mids Wer (aM a oh t : ) Fes (24) ve knovs df = fae « mt] + toe Marimum Ueshaust ~ 5 hom / te “ Mart'mim (Mof,) =4 a C Cerculard Nowit (eguinay? © je 7 2 [2 hom [Bee betbipacat eH piv) * 2 fatadot 3 hyferdobic 7 aden to Uncume the velocty, be have to aad stags the Aocket . Tm Ange " Ms = 10000 Meus 4 2 1800 by M = 2800 by © Oo In 2" shy cs oO M. AG00 I Mfaty = 2000 by _ Me oa . ee tin dimension & WeiZAt, Ort ly used —'@ eo. i en er b { ee Ord ig Ais Carded, rycty 2 stage nf th tase 4 frotuang fine Aectaration © B® Apast from Stindard Ao cht yn, Wwe tho Fave fo a eenuere a : M2 Me (IBY : e Mlecnanics (6) 2p baling Frare of Rfonce + ovctn oo ibn bay” = Prpectile East, S aihatin at co ee B= (4-18) p+ C04 GF [Newtons Laws not valid ty nen realial srertst frome crm Curtic£ — frame Eom fox Fiienc' : Be OF mobin =MOL,*# on 0. Be mo suc force os acts This force + dus to Cheah fom en creating frome, Fated, b make Neuatenis basse vali 6 6 e eS e ° eo eo e e 2) @ CFO! obsetean thar a force[~ma.] a e oe @ e e e © © © e x u Y I rotate fms _kefbamee [03] aragutar ‘ veloc. a (Boy frame) ‘1 we i vier of, j ay42 + dbace, Coordinates aiylz) > body at of Conredu nates [ abtackecl 2 the Ata bod, [Consider a point P Acteting cuits] a disk at OW ord Located at | é the disk. Frame . *@) do- dt . Asin . {ioe (dB)! = (den Wey BG © (8)- xk ' = 2 velocity Measured from Onin of Ata tion = [xz] Ab. K mews fre Avotating joucplno > for ony “yeelios / fodtn soba fon, woh Cf, kate fie po aie tho Acta Kot yl ple Zk! re Ty ue Conscdex kommen Cryin for Sand s', LER” Oe ed ed dt ot ot “lt = dal Co + dy Pla de’ pt om 8! a) da! dz (Bi olt co ; | Ail rronbiaoy ze @ : _ fade i+ dy fe deb : de ake ot of Gy) [eee og (& kez “| = Dre ge z‘k’ ) ori & it, mel are a! ond xz ) + cox UF Bxz) a Veer Ringo rd, ie Oryelan retboei ty Prue, iP dee "peers ae oe Pr 4 al Ord) + ¥f (8x |? + 2(oxP),. ecroecoooooceoooeoeooo9000990008009909099008 ipo ee Aotating fame Arete » Coriolis fore ss GHA por tre body. co “2m (x9 dbo. cng fms b Oca thon tre body Feonbifiget 2 _mo X(OKR) ‘ ae 8 tw 22x ~ Io Aadions | eo cand © Pow prere caleulalin, le meee atk — © eZ fw for Qld meltens Sten _ but. 8 FAA nnattinn including PlOerng 3 : iver, fae lling oo pratt. Fez _faibing tod or Con we + He OWs@egeeoeueod © € feccoece ae > ' > st » cosa j * fosim A b 5. lk v= @ Not that ue dre dading Pocude Force » Aomce We One measuuntry aust. AebnLing forme b> Le ne Consederiy 5 > the five Co te stationary ee - 2m (a x0 Horie, rue d8 rae bane to abut whether fhe el clirectt, Wreath Witte aa i k move te anotrer point Wx = L Concol:s Fexce takes Came of O woes, weir) abl cudk aay aie 0... Noe tak ForiggXoX? A+ 30m 05 Feariolir ads G fe time AL, Grit i Component Obey ec0coo0oeogoecegssgsocreoo0o000009 0 word be Ve Vy oO 2 CC -WVyemAd 4) ( vawsena) ak (Velo tesa) oO Co 2 Feopiohis ~ #2™Lo wos aly cf - va) ° , 0 + Dm toy Cosd k io C > z : . ° Fromme 2 2B HA [vo - us] . © | Feuiat + ZmlaUe Cosa k a ° © << 8 © fe _ oO nol ° es ee © © ; a © Mgat Aver flow [Sour Pole te Fpator Hpk © sank the Alves Ase “more clecfer. is due te Boviela fovce. a) cc ; a4) fae ee m (ux COR te { i - pwx Cire > 3 4 4 be "0.5 95 Wx @x4) fe / oe Ldemborent drt . | 2g = WR CoA [ares | ce | wR CesA sina a0) = 4) + x) de dt Transporms from Tobting > Anestish frome oes T m Body frome of Reference. la ksi ‘ ” sit Se a) ‘ & NoRTAGRN HENGPHERE p fd 70 Fou a body moving paretted tr (atte ot velocity vy, t Coriolis Force Fe 2mmarsord L- Ve] f Fora body mons along PGE ak T=vy f Corioles fore F 2motod bvyle ae, tee Max. Hy os — oa eee — CONIC SECTION Sees Comba Force Motien = febuce® mace —$—<———— “> CENTRAL MoTiON EQUATION 5 a: > GRAVITATION. Morrow Eaue F i Fix) Az —> kepers LAWS wb PROGES iS —» GAvss UN — SELE ENERay CP. Kk x (6G) £) = O s . 1c a —> ANALYSIS 6F SPHERE 40 5 2 de ak a J- Comtnt of motion 2 [2xp 5 + Constenr mote ner of Rp bo fird 3 Matin Jo Aoslicts pa Hane 2 Planar Metuen a Reyer 2 coordinates , wally (4, 8) Excenbiteiby = deviation frm Croular motion Canc Milieu, 0 e<) * DR PE [+ there cutter motions oe in a [lane On oe rebates a ag de 9 circle vo pasucuber Case of ell ; He a or c e-l Parabola Hyfertola evil eceeocoocooeocoocoooccooooeo9g9e0oc@eo0o09 000090 7 2 [ax byte 2h xy + 2pn + 2fy te -0] Thy epubralent mm 4,0) Coordinates « i+ Ee Cos (0-9) +s a5 ie Creda —_ . 2 (ey Clb foe ct a kG) im Pao: Page : 2 aos + =) ‘ a gre Cred = ft) c Za) oO (At 2 Ie =(! of eb fio Gta Set sf ebb a Be) mt) eS | [+e S eo 10 HW © Canc. tection . . © hows heinkr Luhese Cl’stonces Ane in a Cons sale © te a4 (tre focus a Lire (the directrix). nly, | SY Uber mabe oe —— eo directx @ co Ce ol: L b/w plone & howrental RB: 2 Yn Cone & horizontal (a foe fe qo" e: O { a=-0 o¢< e< | 4 0<4< 10 et if k= 40" © o e fe GC C oO 0 7) oO ° ° » oO CS ° 7) ° e e @ e e e ° :@ _@ ° 2 6 Oe c © 4 fo | oAngulas Mamernbuzn shire Upen the ee 4, Aeference > Comtial Force wit be a Hirieat force defending upon tbody befrming civeen © pohobrer Fox || 2. rain rsd ae Agee To scrmphify oun Caloutabions ie Hixon munca xe all tke the fount a Axmt= mv (e) eee Pe 7 LB Aargiy © > Ts net Comermnd ou Oplngular Velocity [a1 Pgs set aap ee ree ° ‘velo oly a « particle Res a Component along ‘the fadius (Ve) Oro @ Corporont perperaccular to tre sade ( cross -saaiot Component , (Up) ) x ° thon & 19 Aadcal Comperont , ie * jhe pashicl mows um & Urele. Ty tare is 70 "me “G Petperdiculan Component , pasticle moves atorg a Fie] bait Une tnrows the Ong : Radial Compenont produ, mo Change un the Q | direction past cle relative to Oatgn , © ik has . me sole tm datosming Ongulas velouby Rotaho v> : 3 4 Compbebel, Produced by peiperdicudas mitien Around the yin , ard hence orqilar Velocity ts Compleleh, Ablerminer by Ve ® we ae) ve Aeferition ene dt oa 7 (AB In 2-4, Ottection of lt CB ts not that Lrpordan : Tt has a boolean direct abso gs VImg neckot only. [zl @B be of uémest Urportanc alise (AxV)I..... in 3-a dahon 2 Js te Eth, PR +PR> 2a » cz ae Fou pine X, 2a 2 2 fF emt arti-ed= We GFX... Pept Hermite 6006000 000860088000600000000909009008 v 1 Se &> (4- Ge) 2 ow ee Bidy fred tr th Con, Pam fo Peale Foncs erebte us b> Attenmine wvhitren an not a Gr frame U ACitharated . OP ex forces Por Aapdl, Aéerexsing Wit Avatince , foci | fprabhawe & Comsiclimbe Value proporportimad [D acceleration o Brome,” a 1 we fond Aled, Cra bastiche , a b pe 1 bodies, bee eaten ty Or ahprecabh force > frome a Absence (a Fo ucalty Perdudumn a x) Te te @ rimple penduduen . wrth matsrrve S86 Chraued by 3 avey Leng tix A west 3 we domenttrate Aotaltin of Eaxth \ Ny Ae Tom (2 te idee pital Brey pani maltee 9 Le Universe attire Cyey other panicle © Waite ve rhc to dite barfertinus t9 poduct ty bus e Jratits "A taverscly rstosioned te Spare Of tre disbnce LOhucen trom Ficeld. : Dien Grand ett a body tein “when te fone of tational akltailim is praptdtle ts Callet GArauctatiowg 7 Freel Lortinn'ty of bra fect to foue fer tit macsaol a fat mass S & ®8ec soo catomal, eecceccoooooocoooooosq0000gg 9g00090990909080 Mecuanics (9) n/n » Evey, force has got ite field. Gravitational ro. h of Lian (Or change im electro 4) n e (% other a ooo ean | | ae Foue © For geamtbtienal, felt, a (E) sa oh aby sme G3 2 Pantin ssfer tick force ac LE. . om. 2) Una Fir Crltel force (Fie 1. J 3 F bs Comsewatie ce 2 Fr- Bu yy) =) = an oO shay ma ta HE . € oi Trportant oO eooooooocoegveonon°7reo900og9a9909 For a Man distululen, im rae = adn: a ae aj q — % eg (4) Ss ¢ Be Cahgteayle eceeee 08 ce eee ; + Exteel exh oe v $ Jane: 7 ax iP Le Withatyry © +We [ divide by - oO rea | Attumats way 29 get E to from Gaubt's Lens i © Méthods t calcula ©, Vv, U Nob that Y we get Eaters au brown, 090000 | Base Law ce. Newtons Law 0 oy ~ Coulumss Lar 2] BA Gaus Law © valutin of Laflace Ona Paltron Eayabiéons [meaty Fo ge from Fadv | © 9 Mebot 4 Lruyes (vy Electiestatics) © 8 Bray Fs hae gt fl. Elum (> the “Omount frets" 8 a unt due, * Flim to the meu of flaw af E. Flux = jie = Nod Lines of force Coosing some Aten Fur o, Gravitational fled. 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As alight omevemny Lele | we Bispe Wik Cass force tat wilh furore, the particle Cn Pre SOme direction ee Blable Equidibrivm , NM merement ror Piope qsile ye aise te & Fore Dat Wht Cause the particle & Actin te X, fe 2 noilral eqpibrive . 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This amotio io SPIN, [Aotatiin about bedy> axis] [™ fpeedom, or hoe = @nly retition antl Zs oO QO dune 3° patalin , Pesfoumea abot Zz, arts Gy s oy fx ae Ws sts [to] Pi, Cotncies ov Aig'J Oris , : kek ‘ c lychee ae : - go © ps body gle 3 ¢ be el ° U3 O _ ° @ ls > Ces ~ bn oe mY t> e is > ~wp Yn + Cosy ja 20009 fo e©eecceceoocoooeocoooooooooooesgogofo eco ° || . 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A) hy L an Awe Il & Ins a tiornan Aamk 2. Tax Dy | Tye Thy Ty Tex Tey =| © Note tet Tus net a toy ara tu, are O ard body is Ly mmetric © : ge xz, Tye OO 4 Home, P= Tee . > PF 5 Alm ee re T= Tee : 2 tw. t.w (in Bes case) do & number y L body Yotating about Z AMin, be Peejee : © Note that py ieee 2 Te Tae We motion P © ’ Ms = Ler- bm S ly Ty . & Agtabion molin , 9 | So Tze We TP (gmt) ‘ | i, 7 6 900e0e99909006063090990090009 eeccecdooooocoogsooooss L008 rollvels Vorw th abet prowipel arts qu srigrnrelini body <2, Tos ly # Tex 2 a aed Zuy : > Cross Phoduct Vanvk , Zug -0 Taye 20 AWE ea b find Paine’ bal Aug wt Symmetry Wasvelutior fp, mom + thal why qe see Be fame O ron dbus In Order bd ee Lets foce 4 the ‘moon, Wain © 1 Vid OX Wrey* + shin oIn & inertial frome # Atfenen tt» 5 a) = (é cl we) = (T), o : Oo crextin Calculates in De Gentich | tae, st b not A thin lan in Ursversell for te mim Gf * fomeeal Quen. Abed ee 7 : nly pe _ goa Ty wilt Herp Gandy © © mstion 3 ce ue Copsee nae ae © a fo drat rn Wxes dre oO oes oil fa ein dame Foe 78 © tb Evcer’ s Egu atone. 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Hookes ars Under elastic Amit, Utrers & Lbea'n Utress A: Ganit breportionalicty Al: Amit. of Chastity Bayrrt Al: fttmenent difytrnation A‘: bedy flows Like wescous flucd Lt. great Stain with Smale sbrens Ci baking tbrete Nix that... fatigue ek. Lmanimum ttre } Nett thar anodulus i CLastiity Co om es <— : Athi, the Gimit of Chastity, >> beth . Caberead Aba mumerstor & fe a onal Ba me Dongitudinal Brain — Tube of Cycle 13 Jood example + Chastic matencal % fo 5. _ eee tt oS : ce D Bb i ar i/ y/ oA 8 a 3 oe a gach, £7) © tunpntist = Mecdulirs of Rigid by aU C Cs gp lode , hurr 12 Call than =| Lesa : e siento 3 displacement Letivreon © 8 ene oars te ia Unit Aistince apart Oo bag Abs cS ty Osta ° Pane © 3d Oo. Bliew . dt Bulk Modulus If . 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Lp fous Oat oe ntreare Ly hut ret g lume Crercere, Ly Liv, Olttin Potato Acts en Volume of Water Avmaing Same - nek ad) bay — O too Wi» (9 ETO G @ ° Using » O 0 I> (-¥) (+4) 2 ale f- oils [4 a] fergie ” ae l+ fe) aA v2 Ww 2 hn 2 Ut) 2Le sa 5009006 & 3S oO oO © Cs] Q > eccooocoeooecoococosco0egg0o0s00509909090999 “eee i . an seca 0900000020 © Mecuaics (2) © ‘iscosity * Utokes Law 4 application . : Fe 6x4yry ( br pp sphesicas lady, dob fo.) aaa hon UD non vensematir Fico, 8 tnitan Oph ty ‘at. © Te hts heen found © Fessartamce a el .O @ecec@ececococooeoosd © Viscosity (g thon'our a fhucds (Legit © gaues) by wwhick they Shue the motién Foe A FA dv 7) efficamt of Vescescty Now if the Shope io spheaccall, rad Y : Fo wv v 9 Fx yt Orrpiasead forrube : Fee U7 . ce GK found ot perirmentally : : a |F+-baq7? 0 Teurminal welouby ° Also include uythauel not tall : rfl = Fae 2 Weng ° @ Terminal, velouiby , Frat 0 © © : + Pad:h, ° mde tiv = mg L£ ‘yeloubs Pagihe 4 jt’ oe ine : Deg? 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Catad. 2rad dQ- V dA = ale 2 AP (ght) ede 2990008080009000909990909098 heatta Combination ——h, r——p, > b{=——t 3 bi-be* Com = b a eee b-pe = (owt = ps r—4, ——— a bio be = [bi +bJ Gince — Sthetes O, + Os eoeoooonooocacooeceooecoo wh nt . Th n' (qh Py Psat (arabinaduon as. ET QO? Q, tQr Pie Po oa we Pew 2 Po % FI a : 2a te 32 ?P, ee Bermoulbis Teor: eo ‘ | : ae © For om rdeal faucd. [prepa oT i =. this bene fum ¢ bE, PE Gnd Prcquuse Entagy pee Unit volume Aovnaimns Const, Semone DOO G € @ 6 2 © eecece@ccaooooeocoeoceocooooegsg00eqg9990 PAtosuse Enesyy per Unt velwme> P KE bee unit volumes sew PG fax Unit volume = ¢ ah P+ pews eg = Cemt. AWhin erptinnd tin Heme of Lingts, De S Unik Boy Le) 4 he Got. 4 f f Poltmbind head head head Una deol fluid hin 2 Comerafine forces Se e Ake tape: 2s (Mechane'cah Ovigy aE IN Fdx : 2 PAY, ot - Or Ohax rde w= - PALM ot > Ne Wok dom + PAW ae RAYA Vince ded flucd » endarrprsenche fluid seh, dee @ Aare AE 2 Au, < Aaa 3 Work bone > 4m (Pi Pe) c Wark Dene = AME = dam Cyt) 44m (ar® } ‘ 2 hoy ue 2g 2 Bee ray e@ 2 jet few rere 2 f+ ben 09 | desiaté e »>@COOCSESSE 9eo900 Ps > oooooaosgogoce900 eeceeooooooeooooos 2 2 = Corel. > f+ Levis O92 ~ ob pr Ut PL Q= ¢vh Aw, = Any Ree tev" a Pes bey Ae wrvery = Pe-t she wyt(t- An”) 2 Pp- Pa = Le w( & | gc TA ey ahs fg Bag [223 J £ x [Ag Ad Ay Ay” Flaw= WA = af vtAr _ 7 we At Ay *2 ¢, [aarntg UK rer) » Cab beratiim | : He fog feud b Said be Sbreomiine Gr Lamina | tre ioc At Ort port On the fewa | ad erst, & manitude ds Wweol as direction . 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Limitiuon of Poizeulis Fovenule OM Not wade Duk velouctin or ZONRMADN AAR Tine when (MA) (Aake hpge 0 ae gmk Go igs) * : Sad 2 im : te Ank (2) : 4 lan 2 & cee ene onD peta kD acne ye eee Mecuanics (13) ‘nuuttaw 24/!1/11 TAansform, Nig I \ » dtah, unty + SPECInL THEobr OF RELATIVIY Ciao) debeat % + General U Retatewty C1415) : vale ce (Gta) eae Frawes J fe ye osu only wlerestl to srestial frames se Apeccad Positatoa | STR ADL physical Lau» Actain tree form co all Croatiad frames, 4 X,27 (t-vb) tn Unesthal frome | Aa may be & (n- vt) Ur Cnestial f . it fan be ble Bin We not Aderdonce fon cay £%, a ® eee ee ° age from | frame to othe, Sm ;° he Set itn 4 dag onan ie — not ever Lite.) © dan . Pee ee detretion denice 7 © — min: metering done Le 1 Postulate 2 Was A fssubt OP Michelsen Morle, Exbeaiment® BV)» Co, Shore would have been fringe shi . y isfima 4 Bpe. be ma Tings Ketan B Gherned Le Null result . , This Qt Gotim to deduce rat MC % Comlant, 6 Ado te Null saut @ Ord of moles7 a frome to othe ae a sen cate OE Coinede ak $70, L ae On P (xy,2 S thong axis, wry a | oO erna nerds Oliuny ak point P No velouthy along y Xz. 2 NO Coordinate Change along os a 2 ‘s 4 + Galetean. Thar fornia p 2°22 ee ee vt a ee x-vb = bie #0 ee sy roe» sts 8, 8 ale bape 2 ° tre “posilibyk hime mtasuud by O ond Of be Cx,b,2,4) & Oxy ave) o Now if trent Aclatea D Sty 7 ox Light. “Ue herons froem Postulets 2 that C20, 2 € lOO C CO OOOOOOCOHO00002000009909099000908700900 epee [ayes 2 Oke OP+ ’ A Fee Whe [ye pee Te [et=dbe -ut) s77 Zz ety Ryyrt 27 7 “ary 2 o arbre wt eer | Ae + ctt*= d> [ere yvre*- axvel} ~ ct [pete Vv er+2 je Epaing cr fcints l= Aral? 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Con { we 10% ala : veo O c @ . | donde irvasionda (Cen eyo vine any fsa) © (Doxey 2h Ce? ae : Se © Gxt dys de Cdk a 7 sa © @ dx dy de dt . , - ~ 2 oo ° | © Gare+12 132] 5°" 4) 8 ® “a mm ¥ 923729390 ° ee ate yr ate C= et ee eg oe © fyn e nite yt at act # & ~ € ra ie a ~ a 2 (ton yt 25> © (¢ a . l- vier i 20 | “(he eo ‘ o ° oS ae VEN dy = ct" ~ Vet 420%, oO (4) ef co e C CG v » =~ yr rer fl —- Nv See J] oe ° t-yv ae) te 2 [ate ctor + ghee] © SIMULTA EATY mullneous tumta , 22 2 orinbs dieuning | . i smectiieneme evint de Pullentots tn | Se te ‘elute 1 ares frame, & Coeitfrome and “may oe We Veta « eeocco ce ‘hut Zovend be prmliomecus sn Phare Sse i by= ta H, He oe é,! Hone, ererts Axe rot Kimultemeous mm 5’ 8 oy We Cam pve vite Versa Via Traverse Lorente bins fom? ie e ee ie : ee 6 Lenscquences of Avrubtomanty 2 Lorent: feet i t : oO ae Conteactian 7 Lorentz FITZErarp Berea, Accurate Langit Gre miasused Onl, lohen_ it Lo ab Aost, All the messusemunt vir body's frames Ae accurate, Alt the reer measurmenk inf! ALL tho amarving Lengths Are Conbrackd ly a factor of Nim vie ce OL = La ft yt along the. Aisin of tuatin // (Yen lngtr, toe body Menara in [ude oe | L measured in S Lorsect : engin = [esinayt] = Lo Body 1 meeuts ak sat Cm Meare Ory hows e©eeetenoaeccoecoococoooooocoooooeg9g0c0 ©o0090 . 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Vategn = 0° 498 © 10 kom ae wrt ~ 660m Bab do Aicy wwe Obseme ak & dustamce 4 lo km 2? eee re Hone the Acasen for chsewalion | Oefetione duning whe t Cnbowyae_| eh. da qa fe I@f©GSOC08 OBE es se se cc lecceeeccs Twina baanaden —> Phofer Time: bine “Measured 7 frame, Ly un on beth, aps by lee tun 9% jeep Syn yf es other time is dilated time . > Lai fort | tin > STR LFS > ¥ Obsemen. vmaving wacth velouby vy uxt F Posticla moving witth ebocéby UW nick c = Uy! C+ uy fee Ves! zu we up Yl as! t dk" de qparditica © Velocity Addition TAcoseen Ly Uy [ra y =f Wl finvgs |] Yar! ei% I+ udv A Ip ate ms 2|.) 7 qq VSSC => Uys UytV Uy = Uy" eu : deawvation a ol (a't vt) ye a 2ez! (ess ve) dy! dez dz be of fat xe) & y od da'+tvde! ee ee So akit Vo dx! a a Un! + s Luing Lowrtz Cypaltone, ade vee, a, ad ° Ux, Wy, Ua bnoum ° Vy known a c Un! Uy! Urls 22 0 268 a oO sips oe bill © te Uhone — ned th Perrember trom... Cor Ae darived ite a (dx — vat) db! & (de -v dx) os Uxte Ox x (de - : a(t 2a * [e/ I~ Bun vey dle - Uys 7 A(X &) a(f-%*) feecc ecole 000600005599000890 C & ~ a ) . a " ae a CVG 2 ®@ eee: oO a O cc. rs pie € 9 OQ - downte Gyatiins corr de wonton tr ey Compact form, ee o (a -vt) = & (,-vb) ole t : ' b= V%e a at: = t a te - ioe due fe ) © oe ce + 7 : hyp t oa ) Ky= Wet : : © ey ates Lima Continuum hace dnd. tyme Cae © #: 1 ces§+ van ¢ Note that 4,2 Gre not 2 re COO COOO COLE OEO CEN OOOOS SOOO ODO DEE OR | | ae ol (,- vet oe 2 t set] i ce nf i : a i ax 2 dx, +O%+ Ox + Cx B xy Oo th Ou + bar + Org 7 0. As °o 42 0% tO + IG t Ons tae vx] op oct 2 oreb = adv vey @ o is © ° D wiz of + On + On + ots © 9 ie 7 7 oO % o O.. 0 cae x ° un! 7 O 10) Oo i ° ! Bo : ? . ‘ a “| > Arbisymmetac About © xX e x Xy 7 p PY the ae e ) oO Go Q e oO & C ® FS “Vewifiestin of Tire dutatin — (Atrnten the jilonty favor 4g 4 Oo ° © a) : 0 6 CG © le : @ 8 © c © © © © © & 9o9 gona o090000993900 Fok pL Pesor produced im atmosphere, VCC Ont rirviny Up bare i a Aret th af Atse = 27-2 x10% aa azexighe = OG km (feed oe bavbled by Bom) by Abtenue ony Aibebion ffut , Vem bson Aare no boat 4 diteceA al tantho Bufo while being prodiner at top Gf ADrordhew. Bod Cmpunimentall, tray hane Leon Observed . Yo bewores posable onl, wher We Conecdern dre bfctime | & fpr pr mtson to Ae iat Ae pon. te hens . a - megen, at 2 He womesen commie Aas | detected on Be Etats sus Pare an Cotigy De Order Corropord> ty ve 0-999 €. a1 = 30 2D At & csenca frome East = 3QAT = 30x 2.2.x 19-6 66x Ws 2 didtina Ltavels © 2O0km. Poor OF REATIVATY 4 ® Not that at 2c 1 ® Note that even tofle deriving horentz Drone formation , Wx Used only 4 te dealing bth onptio, © @ wry eet CHE Sy EA CMY € Oo WWE did net egpiate thim t Zee, Haru, Vey gorernd @ To prove psn] & Lorentz Uvanort dvute dawn Dorete transformation Ord pre wa LNB Res i. = ey Ge Cem ‘ te yer gre cr I c ee £2@00 & e -" - Cvaniina. 2 Mecnantes (15) i nO LAL a » memrentim roux vector : xp 2 Kpy %y in oO Oy 1* tows “ e aie ay %& : Zo, Ye %» © Note that Umbottance of Kuy tensor ° : © . + a:) movement ay) 4 direction oO 4 © dyy = [00.6 © faromtz Teansfoom | 0 x O telB OF Ot oO @-“p Oo © Note that Y, snsovemant aleng Z Aus Minkavshays matrix Gumefprmalion io 0.30 oO ANT! SYMMETRIC About OXpy = Ol oo : : disgerad [S© Liguntz Thansfom| © Oa cap od Ooo AEP of loecoecocaonoceoeoofnO[D Nel ta thy oe Contin: Na 7 hy. 2 Kpy © (in S) Je vector Omg eter Ato knoumy Lut Can be Cneprestt to using tre above Lorentz transform . Now wt that mmpe 2 No; Gnby thak “vector A, con be Atpuarbs 03 U-vector yohore aod vx. 1A) 48 4 yector © Donte! inumasant . ! 7 te Q fe c Ly * C# , ecb) tn Pome xm fam] ° oe 7 / im o 4 Y vector ° oO a tp tp ts Lorne invanont, 0 o De aye ty 2 — @ D ty tp Kaye’ Cet whith & Lorentz Unvatcint, : Covauione (4 tod Using) Lovasone = Unvastonce © aay Papin Lamy _o1_tbnily_tana,_fom E YV vite going fiom 1 teil Pare OPien trait i we son om antamer boat Coordinate transfoem"” ¢ hot GC divides Minkowski World orto Xo Aigo R&B And be svn by ° attey ez = C7tT : ° Ge AS Ct Ry o Lb fattea Nulllere (65 520) ° oe Lepr Cone. o 3 Joe dtperdoree of inteuml we om t%, its Sobicperd y bmn og oe y onad -t Chast) values. 8 i ° : Turns Paradox @ Consider twin A Ord Bp Cath 20 yarn Bf age. Tarr Ao | permaina dk test at be Origin OQ ute ” Cain B Ae Adina brip Shae ie Con bine C.i9e Ce ee 10 Lye geana away gon ©. © Whim Be fonote Ab journy 4 sebuns to 0: . | hs - RAR) tne tan fo tnd Wh BG IT 0 2 Nerdiy Ay age % A= Yor” ae © [Reqs] him tain 8, duordig B= 202 %/ B= 2-8 Aecondig WR, age R= 2B Tar ® @ Mecuawics (18) Mass Ercrgy equcaldd / 12/11 + Rlbuistic Force Q js B&B pus CP, vé © (ame, vane) SSeS = (2s lo, O-be, 0, cc] 09600006060090093999077779908 eerceccce 2 fe | oO da dy’ de‘ # da dy dz . gis 4 -vle) dui= X(dx- vide) a4 dziz dz . te ut - 44) | Ee - ¥ ds] c o dx! di de! at'= de & de del <7 = To brove xt db = dade firs atatrn & oO du= dx’ /l-v* fc dé = bl aa 4 dx. dee da‘ at! 5 gee yen 220, ta Now nag unvuse Von form , be ee ea @ de~ A faele vas | a) [ee dx’: 0, oe p. ey 6 Mas vawaben © a at, al ss a Ws No P. Y dim. atime [t-ve)*. 72 —, = - em : a z wW 2 ices co @ F ER t be eae - o 7 oO yo 5 Es act CG 3 oO [ Aet nats J : areca Goby 0 ° Noy 0 Ga Ge Eomone 7 . im] ° oO ® > EERE tay 2 m omy] erargy 7 oneegp z[m peas? me} 3 maf we a4 O° © Neflcting Olen) ant above = pow] dle am. dm (cov) + ve dm 9 malh incwme from Mo" te 7. oO oO Go Total, € = Ret Maw Eri + inet. Energy © o[en - ae (mc = -mc* | fer ef bs ke Sntayy increases fuom OFT © € > = ; ie V: Velocity 6 particle 2 z mv (8 hee mve © ae : oe pe 2 m*y"C oO a Noe ace 8 vn 0 "oS oO . Fees OA cv 20 Qo a pet + merc" Qo oO a Sn Vice teat secs che > eH 2 mach zene’) 2 WiC Me Rabadvistic Force ae) ——— a te “(B) etne 4 eB a $) ALS ee ye Wet ne P Mecnanics CP) lathes, 03/2 /z01 - TA & a phenomenon of wane. Thee must be Some source Of wore and halve rmotion between Kource and Obiewer. ” Ths phenomenon 13 easly Obserned tm Sound Wwavto, [pirectiow TAkEN FRom fouRCE TO onréaver | — —_» s W% 0 Us a + fheqpancy shim 0 Aelabiie mation |) Gat Soe owe obseucr SRA owsewe FUTe Vie W- Ve fan Bird Wdneg Serr oe) , oferty whe Vir vlociby oa How we Can see, Y Aspords on Aalaliie velocitice Loken sdrd Ord source Ord Youmr Ond Gbscrer. In Ligt, ce defends onl, on (ve - v4) eco@eeroo0o0ocoooong0ooo00sn00080990767993039 . | tame, em Might, debbler effect te tre apbarent Chang Gh source of rare dus to xelatin mption — Upurce. And observer Jo ‘ Fngibubinal Dopilon fect. ae als Fs! = It a Convegpine of Jims dilalim | = fot U Be Aedaluie velocity bettvten LOUrce anol gat = 4 | aes 7 4 aes Tome (ean Obserwer wilt se CO —fhe st ina tig twee shower \A' (8) J 9 \ p time tue ple & =—-S a daft 5 iegme V's Sry eT Se GRR discs awebtes l+/y : jen 2) [te 7 T fe & : © CY: dattena Leanelted by Be Mean tine br hetiow, 2 Ajmal, emitted VT: ditna that te Leger has tr Haves eee QO9D309900 o8 eceoooeoooaooooooooocao0oco0oesg0oce | 1S ( le im arint posting m © | jhtebbas Aberration = The Cape © Obfeunt foritin g & © Object due te melon f re observer .. | 7 (stan) @ | : . : Uy=-C (os Ug's -¢ ces! ° a ae 2 , "2=C 9mB | Wye im Uy 7 ° NQtmL tnatormation oO ode oe knisus Eqprations ° ‘ o : fe Ue [-y 0 Ucpe Unwv Q Uy Ly ve ) 8 in 2) ° or © ves ni © [pare = “Msi A topes! cata) "etwas “Me = yea 2 it trv | | ¥ Ze : ab we / cose + (% Ce ieee Mie re ne : we reset shige Oh 6 monte = % z a @Tormes Perraddey ohscowed at bwAsg olan Appears te “eve OF 4 Oras coats orbct. pith a period od @ 1 Yeae es AL" of arc . Mb, orc stars o Orin positions ere & O poste | ° oe ea ao) ay = Frio = UN” a Eats tee Son, EC" exlof 6 GR: ten seare te os CCOCOOCOCOOO000000090009990009099908 swt * Veloalty q Lyte same in all frames but angle + App asent abbesation vn te path 64 so, ADecay Proce —>4- eos aA Cars L a 1 rr A mM, Tr un disection 9 2 0! b calle sLerire De Oprenion oy bp ard é) in teu 4 fucst es Simplistic gc decay process i ae << Aut amnasges = Be +? 7 Pe +/7 > pet y wd Leas ‘inte ih & Spertancous natiral Acaction » 7 rmamonium, Ate £0 Total_scbabievs tie Mementur 4- vet na Pp * be Constured , yb Conseavedt Conserved I (* °2) : oS fume fa] » Initial Merentur~ 4 O 27 he - > P Ic 2 Pez fe eee Nhe Eqs Fa r%e * seins maint afar Gri] — OW © Ty Em, Cr J ae &) Ter & - ™1C* 2 Ex’: be ¢ + mye Ec* + bee Ca ae cece tment 0 En CEg-be) = amic® GB) We bn, (E9 + Ec) (Eg &) = © © o © ° 9° oS 6 Rombinber than $n) 4% a Ofprenimate Cxtbetrion for KE, fon‘ hers vileecticn ah pa. é Pusthing (X) , Aiea c (me - 1) * Ma” { a Mo 75908 eo [lane rm) > met] 2™e. Den ty TAamfoumation ee [~ “Ge? Cre) whee fm =m. mM ara fi-we LL I Tod c = fo = kp Cz) @eerrecco@eooeoooo0ooro0soo0e09gg0gs5seao°7 Nutl Aesult OL Micheboor Morley Exbeatment [Ab be bin’ Oe ex berber, bgp as : | bebord ty be ao ware ayhicg bearele tn aq mettun O Calid = ethres Miheloonr - Experiment é © oxistince 1 Cor 7 _ * Te ud Mithebor |} Whick vas Aasedk ey - the premise rat due be © fatr cif ference Oduxe, De® © Wwawes dravelling Or farberdban Aitection, tr 6 o meving bap “inshoomnt , trere Shouly be a fray 2 Ahife Bok ne suck fog shefe Wes abseayes | = We Atsult OL Mopringe chit On Mittetown Exfenimentt ps Calla NULL REsuT, Etnstes Dror explained iG hese Aesults o Mirror. My So © 8 : oO Tri badly pa fa instrument Ly moving © gk vebouly Vio wat eOm, De Line Glen 3° S Wire bb : 1 © Woe ee = af (i-#) : ee eos C+ Cia © ¢ 4 ~ 2h le vs & c cc eoeecoceceseooooosooocoo 3900 af7ra99096 © carey Le a ft fee { Gy) ae Ate 24 (rey" ~ 24 (ite 2ct wo ol wen Patn UYeran Cebu Lorizontal £ velvet . : sO 2 ve 2 My Woven Cb) ew, Gxt) <4 Ae Ie Peoy ,ak tre Avine Cie A path differance Ard Cor%e» promote | el pews, was, obscure hiv o J ie : Uirumons Was ae Nina the Se ee a) Michelsen Morley Expenmenrt. | : a ea ea inf es ake a a Cdn i gp an fn Baas QO Fepgekld acd “nat Leng ts i Ain of bipt “ Cortrack oO fe -vt)* es fe ee Cs z (' &) (re) i zl %) [it 2b, 24 ew | O Frenel, » Eimotein Core up with Arlt Crum plion ” prak Vilouly of Bpe b Lorslard : oo 26 ie Hu, tre dex a ether Wes Ageted | © Meng ve 3x0 m/s velocity 4 earth A Anos, A paged body b Aafines ly 3 beck free - wk. ack Ores - Totul wg vencestes = 6 G 7 toe pe <\ ' Os, 95,22) Oya) Be fred. ye 4 Faudom + 6 Nod) Comabaint -6-3 a le Con vorite att epratnin g Umeda f mou rmanks) Now Wm if Comacdend Gn Oxba — pornt Gs 5%) Exba vanabl, aru addeg + 3 Exte Corduinet abd = 3 Wine Cot Aemain Same. —_ Delhi Institute for 28A/11, Jia Sarai, Near IIT, Hauz Khas: \dmministrative Services| New Delhi - 16 Ph: 26537353/ 9950934622 tan® = sino’ Vi-ve? / cos0’ + vie can be derived from the velocity transformation relations, (2006) 33 A body’of rest mass m, is moving in the positive y- direction at.2 velocity of 0. 6 C relative to the faboratory frame, Calculate chie components of the four diriensional momentum vector in thelaboratory frame and in the frame of an observer wha is traveling in the positive x-~- direction at a speed of 0.8 C relative to the laboratory frame. (2007) L3© state the postulates ofthe special theory of relativity and based on these obtain Lorentz as well a invet: Lorentz transformations, Hence, obtain an expression to conclude that a moving clock runs more slowly thar stationary clock, (200° (380 An unstable particle has a lifetime ofS us in its own frame of reference and is moving towards the es ‘a speed of 0.8 C. What will be the lifetime of the particle to an observer on the earth ? (2007) f” The length of a moving rod can be defined as the product of its velocity and the time interval between the fnstants that both the end points of the rod pass a fixed mark ih S System. Show that this definition leads to the space contraction (2008) an meson of rest mass comes to rest and disintegrates int a muon of rest mass 4: and a neutrino of zer: rst mass. Show that the kinetic energy of motion of the muon is 7 =\"— (2008) 7m ee that a four-dimensional volume element dx dy dz dt is invariant to Lorentz transformation. (2009) \ ‘ 39“ Obtain the relativistic equation for aberration of light using velocity transformation equations, a (2009) se What is the significance of the null result of Michelson-Morley experiment? Does it disprove the existence ether? Justify. Peaches ak. Cath Ate ether along with tb. (2010) ul - New Delhi - 16 7 Ph: 26537353/ 9350934622 How is an election volt connected i other ynits of energy like the joule or the erg? Determine the speed of an election of energy 1.3 Me V assuming its rest energy t0 be .51 ~~ , 1 1998) Prove that the expression x"+y"+z",c"Y is invariant under Lorentz transformation, (1999) Describe the set-up of Michelson-Moorley experiment. Why was a fringe shift expected in jt? How are ts negative results understood? 4g (1999) ‘What is ‘Lorentz Contraction’? E ‘A spaceship of rest length 100m takes 4us to pass an observer on Earth. What is its velocity relative to the Earth? : (2000) {Derive an expression for the mass-energy equivalence using the principle of special relativity. (2000) 29 The mass of muon at rest is 207 Me whereMe is the election rest mass (0.511 Me V ). The mean life time at rest for muon is 2.2 ys. The life time of muon emerging from an accelerator is measured in the . lab as 6.9 us. Estimate the speed of these muons in the laboratory. (2001) x ‘A person in a space ship is holding a rod of length of 0.5 m, the space ship is cruising at a speed V parallel to the earth’s surface. What does the person in the space ship notice as the rod is rotated from parallel to perpendicular to the space ship’s motion? What does an observer on earth’s surface notice? 2001) ‘Two spaceships are moving at a velocity of 0.9e relative to the Earth in opposite directions. What isthe speed of one spaceship relative to the other? (2002) An observer A sees two events at the same space point (x=y=20) and separated by t=10%s, Another observer B sees them 10 be separatedyby t!'=3x10"s. What is the separation in space of the two events as observed by B? What is the speed of B relative to A? (2002) An observer S; sees two bodies A and B having equal rest mass approach each other with equal but opposite velocity of the body 4c/5. To a second observer Sz, the body A is-at rest, What is the velocity of the body B as seen by observer $;? What are the kinetic energies of the body B in the frames of St and $;2 A (2003) | 2gPAiow does Doppler effects of light in relativistic physics es itatively differ from its non-relativistic analogue? Calculate the Doppler shift in the frequency-of|a photon traveling along y-axis, with respect to an observer moving along the x-axis with a constant speed (2003) ‘A meson of rest mass 1! comes to rest and disintegrates fo a mudn of rest mass y. and a neutrino of 2275 ret mas, Show thatthe kinetis energy of moon ofthe muon i Tony (2008) | 26. Write down the expression forthe relativistic mass of a particle moving-with a velocity vin terms ofits \ rest mass. Establish from the above expression Einstein’s mass energy relation E=me*, (2004) nstow that the length L of an object moving with a velocity v is given in the direction of mosior by L=L-v/e)"% 2 sport ‘Where Lois the proper length and c is the velocity of light is free space. Pada What will be the shape of 4 spherical ball while moving under relativistic regime? rove that two successive Lorentz transformations are equivalent to’ another Lorentz transformation. fence write down the Einstein’s velocity addition relation, (2006) 32. The source § moves along the x’-axis at a speed v, and emits light at an angle 60 the x°-axis of its own, frame, In th S-frame the emitting angle with the x-axis is 0. Hence x and x’-axis are coincident. Show that the exact relativistic aberration formula. co 10 we Aclatie Antuan na arialle a= (Aa Xa i 4 Ee eee eee DIAS Delhi institut |288/41, Jia Sarat, Near tT, Hauz Khas (arenieene Now Dethi- 16 Ph: 26537353/ 9350934622 TUTORIAL SHEET: 6 Special Relativity > if ‘Show from the Lofentz transformation that two events (tnt different points (x1 # x) in reference frame S ate not in general simultaneous in reference frame S' which is moving in the +x direction with the constant velocity V with respect to S. : (1988) J ‘Whaat is the momentum of a proton having kinetic energy 1 Be V? The energy equivalent to proton rest mass is 938 Mev. (1988) ee - Write down Lorentz transformation relations and prove that x°+y"4z?-c is invariant under this transformation. (1990) Ani event occurs at x'=60m, at t'=8x10" s in a reference frame S'which is moving along the common X oF X' axis with a speed of 3e/5 with reference toa stationery frame S. The origins of two fiames | coincide at 0, 0, Decuce the space time coordinates of the event in the frame S. (1990) Prove that addition theorem of velocities in special theory of relativity. Two bodies A&B are moving away in opposité directions, each with a speed of 0.70C with respect to a stationery observer. Deduce speed of B as measured by A? (1990) 6 The half life of p-meson at rest is 2x10° seconds. Determine the half life of 1-«eson while traveling / with half the speed of light in vacuum, (1992) \Write down the expression for the dependence of mass of a particle on its velocity in special relativity. What will be the soeed of a particle if its mass becomes double of its rest mass. (1992) ‘State Lorenz transformation equations. Show that for V/c<<1, the Lorenz transformation equations reduces to Galilean transformation equations. Explain the physical significance of Lorentz, misformations. (1993) 9/_ State and explain variation of mass with velocity, hence find an expression for the density of a body in ~~ an arbitrary inertial frame of reference. (2994) The density of gold in its proper frame of reference is 19.3x10° kg/m’, Determine its density in a frame _ of reference where its-velocity is 0-9C, C is the velocity of light in fee space, (1995) In the rel ivistic region, compare the relative increase in velocity with the relative increase in energy : Selative inerease in yelochy of a particle. (1995) Determine the speed of an election, which fas kinetic energy 1 Mev. The energy equivalent tothe rest jifass of an election is 0.51 MeV. si (1995) ag The coordinates of an event in an inertial frame S are (25m,o, 0, 5x10“S). What will be the coordinates is event in another inertial frame a. moving with a velocity 0.6C 0 in +x direction with rest x to s. hie origin of two frames coincide at t='=0. (1996) Obtain the relativistic transformation relation for density in ineytial frames. What is the equivalent energy corresponding to | amu of mass? (1997) 13." A wmeson travels towards the eath’s surface from high up in the atmosphere with a speed of 0.99. It, decays after traveling a distance of 6km. In what time does the 1 meson decay as measured by observers in reference frames (i) hound ¢o the earth (ii) bound to the meson itself. (1998) 9 New Di 16 Ph: 26537353/ 9350934622 x ' 301-20) , oe that the Bulk modulus K, Young’s modulus Y and Poisson’s ratio o are connected by the relation (2008) Mat do you understand by streamline motion and critical velocity of a viscous liquid through a capillary tube, Capillaries of lengths /,2/ and ; are connected in series. Their radii are r, 3 and ; respectively. I : : : ‘ the streamline flow is maintained and the pressure across the first capillary is P,, deduce the pressures across the second and the third capiliaries, A - (2008) ‘Show that the total energy per unit mass of liquid flowing from one point to another without any friction remains constant throughout the displagement. (2009) - Serre re Rarer ever ree nO LADS b« New Dethi- 16 7 Ph: 26537353/ 9350934622 Tutorial Sheet: 4 cae igid Body Dynamics ‘Explain precessional motion of a top: A salid sphere of radius 2 cm and mass 50gm has a thin nail of I length Smm fixed perpendicular to its surface. When this sphere spins like a top with a speed of 20 svisec. What will be its processional speed (1995) YE Explain the precession of a spinning top and show that processional velocity is independent of the Ys of inclination. A top is spinning with 20 rev/s about an axis inclined at 30° with the vertical. Its radius of gyration is 5 cm. The center of mass is xem from the pivot point. Calculate the frequency sa ion. (1999) 3 sine from the definition of angular momentum of.a single particle, obtain an expression for the gular momentum of a rotating rigid body. Hence, discuss the time derivative of the angular jomentum and deduce the law of conservation of momentum. (1999) Show that the combined effects of translation of the center of mass and rotation about an axis through the center of mass are equivalent fo a pure rotation with the same angular speed about an. axis through the point of contact of a rolling body. (2000) Write the Euler's equations for the rotational motion of a right body with one point fixed, under the setion of a torque N. Apply these equations to discuss the rotational motion of a symmetrical top / On the absence of any force other than the reaction at the fixed point. What do you mean by the moments and products of inertia? Show that the angular momentum c is related to the angular yelocity components by linear transformation relations? (2004) ao Derive Buler’s equations of miotion for a rigid body rotating about a fixed point under the action of torque. When a rigid body is not subjected to any net torque, write down Euler’s equations of f* ‘tion of the body with one point fixed. (2006) ‘The anguiar momentum ofa rigid body comprising ofN Particles and rotating with angular velocity @ is given by M nmi x(@x7,) where the or figin coincides with the centre of mass. Express the components of 1. in terms of components of the inertia tensor. Hence, show that the st general free rotation of a spherical top is 4 uniform rotation about an axis fixed in space. : — 007) Derive an expression for the moment of inertia ofa rigid body about any axis. What is an “ellipsoid of inertia”? Explain clearly what you mean by the terms “principal axes” and “principal moments of inertia”? Find the moment of inertia of a thin rectangular lamina about an axis passing through the centre of the lamina and perpendicular to its plane. Kience determine the moments of inertia about axes passing through the midpoints of its both sides and perpendicular to its plane. 2008) Show that for any rigld body consisting ofa least hreepartiles not arranged in ong straight line, number of independent degrees of freedom is si Define Euler's angles @, ¢ and iy to describe the configuration of such a rigid body. Consider two frames of reference, one fixed fo the body and the other to the space detined as S'=(#,y/,2') and § = (%, y, 2) respectively, Show that the angular momentum (Z) of the rigid body in the two frames are related by ai ee : at) (2) sanz dt), \at )y Where @ is the angular velocity of rotation. to. (2009) drninistrative Sefvic New Delhi - 16 Phy 26537363/ 8350934822 Gravitation and Central Force Motion ee Kepler's laws of planetary motion, Assume the law of gravitation to be of the form F= 2 where : asec nis some number. Find the value of n which will be consistent with Kepler’s third law. For this you may assume planetary orbits to be circular. (1990) ‘A Satellite moves round the earth at @ distance of 3.884x10° km from its. Centre. Find its period of revolution. in days. Proceed to deduce the distance for a geo- stationery satellite. (1990) A body falls from a great height towards the surface of the moon. Write down its equation of motion Fand solve it to determine the speed with which the body strikes the surface. Also find its numerical value. (1991) 4, Deduce the magnitude and direction of the acceleration of the moon at new moon. ‘ y (1991) 5 State Kepler's laws of planetary motion. Why does a missile need an escape velocity to escape from (1992) Calculate the speed of a satelite orbiting the planet Jupiter at a distance 108 Km, above its surface (The mass and radius of Jupiter are 19x10’ and 69892 Kmn respectively) . (992) A Satellite, revolving in a circular equatorial. Orbit at height 1.36x10*km from earth’s surface from. 5 tolt, appears over some spot at the equator every 6 hrs. Show that are consistent with known earth's Tadius 6.4x10°km and g =9.8m/S*at earth’s surfiice 1993), State Kepler's laws and prove that for elliptical orbits the square of the period ofa satellite is. | ‘propbrtional to the ovbe of the semi- major axi ae (1995} A satellite is lautched inta a citculer orbit close to the surface of the eurth, Find an expression for the additignal velocity that has to be “imparted” to the satellite to overcome the gravitational pull (199: ff A satellite has apogee and perigee heights above the surface of earth as 4000km and 640km. ively calculate the eccentricity of the orbit and semi-major axis. Radius of the earth is 6400 Km. ie ‘A particle is moving under a cemtral force field. Obtain the equations of motion and prove that in ‘uch pefield the aerial velocity of the particle remains constant. (1997) ~ 127 Moving in a closed elliptical orbit, Haley’s comet goes round the san once every 75 years. At its \Point to closes approach its distance from the sun is 8,910" fon, If mass of the sun is 2x10"ke_-what will be the greatest distance of the comet from the sun (1997) Prove that the path of a particle moving in a central force field is a plane curve and that the angular omentum of the particle remains constant in time, (198) Oe ‘Neptune's period of revolution is 165 yrs. What is the average radius of Neptune’s orbit in terms of theSun- Earth distance ? (2000) AG. Two bodies of masses M, and M, are placed at a distance d apart. Show that at this position where the gravitational field due to shen is zer0, the potential is given by M,+M, +2) 14M,) | ‘ (2009) 28/44, Jia Sarai, Npar ss New Delhi = 16 Pi 26537353/ 9350934622 TUTORIAL iT: 2 otating Frames of Referer hat is understood by the term ‘Coriolis force’? Obtain expressions for velocity & acceleration of a particle in rotating coordinate system. ect (1988) (3 Petre Coriolis force and write an expression for it, through suitable examples, explain the way this fo ee varies in different parts of the earth’s surface and for different velocities of tits. concemed particle, (2989) 3 Frain ‘what Coriolis force means. Discuss the action of Coriolis force on a body falling freely on the earth at latitude ‘2° \ (1994) bine earth were to rotate at ‘n’ times its present speed of rotation about its axis, the apparent weight, of a body at the equator would assume zero value. Find an expression for ‘n’. ic (2995) < Define Coriolis force. Obtain an expression for the Coriolis force. How does it account for the whirling of winds in oppasite directions in Northern and southerii Hemispheres? NN 1996) Obtain the equation of motion of a particle moving relative to a rotating frame of refererice Explain the term representing Coriolis force in this expression, (2061) ee a freely falling body from the height ‘h’ on the surface of the earth in the northern hemisphere with a latitude “8”, show that the deviation of the body towards east atthe final stage is given by 1/3 w Cos0(8h'/g)", where w is the angular velocity of the earth and ‘g’ is the acceleration due to gravity. (2004) iq, Derive the relation 7 =7o+ax7, where 7 is the velocity of a particle Jocated at 7 in a fixed frame i - : ee ae of reference $ and F that observed in frame’S totating with angular velocity @ with respect to $ but having the common origin, i. 2007) |} Show using the above relation that the equation of Motion of the particle in S gets modified in $ _——~giving rise to Various fictitious forge. Identify the coriolis force and describe its effect on the flow of | ners. (2007) Se nA a eee eee New Dein best Ph: 26537353/ 9350934622 fine scattering cross-séction.'A charged particle of mass m and charge Ze is scattered by another charged particle of charge Ze at rest. Deduce the expression for the scattering cross-section. (2000) sing the rocket equation and its integral, find the final velocity of a single stage rocket. Given that (@ the velocity of the escaping gas is 2500 m/s (b) the rate of loss of mass is (m /200)/sec. (where m is the initial mass and 0.27 m is the final mass .) 2002) ‘Derive the relationship between the impact parameter and the scattering angle for the scattering of an (‘alpha particle of charge + 2c by a nucleus of charge +Ze. Calculate the impact parameter for an angle of deflection of 30 if the kinetic energy of the alpha particle is 6x10-13 joules. ee ' 4 = (2002) {fa single stage rocket fired vertically from rest at the earth’s surface burns its fuel in a time of 30 see and their relative velocity vi=3km Sec", what must be the mass ratio mo/m for a final velocity is of &Km /sec? (2004) \367Considering the scattering of a-particles by the atomic nuclei, find out the Rutherford scattering cross- section. Explain the physica! significance of the final expression. (2005) aber riygan ‘equation of motion for a variable mass. Explain how it is applied in the motion of a rocket, : 2906) a is center of mass? Show that the total linear momentum of'a system of particles about the centre of mass is zero. (2006) 29CA force field is given by \ Qaye 2 itp +37 Is ita conservative field ? If so, what tiie scalar potential? (2008) aa Delhi Institute for (284/11, Jia Sarai, Near IIT, Hauz Khas DIAS aries tins New Delhi. 16 i : Phx 26537383/ 9350934622 ‘A radioactive nucleus of mass mo amu emits alpha particle with kinetic energy Ex. If the disintegration ocgurs when the nucleus is free, deduce an expression for the energy evolved (Ex) during the disintegration. (1993) 4 place with another particle of mass m2 initially at rest. In this context show why hydrogen would be Find the fractional decrease ot ‘energy of a of mass m; when a head on elastic collision takes best to be used for slowing down. tually D;O, not HO is used, Why? ' (1993) Pina is centre of mass? Show that there exists only one centre of mass in a system of particle Discuss the usefulness of centre of mass in studying motion of a system of particles. (1994 he distance betweén the centred éf Oxygen and Carbon atoms in a CO molecule is. 12 Determtine the position of the centre of mass of the molecule relative to Carbon. (Assume ston masses of Carbon and Oxygen as 12. & 16 respettively). (196 K particle of mass m, moving with an initial velocity Vo is acted on by a central repulsive inve square force, F = ‘. Show that the Scattering angle @ depends on the impact parameter “b’as en(2 = \UAYA particle of mass m, moving with-a velocity Vi undergoes an elastic collision with a particle of ‘mass m2 at rest, in laboratory - frame. After the collision the first particle moves at a certain angle to the direction of its initiat elon, and this angle is @ in laboratory-frame and @ in centre of mass; 5 : frame, Ifthe ratio of masses ™ is A, show that 0 & are related as tan@=—Si0o_ z . ™ cosh +f 8) = bp : (1990) (1996) in the NH molecule, the three hydrogen atoms forms an equilateral triangle. The distance between - the centre of this triangle from each hydrogen atom is 0.939°A°, The nitrogen atom is at the apex of the pyramid with the three hydrogen atoms forming the base. ‘The distance between the hydrogen nd nitrogen atoms is 1.014'A°. Find the position of the centre of miass relative to the nitrogen atom. A stationery bomb explodes and on explosion, it fragmehts into three parts. Two of these parts, which ate of equal masses, fly apart perpendicular to each ther with a velocity of 6Om/s each. The third part has a mass four times the other two. Find the magnitede and the direction of the velocity of the third part I t (1997) sition do we infer the law of conservation of linear ane from Newton’s laws of motion? (1999) A Piconsider the motion of a rocket in a gravitational field and derive an expression for its final velocity when the fuel bums at a constant rae till itis fully consumed. : cue (1999) Usrtne mass of the moon is about 0.13 times the mass of the earth. The distance from the center of the moon to the center of the earth is 60 times the radius of the earth. Taking the earth ‘ s radius to be 6378 km, find out the distance of the center of mass of the earth-moon system from the center of the earth. (2002) Ram and Shyam are Bo skaters weighing 40' kg and 60 kg respectively. Ram travSling at 4 m/s meets Shyam traveling at 2 m/s in opposite direction and collides headon. a.{f they remain in contact, what is there final velocity? b-How much kinetic energy is lost? (2000). ices] New Dethi-46 \/_ asian somseze CIVIL SERVICES EXAMINATION INS) PHYSICS _ PAPER - t: MECHANICS TUTORIAL SHEET: 1 Conservation laws DIAS: prin js the recoil energy in electron - volts of mass 107° gm after emission of a 7 ray of energy of| Mev? ‘ ' + (1990) \efine differential scattering cross-section: Write down the dependence of Rutherford scattering cross-section 6 (0), on the scattering angle 0 and sketch this dependence graphically. In the present case the total scattering cross section «= fo(8) dQ turns out to be infinite. Comment on this result, (1990) ‘A neutron of energy 1 MeV collides with a stationery, helium nucleus and is scattered, Deduce the \/" momentum of the neutron and of the helium nucleus in their center of mass system. «, (1990) 4) /beie differential scattering cross section for a scattering process. The differential scatteritig cross-section for neutrons scattered elastically from a solid is Of the form | (nike? ba o(0)=Ae where A & B are constants and Kiahd Kf are respectively the wave vectors of the incident and scattered neutron Determine the total Scattering cross ~ sections, given —— ie = i. (1991) Shove that if Eand E' are respectively the neutron energies in the laboratory system, before and after collision with a nucleus of mass number A, then EL lsat +2ane ' E Gray Where Mc is the cosine of the scattering angle in the centre of mass system. (1991) What do you mean by centre ‘of mass of @ system of particles? Derive expressions for the instantaneous position vector and velocity of the centre of mass of such a system of particles (1992) as Rutherford’s observation that the number of ct - particles scattered at angle @ and falling unit area of the screen varied as [cosed(4)] . deduce an expression for the probability i : sogttering between angles § & +d . (1992) fs. cocket of mass 1000 kg. is ready for a vertical take off. The exhaust velocity of its fuel is 4.5 km/s. Deduce ' J (a) The minimum rate of fuel ejection so that the rocket weight be just balanced () The velocity acquired in 8 seconds if the fuel ejection rate is 2.50 kg/S, (You may neglect the / (1993) effect of changing mass of the rocket in the given conditions). — fe cl lee ie ee eee inverse, roborthinad by mares ; tw, AL aa viemne & kyeghm wre tere (62) « “(&) o ge por 4 peng baling, Peading balan, when tre dital & 4. fom that pa wits gunk QA wy small he, Rote Yd & “tunis some b fel toe, relat oo ain Psst, Bo bird uf ani a ib Le 7. puso 2 Air Aownirds wt pc Be ord se wo lage hao ne shia base, po how (ora) wr wt eetion of men mm, when it pbukes slttivrun nucleus oma man inchill, ab Aest. © trans fin oe ie eneten toa a in tnercoen Ly Unctudiins Ahan thar Sl erie! Marci mim, fe oe es nr ye uy (2 ms gt ee fm) * oa, = CL eS » tem) + fom we Epna = fae « 7 for On Urttomedia particle mg ae ing eT. a Beas = &, Wm Umm = EL > de 6 Get 42 1 Gam mae Carag: amy, 2 E+ ims ‘| 5 dA zo 2 [meine me 2 om, ~ path. 5 our © ae es at Are, ——— - 4 Wir ee abit stable & Clea, ~ oe 7 PRR. Bet fon Corelar amollon, GMm MOA ae 3 (C5) i 2 kn (Pat 2 2 4 le 2a, ) GMpn GM Fok elliphical motion , kh @ T= Ateahunepe Ta Ak . Axes aebosiby ) &) te Tp = 2aH alt) Vike = ¥ ete] rey E sly = Welocily him plameh to juot able “/KR tft 2ET~ pie ws (8-6) -A tm (6-2) 2 ai ket, AP cos* (0-82) * Ahn wy ae + A* 10-0.) E+ ke , kAl@s 6-8) ZA fee it Peora Concel - vencel —& He die 4 Ry if! 2 As| + (2eF) | ur Sros 2-2 Slthe amd cewe, Zep) - i+(a ee ns kp ’ > Ae be [a ws kee ky 1p 260" cos (9-60) 2 Uae Be 1 ky [it of 26 co:(6-6.)] - ae pee > [aV/eul 2 I+ + Zen cos: OB). 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