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Possesive Pronouns

1. Choose the right word:

a) Its their / theirs problem, not our / ours.

their and ours right.

b) This is a nice camera. Is it your / yours?

c) Thats not my / mine umbrella. My / Mine is black.
d) Whose books are these? Your / Yours or my / mine?
e) Catherine is going out with her / hers friends this evening.
f) My / Mine room is bigger than her / hers.
g) Theyve got two children but I dont know their / theirs names.
h) Can we use your washing machine? Our / ours is broken.

2. Finish the sentences with a possesive pronoun.

a) Its your money. Its yours.

b) Its my bag. Its______________.
c) Its our car. Its______________.
d) Theyre her shoes. Theyre____________.
e) Its their house. Its___________.
f) Theyre your books. Theyre__________.
g) Theyre my glasses. Theyre_____________.
h) Its his coat. Its_____________.

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