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Assignment 1

CSIT 101
David Coogan

1. CNN: Hackers stole from 100 banks and rigged ATMs to spew cash
2. Summary:
This Article is about the recent bank heist that has been committed by
hackers across the world. Hackers from Russia, Ukraine, China, and Europe were
involved in an organized bank heist that was committed without them even entering
a bank. The hackers sent out spyware that was able to enter a computer of a bank
employee through an email that was disguised as an email from their individual
bank. When opened the spyware infected the computer and laid silent and in
waited. They hackers would observe the actions of the bank employee and they
were able to see how the employee completed their job and how the system
worked. When the time came the hacker was able to transfer money into their
accounts from other accounts from over 100 banks by mimicking the staff. The
hackers were also able to hack ATMs which made them spew out money and then
they would have a member of their team pick up the money. This was a team of
thieves from many different places completing many different organized roles.
3. Additional articles:
I ran a search using Google and Bing for my search engines, searching for the
keywords Cyber Crime and Security.
What I found was that the results from Bing were much more helpful than the ones
from Google, which surprised me. I had been consistently been using Google as my
standard search engine, and never gave Bing a second thought based on how much
Google has and all of the projects that they are involved with. I found that the Bing
search engine was also more aesthetically pleasing than that of the Google search
engine. Bing also divided up the search by; Ads, definitions and information, news
articles, and recent posts. This made it very easy to find a relevant article. The
Google search took me a long time to find an article that wasnt about definitions of
cyber crime and security.
Time: February 18th 2015, No updates yet.
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Assignment 1
CSIT 101
David Coogan

Relevance: Yes it is very relevant to the topic and is an article based on the exact
same scenario that I had found in part 1
Authority: The Author is Deena Zaidi. She is indeed certified to write about this
topic. She has an MBA in finance and an MSc in International Banking and Finance.
She is also the owner of Financial Keyhole.
Accurate: Her information is accurate as it is based on the report from the
Kaspersky Lab in Moscow which deals specifically with situations regarding cyber
Purpose: The purpose was to inform people of the crime that is out there and to
warn people and prepare them for the future of cyber crime. Also to be used as a
warning so people can protect them from being victims of these kinds of acts.
5. Journal Articles
I searched for the Keywords Cyber Security and Cyber Crime. The database that
I used was the Science Direct database found in the CCBC library article database. I
chose this because it was the only one that had Technology in its description and I
knew I would be able to find more relevant articles under the database.
6. Comparison
The Journal Articles were much more difficult to access compared to the online
articles. This was to be expected as the online articles were published for everyone
to see and were in a much more easy to understand format. This was to be
accessed by the layman while the journal articles were meant for people who were
searching for more in depth information on a topic. It was also more difficult to find
the journal articles because they are stored in specific databases while the online
articles are free to everyone. The online articles are also much shorter and easier to
comprehend. As expected the online articles were much more recent and relevant
to the times. The journal articles were not too old, however it takes much more time
and research to create a journal article compared to a news article. However the
journal articles were written in the past two years. As far as authority goes the
Journal articles contain much more reputable authors who have proven themselves
through their research and careers to be more knowledgeable on the subject. Each
Journal article was written by a Professor at a University. The others were written by
individuals who work for a news reporting company or own their own news
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Assignment 1
CSIT 101
David Coogan

company, also very reputable, however not on the same level as those who wrote
the journal articles.

Resources (APA):
Wallace, G. (2015, February 16). Hackers stole from 100 banks and rigged ATMs to
spew cash. Retrieved February 17, 2015, from
Zaidi, D. (2015, February 18). Cyber Crime Meets the Banking Industry. Retrieved
February 19, 2015, from
Nakashima, E., & Peterson, A. (2014, June 9). Cybercrime and espionage is costing
the global economy near half a trillion dollars annually. Retrieved February 19, 2015,
from 3

Assignment 1
CSIT 101
David Coogan

Journal Articles:
Tehrani, P., Manap, N., & Taji, H. (2013). Cyber terrorism challenges: The need for a
global response to a multi-jurisdictional crime. Computer Law & Security Review,
29(3), 207-215. Retrieved February 19, 2015, from Science Direct.
Rughinis, C., & Rughinis, R. (2014). Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Profiles of
online activity, cyber-crime exposure, and security measures of end-users in
European Union. Computers & Security, 43, 111-125. Retrieved February 19, 2015,
from Science Direct.

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