March 2015 Newsletter

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‘St Thorase North Parish Mail- St. Therese Scheel March Newslator Garit, Ter Jo St. Therese School March Newsletter 1 essa St Therese School Reply-To: gartz@stiheresenoth 9 ‘or tgartz@sttheresenorh rg “Thu, Feb 25, 2015 at 1:52 PM. In This Issue ‘SchalRepsaton| Quek ade Now-nfoemOasin March sap piste MauyScence igh & ik A Spr NaN Feat fap Lenton Ren Bow sc oate ‘Quick Links Visit our website for full information itos1apo sveamorseducation comings pho commun, The opportunty for shared responsiity; practiced and developed Catholic: spntual and academic potential ofall stasets; aceeesbity of Cathele Sucaton within a parish community resourcefulness and excellence [Each month inthe nowslter, wo wil show some ‘examples of our studonts canying oul those Coporal Works of Mercy. Students as Altar Servers ~ Bury the Dead BS oi Dag Taree) Iona ene ccd St. Therese School March 2015, Would you like to serve on the St. Therese Education Committee for St. Therese School? “The Education Committee has three positions open for the 2015-2016 school year. Any parent of a schoo! or early education canter child or member of the parish for atleast two Years is eligible to serve on the Education Committee (excoption: school, parish and EEC Staff are ineligible to serve inthis capacity). ‘The St. Therese Education Committee is an advisory committee made up of nine ‘members, each serving staggered three-year terms. The Pastor, Principal, EEC Director, and a Teacher Representative also serve on the committee. The committee serves as an ‘acisory group to examine school/center policies as they relate to students, academic and Ccurrcular afar, long-range planning, financial planning and development, public relations and marketing, administrative direction, and other areas of school, EEC, parish and ‘community relations. “The Education Committee does not enact policy, participate in personnel issues or the day- {to-day operation ofthe school or early ecueation canter Ifyou or anyone you know may be interested in serving on this committee, please contact the school by phone or emal to receive an application. must be turned in to Carol Lenz, Principal, no later than Wednesday, Apri 15, 2015. Candidates willbe interviewed the fevening of Thursday, April 23, 20° Candidates must commit to dedicating ther time and talent to the STS Education Committee and make every effort to attend the regular scheduled monthly meetings (yplcaly the third Tuesday of the month) ane special meetings as necessary. if Candidate's occupation requires frequent business rave, the Education Commitee many ‘ot be a good fit Ifyou have any questions, please contact Carol Lenz at 741-5400, ext, 104 or by e-mail at clenz@sttharesenorth org St. Therese School Registration 2015-2016 has Begun! ‘On Monday instrucions on how to access aur on-line registration through Sycamore Education were e-mailed to elgible familes, Once you have submitted your en-Ine portion ‘ofthe registration, please remember to dawnload and print your required paperwork to turn into the front desk with your registration fee, Your registration willbe processed once we receive these tems. Registration wil contin through Friday, March 6th, so please take a few minutes to complete your familys registration. If you have any questions, you may contact Teri Jo Gantz at 741-5400, ext. 106 or igarizt@sstneresenarnorg Upcoming Important Dates to Remember: + Auction Ticket Maney Due, 2/27 ~ $25 late fee assessed after 2/27 ps:mal google. com/mallvty71=28k= 66a 44 vlew=ptscarch=inboxS= 14bc772eSB7AB2Asim=1be7 2c Ice 16 282015 Students wih a check tobe presented to St Vincents dePaul ~ Feeding the Hungry ‘St Thorase North Parish Mail- St. Therese Schael March Newslator + Scrip Order Turn In Day, 3/2 + GIRLS Non-Uniform Day, BoxTop Winners, 3/3 + School Reconciliation Service for Grades 2-8, 3/4 + PTO Skating Party, 3/4, 6 p.m., RiverRoll + Third Quarter Ends, 3/5 + Spirit Day, 3/6 + School Registration Ends, 3/6 + Scrip Delivery Day, 3/6 + TTBS Testing, 3/9-3/12 + Scrip Order Turn in Day, 3/9 + Math & Science Night, 3/10, 6-7 p.m. + Chick Fi A Spirit Night, 3/10, 4-8 p.m, + Report Cards Go Home, 3/12 * Scrip Delivery Day, 3/12 + PTO Meeting, 3/12, 6:30 p.m., Media Center + No School, Professional Development Day, 3/13, Viking Voyager and EEC Open + St, Joseph Table, 3/14 & 3/15, Church - Dad's invited! + TTBS Make-Up Day, 3/16 + Non-Uniform Day for St. Patrick’s Day, Wear Green! + Feast of St. Joseph Mass, 3/19, 8:30 a.m., Church + Ist & 2nd Grade Musical, 3/19, 2:30 p.m. & 7 p.m., GSH + Wear Your Anti-Bullying Shirt with Uniform Bottoms, 3/20 + Stations of the Cross, 3/20, 2:15 p.m., Church + Education Committee Meeting, 3/24, 7 p.m, + No School, Auction Set-Up, 3/27, Viking Voyager Closed + Auction, 3/28 Fora copy of the March calendar, lunch menu, and PTO Skaling Party fyer, please go to the Documents section on Sycamore Education Non-Uniform Days in March ‘The GIRLS won the Box Top competition. The Girls Non-Uniform Day will be on Tuesday, March 3rd. Congratulations! ‘= In honor of St. Patrick's Day, Tuesday, March 17th will be a non-uniform day. Please wear green!! Scrip Update Monday, March 2nd and Monday, March 9th are the order tur in dates for March. Orders will be returned home on Friday, March 6th and Thursday, March 12th, Congratulations to our scrip card winners: February- Michelle Brewster, and January Leslie Carisle, Jan Gavin and Kalle Wells Giveaway for March willbe a St. Patrick's Day treat forthe class with the most scrip, forders. Please wile your kés names and grades on your oder form, Thanks for your support! Stephanie Sowle Save the Date Please mark your calendars for Tuesday evening, March 10th, for Math/Science Night at St, Therese! Plan to stop by GSH between 6:00 and 7:00 for some fun hands on, interactive Math and Science activities!!_ We also want to invite you to stop by the new Chick-fil-A on Barry Road between the hours of 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. for the first Chick-fil-A St. Therese Spirit Night. Mention you are from St. Therese Parish/School and 10% of your bill wll be donated to St. Therese! Using the drive thru counts too -- be sure to let the know you are from St. Therese! Used Uniform Sales ‘Spring is here! It wil soon be time to wear SHORTS to school again! ‘Shop our last Used Uniform Sale of the school year! hipsimal google comimallty?=28k=96650 148448 view=pt8sar ch=inbox®= 4be7/2e567%a828slml= tbe eS 782 282015 ‘St Thorase North Parish Mail- St. Therese Schael March Newslator * Sale will be held on Thursday, March 19th & Friday, March 20th in the school's Reflection Area (above Good Shepherd Hall. + SHORTS ONLY $51 Short-sleeve polo shirts only $61 Skorts, skirts and jumpers, too! + “All items like NEW! + All proceeds go to PTO-funded programs such as Sycamore and Accelerated Reading Feast of St. Joseph ‘Our celebration for the feast of St, Joseph is on Thursday, March 19th, Our Iturgyis being planned that morning by our Liturgy Commitee all parents are always welcome to ou all School Masses, but we want fo issue a special invitation to all male role models that ‘morning, in honor of our dads and of St. Josep, the foster father of Jesus, Lenten Rice Bowls This Lent we willbe partcinating in the CRS Rice Bowl, afath-n-action program that will holp our students and their familes experience Lenten spirtualy in solidarity with peopl in ‘need around the world. Your child/children brought home these cardboard rice bowls last ‘week prior to beginning ofthe Lenten season. ‘The idea is to colect maney fr the poor, perhaps quarters for odd jobs around the hause, money saved by giving up dessert one Fight. ec. Inside the rice bow! there is a Lenten calendar with thoughts and Lenten ideas for each day throughout the six weeks of Lent. AS a family you can visi crsricebowlorg to View videos of people whose Ives are touched by your suppor of the CRS Rice Bowl. We Wwillbe collecting the CRS Rice Bowls atthe end of Lent and sending our donations to Catholic Relief Services. Thank you for using these with your families this Lent. ‘Schoo! Supplies for 2015-2016 New for 2015-2016 School Year: + Coming Soon... The PTO is excited to announce a new partnership with! Our school store for the 2015-2016 school year will go live Wednesday, April ist, We have collaborated with www. to help parents and teachers get the exact supplies needed for the school year without the hassle and aggravation of shopping multiple stores and not being certain you have the right product. * All your supplies will come in their own individual and customized kit... delivered right to school free of charge! We believe we have found the Fight solution for our teachers & students. www.tstDaySchoo! proves to be convenient, easy and hassle free plus the prices are competitive! + Be on the lookout for more information regarding the exciting new program for our school! This is something offered to all students and of Course itis optional, but we've heard many of you loud and clear! It's coming. Middle School & Kindergarten Music Update Major ~ Minor Choir Nower! More improved! Check out hito/voulu,beINeVnFsOGta for a Video update of what is going on in the music depariment! ps:mal google com/mallvayR=28k= 66a 448 view=ptscarch= inbox 14bc772cS87IA28simI=14be772eS6 eB 282015 ‘St Thorase North Parish Mail- St. Therese Scheel March Newslator Office News Lost and Found If your child is missing an article of clotning or a personal belonging, please be sure to ‘check lost and found, All unclaimed items willbe donated on Friday, March 13th Aso, a pair of Toyota cordless headphones were found during marning dropoff in the car Tine, Please contac the front office you are missing a pai. ‘Tim Voc Youth Minister 816-741-2000 Middle Schoo! Youth Entering 6thBth Grace ‘Camp Video, Register, and Learn more about Camp @ Entering 8th-12th Grade uly 17th9th shai thn tan tone a poo Register and Learn more about Steubenville @! ps:mal google. com/mallvty71=28k= 66a 44 vlew=ptscarch=inboxS= 14bc772eSB7AB2Asim=1be7 2c Ice 282015 ‘St Thorase North Parish Mail- St. Therese Scheel March Newslator EUR e Lene eer amy este ace PSR ReCE Peri) MENU: entre coset ‘The St. Therese School newsletter ts publishes monthly and e-mails onthe last Thursday ofthe ‘month. f you would like to submit an item forthe newsletter, the deadline is noon on the Fléay before publication. Please submit you information to Tei Jo Gat, Executive Secretary, {gante@athorosenor.o1g of 741-5400, ext, 106, Thank you! Forward thea ef Safeursubscrbe This also gr tersarart ry by Sowsetereerarto | peste Primates | Rapdvemovlwih scoanasbarto™ Par ay. 7 pre St Therese Schoo | 7277 NM Highway 9 | Kansas Gty| MO | 69152 hps:mal googlecom/mallvayR=28 k= 86a 448 view=pt8scarch= inbox 14bc772cS67%428sim 2resn015 ‘St Thorase North Parish Mail- St. Therese Scheel March Newslator ps:imal google. com/mallvty?=28k=8665a 448 vlew= ptr ch=inboxB= 14bc772eSB7AB2Asim=1be7 288 ee

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