Somas Cube

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Step 1: Tools and Methods

Basic hand tools are all that's needed.

hand saw.

mitre box to keep all the cuts square.

some sort of clamp.

A wood workers try-square to check all cuts.

Select a length of wood batten, oak for example, and make sure its square. My
wood was 29mm square and 1 meter long, even though I only used about
Instead of cutting 27 accurate 29mm sq cubelets, I cheated and used only 15
cuts to create 2 X 3 segment pieces, 8 X 2 segment pieces and 5 individual
Ideally all the wood grain should be jumbled up to make it harder to analyze the

complete cube, but using my shortcut method this wouldn't have been possible
so I'Il make fake saw cuts to simulate individual pieces.

Step 2: The L Tetracube and Tricube

The L tetracube was made from a single piece glued to a 3 segment piece as can
be seen from the grain in the pic below.

The L tricube was made from a single piece glued to a 2 segment piece.

Step 3: The Left screw and Right screw


These two should mirror each other, otherwise its wrong. I used 2 x 2segments to
create these ones, make them at the same time to get it right.

Step 4: The T Tetracube

A single piece joined to a 3 segment piece, again with fake saw cuts about 5mm
in depth to simulate individual pieces.

Step 5: The S Tetracube

This is a simple one, two 2 segment pieces joined and fake saw cuts.

Step 6: The Branch Tetracube

This one is the trickiest to get lined up and square, start with the L tricube shape
and when dry glue on the final single piece.

Step 7: Some thoughts and somazims

There are plenty of Soma cube web sites on the internet, my first stop was
Thorleif's SOMA page here.
I find the easiest way to solve a somazims is to unhinge the everyday mind and
let your hands run free, trying various things till eventually you reach the
epiphany moment.

One type of solution

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