World Studies 2 13

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PRB about Population Pyramids~

A. Zambia has a quickly growing population age ratio over Japan with the
most people in Zambia being in the lowest age cohorts. Japan has a
lower demographic mortality transition than Zambia with people living
longer in Japan.
B. China-


United States-


South Africa-

C. -China has a much smaller ratio of people younger than age 20 than
the other 4 countries.
-India has a higher growth rate (over 1%) in 2014 than the other
-US and Germany both have higher life expectancies than the other
countries. South Africa has the lowest life expectancy of 50 years.
-US and Germany both show continued migration rates greater than 0.
China has the largest net number of migrants than any other country.
-India outgrows Chinas population in 2050.
-South Africa continues to have the highest crude death rate of
children through 2050 than the other countries.
-All countries except the US show declining birth rates out to 2050.
-India and South Africas total fertility rates both show steady decline.
-China, South Africa and India show a steady decline in crude death
World in the Balance~
In India the women are expected to give birth to many children so that their
families have at least two sons to carry on the family name and take care of
their parents as they get old. However, now that infant and child mortality
rates have decreased and health care has increased, if their people are not
educated well on birth control methods the population may become to big to
be supported. India needs to improve their womens rights, invest in
education, medicine and prenatal care and help its northern states develop

both agriculturally and economically so Indias population does not double in

Lesson Plan: 2014 World Population Data Sheet~
1. 7.2 billion people
2. China, India, United States, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, Nigeria,
Bangladesh, Russia, Japan
3. Adolescent Fertility Rate, Birth Rate, Death Rate, Infant Mortality Rate,
Net Migration Rate, Rate of Natural Increase, Total Fertility Rate
4. Highest: Lesotho- 21 & Lowest: Qatar and United Arab Emirates- 1
5. Highest: Central African Republic- 116.0 & Lowest: Hong Kong, SAR- 1.6
6. Highest: Niger- 7.6 & Lowest: Tawan, Andorra, and Hong Kong- 1.1
7. Youngest: Niger- 50% & Oldest: Japan- 26%
8. Highest: Hong Kong and San Marino- 84 & Lowest: Lesotho- 44
9. Africa: Libya- 78% & Asia: Qatar, Singapore, and Malta- 100% & Latin
America: Uruguay- 94% & Europe: Belgium- 99% & Oceania: Australia89%
10.Qatar- $123,860 & Macao- $112,180
11.Fastest: Africa- 2.5% & Slowest: Europe- 0.0%
12.Fastest: Middle Africa- 3% & Slowest: Southern Europe- -0.1%
13.World Population, Child Mortality, Maternal Mortality, Environment, and
Regional Highlights
14.2023: India, China, Nigeria, US, Indonesia, Pakistan, Brazil, Bangladesh,
Congo, Ethiopia & 2050: Niger, Zambia, South Sudan, Mali, Chad,
Angola, Uganda, Congo, Burkina Faso, Senegal
The less developed countries continue to grow in population and the
more developed countries stop growing or slow down their growth.
15.Asia- 4,350,937,593 & Africa- 1,136,446,104 & Americas- 971,504,203
& Europe- 740,680,870 & Oceania- 38,614,796

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