The Insanity of Nigeria and North Korea: Luke Sander

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The Insanity of Nigeria and North Korea

By Luke

f something hasnt worked in the

past then why keep trying it? Isnt that the

definition of insanity? Doing the same thing
over and over again and hoping for a new
result. Somebody needs to tell this to
countries like North Korea and
Nigeria. These two countries commit
various human rights violations amongst
their people. Human Rights are the basic
rights and freedoms to which all human
beings are entitled, regardless of sex, age,
religion, class, creed, ethnicity or
nationality (Funk&Wagnalls New World
Encyclopedia). According to Alice Friend
the country Nigeria is stuck in a purgatory of
progress. Theyre stuck in the blame game
which has created a stale mate. If anything
they are worsening as a country. Their own
selfish dissatisfaction is creating a
deconstructive environment. Countries that
abuse their Citizens rights are providing
themselves with a false reality.

Menial Tactics
Now you might ask why other
countries allow this to happen. Isnt this
unjust for the civilians in the society? Now
this is unjust for the people living their but a
shared characteristic of both North Korea
and Nigeria is that they both have developed
a system of denial so that you cant confront
them. They, especially Korea, remain mostly
isolated from foreign contact. If the U.S.A
doesnt agree with something they see in
Korea, they cant barge in because that would
create a monumental commotion. As long as
Korea doesnt do any acts of harm to the
U.S.A, the United States wont do anything
to Korea. So Korea has the right to do


whatever they want as long as they dont

harm others.
According to Robert Jackson of the
Principal Assistant Secretary of State
Nigeria uses the Lords Resistance Armys
strategies of violence and kidnapping to gain
power and maintain power. A common trait
found in North Korean people is that they
are extremely patriotic and love their
country. This is due to the indoctrination that
Kim Jong-Un provides in schools and from
an early age. They are raised to believe and
put their faith in their leader for he is going
to lead Korea into greatness. Now thats
what they believe. Trough Denial,
Indoctrination and violence these
countries find ways to continue in what
they achieve.
A Selfish Lifestyle
The Middle East Quarterly states,
,They paint a grim picture of the ways in
which limits an Anti-Islamic speech are
used in Muslim-majority countries to
persecute religious converts
minorities( including those with Islam), to
silence religious and political reformers, and
even benefit personal scores,(Middle East
Quarterly). This displays a benefit to the
leader of a country who limits their
citizens freedoms.
If you disagree with someone its a
lot easier to put them in jail then to talk out
your issues. Thats why a country would do
this. It makes it a lot easier to run a country
when you dont worry of anybody but
yourself. But that doesnt make it right.
Your people should be who you make
decisions for and you strive to protect.
Anything but that is atrocious and unjust.

Countries also indoctrinate their

children. Indoctrination is like brainwashing. North Korea tells their children
from early ages at school that Kim Jong-Un
is the greatest figure on Earth and beyond.
They do this because in wake of a bad
situation for their country theyll believe in
Kim, (Kaplan).This presents more freedom
for Kim. This means No One will question
his decisions because theyve been taught to
worship him. Why would you question
someone for whom theyve been told their
whole lives is the person that will never do
wrong and will lead North Korea to

chaos these events are causing them. If they

wouldve given their people the rights in the
first place just maybe this couldve been
avoided. Now you may be asking yourself,
we dont know that?
The truth to that is yes, there is no
proof that giving people their freedom
would change anything. But there is no
proof that it wouldnt help. Clearly what
these countries are trying to do isnt
working. Something needs to change in
these countries if they want to better
themselves in the future. Stop being
selfish and strive to protect your people.

Lacking Behind
A reoccurring motive for these
countries is to only do things if it makes
their lives easier. Thats why theyre
logging behind in the realm of progression
as a country. As stated earlier Alice Friend
says Nigeria has been slow to adapt because
of the distraction of these human rights
The villainous crimes committed
and that are being committed are only
acting as a distraction for their future.
Nigerias having a difficult time finding
opportunities to better their country with the

Here Is Kim Jong-Un. Supreme

leader of North Korea.

Works Cited
Carter, David. Nationalism and Revisionism in East Asia Contemporary Review.
2 83.7071(2011): 176. TOPIC search. Web. 23 Jan 2015.
Human Rights Abuse-Baga Massacre Has Vindicated the Military, Say DHQ. Africa News
Service 12 Jan. 2015. Student Resources in Context. Web.28 Jan. 2015.
Human Rights. Funk &Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia (2014): Ip.1. Funk &Wagnalls New
World Encyclopedia. Web.29 Jan. 2015
Human Rights Issues Complicate Nigerian Aid. AP Video News 2014. Student Resources in
Context Web.27 Jan. 2015
Kaplan, Robert P. When North Korea Falls. Atlantic Monthly (10727825) 298.3 (2006):64.
Biography Reference Bank (H.W Wilson) Web.25 Jan. 2015.
Sally, H. Na Interview with Dr. Robert R. King. Harvard International Review 36.2(2014).30t.
Student Resources in Context. Web. 28 Jan. 2015.
Snyder, Ann. Silenced: How apostasy and Blasphemy Codes Are Choking Freedom World
Wide. Middle East Quarterly 19.4(2012): 95. Student Resources in Context. Web. 26
Jan. 2015.

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