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Focus on the


Focus on the Learner Essay


James Kelsey

Monday 9 th

Identifying and reacting to the needs, motivations and background of

students forms an integral part of learner-centred instruction. After all, it is
the students themselves form the basis of learner centred instruction. This
essay will attempt to outline the requirements of the nominated student,
and establish an appropriate teaching plan.
The chosen student has been studying English sporadically for many
years. Recently, they yearn to take a more dedicated approach to their
learning. The questionnaire was supplied, and the nominated student
completed it with minimal assistance.

It is important to note that the

student is an adult, therefore their needs and motivations will most likely
differ from that of children.
The questionnaire was designed to identify the needs, motivations of
background of the participant. The results were interesting. Principally, the
student stressed the importance of learning English to improve their
standing in the workplace. They explained that greater knowledge of
English would allow them to take charge of meetings with international
clients. This situation serves as an excellent example of extrinsic
motivation. The motivation to learn English stems from an external
incentive, in this case the desire to improve their capability in the
professional environment (International Teacher Training Organization,
2014, page 52). A greater ability to communicate in English will unlock
more opportunities, allow the student to soar higher in their professional
However, the student also elicited that they hold a more innate desire to
learn English. With aspirations of international travel, the student
remarked that English would be highly advantageous. Though accepted
more in some places than others, English has become a global lingua
franca. It has largely replaced French as the language of diplomacy and is
funnelled into homes worldwide through the immense reach of the
Hollywood film and television industry. The ability to communicate in
English would allow the student to travel to many places with much
greater ease, lessening barriers to different cultures. Perhaps its for this

Focus on the Learner Essay


Monday 9 th

James Kelsey

reason that learning English is so beneficial to individuals and to larger

Aside from the motivations of the student, the questionnaire highlighted
the studying habits of the student. This will be important in formulating a
tailored teaching plan. The student shows a strong preference to more
practical means of learning. For example, the student strongly agreed with
the question making things for my studies helps me to remember what I
have learned. It could be that a more practical method of learning
resonates better with this student. It is clear that this student has a
predilection towards to sensory preferences learning style. Tactics that
could be employed to satiate this desire are the use of visuals and music.
It is understandable that a more innovative and memorable method of
instruction will lead to greater retainment of knowledge. This will be taken
into account when creating the teaching plan.
Like many young adults, the nominated student prefers to work later in
the day rather than in the morning. With increasingly hectic lifestyles and
disturbed sleep patterns (Thoms, 2015, page 75), the average person may
find it hard to concentrate during the morning hours. This students has
identified their biological rhythm and aims to learn at the time of day
when they perform best. Similarly, the student notes that they prefer to
work in a classroom setting they find the atmosphere more conducive to
learning than somewhere with a more relaxed atmosphere.
It seems the student tends to shy away from the idea of writing essays or
other longer forms of writing. Perhaps this is because of an unwillingness
to devote sufficient time and effort, or because of the daunting nature of
long essays. Writing substantial pieces could be outside of the students
comfort level leading to a sense of anxiety or discomfort. This potential
concern will be taken into account for the lesson plan.
As mentioned previously, the nominated student is an adult. There are
differences between children and adult learners.

There are several

assumptions that can be made about adult learning (Knowles, 1995, page
20). Firstly, adults generally want to know why they need to learn

Focus on the Learner Essay


Monday 9 th

James Kelsey

something before undertaking the learning. Therefore, a teacher should

make the student aware of their need to know and make a case for the
value of learning. Emphasis will be placed on how a specific task will have
benefits for workplace or travel purposes. Secondly, adult students believe
that they are in charge of their lives they want to feel capable and selfdirected. In this way, perhaps a more conspicuous form of student centred
instruction is appropriate.
Based on factors uncovered during the questionnaire, it seems advisable
that the student be taught using the communicative approach. This
methodology emphasises interaction as both the means and ultimate goal
of study. Rather than focus on absolute mastery of language it stresses
the importance of more immediate communication and functional
competence perfect for a busy student such as the one nominated.
Teaching English one to one offers numerous benefits over larger classes
especially a chance to customise a lesson to their students needs and
wants. However, potential pitfalls are magnified. Without an appropriate
lesson plan the student may feel overwhelmed or awkward. Keeping in
line with the learner centred method, the student should feel free to speak










communicating in English, and they wont improve if they dont practise.

With this in mind, a potential lesson plan was formulated based on the
needs, wants and background of the nominated student.
Although some information is already known about the student, it would
be beneficial to learn more. A simple game involving both teacher and
student exchanging and answering ten questions would provide an
effective ice-breaker and would help further ascertain the students level
of proficiency. By answering the students questions in return it is hoped
the game will feel like less of a one-way interrogation. The chosen student
is very proud of their professional achievements, to appeal to this interest
the student will be asked to provide details. What does the company
do? and who are their clients? are some of the questions that will be
posed to them. The student will feel proud to share this information about

Focus on the Learner Essay


James Kelsey

Monday 9 th

something they are so passionate about. All of this casual conversation

should allow the student to feel at ease, and promote a good tone for the
remaining part of the lesson.
The student in question has made it clear that they prefer a more hands
on approach to learning. As such, the use of real life objects should
enhance the effectiveness of the class. By providing maps of the city, the
teacher can sit next to the student whilst they give directions to a specific
location. An activity like this is both enjoyable and immensely practical. By
appealing to the sensory preferences it is hoped that the student will learn
at a greater pace and retain more information. Considering the nominated
student wants to polish their business English, it would be beneficial for
them to bring brochures or print pages from their companys website.
Allowing the student to explain and discuss their company, which they are
both well acquainted and emotionally invested in, will give provide
additional motivation. The use of realia such as this provides a more
enjoyable classroom environment, and one that is not detached from the
reality of the student.
In the Survey questionnaire, the student made it very clear that they
prefer more practical means of learning over wordy essays. This coupled
with the professional aspirations of the student means that presentations
are a suitable choice for a classroom teaching plan. The student will
prepare a presentation and present it to the teacher. This will give a
privileged ability to hone English and public speaking skills in the
classroom before they are employed in a workplace setting. The student
may present topics ranging from their career to their hobbies or home life.
This method greatly complements learning centred instruction. Focus is
put onto the student, and the teacher takes the role of a guide instead of
an expert who is absolutely crucial to the students ability to learn
(Brandes & Ginnis, 1996).
It is important to note that the student may feel uncomfortable at first.
One to one lessons necessarily means that the particular student is the
centre of attention something many people are not accustomed to.

Focus on the Learner Essay


James Kelsey

Monday 9 th

Focus will be put onto creating variety in the lesson, and changing the
pace of activities to keep the lesson interesting and dynamic. Games have
their place in lessons they will be strategically placed as to maximise
their usefulness. A particularly good time for a game will be towards the
end of the lesson, so that the student may leave the class on a fun and
positive note. Since the learner is an adult, the games will be carefully
chosen as to not appear condescending. Its believed that the nominated
student will react well to this.
At the conclusion of the essay it is hoped that the ambitions and needs of
the student are clearer, and that in turn the appropriate strategies to
satiate these aspirations have been identified. The student principally
desires to enhance their position in the work place. Practical forms of
learning will be employed to achieve this aim.


Brandes, D., & Ginnis, P. (1996). A guide to student-centred learning.

Cheltenham: Stanley Thornes.

International Teachers Training Organization (2014). A TEFL certificate


Knowles, M. S. (1995). Designs for adult learning: practical resources,

exercises, and course outlines from the father of adult learning.
Alexandria, VA: American Society for Training and Development (ASTD).

Focus on the Learner Essay


James Kelsey

Monday 9 th

Thoms, F. (2015). Teaching that matters: engaging minds, improving


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