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Photograph :

1. Firstly i place the photograph i had taken to the left side using the cropping tool
and locking the layer in place
2. Using the paint fill tool i filled in the background completely black covering the
shoulders and the hair so the main focus was just on the on the mask
3.Using the paint brush tool i was able to match the colours within the mask with
the paint and colour over each bit in order to get a cartoony feel to it and to
present the clown mask not as a photograph anymore but as a drawing cartoon
4. The gradient tool was able to darken the surroundings of the mask and making it
seem as if the mask is fading into the black background

5. I then downloaded a text and enlarged it, placing it in the middle in order for the
main focus to be on it. making it light grey in order for it to present bold and clear
against the black background forming our main title of the final plea
6. We then placed out tag line text about the title, making it allot smaller reading
how far would you got to protect your family ? making this red connoted a sense of
danger as red as connotations of blood , the review and stars were also colour red and
placed above the credit lines in bold in order to make it stand out
7. I placed the actors names at the top of the poster with the surnames appearing
bigger and white in order to emphases importance and make them stand out and in
order to utilize the space as we wanted no gaps on our poster
8. I placed further layers on top for example the film festival logos, the 15 age rating
and the twitter and Facebook sign on by opening them as a new layer, selecting them
with the wand, in-versing the bit selected and coping and pasting them on to the


After finishing the poster there is some aspects that I found challenging and
others I excelled in. The aspects that I found challenging was I had never
used Photoshop before, and I found it difficult to work out what tools
functions were, But after a lot of experimenting and starting again, I
managed to produce a poster that I am extremely proud of. An aspect that I
did find particularly challenging was the layering of the text, as I couldnt
seem to get the hand of. I think I have done really well seeing as though I
have not used this software before, and I now have new skills that I have
developed in using photos shop.

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