Curse of Chucky

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Another aspect we liked from this poster is the fact the title is bold and placed in the

middle in order for the main attention and focus to be on the titling, simiarly we also done
this, however developed it further by making our writing grey, rather than red as we
wanted our title to stand out more against the black background and be bold so the
audience focus on it more

Another film poster that

we got inspired by is the
curse of chucky. the main
thing that we all loved
about this poster and
wanted to use in our one
is the composition and
framing. having half the
girl with the wheelchair
and the doll too the left
with only half the image
in. this connotes a sense
of mystery as we are
unable to identify the girls
face or why she is in the
wheelchair. we used this
within our poster as we
placed our clown on the
left side, with only half the
image in order to get this
sense of unknown and
mystery but also to reflect
the same eary feel that
this poster represents, as
the audience ask them
elves the same questions
who is under the clown
mask ?

the background of this poster is white based however has a icy grey tint to it in order to give a
isolated and cold feel to it to heighten the feeling of fear. we however opted for a black
background, with darker colours as we thought it portrayed more horror and also allowed the
audience to mainly focus on the title and the clown mask.

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