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How do the two systems of Democracy differ as far as

branches of government are concerned?
A difference between Parliamentary and Presidential in terms of the
branches of government is that the executive and the legislature are
combined together, in a sense, in a Parliamentary Democracy. The Prime
Minister of a nation is directly in the legislature, whereas in a Presidential,
the President is in a completely separate branch, who has much more and
different power. The PM is mandated to meet with the Parliament each
week to answer questions because he is directly accountable to that body.
2. Regarding elections, how do the systems compare?
A Prime Minister is elected by Parliament, contrary to Presidential
elections, where the people elect the President. A president is fixed at two
terms and a PM can lead until the Majority Party no longer agrees with
their opinions. The only restriction as far as elections of a PM is that an
election has to be held every five years.
3. Do their leaders share similar terms in office? Explain in
complete sentence format.
The leaders do not share similar terms in office whatsoever. In a
Presidential Democracy, a President is limited to two four-year terms,
whereas, in a Parliamentary Democracy, there are no limits to terms for a
Prime Minister.
4. What are the "advantages" of each system of government?
a) One advantage of Parliamentary Democracy is that they are able to
have elections at any time its needed. This keeps the power strong
and functioning.
b) Another advantage is that there is a more balance of power than a
Presidential Democracy. There is no one power because they all do
things together.
a) One advantage of Presidential Democracy is that people have a say
and options as to who is going to lead their nation or state.
b) A second advantage is that people get a fresh start with a new leader
when the current leaders term is over.
5. Identify a disadvantage" of each system.
a) One disadvantage for Parliamentary Democracy is that it is much
easier to take a Prime Minister out of office than a President. If the
majority party no longer supports the PM, there will be an automatic
election for another PM or the current PM will step down without an
a) One disadvantage for Presidential Democracy is that there is limited
accountability for both the executive and the legislature. Each one can
do things or cant do things that the other can or cannot do.
Works Cited

"Research Starters: Presidential and Parliamentary Government." Research

Starters: Presidential and Parliamentary Government. Scholastic, n.d. Web. 03
Mar. 2015.

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