Music Video

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Music Videos

By Mollie Mountford

When Music Videos Were First Established?

The first music video was aired on MTV a popular music channel. MTV broadcasted
the first music video on 1st August 1981. The first song to be broadcasted with a music
video is Video killed the radio star The Buggles.
MTV then rebroadcasted their first ever broadcasting on VH1 Classic in 2006
However the oldest known film with music was made in 1895. It was made for the
Kinetophone; a device created by Edison and Dickens to create a sound-film system.
A soundtrack would be played with 2 men dancing

According to some music historians, singer and songwriter Jiles Perry Richardson,
who went by The Big Bopper, became the first person to use the phrase music video
in a 1959 interview with a British magazine.

When Music Videos Were First Established?
However in 1940, Walt Disney created Fantasia. An animated film based
around a famous piece of music "The Nutcracker Suite" by Philadelphia
For this animated film, they synced the animated characters to the music

How have they changed over time? (1981)this is the first ever music video
broadcasted on MTV, you can see how simple the technology is, they have used real life props instead
of animation, this includes the special effects not being as good as they are today as you can see in the
beginning of the music video. At the beginning of the music video they use a dark blue shiny sheet to
act as the sea with a big spot light as the moon. The transitions from scene to scene are basic, as the
camera mainly follows the action or pans. The music video is very simple compared to modern day
music videos as technology has now improved drastically over the years. In many music videos you
see today you can see animation or better equipment for recording as the quality of the first music
video to be broadcasted isnt in high definition.

However in this music video there is no swearing and the artist isnt using there body to sell their
music to the audience.
In this image you can see
how bad the editing was in
the 1980s as half of the
girl is missing. This shows
how technology has
improved over the years to
improve music videos.

How have they changed over time? Duran Duran Girls on film (re-issued as a music video in 1983)
Over the two years, music videos had improved from the first music video made. The music video had improved by
the quality of the video, however the quality is still not as good as it is today. The transitions and camera shots have
also improved a lot more. Instead of the camera panning and following the action, it now cuts from scene to scene
from the singer to the wrestling match. The music video still contains no animation.
Editing during this year was not as good as it is today. Editing was simple due to the little understanding they had
of technology and how undeveloped the technology was compared today.
In these music videos you normally saw the band playing in the background of the video, you can see this in the
Duran Duran music video. But in todays music video it mainly consists of dancing or something related to what the
song is about.
However during those 2 years of difference from the first music video coming out to this one, the people in the
music video are dressed more inappropriately for example the women is in a tight and very revealing leotard.

How have they changed over time? Nicki Minaj Anaconda (2014) Today music
videos are completely different to how they use to be. Music videos today consist on female artists
using their bodies to sell their music. Music videos today are in high definition due to the
development in technology, camera are a lot better when picking up detail. Another thing that has
improved over the years is the props that they use. Also music videos today seem to relate more to
the meaning of the song than they did in 1980 Video killed the radio star By the buggles. I also
believe the music videos look more realistic due to green screen which is another way how
technology has helped to enhance how they have changed over time.
However there is no swearing in this video, but in many music videos today there is a lot of bad
language. But mainly swear words either get bleeped out or muted on most channels or radio
station because of younger viewers.

Another way how theyve changed over time is the different styles of editing and how they have
improved over the years. In Nicki Minajs Anaconda video you see the use of split screens which
you dont see in the other examples from 1980s.

Why are music videos important?
Music videos represent an important part towards the music industry. Some artists owe their
careers to their music videos because to builds them up a reputation. Many people begin to
like a new artist due to the fact of seeing their music video and instantly liking it. Music videos
give artists the chance to impress the public not just with their vocals but also with their looks
or talents such as dancing.
Music videos have become more important over the years as technology has improved, with
the public having over 2 TVs in their households now unlike in the 1980s when music videos
first started to come out not many people owned a TV.
Other reason why music videos are important is because it gives the artist more income
It is proved that music videos are important as people can relate to the song once they see
the music video. As the music video gives the audience a visual to what the song means.
Lady Gaga uses her music videos to help bring up her reputation of trying to be the queen of
pop and take over from Madonna. Many other celebrities do this as well.
However some people believe that music videos have ruined the true musical talents as they
believe artists only care about their looks.

The Purpose of a music video

The main reasons how music video help promote artists

Raise awareness makes the public more aware of the artists music and makes
them popular which increases their income which is why promotion is so
Raise perception
Gives the audience a better understanding of the song gives a meaning behind
the song, helps the audience know what the song is about. Gives them a visual
Entertain and show off the artist this is how artists get their fans. Artists today
now show off their bodies to help them sell their songs as well as show them off.
To sell the song the help of making the promotional video helps the artists get a
source of income as well as improve their public image.

To provoke a reaction so that the audience remember the song some artists
make their music videos so that people can remember them for in the years to
come. A popular artist who did this was Madonna who burned the cross in her
music video like a prayer. Her music video got banned from Italy

The Purpose of a music video

Change Image

A type of style or change towards a new artist can affect the success of the artist.
This may be influenced by the style of music the artist is going for.

Producers encouraged Nicki Minaj to change her look from this dull boring girl to
have an exaggerated look with multi-coloured hair with a unique style of fashion as
well as being sexual this includes her having plastic surgery on her bum and boobs.

Her producers gave her this look when she first became an artist because it was
different and the public had never seen something like this before. It helped her
reflect her looks to her music style hip hop/ rap.
Because her style is so unique, it encourages the public to like her because of this
new and never seen before look, which helps her get income. You see her weird
sense of style in her music videos as well as her being overly sexual throughout
Its not all about the music, but about your public image which is why Minajs
producers went out

The Purpose of a music video

The different types of outlets you can see the artists music videos on is Youtube and on
TV such as MTV, Chartshow, Channel AKA, Starz. The public can also listen to their
favourite artists on other websites/ apps such as soundcloud.
Youtube is a good way to see how many views the artist has, this lets the producer and
the artist know how popular their music is how much respone they have gotten from
the public. On youtube you can either rate the music video/ song with a thumbs up or
down, this also lets the artist know what the public think.

The most watched music video on youtube is Gangnam style PSY with a hit total of
2,254,034,442 views! It was uploaded on 15th July 2012

The Purpose of a music video

Extension of Income

The use of music videos help the artist become more popular which increase

their income after they release a single or album. They normally make a music
video to some of their songs to get more attention from the public.

Some artists are still remember years down the line due to their music video
which is another source of income as they re-watch the music video.

Artists also advertise their music on adverts before youtube videos. This is
another way artists become popular and get an income.

Vevos (youtube) advertising is fairly stable. It generated nearly 300 million in

revenue in 2012 for artists who advertised there albums or song on a youtube

The Purpose of a music video

Synergy is when two forms of media come together so for example this could be a band and
Universal Studios to create a song for a film.
An example of this would be The Weeknd and Universal Studios, The Weeknd made a soundtrack
for Fifty Shades of Grey called Earned it
The Weeknd became popular when he released this soundtrack for the movie, as the movie is a
popular. I know this by looking at his totals views on youtube videos. Earned it has the most views
31,546,938 with the actual music, but then another 6,726,505 so in total The weeknd got
Youtube has developed from an online website to other forms of computing such as xbox,
playstation, and into its own app.

Focus Group

Producer Strategy
Major Labels

For mainstream artists

Artists who sell lots of records, who tours around the world
Large budgets to make music videos (promotional materials)
Who produce mainstream genres of music RnB, Pop
An artist who is considered to be signed to a major label is Katy Perry. She is
signed to the company Capital Records

Producer Strategy
Independent Labels
A smaller, independent music label
Smaller budget
Different genres of music that arent popular House and Indie
An example of an independent record label would be Boy Better Know known
as BBK which include JME, Skepta, Wiley, Jammer and more.

BBK where established by Jamie Adenuga

BBK also have their own clothing line

Producer Strategy
Self-Produced/ The Artist

Some artists decide to make their music videos themselves

Often most unsigned artists do this as it is a good way to
promote themselves to gain fans and to be signed.
This is due to budget limitations
Ed Sheeran did this and this is the way he became so popular
and got signed

In concert

Many different artists all over the world go on tours around the world to see their fans and
preform for them. You have to buy these tickets to see them in different venues such as the
02 or Earls Court. These ticket prices vary between 20-50 you can buy up to 8 at once.
Concerts make artists more popular due to people seeing videos of crowds at previous
concerts were the artist gets involved with the crowd
However some artist have been banned from preforming in certain countries due to
Snoop Dogg was recently not allowed to play in the UK due to the many arrests he has had
due to drugs.

A lot of artists use animation in their music videos this is because

it is entertaining for the audience and gives a different visual than
to see the same type of music videos of the artist dancing or
selling their bodies.
A popular band who used animation in all their music videos was
the Gorillaz. They didnt just make their music videos all in
animation, they were known by making themselves animated
Their music videos consisted of a short cartoon than an animated
music video to go with the song.
They would also link their music videos with having animated
gorillas in to link with their band name.
The use of green screen can be regularly used to create effects



Interpretative music video is when the music video does not match the lyrics of the
song. This is were the audience have to make up their minds about what the music
video is about.
An example of this would be Sia
Elastic Hearts which is about finding love after a heartbreak
However the music video doesnt link with the actual lyrics. The music video consists
of a man and a young girl dancing/ fighting in a bird cage. This means the audience
have to think what the music video is trying to tell.
However the music video got bad views as the public thought the intimacy between
the both man and girl was provoking paedophile on social

This is when the music video tells a story

Narrative Wilkison Half Light

The lyrics are about how it is their time, and how they feel during the night

The music video links with the lyrics because its about how a boy meets a girl at a club
and how they get to know each other and spend the night together
The lyrics also mention how dawn rises and world wakens

In the music video the couple wake up in a forest and its dawn, and they depart each
other because they have work which links to how the world wakens as they have
somewhere to be.


Impressionist music videos are made to make the audience feel a certain
way. These music videos will also use random shots to express the themes of
the video, however these shots will often relate to the lyrics of the song.
These shots include people, scenes or everyday objects. There is normally a
type of synergy that will link these shots together.

An example of this is Jay Z On to the next one

A surreal music video is when the music video is takes a

different take. For example this could include a music
video that is either artistic or with a lot of strange things to
go in time with the music.
Most surreal music videos are strange and unusual, never
seen before. A different twist towards music videos.

An example of this could be Madonna like a prayer.

Throughout the music video she is kissing the saint and
burning the cross. The video in generally about racism in a
surreal form
However in the music video Dog Days are Over by
Florence and the Machine, it is a different take towards
surreal music videos. This is because they are dressed and
in make up as if they were from a different planet or tribe



This is when an artist imitates somebody elses style

This is usually light hearted and done with respect of the person being

An example of this would be Man Like Me Youll always find me in the

kitchen at parties. It is imitating people from the 80s by the way they are
dressed including their behaviour.


A music video that mimics or is to make fun of the original of something. Such as
a movie or music video.

Another name for parody is spoof which is also a popular term

An example of a parody would be The Midnight Beasts who did a parody of
Kesha Tick Tock

The Midnight Beast changed the lyrics to the song, but kept the tune and way
the song is sung. Eg choruses
The Midnight Beast are known to make parodies of songs


It is similar to parody, but instead of the music video making fun of the song, it
is showing respect or paying tribute.

An example of homage is the X-Factor finalists music video for Heroes. This is a
charity single that pays respect to soldiers fighting in recent wars. Throughout
the music video is pictures and videos of the soldiers and the finalists meeting
them. This music video fits the lyrics as its about the soldiers, this also helps the
audience understand what the song is about with the use of images

However another type of homage seen is when a music video uses similar
locations, themes and iconography from a classic film. For this example Thirty
Second to Mars did this with the film The Shinning

Influenced by commercials

This is linked to synergy because the artist has to broadcast their music on TV this
could be them promoting themselves or having their music on the TV advert
An example of this would be the John Lewis advert
I chose this example because Lily Allen wrote a song for John Lewis to play in their
This song instantly became popular due to the advert being played frequently on TV
to advertise John Lewis as it was during the Christmas period.

Cutting to the beat

Cutting to the beat is when the image cuts or the transition is in time with the beat of the
It is used for constant change in shots which gives the audience better attention. This helps
to engage the audience as well as helps them remember the music video or song.
Some music videos only cut on the obvious beats or they cut on the quieter beats this gives
the song and the music video a different view The White Strips are a perfect example
of cutting to the beat. In this music video the drummer moves along the street on the
obvious beat however every other beat which is the quieter beat the guitar player is with the


There are many different effects that artists and producers can do to music videos
These include auto tuning the singers voice slightly to give the artist an effect to
their voice such as a robotic effect to fit into the song
Another type of effect they can use is using the green screen to give special effects
to the music video this makes the music video more interesting for the audience and
gives them a better visual of the music video. This also helps the audience
understand the lyrics of the song more. - Katy Perry ft Kayne West ET
In this music videos they use special effects such as putting Kayne West in spaceship.
Including making an alien turn into Katy Perry. They also include Katy Perry flying in
space which in realistically impossible

Miming and Lip Syc

Miming and lip syc are the same thing

This is where the artists doesnt actual sing, just moves his/her lips
In every music video the artist is miming. This is because the artist has usually recorded
the song before hand with the music added in, this is usually because the song was made
before the video. Music videos are not made for every song the artist makes, so they add
it in. Music videos are only used to help promote the artists so they add in the music over
the top of the video, which is carefully edited.
Another reason why they do this is because artists may find it difficult get the vocals right
each time, as when recording the music video it usually takes more than one time to
shoot it due to mistakes and improvements.

Multi Image

This is when there is different types of shots focusing on one thing. Many different
music videos use multi image
An example of multi image could be split screens, when there is double or
sometimes even triple of the artist singing.
You see this example in Nicki Minajs Anaconda video
You see an another example of split screen in Without Me by Em
You see what he is doing and then on the other screen you see what he is looking at

Camera Movement / Angles

You see many different types of camera movements throughout different genres of music
These include up to long shot, close ups, panning, low angle
A long shot is where the camera is zoomed out, and its got everything in the shot. A long shot
is similar to an establishing shot, which is used to set the scene
A close up could be a close up image of the artists face, these are often used to capture the
emotion can be seen in you can also see
long shots in this music video
Panning is where the camera stays still and follows the action
While a low angle will be used to show the power someone has in a music video often seen in
hip hop such as you can also see 2 shots in
this music video

Different genres of music use 2 different types of lighting


One of these are known as high key lighting this is where the music video will have bright lights
with no shadows. This generally makes the music videos seem more positive in Pixie Lotts music video Lay Me Down
you can see the bright colours and how it portrays a positive feel to the video. The colours used
are bold and vibrate.
While other music videos will have low key lighting which is were the music video will have no
bright lights reflecting the artist, this is usually a sign for something negative.

Unlike in Nirvanas music video Smells Like

Teenage Spirit its completely the opposite to Pixie Lotts music video, as the music video is like it
has a sepia effect on it, but this low key lighting makes the audience feel more connect. It gives
the music video a darker vibe to it than it would if it was in high key.

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