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We felt surprised as the trainpulled into the empty station. It was pitch black night.

station was out of electricpower. Even our torches became useless as if some super
natural event taking place.There was no light that we could see and no one in the train
except driver.Me and my companions were scared , hungry and tired , so we decided to
sleep in train itself. But suddenly we heard a hooting sound and then a howl. We were
scared as if it might be any wild carnivore roaming to make us their prey. We were too
shocked that we couldnt sleep anymore and just waited eagerly for train to leave for next
station that very next morning.The night lasted long.The early next morning we tried to
talk with Driver but there was no clue of him. What could be much bad luck than this.No
food , no driver , no clue about station. So we decided to explore the station.
Chapter 2 - Explore the Station

Office Cabin
As we started exploring the station ,we decided to first check office and then toilets.The
office door was locked and the windows were shut down.The lock was quite old so we
tried breaking it with the axe found under fire alarm.It wasn't that difficult to break it and
then we entered the office.It was dusty and filled with rotten wooden furniture and
cupboards.Nothing much found but just faded newspaper and files.The newspaper dated
1907 , April 29.It was more than 100 years old. What could be the reason that this station
got abandon. Me and my companions were confused so we decided to check out
toilet.There we found was..............! Broken sinks and pots.It was stinking and filled with
pests.But then we heard cries and screams inside the toilet door. It appeared as if some
ghost or person is trapped inside it. We were so terrified that we ran away from station
towards the train.
Chapter 3 - The missing map

Coal Mine
As we were rushing towards the train we suddenly met the driver.He was there like he
was never missing.We informed him everything and asked about the station.He told us
that coal was finished in the train and so cannot move a bit.So they stopped on the station

so to refill the tanks.But the station was uninhabited so they could find none.He also told
us that there used to be a coal mine near that station which was closed now.The conductor
was on his way to get the coal.So we decided to give a hand to bring coal to station.As we
were on the way to mine , we didn't encountered any creature or plant.The way was sandy
and straight.And finally we reached the mine.Conductor was digging coal and so we were
filling it in carts.But then as he dug more and more , he found a bottle containing a
parchment.We opened the bottle and looked at that paper , It was a map.But as it was old ,
it got faded and unclear to read.So we decided to show it to navigator.And so we went
back to station with load full of coal carts.

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