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What is Osteopathy?

A journey from mid west America to UK

Discovered By A.T Still in 1800s

A lay preacher with medical training left

distraught after his family died of meningitis

He developed an extensive knowledge of

anatomy over many years
Eventually he found using his hands he could
relieve pain in the body
In 1874 he announced his method was called
Shortly after this he set up his first school in
Kirksville, Misouri

Now called the AT

Still university

It still exsists today, providing

medical and osteopathic education.

Some of Stills original students were from

One was Dr John Martin Littlejohn
An intellect who held three degrees he
pushed physiology into osteopathy
Came to the UK and set up the British
School of Osteopathy (where studied I

These early osteopaths developed model of spinal mechanics that

help them to treat patients
Im passionate about this as it makes my job easier!
Mechanics underpin the techniques an osteopath uses!

If an osteopath understands mechanics they

can use very effective techniques and be
gentle at the same time!

Using the ideas of Littlejohn and other early

osteopaths in practice is called Classical Osteopathy

A classical osteopath should be effective yet

gentle in their treatment.
If someone is a classical osteopath it means they
have undertaken years of postgraduate training

Thanks for watching!!!

For more info please get in contact!

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