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Running head: RN TO BSN PLAN

RN to BSN Plan
Valrey Llewlaka
Ferris State University


RN to BSN Plan

This paper is the result of insightful preparation and planning in order to obtain a
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree from Ferris State University (FSU). The BSN
degree will be obtained through Ferris Online, which is the online format for FSU. Planning
included a class schedule for each semester, financial considerations, and time constraints.
Thoughtful reflection was given to the potential for success, along with the strengths and
weaknesses of this nurse. Plans for potential barriers to success were also contemplated.
Reasons to pursue a BSN degree
Shortly after this nurse obtained her nursing license in 2003, local hospitals began to
dismiss LPNs who did not take advantage of the Michigan Nursing Scholarship (MNS) (State
of Michigan [SOM], 2013a) as part of a program initiated in 2000 by CIS to address a national
shortage in the nursing profession (SOM, 2013b). A few years ago, circumstances allowed this
nurse to return to college to obtain a Registered Nurse (RN) degree. Although it may be seen
that the nursing shortage continues, this newly licensed nurses experience was that obtaining a
position with the possibility of career advancement was not a simple matter. It became apparent
that pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree would be an advantage. The goal
of this nurse is to obtain the BSN degree rapidly, without causing great stress or interference
with lifestyle routines. Occasionally, social demands and assignment deadlines have been in
conflict, this will resolve by reducing the number of credits per semester in the future.
This nurse views her strengths as being a good student, and being interested in the topics
studied. Weaknesses are assessed as being time restraints and occasional procrastination. While
enrolled in the FSU BSN program thus far, this nurse has discovered the importance of
attempting to accomplish some portion of assignments daily.



After making the choice to pursue the BSN degree through Ferris State Universitys
Ferris Online (FSU, 2013a) program, an email was sent to Katie Laier, Off Campus Health
Professions Academic Advisor. Ms. Laier was helpful with information for navigating the
system and for reviewing required course work for degree success. Because this nurse had
obtained a MACRAO agreement at the local community college, the prerequisites were few.
This nurse believes that she is following the Part-Time Accelerated (FSU, 2013b) portion of
the Suggested Course Sequence (FSU, 2013b) as far as it coordinates with what courses are
required. Some portions of the Suggested Course Sequence (FSU, 2013b) do not apply to this
nurse due to the previous MACRAO agreement.
Introduction to Epidemiology, and Advanced Composition filled the necessary
prerequisites. Public Health Administration and Health Information Systems were also taken the
first semester to meet credit requirements. Current classes are Population Based Health
Promotion, RN to BSN Skills Acquisition, and Transition to Professional Nursing (FSU, 2013).
One assignment requires scheduling to plan to complete the BSN degree. Ms. Laier
made suggestions to change the plan, and this nurse expects to continue with two classes in each
of the next three semesters to meet the BSN requirements. Classes scheduled for spring semester
2014, are Community Nursing and Research in Nursing. The following semester includes
Disaster Nur-Emergency Prepare and Leadership in Nursing. The final semester, Fall 2014, will
comprise of Nursing Capstone and Senior Capstone Leadership Practicum.
Thus far, Public Health Administration and Health Information Systems were taken to fill
required credit hours. Each class contributed to understanding different points of view in


nursing. Health Information Systems explained the increasing use of technology in nursing.
Public Health Administration revealed the role that nursing contributes in the health of the
community. Disaster Nur-Emergency Prepare will be an advantage and relate to this nurses
service learning project with the Kent County Chapter Community Emergency Response Team
(CERT). CERT training gives citizens a means to help the community in times of disaster.
Student loans are providing the means for this nurse to attend FSU. Being newly hired
into an organization that provides tuition reimbursement gives an additional option to explore.
Discovering available tuition reimbursement options is on this nurses agenda following the
completion of orientation to the new position.
Barriers are few for this nurse and include previously mentioned time conflicts with work
and college. Potential financial barriers have also been explored. Other potential barriers would
be related to unforeseen phenomena that would be addressed as the need arises. If such barriers
present, then it would not be outside the realm of possibility for this nurse to continue toward the
BSN degree at a slower rate. It is quite unlikely that a faster pace toward this degree would take
place without an unexpected financial windfall that would allow fewer work hours.
This nurse considers herself to be a good candidate for successful completion of the FSU
BSN online program. A reasonable plan has been prepared and barriers appear to be minimal.
This assignment has given insight into the importance of taking the time to create goals and plan
for possible obstacles.



American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American

Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
Community Emergency Response Team [CERT], Kent County, Michigan Chapter. (2013,
November 5). Retrieved from
Ferris State University [FSU]. (2013a, November 5). Ferris Online. Retrieved from
Ferris State University [FSU]. (2013b, November 5). Program and Course Rotation Schedule.
Retrieved from
State of Michigan [SOM]. (2013a, November 5). Michigan Nursing Scholarship [MNS].
Retrieved from,4636,7-128-60969_61016274554--,00.html
State of Michigan [SOM]. (2013b, November 5). CIS Presents $50,000 in Nursing Scholarships
to 10 Colleges & Universities. Retrieved from,4601,7-15410573_11472-72801--,00.html

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