Nurs310 Self Assessment of Reasoning

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Self-Assessment of Reasoning
Valrey Llewlaka
Ferris State University


Self-Assessment of Reasoning
This paper explores the process of making observations from a group discussion board,
and then using that information in a personal manner to make the information personal. This
nurse then demonstrates the process of using critical thinking skills to assess her own ability to
apply reasoning for self-assessment. The paper ends with applying these skills as criteria for a
self-assigned grade.
Significant Content
When reviewing the posts in Forum: Unit Week 11 Discussions ~ Stress (Ferris State
University [FSU], 2013) there are several themes that appear common. These include the most
mentioned form of coping being problem-focused strategies (Queendom, 2013) which includes
changing controllable factors that induce stress. Many students express problems related to time:
having time to complete class assignments, time for loved ones or recreation, time to exercise,
time to plan and prepare better meals, and time for other daily demands of life, such as work.
Thoughts and Feelings
Thoughts related to these findings include that stress is common in nursing students.
Even though the individual circumstances differ, it appears that nearly every nursing student
experiences a significant amount of stress while taking classes. This nurse feels that
experiencing stress is a common occurrence whether enrolled in Associate Degree Nursing
(ADN) or Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) programs. Even with attending three different
colleges for nursing courses, it is this nurses experience that stress appears to be an expected
part of the nursing program.


Point of View or Assumptions

This nurse has never had a good understanding of why it is necessary for nursing classes
to be designed as they are. At the ADN level, this nurse found that the course catalog was vague
at best, when trying to ascertain a program schedule and prepare for how courses would impact
work demands. As a student, this nurse has attended nursing classes that have had schedule
demands unannounced in the syllabus. This type of instance created a great deal of stress for
nurses who were put in a position of rearranging work schedules or take a reduced grade in class.
This nurses assumption includes that nursing classes may be designed to create stress as a
means to reduce the number of students enrolled.
Analysis of Thinking
When analyzing the significant content of this nurses observations on postings from
NURS 310 VL1, Population based health promotion (Doerr, 2013), it is noted that this nurse
chose stress as the topic. This choice is believed to be due in part to the personal experience of
increased stress while taking nine credits and working full time. There is an assumption based
on past impressions that a certain degree of stress may be designed into nursing programs which
can result in school-work conflicts.
Black (2011) states that critical thinking asks what assumptions have I made? (p. 154).
This nurse notes that factors related to the assumption of designing stress into nursing programs
are based on this nurses past experiences. For example, at the ADN level nursing course this
nurse was unable to elicit a direct response from the college staff prior to enrolling in the nursing
course as to a specific nursing class schedule. That fact created a problem when planning work
days; this became a source of stress. Additional unannounced time requirements created
additional stress by interfering with work schedules that could often not be changed. At times it


became necessary for students to choose whether to meet the requirements of work or those of
Consider how your assumptions are shaping your point of view (Foundation for
Critical Thinking [FCT] 2013) is another question a nurse could ask to improve critical thinking
skills. To answer this question requires this nurse to acknowledge the fact that attending the first
nursing program was not a pleasant experience and therefore may create a skewed perspective of
nursing school overall. For this nurse to be able to recognize that her own view may be
influenced by personal feelings often contributes to finding a less biased way to review facts.
Asking how might I look at this situation differently? (Black, 2011) begins the process
of reflective thinking (p. 154). Viewing this nurses assumption as the experience of a single
individual rather than as the truth of nursing students in general provides a starting point. When
this individual nurse can recognize that having a poor experience is related to a situation rather
than a process or outcome, additional insight is gained. That is similar to learning that you need
not blame every man for a single instance of rape. In analyzing individual aspects of this nurses
situation it is apparent that deeming nursing school as designed to create stress is based on
personal perception.
The experience of planning and writing this paper has launched this nurse into beginning
a process wherein this nurses viewpoint and previous assumptions are beginning to be
redefined, initiated with the pursuit of a BSN degree. This nurse is beginning to have a wider
view of nursing as a profession rather than as a job. The discussion board review has revealed
that students enrolled in the FSU BSN program appear to view the stressors as tolerable for a
period of time, or largely as worth the effort. Although the stress may continue, it is becoming


easier for this nurse to see that obtaining a BSN degree is the beginning of a process rather than
as series of individual, stressful classes.
This paper has offered this nurse the opportunity to challenge her own critical thinking
skills by taking charge of her thoughts. In the process of writing it became apparent that this
nurse was able to use steps of critical thinking to develop and understand a personal perception
as less relevant when compared with the ability to have a broader view. Based on the
development of careful reasoning and a better understanding of the process of critical thinking,
this nurses ability to acknowledge and use the process in a personal way has been demonstrated.
Given that this nurse has shown the ability to apply problem solving and reasoning to her own
perceptions, she believes she deserves a grade of B.



American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication Manual of the American

Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
Black, B. P. (2011). Professional nursing: Concepts & challenges (7th ed.). St. Louis,
Missouri: Elsevier.
Ferris State University (FSU). (2013). NURS 310 VL1, Population based health promotion,
[group discussion board]. Retrieved from
Ferris State University (FSU). (2013, November). Unit Week 11 Discussions ~ Stress [group
discussion board]. Retrieved from
Foundation for Critical Thinking (FCT). (2013). The elements of reasoning and the intellectual
standards. Retrieved from
Queendom. (2013). Coping & stress management skills test. Retrieved from:

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