The Dangers of Common Core-A Presentation by Hal Shurtleff

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Common Core: Dangers and Threats to

American Liberty, and How to Stop it.

Where: Endicott Estate 656 East St Dedham, MA
When Wednesday April 15, 2015
Time: 7:00 PM
Free admission. For more information call (857)
498-1309 or
(757) 564-8694
A hard-hitting presentation by Hal Shurtleff,
New England Coordinator of The John Birch
Society. He will expose some of the myriad
dangers to liberty and education stemming
from Common Core, a deeply controversial
scheme to nationalize education standards
being pushed by the Obama administration,
and a coalition of its establishment allies.
While a little less than an hour long, the
presentation, offers a concise explanation of
the threat and is sure to outrage parents,
regardless of affiliation. Elements of Common

Core are already in place across America, and

the picture is not pretty.

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