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Crea�ve, Efficient, Dedicated

Mo�on Capture Technician with a passion for capturing movement and

transforming data into art and entertainment. Capable to adap�ng in a
fast pace environment. Excels in finding crea�ve ways to accomplish goals.

Notable Mo�on Capture Project s

A manda Beaver
Mo�on Capture

Contact Relevant Experi ence

a manda nbe aver@g m 2K MoCap
h�p://�on April 2022 - Present
Motion Capture Assistant Director
• Assist in developing and implemen�ng plans and goals
for various client projects.
Skills / Tools • Delegate tasks and open communica�on between all
departments: Developer Client, Produc�on, Shop, and Post.

Sh Mo M Mb • Collaborate and support the Director on stage by

overseeing opera�ons of Stage Team, ensuring to capture
all of the client’s mo�on capture needs.

Ps Ai U4 P4 January 2019 - April 2022

Motion Capture Stage Technician
• Operate Op�track Mo�ve mo�on capture system.
• Proficient in Shogun Post, Op�track • Qaulity Assurance and post cleaning of captured data
Mo�ve, Autodesk Maya & Mo�on- using Shogun Post so�ware.
Builder, Adobe CS • Facial Capture Technician du�es that include helmet
fi�ngs and camera aiming using Faceware hardware, and
• Experience in UE4, Perforce monitoring live facial feed with proprietary so�ware.
• Background in client rela�ons,
teaching mocap Developer Collabora�on: Visual Concepts, H13,
• Loves to be crea�ve, capturing HB Studios, Firaxis, Cloud Chamber, CatDaddy
movement, ducks, travel Recent Projects: NBA2K24, WWE2K23, PGA2K23,
Marvel’s Midnight Suns

Educa�on University of Central Florida

Florida Interac�ve Entertainment Academy Florida Interac�ve Entertainment Academy
Master of Science: August 2011 – May 2012 May 2017 - December 2018
Major – Interactive Entertainment – Art Track Art Faculty / Motion Capture Specialist
• Taught mocap clean-up and cer�fy students on Vicon
University of Central Florida mo�on capture equipment.
Bachelor of Arts: August 2009 - May 2011 • Facilitate and maintain mo�on capture studio.
Major – Digital Media: Visual Language • Calibrate and capture data from mo�on capture system.
• Cleaned data in Blade, apply mocap data to character
models in Mo�onbuilder, and clean-up in Maya.
• Direc�ng a Mo�on Capture shoot.
• Actor in the suit.

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