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FEDERATION EUROPEENNE DE LA FEM. MANUTENTION 1.001 ¥EDITION SECTION! (did HEAVY LIFTING APPLIANCES. 1998.10.01, RULES FOR THE DESIGN OF HOISTING APPLIANCES BOOKLET 1 OBJECT AND SCOPE Sony by FEM Sct Cozunen repay be enna comma of FEM (open Handing Feseraten) Section I «Hoa FEN Secon Sacra Conte DUSSAUGEY sza00 COURBEVOIE 92038 PARIS LA DEFENSE CEDEX Fou33 147976250) mal tpsebwaraco sr Document vale near te folowing Natonal Coreitees evo Luxemsours PASRIMETAL Foauaten des ngustols nembouneo Fue os piers, 21 ‘oupement des Consbuseurs Bojos BRONELLES Bp isoe Fowtzastoa08 Chron tuxemsours “Xzenamon of Cxechosiovak Marcie NegERLANO ( ranapon nd ig Eau Paeocr Sys Posts 120 ‘alve Pete Crane, ItT00 Ao ZOETERMEER Ce si200 BNO. Pac: ah 70995 65 nore DOANEMARK Nomesin FEM Groups Conteero of Dans nutes Federation o Nerwepun Engineering indus 5 Ster COpENAGEN. (rears Cate 20 Box T0728 Pacs¥ss0 77 3410 Roos o8c03, DEUTSCHLAND Vous PoRTuGAL Facngamenchat Fdenachik FENAME "Fecerara0 Nesona o Mata Postech "08 ot fanny dee FRANKEURTIMNN Estate to Pago do Lumar Pax aga cea) 190 Pols Teele de labos- Lat 13 Perens Seon ENGLAND Fanstett 7190602 ‘ambassador House ScHWEW/SUISSE/SVZZERA Brgwecs Road ‘eran Sebwszerechr aera. SSO THORNTON HEATH CR? 716 Inari VS ch sonseURCH ESPANA Foret 3040648 ection Espanola de Mantercion AEM) Dogon 647 Focerston of Fansh Mata Engioaeng Eo Bacaé BARCELONA Sra Eheceachialinstien MET Foxs24 024016088 Eran 1 Povwox 0 France Fiv-ooraT HELSING ips Fax" 3509 624402 Fo o2400 COURBEVO venice Facmiaee ‘Sead Aesooton of Supine of ‘Mocha’ ane Equpmon’ MG awa Stogeton 5 iaseacione aia Som Boxset Sotovamera, Bevin avin Sota stocKHoUM Va sonia Sons Pax 408 6003078 Sap13s MILANO Aofeolicade The third edition of the "Rules for the design of hoisting appliances” dated 1987.10.01 included & booklets, An addition to this edition was compiled in 1998. This addition is | incorporated in booklet 8, which also replaces bookiet 6 | This booklet forms part of the “Rules for the design of hoisting appliances" 3rd edition revised, consisting of 8 booklets Booklet 1 - Object and scope Booklet 2 - Classification and loading on structures and mechanisms Booklet 3 - Calculating the stresses in structures Booklet 4 - Checking for fatigue and choice of mechanism components Booklet § - Electrical equipment Booklet 6 Stability and safety against movement by the wind Booklet 7 - Safety rules Booklet 8 - Test loads and tolerances Booklet 9 - Supplements and comments to booklets 1 to 8 NOTE: Booklet 9 must not therefore be used separately. 25 oak. 200t Le Baie 23192 sooxtcr 1 oasecr ano score canrenrs ome tat cnet ne muss 1a. = sore . . Cees i 12 $3102~ PREFACE ‘he fules for the Design of Hoisting Aopliaces Setup by the Tecnica) Comittee ot tne Section Taf the Fstaey shich have ban pblianea 20 far in two E6lten®, the flzet ane in 1962 ard the Second in 1970, have been Inereasigly wisely usec Sn any coutzies al over De mois. Taking secout of this enlarges aulience, Section I of the FEM cecoud to range the foonat of these OesipnAules and to Pacilite vpating by sbanning the single Volume for snd elviding the work inte rater of separate Cooks as follows Booklet 1 - Object and Scope Booklet 2 - Classification and loading on structures and mechanisms Booklet 3 - Calculating the stresses in the structure Booklet 4 - Checking for fatigue and choice of aechanism conponents Booklet 5 - Electrical equinnent Booklet 6 - Stability and safety against movenent by the wind Booklet 7 - Safety rules Booklet @ - Test loads and tolerances ‘sutroun rot rectly part of these Oesigy Rules, the oportnity taken to rm attention to the raw Terminology of Section Antropucr rN to facilitate te use of these Rules by te purchases, manufacturers and safety crgenizations concerned, 1¢ 15 neessaty to give sane explanation in separé 0 the fo following uestions 1 tow sruld these Rules be soplied in pretice tothe different tyes of eollange ase canetrction they coves? 2. to srould 9 purchaser use these Aes to Stine Nis raguttenets in relation {a av sopliance wren he cosines ¢9 orc ond wfat conitiore shuld he Secity in nis exuiry to enaure that the manufacturers can subi a propel In sccoramree wit his reaulrorets ? 48 As ncessary First to recognize the great variety of appliances covered by ‘re Oasign Rules. it 1s vious that 8 crane having very Ron speeds and 8 Toole wotking cycle Ist rot oeignes In the sane aoer ae 8 sal! overeas crane for Intreqont uty. For such 8 chine teze can be No auestion of raking all the verifications which woul appear Uo be feautred, sen reading tran the Pules, breauce one nule clearly finien wlth a valine of ealedatiors wiley would be {totaly out of proportion to the abjective in view. The manufacturer must there fore decide in each particular ease wich pats of the machine, wich he 13 de sighing, snoulé be enalyso ard thosn for enienealeulation ie wmecessery, Mot Decne he must accept that the results for the latter wuld not be in accoraance Ith the requtrennts of te Res, But ecauee onthe contrary he Se certain In cartes that tre calculations for the latter would oly conan a favourable futcone. This may be Decaae a tardard compare Se being uted wen hee Deer ‘verified ance and forall or Secae it has Deen extablisnd that sane of the ‘erifiestions Swoosed by the Aes camot in certain cates have unfavotable {esult ang therefore serve no purpose, 1 ore tates for exaole, the fatigue calculations, It 1s very easy to see tat certain verifications are unecesaty for apoliaoes of ght or moderate 2), because thay slaays lene to tre coclusione that bw sost wnfovcusole crete fe thse resulting (Fon erecting safety in flation to the elastic Lint. ‘hese consigerations show at calculations mace In secordance with the Rules can take a vey ctferent for according to be type of poliance which 1s being farstored, snd may in be case of a sole necine of a machine baying Starcard covporents be In the for of @ Brief sumary wiveut prejusicing the coliance ff the machine with the principles set ut ty the Oesion Rules. ‘As tar asthe second question is concern, sone eolanation is frst desirable for te purcaser, wo may be soewat Drwildered ty the extent of the coment fara contsed when faced with the vatiety of choc which 1 presets, 8 vaiety hich, rowever, necessary 1 one wishes to tare account of the goat clversity OF probing tobe sesclves. 1 fact, tne only tnpartantnetter for the putcraser 1s to aetine te asty maT re expects fror his appliance and if possioie to give some indication of the uty Of the various aotions, As segarae the anrvice to be perforned by the spplionce, tne factors mst be secie = the class of utinsztion, as oetined In 221.22 § = the ons spectrin, a6 defined Sn 21.2.3, 1m onder to arrive at the ner of raising cycles determining te class of uti sation, Be puree may, for Instance, fing te arose of = the eurcer of hoisting cyeles which the apliance wil] have to average ean coy mini feds ure = the average er of cays of use per year 4 = the nar of years after which the appliance may be consaeres a raving to be rlsces, Sinilarly, the oxo spectrum may be calculates ty neans of the sinlitied formule fet ot tn tne above entlone paregroh. in tne case ote austin ct fr Noy tate of secury, bing oct Iassting syeles anternining tn clases of tilieation go not consttate guarantees (luce 1 ty ate netely guide value serving as 4 Desle for the fatigue seleuletions te serzeapoing to an srerage Life unien con be expected ni a Fesaraolesegree OF safety, provides the aooLance, degre in accordance ath the present sip ules 1s'ubed unter the conditions specified by We customer in Rig call for tender frais eae peated an ntrtan eepiay Sn Sane alt te mone 10 pe Sa weble ta determine tne class of uillzntion ang te Loud spect, tne purchaser ey confine himself to stating the group In wiley te appliance 1 to be classified. A guide ab to the choice of grow 1s provioe by Tble 21.23. hier is not binding ut gives simple evans tnich, by my ot conarlsnn, my = the class of utilization, a cefine in 21. = the oad spectrin, as onfined In 5 ‘the sane coservetionsaoply a8 were nace concerning the apllarce a @ mole. The tables in FopendixA.2.1-1. may be usta to fachtate determination of the class ar utilisation. nthe basis of te class of utilisation of the aoliance, they ince It poseibie to geterine a total suner of working ute for te secnanien, ‘tezeraing to the average zation of 2 working cyle ard the ratio Getneen tw S68 ating tine of te necnenian aod the aurtion of tw complete eyele. Teole 1.2:1.3.5, may be uses as guide by 2 purcrateraloning simply to choose fe a geeral rule, the pacraser tas 90 other information to supply in conection ‘Hon the esign of the spline, except in certain eaear = the ates of hotstes loads presnted tothe wind, Af thie area Je Larger than those nti in 2261-26 3, = the value ofthe out-of-snrvie wind, were loal conditions are carsigeres to rceritate derign for ev out-ofsarvice wind greater than that defined in 2 OBJECT OF THE RULES ‘he purpose of these rules 1s to dkternine the sce and sorainaiens of Los which ‘mst be taken into account when oesgning Polstingaopliances, ard alsa to establish ‘De atrangin and stablity conditions to be sbenrved for te various 1090 col= score ‘he files apply to the cosign of Lifting sealiaces or parts of Lifting appliances len sopear in te L1lustrated terinciony for cranes snd heary Lifting apelisrees (oF Section fof the FOS, 1 Lifting apoltances Srcluted in Section V, for exaple = mpile jib cranes on pmanatic oF Solis never tyres, crawler tracts, lorries, fratlers and oraceet 2) Lifting eauioment anton according to the Interal regulations of FEM, ‘eg in Section Dy that 8&2 fay see = various {ten of series Lifting eauiment, electric hoists, accessories for lifting, = hand operated chain block, evating platoon, work platforms, ck Levellers, = niches, = Joo, tripods, comined enaratus Tor pulling sn 11fting, ‘For series Lifting equignnt, thse chapters of the Deion Res of Section fwhicn ave bean acepted By Section IX Shel be sed. ‘hese rules corse eight vosklets. in adition sone toklets contain sopnaices sich glee rurter information of the methos of aplication, atoaa 20 eo 810 cr ©: etmax 2: ©2max cot @ ma? LIST OF SYMBOLS AND NOTATIONS exposed to wind (2-23) Combined influence of residue! tensi streases (2-4) stresses with deed weight Crane groups (2-3) Enveloped arse af lattice (2-27) ‘Wheelbase of crane (2-20) Dimension of Isttice in wind load Eslzulation (2-271: Length of strip af plaze in buckling calculation (2-29) ‘Size of fill weld in noten case 2.33 (3-52) Acceteration (5-221 Influence of thickness of structural member (2-6) Widen of letice in wind load caleulation (2-271 Classe of utilisation of structural members (2-11) Breadth of section across wind front (2-27: Longest dimension of rectangular steel section (3-81: LLengen of plate in buckling calculation (3-39) (Gaefur wide of rail in wheel ealeultion (4-21) Influence of cold (3-7): Coefficient used to calculate the tightening torque of bolts (3-28): Selection coefficient for choice of runsing I ire ropes (6-18) ‘Shape coeticient in wind load caleulation (2-24) (20) Starting les Factors characterising the slope of W8nier curves (4-8) Rotation speed coefficients for wheel calculation (4-21) Group coefficient for whee! calculation (4-21) Power Factor (8-8) ‘Symbol used in place inspection fer lamination defects (3-87) Section dlameter in shape Factor determination (2-28) ing diameter (4-19): Wheel diameter (4-21): Shaft igue verification of mechanism parea (4-28) Eres 0 eee het ee ee Diameter of belt holes (3-18) Depth of section parallel to wind direction in wind load calculation (2227: Nominal ciometer of bole (3-261: Nominal diameter af rope (G10): Shafe diameter in Fatigue verification of mechaniam peres (4-28) Bolt diameter thread root (3-14) Number af completed stars per hour (S-20) Number of impulses or incomplete starts per hour (5-20) Minimum cope siameter (4-33) Nominal bolt diameter (3-14) Groups of components (2-18) Duty Factor ($-19) Thickness of strip of plate in buckling calculation (3-30): Thickness of plate In welded! jones (3-62) Plate thicknesses in welded joints (2-04) Wind force (2-201 Horizontal foree during acceleration (2-48): ‘Tapaile load in bolts (3-19): Compressive force on member in crippling eetculation (3-34) Minimum breaking lead of rope (4-17) Permissible working load on bolts (2-15) Projection af rope load on the x axia during travelling (2-48) Inertia force due to the load during travelling (2-48) Maximum value of Fi (2-811 Fill Factor af rope (4-18): Number of electrical brakings (5-20) Running time of motor (5-24) Coefficient for relative times of deceleration and acceleration (5-25) ‘Acceleration due to gravity, eccording to 15O 8.80868 m/s? 2-46) CCoctticiane depending on group for choice of rope drums and pulleys (10) ‘Moment of inartie of mass in slewing mation (2-86) Moment of inertia of stiffeners (3-48) Kot Ku Ke Km ks hu Starting current of motor (8-7) ‘Nominal current of motor (8-8), ‘Sum of currents I and iy (5-8) Moment of inertia of stiffeners (3-4) Moment of inertia of mass of a part in rotation (2-48) Moment of inertia of mess af all parts in cotation (2-49) Moment of inertia af mess af motor and brake (5-22) Group number in component groups E1 t9 E8 (4-10 ee ‘ation in horizontal motions (2-50) Average acceleration/deceleration in horizontal motions (2-46) CCubie mean factor for choice of bearings (4-121 Empirical coefficient for determining minimum bresking strength oF rope (4-18) Stress concensration classes for welded parts (9-48) Coefficient for calculating force inthe direction of the wind for lattice girders and towers (2-29), Pressure of whee! on rail (4-25) Mnmed (5-24) Mmax Spinning loss coefficient (4-18) Corrosion coefficient in Fatigue verifiction of mecheniam pares (4-26) Size coefficient in Fatigue veriicetion af mecheniam parts (4-28) Correction ceetficient for abnormal location (5-18) Spectrum coefficient for mechanisms (2 » Spectrum coefficient for cranes (2-4) ‘Shape coefficient in fatigue verification of mechanism parts (4-28) ‘Spectrum coefficient for components (2-12) ‘Spectrum coefficient for mechanism ports (4-10) Surface finish (machining) coefficient in fatigue verification of mecheniam parts (4-20) Buckling coefficients used in buckling calculations (3-30) i Leola Mi. m2 fond Ma Me Me Memes Mumax “a *s ‘9 ‘ Maximum permissible lifting force (8-17) Spectrum classes for mechanisms (2-8) Length of suspenaion/length of load pendulum (2-46) Equivalent lengeh of tine (5-8) Length of mambers in wind force calculations (2-271: Overall wiceh or rail head (4-22) Length of pares tightened in bolted joints (3-15) External mament in bolte joints (3-19), Mechanism groups (2-8) (8-201 Motor torques required during @ yale of operations (5-18) ‘Accelerating torque (5-21) Braking torque of motor (8-18) ‘Torque required to lift the safe working load (5-28) Resistance to travelling with toad (8-28) Maximum running torque required to tif the loed (5-18) Torque required to tighten bolts (3-28) Bending moment in member in crippling calculation (3-34) Maximum value of motor torque (5-24) Moan value of torque Fl during motor running time fiT (5-24) Minimum motor torque during starting (5-18) Mean nominal torque required (5-24) Mean of absolute values of motor torques during acceleration or deceleration (5-25) Number of friction surfaces in bolted joint (3-19) Equivalent mass for calculating loads ove to horizontal mations (2-4): ‘Total mass of crane (2-47) Mase of crane without load (2-88) Mass of the toad (2-46) ‘Sum of masses set in mation. excluding hook load (5-22) Mase of the hook load (8-22) 12 e Pio Ps Pio, Pio0 mL Px Primax Primed Pmean ih Preset Prin Litt Poa tal Pa ai to as 8 a a Ro *s ko ke Equiv Int macs in calculation of toads due to horizontal motion (2-48) Lond (2-4) Safe working load (2-4) [Number of hoisting eyeles (2-30), Force perpendicular to joint plane in bolted joints (3-19) (Ordinary quality in welding (3-57) Tensile Force due to external moment in bolted joints (2-18) Number of hoisting cycles (2: Number af stress cycles (4-2) [Nominal rotation speed of motors in rpm (5-22) [Number of hoisting eycles determining the total duration of use (2-4) Load on whee! (4-28) Spectrum classes far components (2-121 ‘Symbols indicating welding vests (3-57) Limiting pressure in whee! calculation (4-21) Nominal power af motor (5-26) Maximum power requirement of motor (5-171 Mean power requirement of motor (5-28) Mean load on whee! in loading case ana -20) Mean load on whee! in loading care! (4-21) Minimum fosd on whee! in loading cases I I! and il (4-211, i loading ceses |, 1 and il (4-21) Equiv nt mean power (8-181 ‘Span of crane (2-20) Pitch of thread (9-14), Spectrum classes for cranes (2-5) Correction factor for shape coetficiant ky (4-27) Dynamic pressure of the wind (2-22) Coefficient for type of slectrie braking. ete (8-20) Minimum ultimate tensile strangth of the wire of # rope (4-18) has Re Baw 8 Sea 25 5R Semax | Nim? 2mm ee eee 2 22 eee z Apparent elastic limit o¢ seeording to 180 3800/1 (3-18) Number of levels of loading (2-8): Ratio of strestes for large deformations (3-23) Radius af cylindrical shells in buckling calculations (3-44): Radius of rope groave (4-20): Radius of rail head (4-22) Blending radius (4-28) CCoetticiene for type of electric braking (5-20) Oni atence per unit length ($-8) Stress (2-8: Meximum tensile force in ope (4-18) Area of all members of lattice girders and towers (2-20) Cross tional area of conductor (S-8) Bearing diameter under bolt head (3- » Specie! quality of welding (3-57) Load ue to dead weight. constant load (2-18) (9-29) Load due to horizontal motions (2-19) Loed ue to working loed (2-15) Load due to torques (2-39) Mean type M load in bearing calculation (4-13) Minimum type M load in bearing ealeulation (4-131 Maximum type M load in load esse | (2-341 Maximum type M load in load case It (2-25) Maximum type M load in load cae I (3-35) Lond due to acceleration or braking (2-33) Lond due to maximum motor torque (2-37) Load due to Frictional Forces (2-33) Load due to vertical displacement af moveable parts of lifting fsppliance, excluding the working load (2-23) Load due to vertical diaplacement af the working load (2-33) [Lond due to the effect of limiting wind for appliance in service (2-33) Lond due to wind effect for q= 80 N/mm? (2-35) Load due to wind affect or ¢ = 250 N/m? (2-38) Loed due to forces not reacted by torques (2-33) con} Maximum type R load In loading eas Semex It Samax It Semin Semean t Tox 73 n 1, zz2z2z2z2z2222222 z Maximum type R load in loading casei! (2-38) —— ‘Maximum type R load in loading case Il (2-26) men 7 Siler “Minimum type R load in bearing calculation (4-14) ECs ‘Mean type R load in bearing calculation (4-14) Loed due to sccelerations/decelerations (2-99) Load due to self weight of crane parts (2-33) LLoed due to working loed (2-33) Lond due to wind (2-33) Load due to out of service wind (2- Wind load for q = 250 N/m? (2-38) Load due to buffer effect (2-21) Variable load when calcul ‘eformations (3-23) ng structural members subject to large Load due to in service wind (2-31) Lond due to out of service wind (2-31) Root sectional ares of bolt (2-16) Equivalent sections! of tightened bolt (3-18) ‘Area of members of lattice girders and towers (2-26) ‘Span of lifting appliance (9-4: Rail centres of crab (8-5): Distance ‘between eravel rails of lifting applisnee (8-8) Total duration of ute of lifting appliance (2-8) ‘Total kinetic energy in luffing motion (2-56) Ambient temperature at place of erection (3-7) Force parallel to joint plane in bolted joint (3- Duration of eyete (8-24) CClastes of util on of mechanisms (2 Period of oscillation (2-48) Permissible load per bolt which can be transmiced by Friction (3-18) ‘Test temperature for impact tes (3-8) ‘Total duration of use of mechanism (2-39) Maan duration of acceleration ar deceleration (2-46) Time when calculating loads due to horizontal metion (2-48) 1s th tee hte tetats ts ime uo tous Mw v Woe Wie We. wi Wimax za 25 20 “Thickness of structural member when choosing # ‘Thiokness of eylindrical shel wall in buckling analy ‘Thickness of web of trolley rail girder (8-0) I quatiey (9-8) CS): uration of different levels of loading (2-8) Our on of action of couples My, Mz and Mg (5-1 Idea! section thickness when choosing see! quality (3-8) ‘Duration of deceleration when eslculating loads due to horizontal ‘motion (2°51) Average duration of hoisting cycle (2-28) Classes of uti fon of lifting appliances (2-3) Permissible voltage drop (5-8) Holsting speed (2-10) (5-17) Theoretical wind speed (2-22) Nominal travel speed of appliance (2-21) ‘Steady horizontal speed of point of suspension of load (2-45) Distonce of extreme fibre from centre of gravity of section in crippling esleuletion (3-34), Travel speed (5-22) ‘Work done par unit time during starting ($-26) [Notch cases of unwalded members (2-48) Anguler velocity of 2 mechanism pert about its centre of rotation \when calculating loads due to horizontal motion (2-48) Maximum value indicated for motor of work done in sterting without hook toed (8-20) Resctance per unit length (5-9), Coordinate of point of suspension of hoist rope along an axla paral to the diraction of travel (2-47) Coordinate of position of cantre of gravity of suspended load along fan axis having the seme direction, sense and origin asthe axis of x (0) Assessing coefficient for influence A (3-4) ‘onessing coefficient fer influence 8 (3-8) Assessing coefficient for influence C (3-7) Minimum practical factor of safety for choice af steel wire ropes (4-15) Coordinaze expressing horizontal displacement of toad cel to-erane (2-48) 18 Perit an ve Displacement of loed during travel metion of crane (2-51) Displacement of load during travel motion af crane (2-81) Ratio of sides of panel in buckling calculation (3-41 earsA Mmed (5-20) siaLieresa Ratio of duration of use of machaniar ducing a hoisting cycle to fverage duration of cycle (2-36) ‘Angie of inclination of rope during acceleration of crane (2-46) Time coefficient relating ta acceleration of crane (2-16) Critical value of 8 (2-52) Amplifying coetticient of loading depending on crane group (2-20) Amplifying coefficient of loading depending on machaniam group re} ‘Shortening of joined elements under the tightening force in bolted Joints (3-18) Extension of bolt under kightaning foree (3-15) Divergence in span af crane (Sl: Divergence in crane rail centres on Elaatic coefficient of bolted joints (3-15) ‘Shielding coefficient in calculation of wind force (2-26): Poisson's ratio (3-30); Overall efficiency of mechanism (5-17) Angle of wind relative to longitudinal exis of member (2-28) Sefery coefficients applying to bolted joints (3-18) Ratio of the extreme stress values in fatigue calculation (3-24) Electric conductivity 8-8) Ratio of extreme indiviuel stresses oy yin fatigue calculation (3-82) . nt sppliad to horizontal forces in travel motions [2-20) Slenderness of column in crippling ealeulation (3-33) Mats constant in calculation of loads due to acceleration of horizontal motion (2-401: Coefficient of friction in threage (3-14: Coefficient of friction af contact rurfaces in bolted joines (9-18) a members (3-3) ty coefficient for critical stresses in struct ead weight coefficient in calculation of structural members subjected {0 significant deformation (3-23) Safety coefficient for calculation of structurel members depending fon cage of loading (2-10) 17 w “ °2 °0 oa, ee °c op ey oar Nien? Nim? Nem? Nome? Nome? Neen? Nim? Nem? Nim Safety coefficient for calculation of mechanism parts depencing on tase af loeding (3) = ug: safety coefficient for eeiculation of bolted joints depending ‘on Gane of loading (3-10), Safety coefficient for buckling (3-22) Safety coefficient for verification af fatigue strength 2f mechanism pres (4-11) Experimentally determined coefficient depending on ea ‘calculating dynamic coetTicient (2-10) ype for Reducing coetficient applied to critic! 0) eresses in buckling eeleulation Coefficient used to determine the dynamic test load {!-3!) Coefficient used to determine the static test load (2-21) CCaloulated stres in structures in general (3-10) Tensile atrass for = 0 in ealeu tion of fatigue strength (9-50) Working stress in the root section of bolts (2-18) Equivalent stresses permissible for bolts (3-15) Permissible tensile stress for x = 1 in fatigue ealculafon (3-80) ‘Amplitude of the permissiie maximum stress in betesTor Fatigue calculations (3-18) Apparent elastic limit of steel (3-10) Tensile stresa due to permanent load (3-H): Stress due © dead weignt (G23) Ultimate tensile strength (3-10) The EULER Seress (3-30) Stress due to variable loade (3-23) Permiasible tensile stress for structural members (3-4 Permiss ‘strom for mechanism parts (8-3) Permissible normel seress for verification of Fatigue seth of rmachanisr pares (4-11) Initial stress in calculating bolted joints (3-14) Endurance limit of materials of mechanism parte unde slterneting bending (4-8) Permissible fatigue strength in compression for struct members {Srapl Caletored compreaiv stroma for mechanism ft# 4] Compression stress in whee! and rail (4-28) or int od ou max eu ein Nm? Niro? Nimo? Niemi Nene? Niro? Niro? Niro? Niro Niro? Niro? Niro Nene ad Niro? Niro? Niro Nim? Nim Nim? Nim? Nem? Niro? Equivalent streas used in calculating structural members (2-12) Critical stress used in calculating structural members subjected te large deformations (3-23) ~ Critical buckling stress (3-39) Critical comparison stress used in buckling caloulavion [2-0) Endurance limit of materials of mechanism p 8 (4-8) Calculated bending stress in mechanism parts (4-4) Ides! buckling stress for thin walled circular cylinders (3-44) Lower strest in determination of stress spectrum (2-13) Fatigue strength of mechanism parts (4-10) Fatigue strength for normal stresees in the x direction (4-12) Fatigue strength for normal stresses in they direction (4-12) lower stresses during the total ie strane in conformity tests to "80 3800/1 (3-18) ion for structural members (3-24) Maximum stres in Fatigue calc ‘Minimum strese in fatigue calculation for structural members (2-25) ing pressure in riveted joints (3-13) Theoretical senile stress in bolt due to tightening (2-18) Upper tras in daermination of stress spectrum (2-13) Maximum upper stress in determination fo streas spectrum (2-13) Minimum upper stress in determination of stress spectrum (2-13) reat in Fatigue veritication of structure! (G-NOl: Caleulated tons serea in mechanism parts (4-4: ‘serene in rope (4-34) Reduced buckling stress of thin walled circular cylinders (3-¥8) Permissible stress in sieernating zenslon/compression in verification of macheniam pores (28) sigue itrmeting strecs in Fatigue verification af mechanism [Normal stress in the x direction when calculating structure ‘members (3-12) le stres in fatigue verification of structural members % ny ye Tay max Tey min N/mm? Niro? Nine? ed Nomen? Nim? Nim? Nimo Nira? Nim? Nim? Niro? Niro? Neem Nem? Nem Nvme? Nem? Nvmen2 Nem? Nien Maximum stress in fatigue verification of structural members (9-82) Minimum stress in fatigue verification of structur members (2-52) [Normal stress in the y direction when calculating structural members oun Permissible stress in Fatigue verification of structural members (9-82) Meximurn stress in fatigue verification of structurat members (3-82) "Minimum stress in fatigue verification af structur members (3-82) ‘Shear stress in gene pares (it) | (9+121 Calculated shear stress for mechaniam Permiasible shear stress when calculating structural members (3-11) Permiasible shear str wen) in fatigue veritication of mechanism parts Torsional stress in bolts due to tightening (3-18) Critical buskling sheer stress (3-39) Endurance limit of meteriela of mechanism parts (4-8) Fatigue strength of mechanism parts (4-10) Maximum shear streas in Fatigue veriicetion of mechanism parts 28) ‘Minimum shear stress in fatigue verifiestion of mechanism parts 328) Endurance limit under alternating shear of materi pores 7) Ratio of duration of action of # known torque to metor running time (5-24) Endurance limit under alternating sheer in fatigue verification ‘of mechanism parts (4-7) Shear stress when calculating structural members (3-12) Permissible shear stress in fatigue verification of structural members (3-82) Maximum sheor stress in fatigue verification of structural members (82) Minimum shear stress in Fatigue veritication of structural members (52) Slope of Wahler curve (4-9) " - Dynamic eostficiene for holst motion (2-18): Reto of rasa ‘5¢ plate edges in buckling esteuation (3-22) ‘n - Dynamic coefficient when calculating loads due to acceleration of horizontel mations (2-88) a : Tolerance Factor in bolted joints (3-14) . . Crippling coefficient (3-22) ‘Angular velocity of shaft when ealeulating loads due to harizonts motion (2-56) ee! Frequencies of cael tion during load swing (2-80) om 7 Angular velocity of motor (2-46)

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