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Assessment Assignment

List and explain all current evaluation and grading practices you
think are beneficial to students and their learning.
> Authentic testing is beneficial for students in dance classrooms because
dance is mostly physical and educators would need to see students actually
embodying the things they have been trained to do.
> Indirect assessment is very profitable in a dance class. The nature
dance is that youre constantly improving in technique, flexibility, etc. so
being able to physically see students improve is a form of indirect
> Open response and essay items, I think, are helpful in a dance classroom
because students are able to access higher order thinking skills when they
have to analyze what they are doing past the dance movements and explain
the history of the movement and what it means to them as a dancer of the
movement, for example.
> Summative evaluation is another tool that is essential to a dance teacher. I
say this being that in high school some students may only be in the class for
a P.E. credit and it is only in their interests to come and participate and not
necessarily indulge in it. To grade them on their love for dance would be
subjective which is not a legitimate reason to give students bad grades;
therefore summative evaluations would be best, they look at the work done
and grade them accordingly.
> Lastly, objective test items (true/false, matching, multiple choice) are
needed in a dance classroom. These paper tests are needed because there are
terms, concepts, and histories that ought to be addressed in order to be in
alignment with state standards, as well as, understanding of what and why
students are doing movements.
List and explain all grading and assessment practices you think
are, although not harmful, nonetheless not beneficial to students
and their learning.
> Multiple choice tests arent that beneficial, in my opinion, because they
only require lower level thinking and at some point students need a
challenge and higher order thinking exercises to fully understand disciplines.
> SAT and ACT type tests arent hurtful for students but I do feel that they
are too high-stakes for college entry.
> Assignments like bellringers and or daily quizzes are not harmful, but
could become redundant enough for the students to not really want to put

much effort into giving the bests efforts.

List and explain all grading and assessment practices you think
are harmful or destructive to students and their learning.
> I think norm-referenced tests are some of the worse things you can do to a
student because there is no such thing as a norm when youre talking
about children and educators here in America. There are so many things that
could be considered a norm, but are not included when comparing students
to one another.
> High-stakes standardized tests used to be something I didnt mind because
it gave students and teachers something to gage knowledge and an efficient
way to move students to the next level. Today, that is not the same story.
Standardized tests have become corrupted by politics and money and now
its about teachers keeping their jobs and students memorizing facts in order
to progress to the next grade level.
> Busy work tests and assignments are also potentially harmful for students
because the repetition of answering questions only shows that they can
memorize information, but does not show that they are able to apply the
information to real-life situations.
Reflect on the three lists that you have made. What do they tell
you about your own personal dispositions toward evaluation
and grading?
After looking at the lists that I had to write above, I feel that I believe
strongly in authentic assessment and grading. I don't think students
should be pressured learn with the only incentive being a good grade
or college acceptance letters.

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