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Teaching Sample Planning Form

Name: Madison Crocker

Subject Area:


Objective: Math: Solve two-step equations

Key Points
List 2-3 key points or skills that students should be able to know or do by the end of your 5 minute sample lesson:

1) Recognise two step equations

2) Solve two step equations

Worksheets and pencils

Plan Your Lesson

What materials will you need to prepare ahead of time?

30 sec. 1 min.

What you are doing

Opening Introduce the objective and the purpose of your lesson.

What students are doing

How will students learn the objective?

Objective: Students will be able to recognise and solve two step equations.
Pass out worksheets.
Define and provide examples of two step equations.

Mini-lesson Explain your key points or skills to students and then have them
practice with the information.

Students will copy definition and

example onto notesheets.

How will students practice the key

points or skills that theyve learned?

30 sec. 1 min.

3 4 minutes

Pick problems from the worksheet and work an equation together Students will work on equations
with the assistance of students.
on their worksheets.
Walk amongst students and cold call a student to share an
answer with the group.

Students will share answers or

partial solutions with the group.

Confirm with the group that correct solution has been found.

Closing Sum up your lesson and check if students have mastered the objective.

Pick a problem for students to solve on their own. Cold call on a

student to provide solution and confirm with the group that the
solution has been found.

What will students do to show that

theyve mastered the objective?

At the end of the session, students

will have independently solved a two
step equation and shared the
process and solution with the group.

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