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Lesson Plan

Marissa Weidner
Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Stauffer
School: Tyson-Schoener Elementary School


Dear Harriet

State Standard
8.1.3.A: Identify fact, opinion, multiple points of view, and primary sources as related to historical events;
8.3.3.B: Identify and describe historical documents, artifacts, and places critical to United States history;
8.3.3.D: Identify and describe how conflict and cooperation among groups and organizations have impacted the history and
development of the US
Lesson Objective(s)/Desired Result:

The students will be able to apply their knowledge and

understanding of Harriet Tubman through class discussions
and written work.

Assessment Evidence:
Formative: The teacher will check their work as they
are completing the task.
Summative: The teacher will collect the students
letters and grade them with a rubric.

Getting Started:
____ Go over homework:
__x_ At board
__x_ Orally at seats
____ Collect
____ Teacher check at seats
__x_ Review concepts

Lesson Content

Begin by reviewing what the students have learned so far about

Harriet Tubman.
Tell them that they are going to write a letter to Harriet using the
venn diagrams that they made the previous day.
New Lesson:
Demonstrate how to write a letter on the whiteboard, going through
Lesson Style:
step by step what the students are going to be doing to write their
____ Lecture / notes
__x_ Demonstration
__x_ Class discussion
After demonstrating, hand out the worksheets, read the directions
__x_ Individual seatwork
and tell them what they will be doing at each part.
____ Group seatwork
Have them use a pencil and begin writing their letters.
____ Computer work
____ Read aloud in class
Walk around the room and assist any students that need help.
____ Project
When they have completed the worksheet, they should raise their
____ Share strategies or ideas
hand and have a teacher check it for spelling errors.
____ Review activity
Give them a final letter paper and have them copy their rough draft
____ Quiz or test
____ Video/DVD
letters onto the good paper.
____ Other
Collect the letters when they are finished.
This may take 2 days to complete.
Dear Harriet worksheet
Options Worksheet
Final Letter Paper
Whiteboard Marker

For student D, who has difficulty recognizing and identifying letters, I will have a teacher/classroom assistant work with
him to read him the sentences and help him spell words.
For student F, who doesnt speak English, I will have a classroom assistant translate my instruction if he doesnt understand
what I am asking him to do

Did the students understand how to write a letter and were they engaged throughout the process?

Is there anything that I could have changed to make the lesson better?

Rough Draft Letter

Directions: Complete the letter by writing complete sentences. Use your venn diagram
for ideas or choose a sentence from the options worksheet.
Dear Harriet,
Thank you for

It was really brave of you to

You and I are similar because

I hope to




Letter Options
Directions: Use these sentences to help you write your letter. Only choose one
from each topic to use.

Thank you for:

risking your life to save the lives of others.
being a conductor of the Underground Railroad.
fighting for everyones freedom.

It was really brave of you to:

take around 300 slaves to freedom on the Underground Railroad.
go back to the south so many times to help free other slaves.
face your fears of getting caught and continue to save slaves.

I hope to:
be as brave as you to fight for what I believe in.
make a change in the world like you did.
learn more about the Underground Railroad and the heros who
conducted it.

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